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Everything posted by Ourobos

  1. Yeah, game is bugged like that.. Occasionally as I'm switch weapons for a second it shows me looking down the inside of my barrel.. Then goes to proper perspective.. It's just a bug I'd think.
  2. Well Ragdo is correct from my testing, that is ONE way it is lost.. Unsuccessful revive.. EVEN if you go down trying to revive and they die.. You lose it.
  3. Hmm.. Missed a few maps, but interesting.
  4. If there were some partial attempts, those characters would have lost it.. That's one way to know.. And I think that's what Edward is getting at.. To verify my claims.
  5. Well in reality, Nuketown was a government test site for the Atom bomb.. In reality, it happened in the 1940s.. Why would the government be setting up another test site in the 1960s? The Trinity test site (street in Nuketown is named Trinity also) was in New Mexico though.. And being that moon is in the 1960s, and coincides with Nuketown.. Nuketown MUST be in the 1960s though.
  6. My thoughts exactly.. That's why I run at the farm.. 3 guns.
  7. I think it will be bigger than Green Run.. Black Ops 1 progressed with each one, I don't see Treyarch backing down this time.. And Pinnaz, EXCELLENT.. Not only a history lesson, but ties the story background together brilliantly. Thanks !
  8. LOL Ragdo, I posted almost the exact same thing, on how their lost, and was called a troll. Congrats.. LOL
  9. ^ That is a good point also.. The fog doesn't help though on Green Run.
  10. I agree the DLC will further the easter egg.. I do NOT think it will further Green Run what so ever.. I think it will be like CotD, Shangri-La, and Moon.. Each required a piece to move on.. You needed the focusing stone and the V'rill device to complete Moon.. I think activating the spire was the jest of Green Run.
  11. I couldn't watch the whole 42 minutes.. But from the sounds of what you guys are saying, that quote is said as they pull up to the diner correct? If so, the reason is that the normal bus route goes up BEHIND the diner, the big road you can see from the top of it. Due to the debris / fallout, the bus reroutes to it's current route, with the farm being the next stop, instead of whatever is up past the diner (nothing technically, as IMHO it's intended to run the route it does).
  12. Actually, he comes out of the reactor (not gonna say spawns) when the power is turned on, and goes into the atmosphere. You can see him come out of the reactor when you turn it on, just stand there and watch it. He comes DOWN from the atmosphere in a lightning storm. That's how you know he's getting ready to show up.
  13. I agree that the power station and bank vault are interconnected underground.. Heck, there's actual no 'visible' way into the power station, the door we open to go in is supposed to be an out house..
  14. I never have seen it then, only when the meteor is heated with the TAM23. Take a cell pic of your screen, host it via photobucket, then link it here.
  15. No, this is normally a signal that it's time to do the next part of the Easter Egg..Collect the 115.
  16. Well dang.. Sounds like something Treyarch would do though, release the 2nd map images, when Green Run comes out, everyone is like "what's this".. BOOM DLC, "Oh that's what that was".. :)
  17. Same here boss.. Point is, regardless of the semantics, the lightning flash he sees when turning on the power is HIM...
  18. You just contradicted yourself, which is it? You just said spawning is when they first physically appear on the map. Hello. You turn the power on and be spawns. Because you can see him in theatre mode, off the map and not interactable, are you saying that is spawned? Which is it?
  19. I'll throw my chips in on this one, if that's fake it was a heck of a coincidence that it resembles Die Rise so much. I have that actual poster of Misty, and just that piece of that picture sure looks like the rest belongs. I say nice find.
  20. To me, SPAWN means he comes to the same location the characters are.. If he's in there, and you can't interact with him until the power comes on and he is released / spawned, what does it matter what you call it, he technically doesn't affect the game play.
  21. Yeah I was hoping to see it TODAY.. Oh well, what's a week.
  22. Like he said loud mouth, when he comes in the physical world where the characters are, he SPAWNS.. If he's asleep or whatever until the power is on, you can't touch him, he can't touch you, he's not 'here'. You've been a member a whole 90 days. I've been around here alot longer than you, so don't tell me I'm spreading non-facts. I didn't 'CONFIRM' anything.. Apparently her was trying to confirm me. Perhaps I was too harsh on him. Aim your anger elsewhere jackwagon. And when EP mentions my name and trolling in the same sentence, I take it personally. I'm against that crap as much as anyone.
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