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Everything posted by minator177

  1. I agree 100%. Richtofen is someone who we've always known. We never got to play as Maxis! I Don't care what Richtofen's intentions are, we've been with him from the very beginning. I'm also pretty sure that he might not be the bad guy we think he is, and that Maxis really has a dark side that he's hiding from us. I'm really hoping that Richtofen is going to be the Severus Snape and turn out to be the good guy all along. That's just me.
  2. Long story short: Use the forum to FIND the answer to your question, instead of making a new thread to ask it. Chances are, someone has already posted it.
  3. Are you SURE this is the limit? In BO1 there was no limit, I don't think they would change that now..
  4. I think that there MAY be a chance of another TranZit route being added. (ie Blue Run or whatever it would be called) But anyways, here's why: Look at the map in the bus depot. On the bottom right, there are two buses. Also, at the top right, it says : Bus route A (with the scheduled times below), and Bus Route B below that. I'm not saying this means anything about Green Run as it is NOW, but.. In the future, Treyarch could add whatever they want to it, add another bus route, or whatever..
  5. This is great! HAHAHA! Too funny Unnecessary thread revival! BAM!
  6. Thaaaaatttttttsssss what she said
  7. That reminds me: in the windows of the rare books store in town, there are books with those same tittles or something along those lines. Check it out, they are pretty interesting. ;)
  8. Here's an idea I had: (copied and pasted from my old thread) Game Mode Name: Territory Description: Players are divided into 2 teams. Start on opposite sides of the map, and must compete for areas of the map as well as reasources(pack a punch, perks, and the box). Enemy players can shoot each other, making it hard to capture an enemies base. If an enemy is downed within your teams base, then they are captured and must be rescued ( I haven't worked out every detail, this idea is open to changes). I haven't exactly figured out the rest, like how to capture perks or other resources, but you get the basic idea
  9. I don't mean to be a major jack*ss, but I already made a thread for this in the future zombies catagory. viewtopic.php?f=138&t=27380
  10. Okay guys, I just tested this and noticed a few things. Here's how it went. I downed myself after buying quick revive until the machine was used up. Contrary to what lot of people have said, the perk machine DOES disappear, I saw it float up and vanish, THEN the doors of the elevator closed. I downed myself another time at the start of the boss round so I wouldn't have quick revive any more. And when I grabbed the perk bottle drop, I ACTUALLY got quick revive, even though the machine was gone and I had used it three times already. When I tried to go for jug later, I got trapped and went down. I noticed something odd: When I was down, the usual "Riving [gamertag here]" text did not show up. I thought that maybe I was going to be stuck like this, but eventually, I was revived. It DID however, take about twice as long as it usually takes to be revived with quick revive. So, it's myth confirmed. If you don't believe me, check my recent Die Rise game in theater and watch for yourself. I still wonder though, if there is not just a limit on buying the perk, but also obtaining the perk from the jumping jacks. Who knows? Someone test this...
  11. Either this an an OBVIOUS troll, or someone posts a video of this...
  12. Wow, just.. wow. Great thread! This is amazing. Brains :D
  13. I've posted this idea like a year ago on here, and I think it would be awesome. Imagine: a monkey bomb alarm clock 8-)
  14. The strave (or strafe?) jump is actually pretty easy with some practice. Just stand on the couch that is parallel to the doorway to the box, start to sprint, turn a sharp right (or left, depending on which way you're facing) so that you look at the doorway to box, and jump. It does take some time to get it down, but once you do, it's definitely a useful skill to master.
  15. I personally see no problem with the term. As you quite literally 'raping' zombies of their points. I usually just call it kiting, but I see how people could find the other term offensive. Especially if they or a person they know has been affected by rape.
  16. Maybe it's a sort of modified PHD flopper upgrade.. I'm testing this out shortly...
  17. minator177


    Phew! I was out of breath after reading this. Use some punctuation!
  18. This is VERY interesting!
  19. Here are mine: 7- Ascension 6- Great Leap/Die Rise 5- Green Run/TranZit 4- Der Riese 3- Five 2- Moon 1- Call of the Dead
  20. I just played a survival match on Town. When it was time for a new round to start, it didn't. We all ran around forever trying to find the crawler, but it wasn't there. I threw all my grenades in random directions, and one grenade that landed past the barrier of cars by the church hit a zombie. I went up by jug to look over the barrier, and no zombie could be seen. I bought some semtex, threw another grenade, and I got points for a kill and the new round started. Has this ever happened to anyone? I assume that the zombie was just stuck in the ground where it spawns. Not quite sure
  21. It's not a glitch, it makes it so that you can't be a certain distance away from a HARMED zombie without it dieing, so that we can't just leave a crawler on the other side of the map.
  22. This is not necessarily true. if you leave the zombie unharmed it will still die eventually. I find that letting them hit you every now and then keeps them active. Or try keeping it near u. (lame i know but works.) I know it will die eventually, I just meant that it won't die right when you get too far away, it will respawn. I should have clarified
  23. Well said! As a zombo slayer for many a year now, I can only tell you this.... If you have to ask "Whats the point?" in zombies... you dont get it and maybe the game isnt necessarily for you. Zombies is all about the thrill. If your not challenged, up the ante. try achievements that arent in game. like train certain areas. kill zombies with specific gun or actions. The EE... Not being disrespectful, just saying. Alot of the points you made earlier don't really make sense. In GREEN RUN we store money yeah.... but thats not the point of it by a long shot. If anything compares to what you mentioned then killing "him" is your point. The bank is a feature not a quest. No one ca really prove you wrong on these grounds alone. your asking for someone to convince you to have fun in zombies? cant be done my friend. you love it or you hate it. sometimes both at the same time ha. zombies mode is a fickle mistress You guys are misunderstanding I think. Zombies is 100% my favorite game, I do many out of game achievements like you mentioned. I wasn't trying to sound negative, but I'm not very good with words LOL. I'm just saying, Die Rise is a great map and all. Just because it has no big challenge that doesn't not mean it's broken. In response to something someone else said about me trying to get people to convince me to think Die Rise is fun: that's not what I'm doing. I am asking people what the challenge, the purpose, the thrill is in playing Die Rise ASIDE from easter eggs, and OBVIOUSLY killing zombies. I honestly wasn't expecting such negative feedback, although I may have come off a bit negative. I was simply asking what the challenge is supposed to be in Die Rise, but whatever..
  24. Sorry about the crappy tittle, but I made this small thread to ask a simple question... In maps in the past, we always had a purpose (and I'm not talking about easter eggs)or a reason to play. In Five, we had the challenge of building up enough firepower to take down the theif. In Call of the Dead, it was to get all 8 perks from George. In TranZit, it was to build up points and store in the bank. ( AND YES, I just called it TranZit, not Green Run) I won't mention every map, but what I'm trying to say, is that we always had a challenge that drove us to play the map, to develop strategies, to keep going. In Die Rise, I don't see any specific challenge. Sure, you turn on the power, build the new WW, get guns, PAP, get all perks (which isn't really a challenge at all), and then what?? Kill zombies till you get bored? DON"T GET ME WRONG: I do love the challenge of trying to get to a high round, that's something that zombies will always have. But to me, Die Rise has little re-play value. It's not a map that I'm always going to want to play. I LOVE the design. I LOVE the atmosphere of the map, but let me ask you: Whats the point?? There's no big challenge. Again, I'm not talking about the easter eggs. Can SOMEONE please point out something that I'm simply overlooking...
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