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Everything posted by John

  1. Also, there seems to be white chalk or writing to the right of the thumb? There seems to be some type of number or letter pattern in white spot. I'll try enhancing, and different variations of photo filtering to see if anything comes up.
  2. He's referring to the GSfirst wave event. It's basically the same date as the reveal trailer. I'm guessing it's the day pre orders start, because a day or two after the reveal trailer for MW3, pre orders went live. For anyone that wants to see it. http://www.gamestop.com/mrkt/landing/firstwave/
  3. I have a strong feeling that they'll do something similar to Black Ops, where you pre order and receive an in game token for something new in the game; for example, in the last game, pre ordering, granted you access to the Astronaught spacesuit Avatar. Maybe something similar to that; I don't think they'll do anything like pre ordering will grant you an exclusive map or something of that relevance.
  4. I don't think you will be able to play as Samantha in her body because, correct me if I am mistaken, but you're not allowed to kill children in a video game? So when Samantha is downed, wouldn't that be considered killing a child off? Also, I think it is quite obvious that Samantha will be in the next game, but in Richtofen's body. Look at the end of Moon. Unless BO2 decides to follow the path of a prequel, how else would they do it? Also, after the Easter Egg, Richtofen enters Samantha's body, and changes quite a bit. - The Fire Sale Song - Power Up reward sayings - Announcements - Teddy Bear Laugh - Song being played Along with that, Samantha says various things related to the end of the Easter Egg; "Why Did Daddy Have to Die?" "Time to play with Dead Things!" "Uh Oh- I am surrounded" "Let's play Hide and Seek!" Already, at the end of the easter egg, they have included various Richtofen, and Samantha quotes. How would she not be a playable character? They couldn't just eradicate Richtofen of Samantha's body, or vice versa, they would just be ruining most of the story line.
  5. Maybe the Quadrotor could be the prestige edition item that is added? For example, in the past Black ops, the RCXD was added as a prestige edition item. Maybe not actually functional like in the FPSrussia video, but something similar. I think that there will be some type of free service towards Elite 2.0, as that was supposedly rumored. Maybe some concept art, with some past information on zombies? Some things like that is what I'm hoping for.
  6. I usually just pick up Hardened Edition, and get some concept art and other features that my friends don't want from there hardened edition. There have been some rumors that variations of the Quadrotor will be included in the Prestige edition, so if so, I will definitely buy Prestige edition.
  7. I think they're sticking with the orange Roman numeral. Just found this on IGN. Confirmation? This would be too hard to fake.
  8. The main goal of the hotfix was to patch online modded XP lobbies, and online modded zombies. That was there original intention. But this does mean that they were in the areas of zombies at the time, so it maybe a possibility that they changed something minor?
  9. https://twitter.com/#!/Telixion/status/ ... 8603365376 They point to the LA convention center http://boulter.com/gps/#34.040063%2C%20-118.266846231 The numbers put you right in front of E3's 2012 venue. They've gottta be hinting at some sort of release for E3. You might also note the scheduled date of E3 this year is June 5-7, falling only a day or two after a Partial Lunar Eclipse Also, the second or 3rd Tuesday in November, which is usually the release date of all CODs, falls on November 13th. On the same date, there will be a solar eclipse on that date; coincidence? Also, I made this theory before, didn't really share. Tacitus was a Roman senator, who was most famous for writing about the eclipse that occurred after the death of Augustus. Shangri La - Eclipses activated basically the scenery for all Easter Eggs.
  10. At this point, I would most likely think so. I'll try and see if I can find out anything else, maybe trying hexadecimals, since the new pattern seems to have a hexadecimal like pattern, but in all honesty, I think it is solved for now. Tomorrow's image should also be interesting to see. Also, I don't think Coordinates have anything to do with it honestly. The exact locations are highways in Afghanistan, and a town road in China, I highly doubt coordinates have anything to do with the number sequence or the recently released quote.
  11. I listened to the numbers in the Verruckt Power room, and were given, as expected, the numbers. 4 8 18 16 23 42 As AlphaSnake had said before. Nothing has changed.
  12. I'll listen to the numbers near the power switch in Verruckt, and look for any similar significance on Verruckt right now.
  13. Could it be possible that maybe the saying could be relating towards the Spy perk? Not sure if this has been mentioned, but maybe it is hinting the perk in the game? Spy is basically a perk in the game, that is unconfirmed, that when idle, you appear as a friendly. It could relate, being "Enemy could be anywhere" and the spy perk allows you to be undetected and such. Just a theory. Also, that maybe the WZQOH could be encrypted of some sort? I'll look into it, and post back if I find anything.
  14. I'd like to point out that the number sequence changes. It goes from 4:00 to 4:13, so it's not just 4:13. Maybe some significance in the FPSrussia video from that time in the video?
  15. In Shangri-La, the radios that you listen to are made by a company that is currently being produced today, suggesting that it is in present day. @OP this does make some sense, but we never really get a specific date as to when Moon happened, although we are indicated that Shangri-La and COTD happened towards present day. Might be that Moon occurs directly after COTD? Or maybe, COTD is set a few years before Moon?
  16. I saw it also on Spiderbite's video. It actually makes some sense, but it does not go into detail about all the other codes, just the numbers after it. It very well could be though. I'll look into it, see what I can find.
  17. Complete source; http://www.codblackopsblog.com/third-bl ... cret-code/ I do not take credit for the finding, I'm just making the post. Anything from the site will be quoted. The coordinates link to somewhere in Netherlands, in which a street is named Tacitus. This throws off a lot of our theories, just thought I would share this with you guys. Any ideas?
  18. I'm pretty sure the first sets of combinations before the dashes are hex colors. Here are the colors I've gotten. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
  19. Couldn't find anything that related to Coordinates or location wise. I'll look into converting it, maybe some encrypted text? I'll post back if I find anything else on it.
  20. That may be a very good point. It may very well be true. It is very possible that a group named Tacitus is creating weapons of mass-destruction, read my Post about what I found out. That may back up this theory. Also, in Black Ops there was a theory about the company creating wonder weapons, I remember reading across the forums, it had something to do with a specific number, I just have to find it. This could go along perfectly with your theory. If I can find the theory, I'll definitely post back with it. They could be the same gun manufacturer that produced the VR-11, and maybe the upcoming Quadrortor? I'll research it now.
  21. The website is not linked to the Tacitus that you are referring to, but there is something linked, no doubt. If you go to the website it says at the bottom; Basically what they are trying to say is, if I'm interpreting that correctly, Tacitus will be a gun manufacturer, in the game, meaning the made up company Tacitus will produce wonder weapons if I'm not mistaken? Also, Tacitus was was a Roman Senator, who was most famous for writing about the death of Augustus, I remember studying. I looked into it further, and found that Tacitus wrote about a solar eclipse shortly after Augustus' death. Also, the supposed release date of BO2 is November 13, 2012, which is also the date of the next solar eclipse.
  22. I checked it out, and I found it. I think it was just labeling for each tile like a reference number as said above ^. Don't think it could be more then that, but I could be wrong. I tried looking them up as well, and couldn't find anything.
  23. Welcome to Codz! Please read the rules and regulations and proceed to the forums. Have fun, and be sure to stay active ;)
  24. *UPDATE* I am trying to decipher the codes on his lab coat and I could find this. There is a strap on his coat that has the SAME illuminati code found on the Notes in Der Riese, and Verruckt. I am not completely sure but I think it may say living dead, or undead I have not looked into it yet. Also I am trying to look through some files and what not to see if there was any type of man like the Pentagon thief, like a criminal that had something to do with this, because he may be involved. His jacket seems to have lots of secrets.
  25. ^Yes it is called the Masonic eye, the eye of providence, and the illuminati eye. It has various names. It has a lot of religious influence as well.
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