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Megaton A

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Everything posted by Megaton A

  1. I hear nothingbut good things about it and makes me want it all that much more. Stupid lack of internet. I was very critical of TranZit (some might say overly so) but I have very few complaints about Die Rise. It's a great map, great layout, is both challenging and easy in different ways... it may be my new favorite zombies map. Only thing I really, really dislike is that there seems to be no way to do the EE with less than 4 people. I thought we had finally stopped having to deal with those restrictions.
  2. A friend said he gets it on his second down every time. I think it may have to do with your stats.... he's not the best at Zombies, so perhaps it takes him less to unlock it... while my kills to downs is much higher and it's taken me three tries every time.
  3. Richtofen. He's pretty straightforward about being a sick, evil f**k. Maxis seems like he's trying to be more manipulative while hiding a hidden agenda. At least I know where I stand with Richtofen.
  4. No, I totally agree. The best part of Zombies is that the entire community works together to solve these complex puzzles in each map... but on the other hand you also get tons of youtube fame hounds that only care about being known as the "first" to complete it (why, I will never understand). So you get the "We're almost done but we're not telling anyone until it's completed and get the video up" groups, and then you also get the first few people who figure stuff out and upload vids calling each other "frauds" and everything. It's kind of depressing. Don't get me wrong, it's awesome that you guys got it finished! And it's awesome that the NGT guys got it finished. And it's awesome that the guys they gave credit to got it finished. Again, the community worked together and figured it out. Great job to everyone.
  5. I have done some testing on this, and I have gained and lost it multiple times. Every single time I lost it was at the beginning of round 15, and every single time I had it at round 15, I lost it. However, I have had occasions where I'm sure I did NOT have it, but still only got redscreen on my third hit instead of going down on the second. I have also gone down by getting hit twice without it on Die Rise. I think this is where some of the confusion comes from. I'm guessing it occasionally just glitches for whatever reason and gives you the effect of Persistajugg even when you don't have it. It's either that, or they changed how the damage is calculated and you take less damage if the zombie is just at arm's reach (as if they're barely scratching you) but I highly doubt that it the case. What I can say for sure is, in my experience, 100% of the time that I have lost it was just as round 15 started, and 100% of the time I started round 15 with it, I lost it. I have also gone down multiple times in a game and even a round without losing it. Edit; I've heard the reason is that the body armor zombies do slightly less damage. I can't confirm this, but it makes sense.
  6. It doesn't matter how much damage you take if you kill them using only melee. Flopper is not in this map unless it's an EE reward... and even then I doubt it.
  7. Honestly, I really like this map. Probably the best since Ascension. I had many complaints about TranZit, and probably the biggest one was how empty it was. Sure, it was "big"... but pointlessly so. It was all wide open space with nothing in it. It was a small map spread out to appear bigger. Die Rise is fun. Solo and Co-op. Now if they'd just fix that damn bug where I sometimes randomly go down for no reason at the bottom of that slide to the box room it'll be awesome. After going down and losing 5 perks due to no fault of my own on round 18 I almost don't wanna play it.
  8. Not sure if anyone knows this, but I didn't see it mentioned; you lose the persistent Jug on round 15 every game. I guess the reasoning is that if you're having enough trouble in the early rounds (or round 1 anyways) that you keep getting downed, they give you a boost in health. But once you reach 15 you obviously know what you're doing and don't need the help anymore. I've tested this multiple times, and I've lost the persistent upgrade as soon as round 15 starts in Die Rise every time. Haven't tested it in TranZit, but I would assume the same rules apply.
  9. I found a glitch where you can get permanently "stuck" in Who's Who mode. I went down, and my friend happened to go down right next to me (while trying to revive me). When I tried to revive us both, I only revived him. The "Revive" marker and prompt to revive myself stayed on the map, and I was running around with that weird visual effect for a round or two until we died. I tried looking around to see if I would notice anything unusual, but I didn't check the whole map. Edit; the one thing I did observe was that the posters around the map had a weird glow to them. I didn't get a chance to take a closer look though... it may have been just a part of the effect.
  10. I was just glad it didn't come up as costing 8764586348576348756 Microsoft Points like DLC usually does when I try to download it right away. Think that happened for the first half hour with every Black Ops map pack.
  11. Just after 6AM here. I was up until after 2AM playing TranZit because I needed to unlock PermaJugg and get the Overkill Insta-Kill thing still. I work afternoons though so I'm usually up until around this time. Glad this is my day off. 19%......
  12. I had the tile on the dashboard, but when I opened it there was just trailers and the season pass. I had to start the game and go to the multiplayer store. Glad I didn't wake up an hour ago like I was considering.
  13. Yeah, I had to go through the Multiplayer store to get it. Downloading at a decent speed for nearly 2 gigs, too. Man, it's way too early in the morning for me... :|
  14. Absolutely agree. And I'd also like to add that just because someone doesn't like a map or dislikes certain details or mechanics it doesn't necessarily mean they "suck". I think TranZit mode on Green Run is probably the easiest Zombies map ever, and I quit out of boredom on round 46. I still don't like a lot of things about it. One of the things I don't like is the limited perks... because perks are fun, not because I "suck" without them. This is why lines like; annoy the hell out of me. That's such an unnecessarily dismissive and disrespectful attitude, and all too commonly thrown out when someone doesn't like something about a game. "Your opinion differs from mine. That's because you suck at this game." I had to hear that a million times when I said I thought the whole Romero thing in Call of the Dead was annoying and stupid. "Oh you just suck and can't deal with him. Cry more or get better at the game." Funny, since I had no problem getting to round 38 on that map, and got all perks pretty early in the game every time by repeatedly killing him, but I didn't know how to deal with him and sucked because I didn't like the idea and found him annoying. Things can be difficult and fun. Things can often be easy and not fun. "I don't enjoy this" doesn't equate to "OMG I die too much and don't wanna put in any effort!" most of the time, but most of the internet seems to think otherwise.
  15. I haven't tried it yet, but it doesn't really seem OP to me. Most of the time, once you buy Jugg you're probably not going to go down until you're completely surrounded. Two extra hits isn't going to make much of a difference in that situation. If anything, it will make dealing with the exploding zombies slightly less annoying. And anything that makes exploding zombies less annoying is cool with me. Also, this hasn't been 100% proven, but most of us that have received the patch are sure the zombies are slightly faster, swing faster, and/or have slightly improved pathing. Seems like that kinda evens things out.
  16. See, the fact that they seem faster and seem to swipe faster doesn't bother me. That's a legitimate added challenge. TranZit Green Run is the easiest Zombies map ever... at least for me. You can run trains in front of Farm for days without even trying too hard. Something that adds legitimate difficulty is fine with me. I can adapt. The whole "dying zombies ending the round" thing wasn't making it more difficult in any way... it just made the game more tedious and boring because it takes even longer to get around the map now. And you're pushed into riding the bus around, which means standing around forever waiting for it, then getting on and standing at a window with a zombie on it, repairing it for 5 minutes. That's not difficult, it's just slow, boring, and tedious.
  17. Yeah, I think it makes a lot of sense for a lot of reasons... I'm really interested to see if I'm right. It's all theory and assumption based on what I know about how patches work (which admittedly isn't a whole lot) and how I think the programming is working and has been tweaked in BOII Zombies. I'm not claiming to have uncovered something mind-blowing, and I could be completely wrong, but I do think I may be onto something.
  18. https://mobile.twitter.com/ZielinskiJimmy/status/295713582937694209 Awesome. Thanks for the head's up... I rarely log onto my Twitter account. I personally think he's full of shit in implying that they're "looking into" it (I'm really believing more and more than they knew the patch would botch up TranZit, but had to put it out anyways to prepare for Die Rise. Hell, I played for 15 minutes and could tell something was wrong) but it's good to know they're acknowledging that it's unintended. Hopefully it doesn't take long to fix.
  19. I never saw the Ascension trailer, and I really didn't know anything about that map before playing it that first day at 7AM. Still my favorite map to this day. Loved discovering every little thing over the next few days. So yeah, I'm disappointed that there wasn't a trailer, but it's not that big of a deal. If I end up getting the map there will just be more to surprise me.
  20. Didn't this article originally say that if you got in the elevator you would find yourself in a new area, but was later edited?
  21. Actually, another possibility is that the patch needed to be implemented for something in Die Rise and they fully realized that it would be exploitable in TranZit, but they had to get the patch off to Microsoft so it could be certified in time for the Die Rise release. Perhaps they didn't have time to fix the TranZit mechanics for it, and they just figured that they would add that fix in with the next patch.
  22. You could be right, but I just find it hard to believe Treyarch intended this patch for TranZit without ever thinking "Wait- couldn't the players just run around the map, never shooting any zombies, and fly through rounds just by having them die on their own?" Especially when the community figured out the exploit in about 5 minutes. Either they made this change because they intended it for Die Rise and failed to look too deeply into the effect it would have in TranZit (or at least how it could be exploited), or they did realize that it could be exploited and didn't care. Since they've been clearing the leaderboards of people with high rounds and 0 kills in the past, and have always been adamant about trying to fix "glitch spots", I kinda doubt they didn't care about an exploit that could let you run through rounds without kills. Actually, there's a third option... they realized it, they cared, but didn't have time to make proper adjustments because the patch needed to be out in time for Die Rise. Obviously, this would also mean the patch was intended for something in Die Rise, otherwise they would have just waited until the exploit was fixed to send the update out. Also, we've been told there will be "upgradeable wonderweaponry" in Die Rise, so I'm guessing it won't actually be buildable. But you raise a good point! Maybe it's not the Wonder Weapon, but another buildable gun besides the new Wonder Weapon that works as a homemade flamethrower. Edit; as I posted in my thread about the TranZit update, I think I have a good theory about what happened. Theory; Black Ops II determines zombie respawns based on "player damage" vs "environment damage". Meaning that if a zombie is damaged by a player and the player goes too far away, the zombie dies and will count towards the wave and end the round. If the zombie was damaged by the environment, it would instead respawn. Well, since there's no weapon in TranZit that primarily deals fire damage, all fire was lazily programmed in as "environment damage". Now they're adding a flame weapon or trap to Die Rise, and they had to change fire to "player damage", resulting in what is going on with TranZit. TranZit will probably be patched later to deal with the changes. /theory
  23. Yeah, that's the thing... I'm not sure exactly how these mechanics work or what exactly the patch changed. As you say, if it was some formula based on how much damage the zombie had taken, perhaps the update slightly increased how much damage fire does to zombies, and that put it over the threshold of "will not respawn when X distance from the player". If that is the case, this could be easily fixed by just increasing the damage threshold for respawns enough to compensate. Edit; another possibility is that the programming was done with "damage by player" vs "damage by environment" determining whether the zombies would respawn. It could be that since no gun in TranZit (that I'm aware of) primarily deals fire damage, all fire was considered by the game to be "damage by environment", making zombies who had taken fire damage respawn. If there's a flame weapon or trap in Die Rise that would have had to have been changed, resulting in the mess we have in TranZit now. Regardless, I'm really finding it hard to believe that the effect was implemented for TranZit. It's just far too exploitable. I'm pretty sure I was the first person to post about this change, and one of the first replies to this thread is someone wondering if it could be exploited for high rounds. If they implemented this patch because they wanted to make running around in TranZit more difficult, you would think Treyarch themselves would have considered how exploitable it would be since it took the community all of about 5 minutes to realize it. I dunno, maybe I'm giving Treyarch too much credit, but I think this patch was meant for something in Die Rise and it inadvertently changed a key mechanic in TranZit.
  24. Sorry, maybe I wasn't clear enough. They changed how the zombies are affected by fire, and they made this change in the update that prepares the game for Die Rise. I don't think the intended effect was to make zombies die and end rounds in TranZit, because the result is that you don't have to kill zombies anymore... just run around in the fog and as long as they have touched fire at some point they will die. It's far too exploitable to be intended for TranZit, in my opinion. So I believe that the change to how fire affects zombies is intended for Die Rise (but the mechanics changed the entire mode instead of map-by-map). And the only reason I can think that they would do that is if we are getting a fire weapon or a fire trap.
  25. I originally posted this in the TranZit forum, in my thread about the update causing zombies to die off and end the round when you get too far away from them. I had said in the first post that I found that some zombies would respawn, and some would just die and end the round, and that I couldn't figure out a pattern to it. Here's what I figured out and why I think it possibly relates to Die Rise; Any thoughts? Possibly even a return of the W@W flamethrower. Or maybe I'm way off and will be proven completely wrong. Regardless, I think it makes enough sense to be worth sharing.
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