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Everything posted by MysteryMachineX

  1. Yes, but imagine everything else people said wouldn't happen that remains to be untrue. One thing out of every rumor said and not said coming true is a certain fact. However, one particular rumor said is quite unlikely to come true (assuming no evidence points to its possibility).
  2. On the contrary, hating Syndicate is quite relevant to the thread. While I do agree a line must be drawn, his lack of credibility is directly correlated to the impossibility of there being any meaning to his twitter account.
  3. Overrated isn't the word I would use. But yes, he is. And he is not even close to being the best. I despise him so much. I can tell you why, but not here. I want to try to be civil. If you want to know why, PM me.
  4. I thought that this meant absolutely nothing. But when you mentioned Syndicate, I became sure that this means absolutely nothing.
  5. I do wonder how the color of the Riot Shield will possibly matter. Btw, this is just an assumption, but I believe a grounded one- There is apparently going to be strategy to the buildables. You won't be able to make everything in one game. Some parts are used to make different things, but you only have so many parts. So you'll have to choose wisely. That's just what it seems to me.
  6. So are you saying that that guy is an employee of the company? That might be something you want to mention.
  7. I honestly think it is just aesthetic. But if they did have a Perk that functioned as Scavenger, they'd probably call it something else to prevent confusion between it and the gun.
  8. Why do you have a trailer analysis on this thread? It seems hardly suitable. This thread is the forefront of released information, not people's opinions on what it means. There's literally dozens of analysis threads. And the thing is; when the game is released the analysis threads are really just JUNK. Try finding the Shangri-La trailer on youtube. You will be hard-pressed, searching through dozens and dozens of analysis videos. Official content only.
  9. Wait, you're assuming that Zombies will follow Multiplayer or did they actually say that it will?
  10. I'm not going to pass real judgement at all. I love Zombies. I know that no matter what I am going to really like this game. I still have my copies of WaW and BO. In any shape or form, I am going to be into this game. I think that is what separates true fans from the rest.
  11. You're right. I'm sorry for the tone of how I phrased that.
  12. You are right. You do sound so. You should be happy that we just got gameplay. Watching the shield was cool, but watching the character interact, kill Zombies, hear the voice. All of it sounds cool. You could do that yourself? Okay, cool. Do that. Don't be mad that your skills match theirs. Be proud.
  13. Honestly, Mix, I think you are being whiny and ungrateful. Treyarch doesn't owe anything to you. They will do what they do. You can either appreciate it or not. Just because what they give you doesn't satisfy you does not mean that they are entitled to please you. When a company does not please you, you move on. I am happy with Treyarch. They have given us much information, yet allowed us to be surprised. There is going to be Zombies in some shape or form. I am happy.
  14. It's obviously a maggot. Chunks of rotting flesh laying about typically have those. -_-
  15. The theatre mode will likely only record the last half hour or so of gameplay or have some other type of limitation, simply because I highly doubt that the un-modded machine can hold the data of a several hour long game.
  16. They did though... There was just no proof on the internet... They said it aloud on television; that's not a leak.
  17. Has no one noticed the maggot in the spleen? What if it is a.... ZOMBIE MAGGOT! What will Tank call it? "Zombie maggot! Oh wait, you actually are one."
  18. Excuse me, but exactly WHICH campaign being beaten are you referring to? 8-)
  19. I don't support lying, I'm just saying it is ridiculous to expect that a high-scorer has no life outside of the game. Cheats aren't illegal. They're basically debugging tools of the game. They make a world record invalid, but knowing them shouldn't be a penalty. The VIEWERS should be penalized for not knowing how easy PC console commands can be accessed in many games, and they can be accessed in Zombies obviously. I get how people can question it, but I don't think that makes it right. When you put someone on pedestal, it's only a matter of time until it collapses.
  20. I think it is just a pile of junk. Handle-thing for a handle. Wood panel for building. Cinderblock for counterweight.
  21. I don't care who you are, but I am not going to be penalized for knowing TOO MUCH information. Even if it is information that can be "dangerous". If I were to post videos of me getting real high that are legitimate, you do NOT need to know my name. You do NOT need to know whether I know coding. You do NOT need to know if I know how to cheat. You do NOT need to know my technical expertise. I got a high round legitimately with video proof. You can take it or leave it. No one should be glorified because of their skill. Celebrity witchhunts. Communist witchhunts. Zombie high-scorer witch hunts. Come on. People have lives outside of getting world records. And it's none of anyone else's business.
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