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Everything posted by MixMasterNut

  1. How the moon was formed is not what is important right now. The point of the thread is to show there is a freakin pyramid on the Moon! And I wanted to show off the likely inspiration for this segment of the moon loading screen. Whether the photo is fabricated or real, doesn't matter. What matters is that there are conspiracy theories about this pyramid including if NASA is covering up photos, and secret alien moon bases. That's the stuff CODZ is all about!
  2. Xbox/PS3/PC they are all awesome... But Blackops definitely plays better on Xbox over PS3. And that's a fact!
  3. I don't have any idea what you are talking about. Please link me some info, and I'll be happy to check it out.
  4. NASA Moon image AS11-38-5564 sources: http://themurkynews.blogspot.com/2008/08/introduction-connecting-current-events.html http://prophecies.us/yabb/YaBB.pl?action=print;num=1189697081 Discuss.... *updated with new loading screen image
  5. We discussed this one before you returned from your hiatus: http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=17206 Props to Rissole25
  6. I want in on this whenever the play date does down :twisted:
  7. Your Rd 1-6 Strategy is VERY close to mine... skr9E8lJT4o
  8. MixMasterNut

    NML Glitches

    That happens in some form on every map. For example, I had it happen with Monkey Bombs on Kino too. Having it happen on NML runs is the worst though. I'd really like to see this get patched.
  9. I'm on xbox. The two consoles don't share the same leaderboards
  10. For me, standard proceedure is to throw a gersch device behind me right before I hack any excavator control panel. That sucks up any zombies that would interrupt my hacking. I also use claymores to watch my back in the control room. Just be careful not to place the claymores too close to the windows though. That's my solo strategy at least, or when I'm playing co-op with teammates who don't use teamwork
  11. Anyone know the min-max number of points you can get from a Z-Points drop?
  12. You're doing great! I'm under the impression that the best strategy is to try and fire into the crowd when you got about 5 or more grouped up. Get the kills as quickly as possible because the zombies get tougher every 20 seconds when the bell rings. When you start getting low on ammo, start firing both guns simultaneously into bigger groups of zombies. Knife up the crawlers as much as you can between waves. The hellhounds won't spawn while you are ontop of the teleporter area. That's part of the benefit of that strategy, and why you haul ass there as soon as you get your M&S.
  13. Don't know if this has been posted here before, but I just found this awesome link to a Kino Der Toten analysis. The only problem is it's written in French. :roll: Even if you can't read French, I still recommend taking a look, because the pictures show amazing details of everything http://blackops.onlc.fr/27-zombie-analyse-de-Kino-der-toten.html And if you need help translating the text from French to English, here's a link to a free online translator, that you can easily copy/paste the text into: http://translation.babylon.com/french/to-english/
  14. Well my reign as the CoDz NML champ was short... But seriously, CONGRATS man! That's such an EPIC zombie feat. Absolutely amazing. So I'm guessing you are running the back swamp strategy? Any tips of how to transition from the teleporter pad strategy over to back swamp?
  15. The frags actually do roll in the direction of their nearest enemy. Because of the damage within the blast radius, it has the highest potential to get multi-kills out of the three. That's why I think it's technically the best. But for my play style, I prefer the semtex over the frag for the speed and accuracy. Don't know if you played Halo Reach, but one of the things I disliked about that game was that you couldn't cook your sticky nades.
  16. That 261 kill game was the best Moon game of my life! After I beasted NML, I teleported to Griffin Station, and eventually died on round 42. So I beat both my personal records for highest kills in NML, and highest round on Moon within the same game. I'm going to try to get a few more high kill games using the teleporter pad strategy. Once I get comfortable enough with that, I'll try to transition over to the back swamp area and see if I can push it to 280+ kills. I've noticed my own biggest problem with NML, is staying relaxed. I usually screw up when I get too tense. I think more clearly, keep tighter circles, and stay more composed when I'm relaxed. So often I'll hit pause and take two breaks during a NML run. One break right after I PAP my pistols, and the second is right around the time I get Jugg. I just hit pause, take a deep breath, and walk away for the game for a few minutes. Meditate or do whatever I need to do to get my heart rate down and think clearly again. Once I'm back in a calm state and ready to engage beast mode on those zombies, I'll unpause the game again.
  17. Congrats! Welcome to the 200+ club. Now that you know what to do, you just need to tighten up your game a little bit to take it to the next level. From here it's all about learning how to get your M&S just a little faster, taking a few more calculated risk to kill a few zombies faster, and using your M&S ammo up efficiently.
  18. Hey Carbon, I appreciate all you do here bro. I would like to help make a donation to this site to help keep it going. I'd also like to get my hands on a zombie train shirt at some point too. So right now I'm just going to sit back, and wait for the dust to settle. I'm hoping in the end, there will be some option be made available where I can help this site, and get a dope shirt all at the same time. That way everyone wins in one fell swoop. You, me, GRFXP, CoDz, everyone. 8-)
  19. MixMasterNut


    Oh, nvm it was Blamco177 who gave the neg brains. Maybe he tried giving brains over a phone. I heard that can cause neg brains to be given instead.
  20. MixMasterNut


    Great... somehow you just gave me a negative brain :roll: (thanks anyways)
  21. As far as effectiveness goes, I'd say it's in this order: Frag Semtex Tomahawk As far as my own use and class setups go... Tomahawk Semtex Frag :lol:
  22. MixMasterNut


    1.) We have an awesome thread or two on here about NML strategies. There's videos, discussions and everything you need to get a good grip on what it takes to get M&S. There's at least 4 of us on here who have gotten past 200+ kills, and we're all helpful posters. 2.) IDK, except make sure you have a good internet connection. In a solo game if you disconnect, you lose the voice audio track, which includes the excavator warnings. Treyarch needs to fix this one ASAP 3.) I posted a thread with a video on this yesterday. Again, search the Moon threads.
  23. Yeah it's basically binding the hellhound model to the attack dog's animation rig. For all I know they already have the same skeleton rig and mocap animations. So it's basically just calling in a different character model instead. I think it'd be probably pretty easy to patch in.
  24. TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLL Lets look at one of your other posts: If your highest kill count on NML is 78 kills, then you have no room at all to dictate to Superhands what is a respectable Round 1 score. By the looks of your score, you've never even survived long enough to exhausted your M&S rounds by the start of round 1. And I'm calling shinanigans on 180 rounds, if a few days earlier your max was round 19. That's such utter BS. The solo world record on Moon is round 115 by Swask2. You ain't got to lie to kick it kid
  25. I remember back in the COD4 days, around xmas time, certain MP maps would have xmas lights added to them. I thought that was a pretty cool thing added in for the holidays. So with that in mind, what I would really like to see TreyArch do is change the dog killstreaks to Hellhounds for Halloween. They can be the same dogs as before, just with Hellhound models and skins instead. Calling in Hellhounds on Hanger 18 would be epic!!! Please Tryarch, if you are reading this, make it happen! :twisted:
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