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Electric Jesus

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Everything posted by Electric Jesus

  1. You're probably right because of the achievement icon, but nothing is confirmed until we actually play origins. To you a couple of wavy lines could mean air, and to someone else could mean something entirely different. Edit: I can't understate how absolutely stoked I am for these. It will be cool to finally get a fire wonder weapon as well as re-visit some old wonder weapon elemental concepts. First thing I'm doing is building the lightning staff. EJ will be in his natural habitat.
  2. The Perk and power-up icons are almost identical in shape. Interestingly the picture on the achievement isn't the same shape as either (but that's just because they took some artistic liberties I'm sure.) But I'm 99% sure zombie blood makes you invisible to zombies. After all the achievement is called "master of disguise" as well as the fact that it makes it easier to revive and activate a generator (which likely takes time / has to be built.) if it was a perk, how would it work? Would it be like vulture-aid elixir but with only the green haze? How would standing in one spot (in the mist) allow you to revive someone and turn on a generator? How else would it work? If it was time-based you would build up a train and have it scatter with awful timing. If it makes zombies avoid you when red-screened or something it would be a bit OP. I honestly can't see this working well as a perk. Alternatively 30 seconds of invisibility seems a lot more simple and practical, at least to me. What I'm really interested in is that there are supposedly 2 or more new power-ups. "...a new perk and power-ups..." Is in the trailer description. Of course the word New could be only referring to the perk, they were paired together intentionally. On top of the new power-ups they could bring back death machine or bonfire sale. Also I'd like to see an Easter egg power up like the lightning bolt, maybe bringing back an old favorite like the thundergun. It seems like everyone is more concerned about story than gameplay with these achievements. Oh hey, sam's returning. That's coo-- OMG WE CAN GET 4 ELEMENTAL STAFFS AND DIG UP GUNS AND TURN INVISIBLE!! This map is Gonna be awesome. And I can tell you for sure that when EJ toasts zombies with his electric staff he isn't going to be concerned about what color their eyes are. (Not that I don't care about the story; quite the opposite. I'm just anticipating how much fun I'll have playing it in comparison to picking it apart beforehand.)
  3. What's that noise I'm hearing? Is that a phone ringing? Because I just called it.
  4. Yellow and purple are opposite colors. The purple eyes could just be implying that this is an alternate universe. Just a thought. If sam's eyes are yellow in our universe, giving us a glimpse of purple eyes might just be hinting at another universe altogether. I know it conflicts with it being a prequel to the main story, but work with me here. I don't know everything.
  5. If you take a negative color filter and put it on Samantha zombie yellow, it becomes purple. The purple eyed zombies could be teasing towards the map existing in an alternate universe. Whether or not it exists on the main timeline has been debated an I am of the opinion that It is, but I thought is toss that out there. I remember making a similar idea about MotD because red is the opposite of richtofen's cyan / blue. Of course that ended up being true about alternate universes, but the eyes were red for a different reason.
  6. On second thought I'm pretty sure Zombie Blood is a power-up. Like I said, it's based off of the episode of the walking dead where they cover themselves in zombie guts to mask their scent. Then they just walk through a crowd of zombies and they don't even notice them. Becoming invisible to zombies sound awesome, but it's the kind of thing that would only last a short time (unlike a perk or equipment.) so you heard it here first, Zombie Blood is a new power-up that makes you invisible to zombies temporarily. I wonder what the HUD icon will be, or the 3D pickup icon. Maybe just an actual drop shape.
  7. I came up with an idea months ago for a ghost that steals points and gives a free perk. Then buried came out and I made mess in trousers. I also speculated that they would revisit the idea of the jet gun (no ammo / cool down) but that was more of a case of me guessing correctly than them using my idea. When the jet gun was first teased I said it would be cool if we could choose between a variety of objects to add to give it different effects. For example building it with a gas can would give it fire power (no pun intended.) using a canister of liquid nitrogen would make it freeze zombies. Etc etc. I'm not saying that was my idea alone, but it's cool to see that treyarch and I think alike, as that looks like it's going to be the case here. ...Although I feel we'll be using ingredients a bit more classy than petrol and liquid nitrogen. :mrgreen:
  8. Definitely blue. Also I would like to discourage discussion about what they each represent element-wise, as there is already a thread on that topic.
  9. Well this is looking like Darkness, Fire, Ice, and Light. I will wield ALL THE STAFFS! Like honestly, I'm so pumped for this weapon. And it looks like I was right about how you build it. They all have the same handle but different heads.
  10. I really hope this is how they work. As much as I want to have both an ice staff and fire staff, it would be beyond overpowered. Also I wouldn't doubt if they have infinite ammo. The way things are looking, this could be one of the easiest or hardest maps yet. Thanks. You immediately reminded me of a certain boss from Zelda.
  11. Here ya go MaxiMillion, its Maxis Claus! I knew it had to happen. *clap clap clap* I hope so Dimitri, I hope so. Edit: after taking a closer look, it certainly could be, based on how Dempsey is holding it. However I can't see it with good enough quality to determine whether or not it has brass knuckles, which are a defining characteristic.
  12. That was the idea I made earlier, but it's based on an idea I made last October when speculating about the Jet Gun. One thing that is really important about my idea is that technically there is only one staff, and you can just use it in different ways depending on how you build it. That is important because then only one person could have it at a time. If you made them all separately, everyone could have one and it would be totally OP.
  13. *cracks knuckles* Note: these achievement names are hilarious. Clearly the Easter egg / side quest. This is confirmation that Samantha will appear in some forms on Origins. People were saying that she didn't have to be there to tell the story, but I guess she really was. Uhh... But she ain't messin' with no Broke _____. I honestly have no clue. I would guess these are related to the tesla coils seen around the map. Essentially what this is saying is you have to activate them all REALLY FAST before the first one stops. Also ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US. As the lovely MMX pointed out, panzer soldat means "armored soldier." The only armored soldier with a giant claw I can think of are the big daddy robo suit zombies. My idea is that it literally picks you up, and either tries to crush you or carry you somewhere else. You would then have to kill it before it could do either... Twice. Or maybe it captures 2 players simultaneously. Self-explanatory. These are our supernatural wonder weapons. Since there are apparently several, and they are elemental, I'd say each corresponds to a natural element. For instance there could be a staff of fire, a staff of ice, a staff of electricity (dibs) etc. I've always had an idea for a buildables like this. Here's how I think it will go. You have only one workbench. You add the staff, and a few other small components. Then you have a choice. Do I add an ice sphere, or a fire sphere? Depending on how you build it determines what it becomes. Then you can disassemble it (trade it out) and build it again a new way. TA-DA! Note: this idea prevents a party of 4 from wielding 8 staffs simultaneously and limits it to one per team at one time. Very self-explanatory. Probably harder than riding the bus though because its slow, and origins might be even bigger. IM ON A TANK! IM ON A TANK! EVERYBODY LOOK AT ME CUZ IM ON THE TANK! Self-explanatory, although we only know of 2: syrette and Krauss refibrilator. I know what you're thinking. This is the 3rd way of reviving someone! NOPE. Anyone who has seen the walking dead episode 2 will know what this means. We have to pour zombie blood over ourselves in order to mask our scent. It will make the zombies not even notice us. During this time we can revive a player easily (though still using a syrette). I don't know what these challenges could be. Maybe they are steps to the Easter egg or something, and you get bonus points for doing it all in one game (because it saves progress.) but I don't know. Translation: Pack-a-punch all staffs in one game.
  14. The truth? To what? Richtofen looking up after looking at every other way before te other three do? You saw something differently than most of us did, and you're that arrogant enough not to accept that we saw it differently? I read your initial post before editing it and you seem extremely arrogant about it. People disagree, no need to insult. He amended to it, so I don't see why there's an issue. Move along people, be nice, and stay on topic. That goes for everyone. Damn I feel like a moderator lately. It is commonly believed that all humans have so e degree if alleged psychic energy, which accounts for déjà-vu, premonitions, etc. richtofen could have simply gotten an urge to look up because of a psychic premonition. Alternatively he could have felt vibrations and subconsciously understood what it meant, looking up reflexively. I don't believe either of these ideas. My point is simply that there is more than one possible reason why he would look up, and it can't be certain until the map is here. There's no point in arguing over who's idea is more supported by gameplay, as none are at this point, and that is the ultimate determining factor of what is and it's true. Edit: I'm not saying we should drop everything and stop theorizing for the next week, but bear in mind that gameplay is the subject of the CoDz Supremacy clause.
  15. DEEEEEEAAR DIARY! :twisted: One idea was that future Richtofen enters the body of his younger self in order to change the past somehow let's work off of that assumption for a sec. Since essentially he injects himself into one of his past memories he briefly takes in exactly WHEN he is (when he looks left / right) but suddenly remembers that the robot is about to crush them, and looks up.
  16. My thoughts EXACTLY. I forgot to mention that in the OP (thanks btw) but the fact that the Well / wormhole / portal is physically underground might lead people to believe that the world on the other side is actually located underground. In that sense, the aether might literally be Agartha. Another thing is like to bring up regarding Agartha is that when we teleport / time travel, we enter a sort of swirling vortex for a few seconds. I think it might be brief contact with the aether. Anyway, why would Brock and Gary be under the impression that the gateway to Agartha is in Shangri-La? Because it has such unstable time travel and teleportation mechanisms. While MTDs are scientific contraptions of unimaginable complexity, the astrological structures used for teleportation in Shangri-la rattle the fabric of time and space because they are much less... I don't know, accurate? Efficient? This gives the place more prolonged contact with the aether and by extension, Agartha. It reminds me of my past thread about where the power-ups and perks from MotD are from. Lucifer "borrows" them from Shangri-la, because it is the least stable in terms of its "grip" on our timeline. You can check it out here. Obviously I could be looking into this WAAAAY too far, but why not? It's all good fun in anticipation of the map.
  17. Here's the thing about mob of the dead. I think I figured out why he says "not this time." The answer? There are no zombies in MotD. Think about it. Lucifer (the guy in charge in MotD) basically has the mobsters trapped in hell. He creates demonic projections in order to torture them. These projections are the apparent zombies on the map. However they aren't true zombies since they aren't made from 115, and technically they don't even exist. They are just projections. Like the ghost on Buried. You never actually kill her, jut her many projections. Notice how they are all the same person and don't actually hurt her when you kill them? That's because they aren't really her. It's like that. So you're right that he can't send zombies into our world. There aren't any zombies or 115 in Hell. It's just lucifer blinding us from the truth. Wherever the wormhole leads, I think it's on our main timeline. (Not an inter-universal wormhole.)
  18. The problem is that the average player doesn't care about the story and only about gameplay. That being said, even if the O4 got some closure they would be upset, because all they care about is the O4 being playable because of their funny quotes. They don't care about closure at all. The only thing treyarch can do with the O4 to please the masses is to keep them playable. However that's not the best option and I hope they don't cave to the less serious players.
  19. Think of it this way. 115 reanimated dead cells. That's obvious. However our cells die naturally every day. Since our O4 are almost constantly exposed to 115, some of their naturally dead cells could become zombified. HOWEVER After about 20 years, all of our cells have died and been replaced. So in a sense we would have none of the cells in our bodies that we did 20 years ago, because one by one, they all died. Now if all of our cells died we would become a zombie. That being said, it would be impossible to survive 20+ years of exposure to 115. So they couldn't have possibly lived from 1918 to the 1940s without some kind of jump. I honestly think time travel is the only explanation.
  20. I thought it just said pump station. You know, for refueling tanks and such. In retrospect, if you keep massive amounts of flammable gasoline available on surface level in the middle if a battlefield, you're probably gonna have a bad time. And "sexy" is far from the first word to come to mind when I think of Nikolai. But ok. :mrgreen:
  21. No. It's directed by Christopher Nolan, the greatest man who has ever lived. Fun fact: none of the characters in inception knew they were being filmed. The hallways just randomly started spinning around them and they went with it. That's why Christopher Nolan has to direct the zombies movie, titled "the legend of takeo's beard."
  22. Dempsey could always have a generic machete. That's from campaign as well. Also... I second that.
  23. Firstly I hope you're right about old richtofen being in younger richtofen's body. That way we'd still get a crazier richtofen. The Life x Machine part really makes sense looking back, but that was thought to be because maxis can only influence machines from wherever he is. Why would he need to make a giant robot then if he didn't plan on getting killed and trapped in the aether? Also it would be funny to see richtofen pretending like nothing is wrong, like on Call of the dead. "This will be just the distraction I need to-- I mean... *singing* Force field, force field..."
  24. While in the aether you are restricted by time. Sam treated her power like a game. However after the O4 time traveled from the 40s to the 60s in Der Riese / Kino, she couldn't play with them for 20+ years. That's why she imprisoned Dr. Gersch; she was lonely in the aether for 20 years.
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