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Everything posted by perfectlemonade

  1. It took me two months of playing every night for 30 or so minutes to finally get 300. I have probably played more NML than anyone in the world. You will get it eventually. I promise. The feeling of that first 300 makes it all worth it. I find that I play so much better when I a) have seen a truly amazing NML video (see Choppernator or IISteveII) and when I have some competition. What do I mean? Well, Vodstok and I have always been NML rivals. We have battled back and forth for months now. He got 299 when I was on 285. I got 309 when he was at 299. He got 320 when I got 315. I got 324 when he was on 320. It makes you play for a purpose. Or maybe you don't have a competitor... do it for the medal. My ultimate goal is the last NML on Codz (340). I'll only stop when I achieve that. I've rambled, but you get my point. Look around Youtube. I have always preached that Youtube is the best friend to an up and coming Zombies player. This most certainly applies to you, bud. Keep it up. There comes a point where it just clicks, and the floodgates open. Good luck. -perfect
  2. Ah thanks! I'll be sure to fix that! I have continued with this story arc. It picks up a few months after the events of Sinking. I'm trying my best to make the voice a little more mature and to slow it down some, though it still gets hectic at times. Here it is: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=23588 Thanks for the feedback! It means a lot. :)
  3. First time I've ever been excited for multiplayer in a Call of Duty game. :)
  4. Well look who came out from under the rock! Great to have you back my man. We need you back here, Tom. Can't wait to see you active again. You were always a big influence for me on the forums. XD
  5. Don't worry, my friend. They will come through. From what I've seen, the insides of buildings look pretty awesome bright. I think we'll be just fine. :)
  6. Well, when the poster came out, the game was in its infancy. They have had 5 months to change her up some. :)
  7. Let me remind you that is an opinion. Personally I think she looks like a gutter trash slut who the zombies would be running from for fear of an STD. Best post I've seen all day. And, kind sir, I've seen some great posts today.
  8. I find it difficult to find video game characters attractive. :?
  9. Umm...no? This is exactly like Dead Island and Left 4 Dead. Since when does Left4Dead have perks? Drops? Mystery boxes? In an open world setting? This will combine campaign with survival. This has never been done before. Get ready, my friends. Things will be never be the same in the land of Call of Duty after this. Watch.
  10. It took me a couple watches and Niik's truly incredible breakdown for me to really grasp what they're doing with this, but when it hit me... This is going to be revolutionary. The zombie genre of games will be forever changed with this game. There is enough stuff in here for Zombies to be its own game... SIX MORE WEEKS!
  11. No, she's not. She's holding it with two hands. Like a Death Machine.
  12. You are most certainly welcome, my friend! I got 323 kills with this yesterday. Tell me how it goes!
  13. This is pure speculation. But: You hear a fuzzy radio when the bus driver's face is about to be revealed. So what if this bus driver has something to do with it? What if he is directly connected to all these teasers? What if he is a friend or foe type thing? Just a thought.
  14. Ya know, I just wanted to give you major props for this thread. Really solid work. I think it needs to be stickied. Keep it up. ;)
  15. I've had the Moon thing happen to me before. Just gotta wipe it off. I've found toothpaste + water then trying off the disk completely with a soft cloth normally does the trick. Also, my want to restart your console a few times. :)
  16. When you are bouncing on the gravity pads on Moon, zombies start to sprint not unlike the way in which zombies sprinted in that video. Don't believe me? Skip to 7:50. They are sprinting because the player is out of reach and going far faster than them, so Treyarch has made it that there is compensation for this invulnerability and increased speed. The bus, after some though, is the same thing, I think.
  17. Can you do humanity a favor and go to college and become some kind of scientist? Please?
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