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Everything posted by JuggerWicho

  1. More than one per round? No. More than one in co-op? No. The only way to get Purgatory Tokens is on every new round. One per round. 1 Max. in Co-Op. And 3 Max. in Solo.
  2. If you down yourself with help of the Electric Traps that the map offers you, you keep your perks and the down doesn't count towards the leaderboards. You can get 4 perks downing you, but as I said, this has to be with the Traps help. Otherwise, dying by a nade or something will leave you without perks.
  3. I'll be willing to do that tomorrow for you if you'd like. It seems to be the opening sequence rather than a trailer. Tomorrow we will have access to subtitles. For example, the guard's name is quite difficult to make out. It'll be quite easy come tomorrow with subtitles. Yeah, I meant intro. I'm just excited. You are right MMX, thanks a lot.
  4. Can someone transcript the trailer, please? There are some parts that I don't understand very well... :?
  5. Here comes the difficult part of a DLC. The 24 hours... The 24 LOOOOONG hours. I'm really excited too, school doesn't even matters.
  6. I'm pretty sure QR is gone... They kinda combined Who's Who and QR to get Purgatory. I think it's ok, maybe QR whas an original perk but I don't see the real trouble. It's like in Ascension when they removed Double Tap, but it came back on all the next maps.
  7. Easy. I want a big map, but I don't want it to be slow. Tranzit and Die Rise were huge, but to move around the map you needed transportation, the bus and the elevators. I don't want to depend on a vehicle to move around the map freely, I wan't a CotD and Moon map style. Another thing, I really don't want a simple and boring Easter Egg. Powering up a tower? TWICE? Not again please. I know we won't be doing that, but I don't want to build a plane and complete the Easter Egg. I wan't it to be hard, funny and interesting. Like Shangri-La or Moon. I have a lot of faith in this map, hope it revives Zombies essence...
  8. Great reminder! I had totally forget about the Pre-DLC update. I'm really more interested in the achievments/trophies, they can tell us a lot about the map before it comes out.
  9. It doesn't matter if the Warden is the boss. He has a point. That zombie has feelings, I'm not sure if he says that, but he definitely says something, even before killing him. We haven't seen his face clearly, maybe it's more "human" than the others. He has a story, I'm sure. Great find, dude.
  10. Admit it. The first thing that comes to your mind after hearing "Brutus" is "dog" or "giant guy" (Or maybe I'm the only person). But as you guys said, Brutus may be the dog (If he talks, thing that I doubt)or the giant zombie. He says some words in the trailer like: "Why do you hurt me?" when he was killed, so it's possible to be that guys voice.
  11. Great find PINNAZ! You just surprise us more and more! Keep it on.
  12. I like that theory! The new PaP skin is similar to Fluffy's skin. The only thing I don't understand is... How to feed the hellhound? In the trailer it just eats zombies from nowhere, and it looks that it can be in different places, but how do we make it appear? I'm really interested in that evil dog thingy... But... Do you think we'll have access to the bridge? I mean... It's not connected to the island, right?
  13. Hey guys! You may already know about the new tactical "nade" in MotD. It's like a red stick in the HUD. But what exactly does this thing do? From what we saw on the trailer, it looks like you throw it like a tomohawk and it kinda explodes. But it looks like it has another use. You can use it as a boomerang to grab power ups. As you can see, in the trailer the nuke power-up is attracted to the players. But how? Well, the power-up also has this boomerang thingy stuck on it. Meaning that you can use it to grab power ups far away or in a difficult situation. I'm really hyped about this one, let's see in the future if it has other uses. :D
  14. I doubt the existance of a NavCard in this map. From what we saw in Tranzit and Die Rise, the NavCard Tables are directly underneath the towers, meaning that they are connected in some way. I really don't think that the EE in MotD is to lit up a fuc*ing tower, AGAIN. Also, if we find a NavCard -which are usally accepted in the next map- how could we have it in the next location if the characters are different? Just a thought. :D
  15. This. Interesting thought, but I highly doubt it. If they would like to show what's new, both colors should be shown in the trailer, not only one. It's kinda racist. Also, what if you helped Maxis in Tranzit and Richtofen in Die Rise? I don't know, I really can't imagine Maxis controlling the Zombies. But what I do imagine is Maxis giving instructions regarding the O4. If this is similar to CotD, the EE should be related to the O4. I really want to know something about those guys.
  16. Here, I have this pictures of both a zombie and the box with inverted colors. And yes, they're blue.
  17. Different realitites, huh? Well, since WaW-BO1 we've been living this, different timelines. It is assumed that with each time travel a new "universe/timeline" is created, changing all the events in the future of each specific timeline. But, it doesn´t changes like this, not in this way. My question is, if we are in a parallel universe, what changes? If the controller is still Richtofen, why is it parallel? Another thing, when and why was this universe created? I know that the idea of a different controller or no one in controll is silly, and I really support your theory but we must first clear things up. Just saiying, I've heard another theory. Remember the, bear? The subbliminal frame in the trailer? As you may know, this bear is in the 14-D cell, the "cursed" cell. There are reports of glowing eyes in that cell, glowing red eyes. How about the representation of the demon in a bear plush? Oh, and the light in Shi No Numa was yellow. Keep it up.
  18. It's a pretty good theory, I think almost the same. In the storyline, we've never heard about "getting infected". I mean, this is not like Resident Evil or The Walking Dead in which if a Zombie bites you, you become one. The Zombies in CoD appear because of the 115 acting on dead bodies. Alcatraz before being a prison, was a Military Base. As you know, the Americans also made experiments with the 115, maybe this place was one of the bases used for 115 experiments. So I think that Alcatraz has 115 radiation and the prisoners became infected by it. And, about the Monkeys... I also think that the same being that controls the monkeys is controlling this Zombies. I mean, it looks like each controller has a specific pet: Samantha - Fluffy Richtofen - Nova Phasing Zombie things in Die Rise This being - Space Monkeys
  19. The thing is... This bear looks a lot different. It's more like a Modern Warfare EE Bears style. More... Cute. But seriously, I'm pretty sure that this 14th cell has to do with the map EE, also the teddy. I'm pretty sure that the bear doesn't has EE music purposes only.
  20. What about being a ghost? Having the ability of moving freely around the map while fighting against other beings. I think they are doing this to prevent people getting bored while being dead in high rounds in co-op. Those moments are really a pain in the a**.
  21. Yeah, but as InfestLithium said, we are not talking about if it's legitimate or not. We are talking about something that hasn't been announced by Treyarch itself. It doesn't matter if a poster, coding, or even gameplay comes out. If Treyarch does not announce it, it's a leak. Period. I know that some people would love to share leaked things, and discuss about them and create theories about that leaked material. But this is done to prevent confusion within the forums. That's the rule, take it or leave it.
  22. For a long time I've seen this picture that physically shows Maxis, but I don't know if it's real. There is not a bigger image size and that makes me believe that this is fake, but if not, where did this picture come from? Help?
  23. I love doing the headshot strategy. It's pretty simple, useful and fun to do. Just get the SVU and PaP it. Be sure to get Double Tap also. Then train in the Buddha Room, after all the zombies are behind you, go up, line them and shoot them in the head. This works even in +30 rounds and you waste no ammo because you kill like +5 per bullet. If you have Double Tap and the Headshot perma-perk this is a beast strategy. :D
  24. Hey guys! Recently I found something very interesting in Die Rise that maybe some of you already may know. But I want your opinions on this. The thing is, there are some calendars all over Die Rise. I decided to check what date was on those calendars to see if I could get to somewhere/something. I noticed that the month this calendars show is January, as you can see in this picture: Notice the big 1? That's the first month of the year. Now, what year? There are 3 options (Around the Black Ops 2 Date): 2030, 2019, 2008. Edit: Also January 2013, our actual year. How do I know? Just check the calendar in any device (PC, Cellphone) and see those years in January. All these years have the same days number. 6, 13, 20 and 27 being on Sunday, marked with red in calendars. (Yeah, it's in Spanish, but it's the same) So, why the time lapse from 2008-2030? Why do I say this must be the years? Well, as you may know, there is a company poster in Die Rise showing that the company has lasted since 1996. (Thanks to PINNAZ) The year that could fit the days number before 2008 would be 2002. Companies only use the "Since XXXX" when they had lasted at least 10 years approximately. So 2002 it's not an option. And why 2030? This is just my opinion, I don't have something to prove this or whatever. But I just don't think that GLF's hotel technology is advanced, it's simple, things that we already know by now. So it's hard to believe that the calendar marks 2030+ year. After this being said, what does the date 01/2008-2030 exactly means? We can't confirm that this is the date we are playing on. But it most likely can be the date when the rockets hit. Why? Once the zone was destroyed by the missiles and the population was killed, no one could change the date of that calendar. Meaning that the last month/year when there was living population was in January in the year 2008/2013/2019/2030. This, confirming, that the timeline in Moon wasn't in the past but in the present-future. (As MMX has said) So guys? What do you think about this?
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