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Tankeo Dempsaki

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Everything posted by Tankeo Dempsaki

  1. Let's not have this turn into another "NO!! GOST ISINT DED! HES STIL ALIV! He was burned alive, people.
  2. The Wunderwaffe, 31-79 215jgb, and Wave Gun were assault rifles.
  3. Hello Codz, we all know of the shriveled zombies in Shangri-La, the ones with the thin, spindly arms and oddly shaped heads and faces? I have a thought. Allow me to explain. I was on the wierd side of Youtube and found this video. She has progeria. An extremelly rare genetic condition that causes people to look extremely old from a young age, and strangely familiar. However, this disease is extremelly rare, and hardly any sufferers live to be 20. Before I learned the above 2 facts, I thought that these zombies may have progeria, but now, it may have simply been inspiration for Treyarch's design. Do you guys think there could be a connection? I just think the resemblance is uncanny.
  4. I watch videos, I read stats, I try at least 10 times a day every other day, and I only have around 68. The ONLY thing I've learned is to jump to avoid getting hit, and lately it seems that pnly works on NML. I've Pak'd 3 times. And every time I take too long and can barely kill anything. What am I doing wrong? :cry:
  5. It's not off topic if it proves what you say.
  6. Seeing as Reznov is dead, that wouldn't work out. Besides, the campaign and zombies storylines are pretty much in different "universes"
  7. Shi No Numa has a high tower with a glowing red light over the comm room. I think it's for radio, as if the Nachters were trying to contact people.
  8. Well, I think we need more details. You failed to give us: Creator Reason it was made Who it was made by How it works Appearance Any relevance to the story What the crystals actually do What the crystals are Why the crystals are flaming Why it's named after ice if it has nothing to do with ice How they become electrified Also, it's "freeze" Among other things.
  9. That would be more drab and boring than Kin0! Sure there would be lab stuff that contributes to the story, but still, it would be so BORING!
  10. I honestly think the idea is simply stupid. I like how he forces you to change paths ad such, but.. It seems he's trying too hard or something. He explodes when dead, with no explanation as to why. He teleports you, and steals a perk,by head butting you. again with no explanation as to HOW or why. He also respawns in a flash of lightning with no, you get the idea. Nothing in the map shows any kind of origin either. Not in a radio, or chart or anything like that.
  11. Screw it, I'd head to the War Room and clutch the round. 8-)
  12. Are you kidding me? That's the 2nd gun I would choose over everything, Commando being the only gun I would take over that. Sarcasm? I can't tell... And yeah, pretty much any assault rifle other than the M14, 16, or the FAMAS is my non-Wunderweapon of choice.
  13. The FAMAS! I can't believe people have mentioned my beloved FN FAL and not mentioned the FAMAS. Reload and movement speed are okay, but the 2 things U like most ate what it's lacking. POWER and AMMO. With only around 160 bullets, it's a slower Spectre. (which I love for some reason) This is a bad combo. If the gun isn't powerful, it uses more ammo. And if you don't have a lot of ammO, this equals a very bad box pull. IMO the only thing ruining the FN FAL is the EPC WN. A good gun could've been an amazing gun if they had kept it semi-auto with a high fire cap. I love showing off to my friends with how fast I can shoot the FAL when they're dead. Oh yeah, and the M16 is an absolute joke.
  14. Lol then what is the point That's what I was trying to say. I guess people don't care for subtlety anymore... :lol:
  15. Get KillallZombies in here! This is cool! And yeah. It has been brought up before but I really want it. Clip: 999 Reserve max:000 That way Max-Ammo's won't replenish it, keeping it from being OP.
  16. What's the U.R.A? Welcome to the site. Strategy, community, integrity. CoDZ Forum.
  17. Understatement of the year I'm DYING to see what they have in store! I would love to see the "charging" mechani they had thought of.
  18. "We must right the wrongs of the past to proceed, JOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYY!" -at some part of Eclipse, Shangri La.
  19. "Smouldering Pit" A connection to the Napalm Zombie perhaps?
  20. Probably not. The purpose of these is to add variety to the normal rounds.
  21. First off, we all know (a great many of us) know zombies isn't over. 1. I don't think Treyarxh would betray us like that. That's what killed Dallas. The "Dream" thing is NEVER a good idea in ANY story. 2. Group 935 wasn't only Germans. They were made up of scientists from all over the world. Reanimating Hirler would cause the group to splinter and fall apart. Also, No one was looking for a way to reanimate the dead, it was an effect of 115 that group 935 discovered. (presumably by accident). They continued with the experiments under Maxis's command, I think to supply Germany with an army in exchange for funding. 3. NO ZOMBIES CAMPAIGN! THE MAPS ARE THE CAMPAIGN! (nothing personal. I vowed to say it whenever I saw those words next to each other)
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