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Status Replies posted by PINNAZ

  1. Just came across this paragraph - "The Soviet Union tested an atomic bomb in 1949, earlier than many analysts had expected. That same year, Mao Zedong's Communist army gained control of mainland China despite heavy American financial support of the opposing Kuomintang." - Green Run & Great Leap Forward in the same paragraph.

  2. What's up with the flashing lights on the rings under the excavation site in Origins? They're usually white, and blinking out in some odd pattern after you upgrade all four staves, but sometimes they're blinking red instead, and in my most recent solo game, they were blinking green..

    1. PINNAZ


      Thanks @way2g00d for the feedback. I have been wondering if it was just my computer. I think that there is too much content. Can you view the Black Ops & BOII Libraries? Cause there is probably more content in them than the WaW Library.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  3. GG Australia. :3

  4. Holland destroy Spain (current champions) 5-1 - that's what the world cup is all about, stunning game, absolutely stunning.

  5. Holland destroy Spain (current champions) 5-1 - that's what the world cup is all about, stunning game, absolutely stunning.

  6. Great to see the forum cost has been dramatically reduced. Well done staff. And we are almost paid for the month!

  7. Uncle Festo needs some help with the frontpage. If you're interested, please PM me. Thanks!

  8. Today we become legendary. #Round200Achieved

  9. It just so happens to be out UoTM's birthday today (at least that's what my Skype feed told me). Happy birthday Nai, hope you have a cracking day.

  10. Besides in party messaging, has anyone gotten my messages thru Xbox live? No one seems to be responding, perhaps I'm doing it wrong.

  11. Finally broke round 50, and it's about damn time. Big thanks to Dahniska, your guides and tips helped me reach my new Origins record of 60.

  12. Does anyone know where I can find the transcribed versions of the Die Rise TV's? I can't seem to find them anywhere at all.

  13. Dear CoDz, do me a favor and please use a lower case 'w' when you are adressing me. Thank you.

  14. Aw.. I'm not a cosmonaut anymore… :(

  15. Aw.. I'm not a cosmonaut anymore… :(

  16. Those bullshit downs on Call of the Dead. 47 twice, maybe 50 for third time lucky?

  17. Is it possible for us to have a page where we can check like "leaderboards" for time spent online? I think I may top that one...

    1. PINNAZ


      What the F are you doing for so long? Then again, I think I've read every post on this forum.

      10 days since January. Man...

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  18. I'm working on a big thread. But I must stop for now. How do I save it for later? (Copy-past won't work with the new setup with the images and whatnot.)

    1. PINNAZ


      Use a word document & format everything there or just write it in BBCode. What's your issue with copy/paste? You use a Mac though don't you?

      It is a pain not being able to save drafts.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  19. Happy Birthday to me, only it would be but I don't want to be an adult. That, and an extremely long project is due tomorrow. Fun times.

    1. PINNAZ


      Happy Birthday ZotD! March Birthdays Rock!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  20. Guess who's back? Back again, Undead's back.... hi.

  21. A7X are going to be playing Shepard of Fire and Nightmare, woo! Would be awesome if Not Ready To Die or Carry On was on the setlist, but I am happy to hear these songs! :D

  22. I don't want to work, I just want to bang on my drums all day.

  23. Just gave out brains by accident, and for the wrong reasons....

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