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Everything posted by Chopper

  1. Ascension zombies are the only ones IMO that offer a remote challenge. Shame the map is so easy really.
  2. Erm.....maybe it's chopperrated? Not sure if the steam names are case sensitive. Super was able to add me earlier. So I need Tom, you, Riley, Mix, Way and Pish then I have all the PC gamers :)
  3. Super if you can get on skype today I'd appreciate some advice on a few things Like where I download maps from and stuff.
  4. I'm changing my mind on this now. I made this post, thinking back to my old co-op days. I have now played 4 co-op games, all but one past 30. In around 130 rounds I have gone down twice, both times on COTD due to an unknown player shooting George just as I was trying to delay getting an ammo for this same player. On round 14, and then within 3 seconds I was downed again. I think that all the solo stuff I have done, especially Kino no perks, Verruckt Thompson and NML have made me a much better co-op player. A lot of the mistakes I used to make just don't happen anymore. At the risk of sounding an arrogant arsehole I think my kiting ability has been transformed into one of the best in the world. Added to a bit more zombie maturity and there you have it. The real test will be playing on a 3 bar to the States over the next week or so. And how well me and Super do on first room. I will make a bold statement though - I am pretty certain that we will get at least 1 World Record this week.
  5. I understand why people want to get to high rounds in co-op. IMO 60 is a nice number. It can be done within a reasonable amount of time and proves all that needs to be proved. It shows you can handle long rounds, rounds where you need to recycle the wonder or use traps. I do admire those that get high, like Yeti, but it's just not for me.
  6. As soon as Steve gets on the site he will go on the leaderboard mate This is just for our members.
  7. I read this book nearly 15 years ago. Not sure if it's directly related to this, but it seems to have some connections. Using a seismic vibrator (which is normally used to find oil) on weak spots in the plates 'could' cause an earthquake. For a long time Russia supposedly had a plan to use this method to burn a hole over Siberia, raising the average temperature and turning a frozen wasteland into a 'fertile' area. Alpha is speaking the truth.
  8. Wow the table looks great! Couple of things - The videos have the right hand side cut of...it looks like a restraint within the table format. Swask COTD WR....too many question marks over it IMO for it to be classed as a WR.
  9. Don't understand why this hasn't been stickied already, it's the main thread in the NML section. It's been done now guys :D
  10. Man I understand. But then I would have to get 332 Get a damn PS3!
  11. Tough question. Man I'd love to say that anytime I want to really knuckle down and play well I do....but there are occasions when for whatever reason I'm just not feeling it and playing well then requires far too much effort. My biggest issue when playing bad is that my reactions just aren't there. Playing the way I play on an 8 sensitivity when it goes wrong I can't get out of all the situations I normally do. My cut backs suddenly go from spot on 180 turns to more like 150, or 210. That difference will get you killed in the wrong area. When I do play well though I think I do have IT. Playing with friends, for all my talk of messing around I know I can always clutch a round if I have to. Generally though if I'm playing well my friends will never die out ;)
  12. I've recently been above 70 on Ascension.....most of the monkey rounds I pretty much gave up Juggs as it's infinitely less important than QR. It's not that hard to run away from a group of monkeys and lead them through a trap. Listen to pish on this point. I still think that the ultimate trap map is SNN if it can be worked out well enough.
  13. It means you have too much time on your hands.
  14. To 50 quickly....hmm, tough one. TG will come up short on ammo in the 40s on any map. I actually sense that Shang could be the quickest potential map to 50 in coop even sans dog or monkey rounds. With no downs and brisk early play this map should be doable within 3 hours. I'm sure people will say Ascension and alternate traps and TG but using a trap on Ascension takes a long time to gather afterwards, as you are going to be in a huge area. I'd say to relieve the boredom do it on a tough map. If you do it on an easy one it will become entirely repetitive.
  15. 'The Stone of Power', 'The Eye of God'....insert any artifact of your choice here. All stories relating to any religion pre AD will have somewhere within these stories reference to something like this.
  16. Hmmm. With randoms I don't always mind them not having a mike, but in other games I won't even start unless they do. Depends on my mood. If I'm playing with friends not much point in not having mics then.
  17. Solo is very tough here. There are a couple of places that each and every single damn kite you can get caught on by being just a fraction too wide, and get caught by the stuff on the floor. Manic concentration required.
  18. I'd love to see a stat tracker like in MP of how often people quit and what not. If they had an option for % of time that a player hits the box before buying a door or perk I'd be in heaven!
  19. I gave up for a while Dr, it really helped me I think. I'd been so pissed off with it that I wasn't going anywhere.
  20. I believe it's confidence and strategy Tom, at least in my case. I tried Supers PAPs and just don't feel them. I will persevere with them but I gain so much confidence from a beast crazy down the bottom PAP that the adrenaline is flowing and it's game on. The second game I was much more aggressive at the start as I'd just done it in my previous. When I was watching it back I was quite shocked at the difference. The starting spawns are key.....it seems that at least 1/2 the time you are over 2000 points at them running and then you deal with Juggs and get to 100 within like 6 bullets it just falls into place. It's then up to you to not screw it up. I'm losing some bullets either between 5 and 7 minutes, or 7 and 9 minutes. These 2 games I did well in only 1 section of either. A big difference in these - When I had 22 bullets left the kills and time were like this. 280 @ 9:10. This was the second game 287 @ 8:45. And the first So for the same number of bullets, and being a buzzer down (25 seconds) I managed 7 more kills. Me and Super have been discussing how the dogs help at the end. If you have a group of 10 crawlers always wait for some dogs to appear before shooting. It seems like it's going really slow, and you are but once you are past 9 or 10 minutes it takes so many to kill fresh zombies that you are better in hoping for dogs and making sure you kill all those crawlers. As long as you make new ones, which you will even with only 2 bullets you have stabbing chances. I still normally lose 2 in the first 5 minutes. If I cut those mistakes out I should get a 350 in theory. I think that's what Super did, broke his game down, practised the parts individually and then waited for the spawns to be right and him to pull it off. One of the big differences in the way we play are how we kite. Super is much more methodical, and I think it's due to him playing on 4. I'm a bit more manic, playing on an 8. I put myself in more bad situations than strictly necessary. I've tried playing a bit safer but tend to make mistakes when I do. What I took from Super is that it doesn't matter how you kite them, it's how you shoot them. I used to be very rash with my shots, possibly an extension of how I play. That's the part that I really slowed down and is what is making huge differences in just a few hours of play :)
  21. Played NML for the first time yesterday in a while and had a really good run, but died on 280. I'd been trying some new stuff out and it kinda finally clicked. Played a few games today and then had my first ever 330, then around an hour later on the next game I had 330 again. The first video is the second run. The start was much better, and the ending was much better. This video is the run which is uploaded to all subs on my channel.
  22. Ok so after a pretty long hiatus from NML I got back into it in the last 2 days. Due to mainly Super's technique and discussions between Eye, Mix, Dan, Super and 5and5 I broke my curse and got 330 kills. Super is the complete man on this one. Uploaded a game last night to this group and we had some discussions on it....the 330 is the first run today. EDIT - about 20 minutes after finishing the video and starting the upload I played again. 330 spot on again. Really it's all down to Super. I will be uploading both videos, one to my channel the other unlisted. I will then make a thread in which anyone interested in NML can take a look at these and see exactly what it is that Super has shown me, and where it relates in the videos.
  23. Seen a few things on double tap. Now firstly I do love double tap. It seems to me that people have some misconceptions about it. It does not actually help you kill faster. It can help you kill faster. Both these statements are true. A headshot compared to a chest shot is 4 times the damage for ARs. On almost all guns holding down fire will cause massive recoil. Even low recoil guns like the thompson gain enough to throw you off the heads. Guns like the HK or RPK gain a pretty significant amount. I'm certain that on level 30 I could kill the last 24 quicker with single shooting the HK/MP40/AK whatever quicker than a lot of people could by just holding down the trigger, especially for the HK. The reason double tap wastes ammo is because you are not using it right. Double Tap is good for short bursts, maybe 10 bullets from very close range into a little line. It then does in theory kill quicker. If you are holding your finger down for like 10 seconds you are mostly wasting bullets. Double Tap + Speed + Thompson/MP40/AK equals beast mode ;)
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