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Everything posted by Lenne

  1. I think she basically wants to say that people should play the game before they make a judgement on it. And that she is tired of people writing how bad it will be only because they haven't seen a full gameplay video. :roll:
  2. Some people are disappointed,nothing anyone can do about that. But the game can. 8-) I personaly think that it looks awesome and I honestly don't really need any info from now on. Don't want to wait any longer. :lol:
  3. I would rather be surprised by the game than knowing all the features allready. Same goes for the weapons,the maps etc. That is just me,though.
  4. Hey,Perfect. Hopefully this will be my last update before getting 300 kills. I had a really good game today. After 6 minutes I was at 210 kills and I had 27 grenades left to reload. (+the 12 in the chambers) I think 300 kills could have been possible. But I made a rookie mistake and got trapped in a corner of the cage. After that I couldn't get anything done anymore. :lol:
  5. yywunderwaffeswaphd360juggernogladdershot...xX? I think theater mode will kinda be like the one in GTA4? Where you can record a clip for a certain amount of time.
  6. The weapon she is holding is the Executioner. And the theater mode is probably like the one in BO1 Mp. Or did I get anything wrong?
  7. I like it. It will help the easter egg hunters and the strategy departement as well. And of course it will be nice to record some funny gameplay. And the gameplay looks beautiful. Almost only one month to go. :)
  8. I am just waiting for next month at this point. I don't think that we will get too much info anymore.
  9. God...Treyarch gives us too much. How am I supposed to play all of that now? :lol:
  10. Treyarch has a new twitter picture and posted this link: http://t.co/uTBJdrmJ And a new drop: Haha never mind. Punk doesn't need my help. :lol:
  11. Probably the normal survival mode. But if TranZit will be as good as it looks I will do it 50:50. Don't care about 4z4. But all of that can change since Nobody has played the game yet. But that is what I think will happen. (At least for me) Oh and of course I will play mp and the campaign. I want to get to 10th Prestige on this CoD. (Hopefully I can make it in 2 years,since zombies will be more important...obviously. )
  12. They throw so many drops at us. I wonder where to look if I can not find a certain one. hurr hurr (That bad joke is basically saying that it really is nice to have everything in one place thanks to the all mighty punkrockzombie.) On topic: Does anybody know when that interview with Jimmy will be?
  13. I think so as well. Maybe the bar is the room at the end of the trailer with the pool table?
  14. Hey.looks like a table I could build as well. Calling it right now,they will put a little Minecraft easter egg in there.
  15. Maybe Richtofen will be able to control the perk mashines as well. He could turn them on and off randomly. I like your idea.
  16. Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay. :)
  17. Maybe we will use that thing to turn the engie of the bus on? And I really like the look of Nuketown 2025.
  18. Welcome to the site Zombie-cowboy. You might wanna post an introduction in the introduction forum. On topic: Anything new yet?
  19. And now you can call me: "Mister 285 kills on NML" I can already smell the 300. :D
  20. So it is safe to say that I didn't really miss anything out by pre ordering the hardened edition at amazon? :lol:
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