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Tankeo Dempsaki

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Everything posted by Tankeo Dempsaki

  1. But we're talking about Black Ops, so the Wunderwaffe DG-3 AKA the Thundergun, has more killing power than the Wunderwaffe-Dg3-JZ.
  2. Did you know Dempsey has a beard in Ascension?
  3. well...not necessarily extended mags,but a small burst of ammo to last you awhile when you have nothing left Hmmmm...
  4. Greetingsss... I be Tankeo, Lord of the Flies... Here we have strategy, (help you get those rounds higher! ) Community... Tips and tricks, stuff you never knew existed. The story, or, what we know/think we know. MegaAfroMan should be here soon to present you with a user guide... Enjoy your sssstay...
  5. Like Normal weapons and then weapons with extended mags? Sounds good to me!
  6. *everything turns dark* Richtoffen: Enjoy eternal darkness! Muahahaha! But now I won't see them suffer, tear. Dempsey: Oh shit, it's just like in that closet... Nikolai: Oh god, I passed out! Takeo: No you didn't, Russian, we must simply find the goggles. Sam: Daddy! I'm scared of the dark...
  7. Zombie Stories is like your domain, isn't it Hellhound? :lol:
  8. I just see the red text and like to put in input. Sometimes outdated threads can be helpfull or fun to read.
  9. Hey! If you plan on being a regular here, you should make an introduction in the aptly named introduction section! Also, in future, try not to make the titles of posts in all caps. It is an interesting idea though, although seeing as more modern weapons are generally more effective, the older ones would probably be overlooked, aside from a few classic favourites.
  10. Maybe the power would turn off randomly, and the entire place would get REALLY dark, but not so dark as to not be able to see without them, you would have to put them on as equipment to go find and turn off the power again.
  11. According to Tom it happens like 1% of the time.
  12. I would like to add on that the zap gun is gorgeous, and it's the only gun other than the Ray-gun/PAP weapons to go: Pew pew, pew!
  13. They have 4 songs on Moon... Granted: One is the shortest in Zombies history You have to break your game (literally ) for the other And two of them are minute-long, 8-bit, PROXIMITY songs. So... Yeah, maybe hire different bands or people to write more music, Treyarch?
  14. Hmmm... Questions questions. Why would they let us blow up the ascension rocket? Were there more rockets at the ascension facility? I only saw one. You might be on to something here, Nut. Perhaps they were foreshadowing? I still maintain that Treyarch knows exactly how the entire story plays out.
  15. A question you might run into: You might want to run a poll and find reasons helping or hindering maps in that regard.
  16. I'm not trying to troll, But wasn't it just a warning about the space monkeys with a lander as the background?
  17. Greetingsssss... Welcome to CODZ..... Teammate finder for finding Teammatessss... Asylum and Research facccccility for theoriessss... MegaAfroMan will mossst likely give you hiss guide ssssoon enough... But all in good time... Gameplay disssscusion for sssstrategiessss. Enjoy your sssstay...
  18. Exactly. Besides, I don't think anyone's going to go, "You're not from Wunderwaffes? You can't play with us!" I honestly expect better than that from the community.
  19. Ideas for what the Juggernog one could say: "reach for me, Jugger-girl" "First step, get Juggs" "I got Juggs" "Good Juggs, good times" A Takeo one that could say either "For the Emporor!" Or, "HONOUR!" Dempsey one would say, "Oorah!" obviously...
  20. That was amazing mocking me0, But maybe post that in off-topic and see what people think.
  21. For the solo EE you could get all perks EXCEPT QR, and your three buys would be replenished.
  22. Or the map would change it's layout. Like landslides closing off areas and getting washed away by a river, and then you'd have to deal with the water, then it'd flow away after three rounds.
  23. It'd be a cool idea. Go through the labs and a ton of nova six zombies attack. Woods: WHAT THE HELL ARE THOSE THINGS? Mason: Thank zombieofthedead! He got us into this mess! Yay for fourth wall breaches!
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