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Everything posted by Flammenwerfer

  1. Although it'd be neat, I'd imagine there'd be some licensing issues present when trying to port them. They had troubles with Call of the Dead on the mobile versions because of that reason, and is also the reason why FIVE isn't on the mobile version as well.
  2. I've just read it around, was told about it once. I don't know where the original source is, but I'm hearing it a lot and just haven't seen any backing for it. *cough*PTG*cough*
  3. Wait, am I missing something here? I thought the NAVcard/tables went: TranZit Navcard -> Die Rise Die Rise Navcard -> Buried Buried Navcard -> TranZit
  4. 1. The first teddy is found near Quick Revive when you get down there. After dropping down, turn right and look in the dark corner to find the first bear. 2. The second teddy is found in the candy shop. It's in the middlemost basket on the side of the wall. 3. The third teddy is found in the mansion, in the room with Double Tap. It's in a corner on the bottom left as you walk in. After you've found all three of these teddies (and have activated them, of course) the EE song will play.
  5. Now that we have a new Grief map, I've updated the polls for it. So how is it, everyone? ;)
  6. Perhaps the reason the Die Rise icon emits a signal is because that was the purpose of its tower, whereas the Green Run tower was used for a different purpose.
  7. One of the best ways of dealing with them is to use the Ray Gun Mk. II. They go down in one burst each. Other than that, just BE CAREFUL. Do NOT let them touch you and always keep your distance.
  8. I'm sure you've all noticed the new icons on the main map. I think they signify if you've done the Side Quests on them or not. Anyway, what do you all think they mean? The Die Rise icon emits a radio signal, while the Green Run icon just flashes red.
  9. I really enjoy this one, actually. It reminds me a lot of the good ole days of WaW and Elena.
  10. Seems I'll be the first to post haha. I only managed to play one game, but I did get a lot of everything in it. Firstly, the map is pretty damn confusing. Then again, that's probably because I'm not used to it yet. The Paralyzer is a great Wonder Weapon, and it's great to finally have one that we can Pack-a-Punch. The Wraiths aren't as difficult as I'd thought they'd be, which is a good thing. Leroy is neat, but I wish he was easier to control. I'm not a big fan of the new Perk, probably because I was using the Paralyzer a lot and had no need for the benefits of it. Also, while the idea of choosing where your wall weapons is nice, I don't really like the fact that at first, the locations where you can actually place them are difficult to find. All in all, this map is actually pretty damn good. Hopefully I can play it more to see if it truly tops Mob of the Dead.
  11. Leroy it is then! I love the sound of it. I also love how he charges into things like Mr. Jenkins. ;)
  12. Au contraire, my friend. I thought the ending of LOST was pretty good. You must not have seen the epilogue "The New Man in Charge." However, I do agree that the zombies story will never "conclude" and just leave us in a house made of theories and speculation, trying to find something in the maps we've analysed for years.
  13. This. I mean, Mob of the Dead had a tower, too, and many people thought we'd have to power it up. Just because this map has towers doesn't necessarily mean they'll be vital for the side quest(s).
  14. Neat info, but, You didn't HAVE to watch the videos, you know. And spreading the word isn't going to help much.
  15. Also watch it get nerfed a week or two after release. :P
  16. Flammenwerfer


    Indeed! Here's hoping it's renamed to Double Tap Sarsaparilla! :lol:
  17. wasnt questioning the distance or journey they took. just after the luxury of being teleported, why are they walking lol Possibly because Richtofen doesn't want to for some reason (or can't, for that matter).
  18. The scenes of them in the bus could have been taken before they got to the Hanford site. Or they could have been teleported back, and from there they walked to Buried. I'm beginning to think the planet as a whole is turning back into "Pangea".
  19. Based off of the release times for previous DLC's, here are the expected release times for the new Vengeance DLC pack. (Courtesy of InfestLithium) Time Zone Time (DLC drop) July 1, 2013 [/td] Hawaii 11:00pm-12:00am July 2, 2013 [td]Alaska 1:00-2:00am (PST) Pacific Standard Time 2:00-3:00am (GMT) General Mountain Time 3:00-4:00am (CST) Central Time Zone 4:00-5:00am (EST) Eastern Standard Time 5:00-6:00am Europe/London-Scotland 10:00-11:00am United Kingdom 10:00am-12:00pm Sweden 11:00am-12:00pm Australia/Melbourne 6:00-7:00pm Australian Central Time 6:30-7:30pm
  20. Bowie Knife round 1? Damn sign me up. I'm just interested because I'm an achievement whore.
  21. Hmm okay. It's solo only? Makes sense. I mean, if it were in co-op, it would just be another item for trolls to use on the rest of the players. I take it that the box is also available on Round 1? I'm trying not to watch the videos because I like finding out the map layout by myself, but I do enjoy learning more about the utilities of the map.
  22. With the release of Vengeance, we can now get a new Turned map as well. How do you all feel about this? What do you want to see in it? Are you as excited as I am? Probably not.
  23. I believe the facility is a mining area, but the rift caused an old western town to be beneath it.
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