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Everything posted by killallzombies

  1. I see your point and I wasn't trying to insult you, just to clarify. :D
  2. Nikola Tesla is the greatest scientist to ever live. He is the Chuck Norris of science. The Wardenclyffe Tower was built to give off free Wi-Fi basically. The man who funded Tesla's building eventually figured out that the tower would make him no money and it was closed down during WWI. Some speculated that the tower was being used by enemy forces and contributed to the tunguska incident.
  3. If that's how you like to see it then see it that way, won't make any difference to me +2 for not argueing with Titan.
  4. What are you talkin about? Me and Way are still here. Yeah dude, just take it nice and easy. The best 'early round' place to hang out is by the Thompson, but that involves kiting in a really tough area. I can rarely get through 20 without going down once in the Thommy room, even with the door to spawn closed. My suggestion is to use spawn control to your full advantage. Open up the doors slowly, meaning try to clear out every area before you're forced to move on. You can usually get to 12 or 13 using this. By that time, you will probably either have a Ray Gun or the Winter's Howl, and you can start running full map loops at that point. Just be sure to go very, very slow, especially up those stairs. Always run with your defensive gun out. Only shoot in the spawn or Thompson room. That's about all I've got for ya. Sounds like Way has you covered for the most part. Good luck! Whoops, make it 80% of our strategic members :lol:
  5. Whoever MrX was, something spooked him off. it's probabley because jolteon figured him out :lol:
  6. I feel so stupid right now, I pretty sure you're right.
  7. Do you guys have any other sugestions on what this mystery element is?
  8. I was reading an article on cheat code central http://www.cheatcc.com/extra/theopenendednatureofblackops2.html and I ran across this quote: (in regards to the reveal trailer for BOII) A rare Earth element, you say, and it's (theoretically) in China. Well, that sounds like.... Could the story mode be hinting at our zombie campaign?
  9. Center for Disease Control. The first organization you would turn to in the event of zombie apocalypse. why would the CIA be fighting the CDC? Wouldn't they both be trying to stop richtofen?
  10. You know you're not done. There's always new info.
  11. darn, you win but does this mean we won't get our original characters in nuketown zombies? I'm guessing Nuketown Zombies is a Grief map, the Grief characters are from the CDC and CIA. What is CDC?
  12. darn, you win but does this mean we won't get our original characters in nuketown zombies?
  13. Sadly, that still isn't confirmed yet... liam's link said the new characters were excludive to the campaign,that's all the confrimation I need.
  14. at least we'll have our crew back in the 2 "survival maps"
  15. you have to be patient my friend I've asked the same questions myself,who are these people I hope the two "survival' maps have our original characters.
  16. I'm just woried that BOII zombies is going to be too much like "left for dead" and not like nazi zombies I'd always had an idea about a bus map for zombies,good job at stealing my idea trollarc :lol:
  17. I told myself that I wouldn't cr.. cr.. cry :cry: well, at least you won't be completely gone.
  18. 100 year old tank would be funny. If they were to make to the year 2025,it would be through time travel,not the natural aging process,so sadly,tank wouldn't be 100 :(
  19. I wonder what kind of goodies Carbon has inserted into the game for us :D
  20. Sadly,it seems that our good friends superhands,tom,and choppernator,and apparently 99% of our strategic team,have decided to take a break. Sadly,I am of no help,for I don't own Verruckt,but,there is one thing that is common in all zombie maps If you keep practicing,you're going to get better
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