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Everything posted by Lenne

  1. True, but SH brought back Pipeline. So I have a small amount of hope in me. Then again IW and SH worked together on MW3 so that may be the reason why.
  2. Lenne


    Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay. If you have any questions be sure to ask them.
  3. As long as we only have to build them once and then every game afterwards can get them out of the box, I agree. xP
  4. It's a retweet reward thing. A give away. And the Ps4 is the lead console for BO3 so it makes sense.
  5. I hope so. Just so @Jolteon finally gets what he deserves. :3 Fingers crossed.
  6. @Ehjookayted I remember back in my younger forum days and during a time where the staff had some problems you always popped in to ask for feedback which was very nice. Hopefully everything will turn out great for you.
  7. I enjoyed the trailer and am looking forward to the map. Bioshock SoE FTW! :3
  8. Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay. :3
  9. Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay on the hype train.
  10. Lenne


    Now my beautiful avatar will always be a part of this forum. ^.^
  11. I am melting away. 

    Summer sucks brains. C:

    1. Tattoo247


      Right with ya, screw summer!

  12. Zombies? Just kidding. @Black Hand Smith why are you saying that? No one in the thread said it was Die Rise.
  13. I would love to watch the PDT crew play. <3
  14. ​Not sure if anything has ever been streamed from Comic con. I do know that various panels have been recorded and uploaded to youtube though. If not then I would say there is a high chance of it being streamed anyway since it is CoD's first apperance at comic con. As far as I know.
  15. Good stuff, HW. Really enjoying the update more than ever before. It is fast and looks cool. You and the boys are the best internet peeps ever. Now we just need @Chopper back. haha
  16. thank god, ive been waitin for them to announce the collectors edition. its gotta be zombie related. i mean why hold off til the zombie reveal? unless an item in there is zombies related. aw wat if we get the comic book with collectors edition lol ​If we get the comic book I wont care how sh*tty the hardened case is. haha Fingers crossed for the best zombies game yet. :3 I really really hope so.
  17. Day one patches are my favourite kind of patches. :Smirking:

  18. ​ Searching the code of a game does not mean anything. For example, there is strings of commands found within the Tranzit files that never get used, like 'Clear Debris - 1500', or 'Hold X to start Bus'. They could easily be hidden commands that relate to something or just unused commands they left out. There is also an item in the inventory that has never been found and quotes that never got used. Most likely all left out items but still... if you are going to use the PC files as evidence to there being nothing left, then they actually sway more in the opposite direction and suggest there could indeed be a continuation. Me? I am no longer convinced there is anything more but just pointing out that the files suggest otherwise so should not be used as evidence to the contrary. ​True. But don't you think as well that if there really were more steps to the Easter Egg/Side quest some wizzards could somehow read that out of the code? Most people also expect(ed) some kind of epic finale to the Side quest and "just" some quotes and a mechanic to start the bus doesn't really scream "sick ending" to me. Just to clearify though: That is just my opinion. Could be totally wrong. I get your point though and you are right. Although I have to say: Saying that reading the code doesn't mean anything is not true. It can show you ideas the devs had/have and I dare to say that it can give you at least a pretty good idea if there is a zombie Hitler to appear at round 115.
  19. Like the Grillmeister has said: There is nothing more to this map. Everythng has been found and the proof is in the code. xP It is time to let go and focus on the task at hand which is BO3... as much as it may hurt. Almost all of us expexted so much from this map, but the reality was a bit disappointing. I still enjoy TranZit more than Buried though. haha
  20. ​If anyone comes here to gloat about the PS4 we'll just do what we did on the old forum. Ban them, find out if they have a youtube account, destroy that youtube account, and get the guy a permaban here and anywhere he goes. Even twitter. To be fair, I don't think xbox deserved getting screwed over but then again they screw over playstation every year. However playstation screws xbox all the time too by having exclusive missions or extra content in their games only on playstation. So in actuality the whole world is a human centipede which is connected by people screwing each other as the next person screws the person in front of him. If there's something I hate right now is the fact that there are xbox gamers on twitter who are planning to riot because of Call of Duty. Like, I know I like to start drama but really, going into the real world and rioting is completely insane. Playstation gamers took it up the ass all the time but at least they were quiet and let activision finish up. However many Xbox gamers are actually crying and going crazy over it. They are going crazy about waiting an extra month. Here's a solution. Buy a PS4. Either that or enjoy all the Exclusives Xbox has to offer. Rise of the Tomb Raider, Sunset Overdrive, Dead Rising 3, Forza, ETC ETC. Or, go back to the past and play your old 360 games on Xbox One. ​I hope that was just a joke. Or would you really do that if you were in charge of this site?
  21. Sniper rifles with rapid fire. RIP in RIP cod. haha Nice job on updating this Nv.
  22. ​More time periods mean that fans of all CoDs will be getting something out of the campaign. I think there is a need especially since a lot of folks enjoyed the throw back mission(s) in the previous Black Ops titles.
  23. CoD Esports on console you say? https://twitter.com/phantasyftw/status/351447970199252992 I personally think the world is better off without that stuff.
  24. The next question would be: Do we play in multiple time sections again? (Nam, WW II or maybe 2025 :P)
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