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Everything posted by Kill_All_Monkeys

  1. I liked the idea of multiple songs in one map. But the way I think that they should do it is that they have that Elena/Kevin song that everyone hears, and then several other songs of different genres that only the person who activates them hears. Or just have a "radio" of some sort that lets you pick a song. Also I think they should let you replay songs, I love being able to slay the undead to music.
  2. You will know about it before they release it. Somehow, someway it ALWAYS gets leaked. What's funny is that I actually just accidentally saw a leak....
  3. Perhaps if there was a hardcore zombie game mode, I could see this as a possibility.
  4. I'm guessing the heroes will want to go back in time since they blew up a large part of the Earth, so Sophia may pop up again. I also think that the zombie skull is just a generic zombie skull. I doubt they would reveal that a major character would die right off the bat almost a year before the game's release.
  5. I'm going to wait for when they actually reveal it, I'll enjoy it more as a complete surprise.
  6. His theory seems plausible. He is wrong about Verruckt though, Richtofen actually performed his experiments on the crew at Cotd (aka Eagle's Nest). I'm guessing the room with the "dentist chair" is actually a reference to either Cotd, or where they were experimenting with zombies at Kino/Der Riese. Sam's room could've just been the room she stayed in while her father worked at Kino/Der Riese.
  7. Out of all the characters in zombies, Takeo has been the one to develop the most. He seems like a natural born leader to me, and he now has a goal to strive for. I find it very likely he will be the one to take charge now as well.
  8. Music can be anything. Everyday noises can even be music, such as the sound of me typing on this keyboard. But just because it's music, does not mean you have to like it. As long as you're not disparaging anyone because of their taste in music, that's fine by me. Music means something different to everybody, so not everybody is going to like the same music as you.
  9. I'm pretty sure the next map will take place in NJ, or possibly Cuba (based off those pictures of Castro). Paris is very likely though, I remember there being a thread on here with some videos showing the Parisian Catacombs that would make an ideal zombie location. Also, Treyarch obviously wanted to go to Paris. I think they just wanted to end Black Ops with a bang by taking it to the Moon. Paris would've been fun, but maybe not "season finale" material. I would be willing to bet money we will be seeing it as a map at some point in the future.
  10. I agree with everything except knifing. I don't understand why people see that as a problem. I almost never get a kill with the knife in MW3, and being able to knife when I run into someone is usually the only way I typically get kills with it other than sneaking up on them. They already have nerfed it, and in my opinion, it was too much.
  11. With Black Ops, zombies got way more popular than it did in WaW. So it makes sense to me that they wouldn't want to directly put in anything to provide more info on BO II. I'm sure there are all kinds of hints toward the upcoming game in Black Ops, you just have to look in the right places.
  12. With Black Ops, zombies got way more popular than it did in WaW. So it makes sense to me that they wouldn't want to directly put in anything to provide more info on BO II. I'm sure there are all kinds of hints toward the upcoming game in Black Ops, you just have to look in the right places.
  13. Just because it's bigger doesn't necessarily mean that there would be more doors. Moon itself is pretty big, and in this map you describe, there could be several areas as big as the bio-dome, therefore more doors won't really be needed. I don't know if they would make a map as big as Arkham City, that may be too big for a zombie map. I know many people don't even like some of the newer maps simply because of their gigantic size. Also, if they did make a map this big, they would have to come up with multiple means of transportation that perhaps could be more easily accessible than some of the ways as they have done in previous maps. Perhaps something like what they have in the bio-dome? Maybe something that grants a bit more control as well.
  14. I thought Rissole explained why the Earth in Area 51 quite well, that it was in fact just a graphical error or something. I do however see it somewhat likely that the next map may take place on another part of the Moon because of the loading screen.
  15. Perhaps this means that we may have to look into other earlier quotes for any other possible hints? Quotes that may have seemed irrelevant at first.
  16. I always heard the 3 rockets in the Ascension loading screen were filled with 115. I don't know about fueled by - but if they carried 115 before, could have done it again. Maxis does laugh pretty maniacally once those rockets hit. I meant to say filled. But I've realized I've overlooked the obvious fact that Maxis wouldn't have wanted to create more zombies if Richtofen was in control.
  17. I think this will be implemented with the new game modes, as they seem to be going for more of a multiplayer kind of thing. I doubt we'll see it combined with the classic mode, but I would like to see challenges and titles implemented with that as well. Also, I don't get why people are so opposed to something they haven't even played yet. I don't think it's fair to judge something until you've tried it or experienced it firsthand.
  18. I bet we'll get a teaser of some sort that's zombies only. But I won't be surprised if they don't show anything to us until the actual game's release, just so that we could go into zombies with it being almost a complete mystery.
  19. Those radios on Moon got me thinking, whatever happened to Fluffy? I know she went on to give birth to many more hellhounds. But how did she end up in the Aether? And why was Sam able to control them and send them wherever she wanted? I know the whole Sam was in control of he undead thing, but there are still some unexplained mysteries here.
  20. You're right when you say that it is hard to make out continents from the Moon, as we can see here: http://www.geography4kids.com/extras/dtop_space/moonearth_580.jpg The only thing is that when we are on Moon, we can see the Earth pretty clearly and they all look jumbled up. As for the meteor, it supposedly wasn't all that large. It is said to have struck off of the Yucatan Peninsula and caused massive volcano eruptions, devastating earthquakes, and overwhelming tsunamis, so it the meteor on its own didn't take out the dinosaurs, it was a chain reaction of events. However, some disagree saying that a single meteor, let alone a small one, could cause that. So really it is open to interpretation on that event. But anyway, I just bring that up because the explosions we see are absolutely massive, I don't understand what would have possibly made them that large, unless filled with nuclear material, which I suppose is possible actually. Weren't the rockets fueled by 115? Or did I misunderstand something somewhere along the line?
  21. Perhaps it's not even a tornado at all? It could be a wormhole, or even created by an as of yet undiscovered wunder weapon. I know I'm just going out on limb here, and I'm still not sure what to think of it yet, but maybe it's a super powered Gersche Device with Vril-Ya origins.
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