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Mr. Jay

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Everything posted by Mr. Jay

  1. Very hard jolty, very hard. Having done similar challenges on Verruckt I can say it is hard enough camping to round 30, let alone without trap for two. I think the only way to do that is to leave the door to the **** please report this topic, post **** closed, have white player train using the speed cola area plus the small space behind it. Once you get max spawn pick them off one by one and slowly. The other sit by the closed door and fire assist. Good luck. It is not mission impossible but pretty darn close.
  2. Hi Steve, welcome to CODZ. Be sure to join the team grim reapers from some co-op fun. The host is generally on nightly from 7 est to 2 est, just hit him up if you are interested. The transition from solo to co-op was mighty struggle for me, be patient as the grow might hit a holt. Also check out guides for tour favorite maps. I don't reply intros often, so don't let me down. Looking forward to you contributing regularly. I'm Jay, a teenage girl who loves Gangnam style.
  3. This is excellent work and mighty interesting. Sadly it has been completely neglected. I feel for you my friend. I feel for you. The story section was once the hottest ticket in town, now it is like the chubby kid sitting next to the bus driver. But it is still better than the strategy section, no one has visited there since the Clinton administration.
  4. I love Superhands, and many other strategy guys for their contributions. I feel somewhat saddened that most big names like Tom and Eye are no longer available, many others shying away from doing guides that helped me tremendously. I'm doing a dummie's co-op guide for Five, in tribute to those guys, and because I'm bored at work. Rounds 1-3. If you are unable to defend yourselves then my guide will help you as much as ObamaCare. Best to quit and sell the game. Round 4 should have enough points to open the door and debris to go down stairs. Everyone get MP5K. One person stand left of the elevator, top of the steps head shooting any incoming zombies. One person outside of the elevator, aiming any intruders from the two Windows by MP5K. For three players one can hang by the long hall on the opposite side of the elevator, for four each taking a window. For window guarding check out Tom's quick tips. NVM, I can't find the link, basically hold the boarding button while knifing to ensure never a breach. If you feel you have wasted valuable time reading this, I agree but it gets better. Once you have generated enough points or feel overwhelmed, go down the stairs, and down the elevator to the power. Get jug and spend your points on the box or save it for Mustang and Sally. If you happen to get RPK or HK21 jump up and down, Christmas is here early. LMG is great for door guarding in the PAP room. Once power is on activate the Defcons before each round and hop in when zombies get close. For two players: one person stand by the door, as soon as the door opens run out and hang left to avoid the zombies.(hopefully you have cleared the debris by the steps). All the zombies will chase you and leave the other player free. Player two can freely up the steps and activate all switches while the other runs the war room luring zombies without shooting. Find a good spot (red floor by teleporter, open space by mule kick, or the place between Stakeout and the stairs) and blast away with Mustang and Sally. Hop back in the PAP and repeat. For three people two can cover each window inside the PAP while the best player runs the war room. Bowie knife a must for window guys. Start each round hopping into the PAP, but have the window guys blast the the wave with their Mustang and Sally to preserve ammo for the running man. For four people two watch windows inside the PAP and two on doors. With LMG, Ray gun, and AK-74u2 (mule kick), two door guys can effectively defend the the PAP room into the twenties. Once pressure start to mount, one person can run the war room to ease the load. Once the spawn start to pour in quickly, the main strategy can work beautifully thanks to my man Superhands. Damage, without fully killing or turning zombies to crawlers in the war room, then run up the steps to use the elevator, to the top floor. One person run out of elevator, wait for zombies to come through the teleporter, and lead them into a trap. If you have damaged each and every one of the zombies, none will respawn from the Windows. Be sure to do this while rest of the party stay in the elevator. Other gadgets will help in case of emergency like awful lawton, monkeys, and krause refibrillator. The person running to lure the zombies will need to have a 1.1 movement, meaning having weapons like MPL, MP5K, and others that enhance movement. That's it, I'm heading home soon, thanks for reading and hopefully this will help you. If not it is always fun to see what others like to do. Next week I'm gonna do a guide on how to reach 135 on COTD with only AK-74u.
  5. My man! My twin! Don't leave me again or I will spank you. Spank you I say!
  6. That's a million dollar quote right there people. Read this and grow the fukk up. :| I disagree 100%. So unless a cheater is claiming world records he is shall be left alone? What if he gets better and influence others to glitch? What if he becomes elite and glitch just enough to claim a world record or two? I teach and enforce my kids to be honest. Chances are liars are repeat offenders if they are not discouraged. If you are lenient toward glitching then fine. If you are tough against glitching also fine, but there is no case to case scenarios. If I don't steal from you then stealing is ok???
  7. Holy crap! Tankeo has a twin! Mary Kay and Ashley move over, you are not the most controversial twins anymore. Good work my friend it was entertaining. Although Tankeo is 12, so technically still ok to do it, you on the otherhand should not. Anyone else find it ironic that Jay tells someone to mature?
  8. Darn it Chopper, no one is to know about my living conditions! To be fair her basement is decently decked out, and I'm to receive new toilet seat covers for Christmas. I claim certain achievements to compete with my peers. Although on a much smaller scale than you and the other Bull Dogs, we can be competitive and as victorious in claiming superiority. At the end of the day, anyone claiming more than they actually achieved could be considered "cheating". The question is, how much advantage is cheating? BTW, why aren't rest of the Bull Dogs members of CODZ? If we were to keep and maintain a challenge leaderboard, would that be enough attraction for them to participate?
  9. Very nicely done. I have been playing a bit of first room and no power lately, they are surprisingly pain in the ass to do. Maybe start a new series, tips and guides on all the laps. BTW where is hell is my MZG 2??????? It's already October....
  10. Welcome to CODZ. Be sure to play within the rules (I had to throw that in there), and enjoy. Just remember, first impressions are often misleading. Define people by their work, not their encounters with you. Feel free to ask questions and for PS3 there are many teams you could join, Grimreapers are highly recommended, Way2g00 is wicked.
  11. Hi, I'm Jay, an avid dancer of Gangnam Style. With Black Ops 2 just around the corner we could reflect back on Black Ops 1 and appreciate what it had done for us in the last two years or so. Chances are you have played with randoms, chances are you have had lost a few hair, or have had a few turn grey. Randoms are not easy, or always ideal complements to your objectives. On a Monday where I am not doing shit at work, let us discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly experiences with randoms. The Good: Early in my zombie killing days I died a lot, and spectated a lot. From watching someone else play, I gained much perspective how to deal with situations. In this copy cat time, we watch someone else's execution and gain valuable experiences to our own game. I had no idea how to properly defend a window with only bowie knife into round 30; I had no idea how to utilize the P96A1 in real games; I had no idea how to window hop in the basement of Five. It was my many many encounters with randoms that taught me much about the game, and much about survival. Almost all of my PS3 friends were met in random lobbies, and almost all of them fought along me for many selfless battles that gained my trust and my appreciation. Good randoms are out there, they are just hiding really really well. The Bad: To make the paragraph manageable I only listed 1% of my rough draft. My biggest pet peeves are the mature, confident, cocky types that boss me around. I can make my peace with kids that sing lady gaga and constantly need revive. I can make my peace with kill whores and glitchers, I can even deal with box huggers, but cant stand people that feel superior. Toxic###, if you are on CODZ then **** you! People who tell you what you can do and what you can't should have to spend rest of their lives with my secretary and listen to her non-stop. Anyone in a random lobby tells you how good they are and how much you need them should be molested by Jerry Sandusky. (If you are a victim I sincerely apologize.). Bottom line, I hate cocky, confident, bossy, uncooperative MFers. The Ugly: People who are too passionate. A random once asked me personal questions like "how old are you?" "Where you live?" "Where my kids go to school?" "If I like Michael Jackson?". Not people on my friends list who want to know me little better and help ease the round progressions, but first encounters. How about the people who turn on their microphones, not say one word, but music throughout the game? How about the people that quit as soon as they go down? Even more magnified when hosting or during a challenge. Those shall be castrated without mercy. Those are my good, bad, and ugly. Hope you enjoyed reading, be sure to give me brains. What are your good bad and ugly encounter with randoms?
  12. Not that I feel I'm qualified to answer your question or buddy enough with 5and5 to steal his thunder, but will share my opinions on this. For solo as his first video described, open the help door. I have done this as late as round 9 or 10 using just the basic carbine. If you are using the first strategy open the help door for better weapons. Spawns are way too slow to work, so start in the spawn, head into box room to ease the hoarding process, head back to spawn, kill as they come out lined up. I actually prefer his other strategy of leaving the help door closed. Start the round in the spawn, slowly up the steps, then down the steps into the box room. Round up and kill. Wait by bottom of the steps, wait for spawn, up the step, then back into the spawn room. Hoard, kill, repeat. Weapons start to get weak into the teens, try not to worry about killing the whole hoard, play it safe. Once you have the thunder gun you shall have no problems. By twenty start each round top the steps above spawn room, wait for spawn, down into the spawn, round up the hoard and kill. Same strategy for co-op. One thing I noticed from playing on PS3, the damage to prevent respawn does not work on this map. When you recycle box weapon they will respawn quickly even after damaged. Be aware at all times.
  13. Been playing a lot of Nacht lately and reached 25, 26, and 29 easy. The solo strategy does not work on co-op. Staying by the help door in the spawn room WILL indeed activate spawns in the Thompson room. Although only a few, this strategy will not work as smooth on co-op. For co-op this works beautifully and quite easy. KOfETOqC3iM
  14. Let me be the first one to boo you. We have a long tradition here, new users must answer the following, What is the bigger hit, Gangnam Style or Living La vida loca? BTW welcome to CODZ, go steelers, boo ravens.
  15. In my mind Moon sucks, without NML. NML has brought me many dark moments, my family can tell you firsthand. But I love it. Anything easily obtained will lose its value, a la Kino, Ascension, Der Riese. I have learned so much about the game through NML, and the most satisfying. I only have 171 on my resume, probably capable of a few more, but I can seriously look at 171 and feel proud. Would like to see NML type in the future, would be disappointed if not.
  16. Holy crap you are good at attention to details! But recalling games where I encountered lags, I cannot recall many box hits. Not questioning BTW, just to note that who would have thought the two factors are linked? Excellent find. Man crushing you.
  17. Surprise surpise, replies!!!!! Good to see actions from the few of big names left. I was asked to return to help with the activities, but I see the activities are not lacking, just not from the so called legends. It just does not have the family feel to it anymore, without many of the guys we got to be fond of. Lemonade we need to hook up, maybe on a week end or something. I normally do not like to game when the kids are active but we should party. Maybe DJ and Josh could join us. I got a great idea for challenges, I try to down myself, and you three compete to revive me. Most revives wins. P.S. Dont let way fool you, every night he's on Netflix watching Gangnam Style video learning the moves.
  18. Hi, I'm Jay, if you are not sure who I am. With Black Ops 2 just around the corner, we can reflect back on Black Ops 1 and appreciate what it has done for us in the last two years or so. Not all maps are created equal, some are higher rated than others. Jay was nice enough to compile a series of questions to reflect on Black Ops maps and user preferences. Your personal favorite map? Five. My first map and numerous excellent quotes. A great balance of difficulty and cooperation from your team. balanced box weapons, (No Thunder Gun) over all nothing to dislike about. Least favorite map? Ascension. No team effort, powerful wonder weapon creating unbalanced advantage. Ideal training spots are too far apart, too many glitchers, too many kids play looking for the Thunder Gun. Best part of Black Ops? NML. Very well designed. Despite many argue it does not effect over all game play, I have improved my game drastically from playing NML. Best designed? Five. Skill prevails, luck and/or box weapons will not. Most fun with drunk friends? COTD. I can't see, well me neither. Don't hit me! That's not me, that was George. Why is George playing us? Favorite challenge? MPL challenges on Five, Trench Gun Der Riese. Funniest moment? Verruckt, went down. Friend: where are you? Me: On the toilet. Friend: by STG? Me: no, I'm on the toilet. Friend: by STG? Me: I'm in the **** please report this topic, post ****. Friend: no toilet in the **** please report this topic, post ****. Me: no you killed my crawler I told you I got to pee. I went down in the **** please report this topic, post ****. Friend:............ Most annoying boss preventing success? George, excavator. Creepiest place? Basement Five. Absolutely eerie. My son refuses to go there. That's all. Thanks for reading.
  19. Alright I will add you today. When do you normally game. Also I need to start working on these videos. No, you need to start playing with Jay more. Stop the Netflix madness!!!!!!!
  20. Great discovery. Count me in among the 5%. The funny thing is that I actually started playing Nacht again and raised my high from 18 to 27 just last night and still looking to improve. This certainly will help. Thank you 5and5, you might have to carry the strategy section now with many great users absent. Lemonade and Way are still around to contribute, plus the rumor has Master Zombie Guide 2 releasing imminently. Long live the strategy section, even if its dark at this point.
  21. I like wonder weapons, in the mold of Winters Howl and VR-11. Extravagant, but not too game breaking. Wave Gun and Thunder Gun create too much unbalanced advantage, a huge reason many rage quit in random lobbies. I like to see balance in the box weapons, hopefully more situational weapon like the above mentioned. While we are on this subject make the sniper guns and shot guns more versatile, or simply more useful.
  22. I have not read into the trailer break downs but the footage looks more campaign than rounds. I'm hoping the general game does not change too much, and the main mechanics of zombie game we all fell in love does not morph into a story based campaign. Give me zombies, or give me death.
  23. Mr. Jay

    new guy

    Welcome to CODZ. All lurkers are welcomed!!!! Be sure to check out some new member guides, and have fun. If you have any questions feel free to PM any of the staff members. Last thing, which is a bigger hit, Gangnam style or Living La Vida Loca?
  24. It's an art really, or a challenge. To be a medic first of all you have to be at an opportunistic location. I have learned much from Way so will relay a few basics. When someone goes down you have 30 seconds until they bleed out. First of all stop shooting, you want to max spawn to ensure no new spawns. Shoot into the zombie hoard to damage them, in case any respawn on you. Lure the hoard away enough to give yourself time to revive and dash to rescue. Before reviving change your weapon to the one before your best weapon. While reviving tap triangle (to change weapon), and your gun is drawn in case of emergency. Always face the crowd when revive. As someone who goes down, do not shoot zombies in frustration. Help your team by going to a better location if any, and wait. Cover fire if necessary. Last but very important point, your job is not done yet. Continue to seize fire and escort your downed teammate to jug or flopper. Any questions please contact Way2g00 for more a detailed guide.
  25. Many thanks to all. Not sure what I can do, but I promise to make an effort. BTW check out this video, its funky fresh. viewtopic.php?f=25&t=24130
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