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Everything posted by MysteryMachineX

  1. Who knows... Before this we thought they were kids. If they are 20 or so in this map, that means they are 50 or so in all the others.
  2. There's thousands that are wrong, but there are hundreds that are right. That's a primary reason why this site is popular. Exactly. Everyone wins. Players, developers. However, most people don't have the "I'm right" syndrome, as you put it. Most people here respect each other's theories and often come up with combating theories of their own. There's a mutual respect to be had on this site by the majority. No one here puts themselves on a pedestal. People however can choose to put someone ELSE on a pedestal. Is that perhaps what you are doing? I have never heard of such a thing. There's a difference between a fact and a theory. However, some people cannot see so clearly what is and is not a fact. Nevertheless, everything you said is not representative of this site. And I HARDLY find your opinion accurate as one with 54 posts. You haven't even been around this site long enough to make such a conclusion! I find your theory on this site's attitude based with very few points of data. 54, to be precise. You must have a confused with the Activision forums, or the PlayTheGame forums. Well that's exactly your problem. You're lurking. So when you discover someone else is incorrect, you make the executive decision to wallow in ignorance. I'm not saying you should go "YOU'RE ALL WRONG MORONS", but some people would appreciate it if you approached them with "I researched your topic but I found one piece of data you overlooked that hurts your foundation". Fortunately for them, they don't have to remember. That's what pen-and-paper is for. To write it down. Treyarch themselves admitted to having to write down the story. Maybe not in full, but in pieces no doubt. Quite incorrect. From the data we have, zombies had blue eyes post-Moon. Yellow between 1917 and 2011 for sure. Red in 1933. So the colors cannot determine the data. But the date can determine the colors. And the color is associated with the controller. Obviously the developers want a good setting. Are you trying to insinuate that we expect the developers to choose a bad setting for sake of the story? No. Gameplay comes first. Then story follows. You say that. A Zombie Trilogy!
  3. I wouldn't go as far as to say sadistic. Just perhaps necrofilic and nihilistic, perhaps. But we'll see soon enough.
  4. I had some free time today, so I decided to take a look into this. Scream Soda Quality Best Trust Fresh with Maple Sugar It's just a sugary beverage for the candy shop.
  5. No offence, but Eminem is awesome. I wish he would write a song FOR zombies though, instead of them using one he had already wrote on FIVE. On Topic: I'm not much of a rock fan, so I don't really care about it. But if you like it, good for you. = _ = Musical talent, or lack thereof, aside, he would NEVER agree to such a thing.
  6. Yeah, it's not much. You'd be surprised at how efficient they can make those weapons. More data goes into the scenery to be honest. The Black Ops weapons are about 300 MB. So the WWII weapons you can estimate about 2-3 hundred MB. And that is not much at all in the grand scheme of things. I just wanted to back way up because having the WWII weapons back would be awesome. Even if it won't happen.
  7. Revolution Map Pack: 1.9 GB Uprising Map Pack: 1.8 GB Vengeance Map Pack: 2.0 GB Coming up with a Funny way to tell you that won't work.....priceless. Every weapon in BOII Zombies combined: 200 MB. Priceless.
  8. There is no answer. You have to place a Time Bomb preemptively.
  9. I think Resonator does not have any ammo or shot count limit. It is limited by amount of zombies killed and then it breaks. I'm pretty sure if you have it blast and hit nothing long enough it will just break after time, like the Turbine. I'm not entirely sure though.
  10. Everything dies. What if we don't find answers? then we'll just have to ask more questions. If you're frightened by the answers, I suggest you cease asking scary questions. Nobody likes loose ends. They have the power to tie it all together. Just have faith... Reminds me of a quote I saw from this one video that was explaining why the survival horror genre of video games was the most successful. To encourage the player to put themselves in dangerous situations, they add mystery to make you curious, to make you want to find answers, despite all of the scary things you'll have to face. Yet, sometimes we never find out the entire mystery. "Because sometimes, what scares us the most... is not knowing."
  11. Honestly, I think "who cares?" Woo, some band is going to contribute a song. That sounds just as awesome as Eminem in Zombies because... yeah, that already happened. I loved Not Ready to Die, because that was a song about ZOMBIES. But apparently this song is one this band wrote and is merely being put into the map at post.
  12. Tortuous is also colloquially used to mean to have torture. It's not the correct usage, but I just wanted to throw it out there.
  13. Samantha is the closest thing we have to a saint in Zombies. Only because of her has humanity survived. The Vril-Ya made the MPD. And somehow the devil was able to torture people by controlling zombies. Remember the torment at Alcatraz? Yeah. That is just ONE instance of what he was capable of. However, someone stopped his reign of terror. A little girl overrode the system. Took control. What did she want? Did she want to torture sinners? Did she want to mess with time and space? Did she want to kill innocent people? No. All she wanted to do was to carry out her father's last will and testament, which was to kill one man: Richtofen (who certainly was not innocent). It would be 70 years that she would try to kill him, and try and do that alone, until eventually she was defeated. Because of Samantha pacifying the devil, she spared all of mankind the fate the mobsters in Alcatraz received. Samantha saved us all. However, an angel can fall. So let us hope that Maxis's actions don't corrupt her any further.
  14. In any series you reach a point where a portion of the fanbase wants to not go any further. In almost all cases, that portion of the fanbase is ignored in favor of the overwhelming majority that would hand over their wallets for another game. And money is what matters. They'll get the story and mechanics to fit in afterwards.
  15. That's debatable. He managed to convince multiple groups of people to do his bidding. That's pretty competent if you ask me. Let me rephrase: He's human. Therefore, he is incompetent as a controller of another dimension.
  16. It's not rare on any maps. It's just luck. When you're looking for a specific weapon, you are more likely to think probability is against you. To put it simply the combined forces of probability and psychology dictate that the more you want it, the more you think there must be a reason you're not getting it.
  17. Oh really? So that's where people got that name from. Huh. Thanks for the info! And thank you very much. I appreciate it. More to come! And I'll just contribute some facts while I'm posting. Here, I grabbed one from an old post I made on another website ( http://zombiecentral.net/showthread.php?tid=287 ): The chart above details a single jump. The purple line indicates what a normal jump would look like. However, the Paralyzer will change your trajectory depending on when it was activated, be it you shooting your own feet or shooting a teammate. The Paralyzer freezes your descent, basically. The reason you are able to "fly" using the Paralyzer is because it literally prevents you from falling. It slows down gravity's effect upon you in relation to time. So, once you are hit by the Paralyzer, you will continue to move at the tangent to the trajectory you were previously traveling. It isn't perfect, and it will decay after a while. If you fire the Paralyzer at time A, you will continue to jump up to an extreme height. But at time B, you barely go up at all. At C, you hover a bit before slowly falling back down. At D, you are merely slowing your descent. Also, your trajectory can change if outside forces enact upon you. Assuming you fire the Paralyzer at time A, you could potentially hit a ceiling F, making you then fly at a constant before being slowly dragged to the ground. Hit a slanted ceiling E would allow you to gracefully land without any fall damage, since the reason fall damage hurts is not actually because of the height but rather the acceleration.
  18. Either A. the future gun went to the past level (unlikely but possible) or B. the past level went to the future gun (more likely but unsupported by current data). One of those things had to happen, and we'll find out soon enough which. Examples: A. LSAT in Mob of the Dead B. Remington New Model Army in Buried
  19. I was extremely hesitant to say they looked "younger" like everyone else was saying. I simply saw it as Treyarch giving them their own unique models, compared to the models that had literally been ripped from the World at War campaign. But apparently they are indeed younger, considering this is "the first time they met". Nonetheless, it is about time they get unique models... even if they are younger. Not exactly the group we've come to appreciate. No Takeo feeling sorry for Nikolai or vengeful to Richtofen. No Richtofen going nuttier in the head every day. No Nikolai rambling about his wives. No Tank... well um... never mind.
  20. That is what makes alternate timelines. I think there is a difference between 'alternate universe' and 'alternate timeline'. An alternate timeline can still fit in this same zombies universe. If someone is travelling back to WW1 and adding in things like giant robots, perks, etc, that could just ripple through and change the future, like in the Terminator series. But it's also possible that someone has still travelled back in time, and this battle is an isolated incent that never got reported on if everyone dies. Who knows maybe something wipes out much of the evidence too. I think we will have to wait and see the tack they take on this, and can't say for sure if it's an alternate universe or time travel or what. The words "universe", "timeline", and "dimension" are really vague because they've never been actually observed. There are different real-world takes on different theories in different media. Thus far, Zombies has shown no favoritism to any sort of multidimensional/multiverse/multiple-timeline theory. As far as I am concerned, there are as many dimensions in Zombies as there are in real life (that is, possibly infinite but we lack the technology and knowledge to measure more than one) plus one [Aether].
  21. It's possible that yellow is the "default" color. Samantha just used the default. Lucifer could've just changed them to red when he took control of them during the time loop. Richtofen turned them blue when he gained control. Maxis, orange. The only question that leaves is how Lucifer just came and went. Anyway, we'll find out.
  22. You couldn't be any more wrong. So, without further do *pulls out megaphone* WHHHHIIIINNNNE! Treyarch does care about Zombies. For at minimum 30% of their fanbase it is the reason why they buy the game. That's a large portion. What would make them the most money would be to cater to the Zombies crowd. The reason for this is that Zombies is unique to Treyarch. Multiplayer is not. In fact, a large fraction, I'd estimate 20-40%, are excited about the new Call of Duty game coming out. The fact that Treyarch chose to cater to a soon-to-be dispersed crowd I find astonishing. I can see the logic as to why they chose to appeal to one over the other. I see it as a close call, a difference of interpretation. Treyarch decided to appeal to the Multiplayer more than Zombies. I would argue it was a bad call. The people who like Multiplayer have more or less moved on. They are appealing to the people who will play it for the few months until Ghosts comes out. People who love Zombies will be here to stay for roughly 2 years. So yeah, a Zombies DLC would've benefited them more, making their product more appealing for a longer duration. Keep in mind that Zombies takes more than a third of the disk space of the game. In production, they actually ran out of room on the disk because of zombies and have to tackle the issue of getting a bigger disk. Zombies is popular. If you cannot accept that, then you are on the wrong site.
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