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Everything posted by ZombieOfTheDead

  1. I only hate noob tubes and pervy emblems. Complaining gets you nowhere, so stfu, no reason to rage over anything.
  2. This was REALLY good, no joke. Please continue if you can. [brains]
  3. You do realise that they all had the same arm model in WaW, right?
  4. Grrr... why did they increase the level cap? I had enough trouble getting to 70 in MW2, causing me to be bored and never wanting to play that game again. Now I have to go through even more levels? I hope they at least brought the number of prestiges down...
  5. ZombieOfTheDead


    :facepalm: People are taking racism WAY too seriously. Come on, you haven't said a racist joke to your friend before? I mean, racism isn't a good thing, and he probably shouldn't have said that on this forum, but I think you guys are taking this too far. I think at this point we should just lock this thread, there isn't anything good coming from it.
  6. No, he had 2000 when he posted this... for some reason now he doesn't.
  7. You mean a movie? that'd be pretty cool.. but I don't know if it would work as a movie
  8. ZombieOfTheDead


    :facepalm: When can people see that it is a joke? Someone should lock this now. BTW, comparing the character design to a mexican was NOT racism, unless you say that race looks ugly. The only real racism was calling mexicans stupid. Once again though, he was joking.
  9. Wiki's aren't always the most reliable.... and I doubt the person you call a dev really is a dev. You can't believe everything you hear on the internet. That's how World War 1 got started (not really) :lol:
  10. Everyone gets the achievement. Did the easter egg last weekend, and my friends all got it even though I got the stone.
  11. This isn't offical.. where Kino is, it says before 1963. This is not possible, as the berlin wall has been built and other things as well. The first few do seem plausable...
  12. ZombieOfTheDead


    how so? ... Seriously? Sam is in a 50 year old man's body, while Richtofen is in a 7-10 year old girl's body. That is extremely weird and creepy.
  13. ZombieOfTheDead


    So... you put us way off topic to say you were joking? BTW, women are not a separate race.
  14. ZombieOfTheDead


    Most people are racist like this that I know. Just joking around. Really, no one cares, plenty of people make fun of their own race anyways.
  15. ZombieOfTheDead


    Who the hell are you even refering to?
  16. I think Richtofen's mentioned this several times. It's even in Not ready to die. He wants to control the world one person at a time. And technically he still can, only part of the world was blown up, and he still has a whole army of zombies on the other side. Now, why he wants to control the world... basically the same reason all other villans want to, because they're villans and they can.
  17. Actually, he couldn't. He's frozen. He'd have to send zombies, but as we all know, teleporters kill zombies (Except the five teleporters)
  18. Well... since the Earth is half destroyed he can't really do much anymore. However, I think his whole plan was controlling the world, which works with everyone being zombies afterwards, does it not? He can control the zombies now. @Captain Lol... now we need zombies that can pilot spacecraft
  19. ZombieOfTheDead


    I'm actually going to agree with the gamer pic looking horrible, but the in game model of her is actually good. Well, until she and Richtofen switch bodies... then it gets weird :lol:
  20. I have a better question: Why would there NOT be zombies in Black Ops 2, or whatever the next treyarch game is called? Look, at the zombies panel at CoD XP, those people seemed to really love zombies, not to mention the mode is extremely popular, and moon was FAR too much of a cliffhanger. Honestly, the only thing that makes me concerned is that they say they like to do something bigger than the previous map. What could they do better than the moon? BTW, the importing old maps would be a nice touch... as long as treyarch does them justice unlike the classic maps.
  21. Moon, even though I haven't played it, the dialogue was really intense, and it also did the most for the story. Watching people do this really felt like a movie almost, and alot of it was epic. Not to mention, everyone gets perma perks!
  22. Honestly, I want to play a game about zombies, not freakin aliens. If I really wanted to kill aliens, I'd play Halo or Resistence. Besides, aliens have RAY GUNS. In other words, we're dead in 1 hit.
  23. Even if MW3 fails, it will still out sell Battlefield 3, that much I know. I kind of have to respect Robert Bowling admiting he likes other competing developer's games. TBH.... I really don't think battlefield looks THAT great, but I was never much a fan of the series..
  24. Well you do realise that this could take place after CotD, there never was any sign that we time traveled after that point.
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