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Doggy II

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Everything posted by Doggy II

  1. Doggy II

    hey :)

    M8 I believe you are blind. It says in her signature that her PSN is miranda something. My friend works at wal mart he can help you buy a pair of glasses so you can see better. Ok Thank you Good bye haha my mistake. I never look at peoples sig's. Its ok man. I was just messing with you. Welcome to the site miranda, I hope you enjoy your time here at Codz. kthxbai
  2. Ok and how can we help you? kthxbai
  3. Doggy II

    hey :)

    M8 I believe you are blind. It says in her signature that her PSN is miranda something. My friend works at wal mart he can help you buy a pair of glasses so you can see better. Ok Thank you Good bye
  4. Sorry m8 but what are you trying to say. kthxbai
  5. dood, that's like an average of ~4 revives a round... insane. [brains] for you Thanks for the brains man, and yes it was insane. Lucky for that guy he was camping near me and I took the trouble to revive him all the game. I had more revive than he had on kills. kthxbai
  6. 103. It was the same guy in the whole game since it started. Even though we made it to round 27, the four of us agreed that he should get the focusing stone because he had no money to buy juggernog or any gun. Then on round 27 he died and we got overwhelmed. kthxbai
  7. Oh ok man sorry for the negative post. [brains] on the house. BTW nice gameplay. kthxbai
  8. What is your idea of a commentary? kthxbai
  9. Well at least you guys have the easter eggs and glitches, I can't even buy the map pack because its not available in my location even though I use xbox and my country is part of the US. kthxbai
  10. Wow m8 there is no need to be a douchebag to people, specially in your first posts. You don't work at Treyarch to know if they care or not son. kthxbai
  11. So Yesterday I wanted to download the new map mack, but it said that it wasn't available in my location. Same happened today when I try to download it. I live in Puerto Rico btw. Is anybody else having this problem? How can I solve it? kthxbai
  12. They better not take out my floppa or ima bite somebody :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: kthxbai
  13. There will def be the 74u. The trailer has it in there in multiple clips. So there's that but he said 47. u are one of the main proponents of the 47 no? even tho i have no idea why i would much rather see a more randomized chance of getting any of the so far available wonderguns over an unneccsary other smg or ar. but ya i dont see why they would add another standard weapon but i really think that since the last two maps had matryoshka dolls (since they were in ussr territory) i think we will see a brand new secondary grenade, maybe somthing with more of an indian/asian theme idk. dont see it being solely monkbombs Oh really, then tell me m8, what guns do you use playing zombies? Don't you think you have a bigger chance of getting an ass salt rifle and a machine gun than getting a ray gun or scavanger? kthxbai
  14. I have such a bad feeling about the new guns. Something tells me that there are not gonna be any ak47s or m60s. Someone else has this same feeling? kthxbai
  15. You can do better than that, but for now... kthxbai
  16. Ok so how is it solved?? :?: kthxbai
  17. 31-79 JGb215 ???????? I bet the pack a punched name is: Tr3y4rch 71k3s 2 pl4y xb0# 4LL d4y 115 g3ner4tor kthxbai
  18. I played with them before i think, i remember 3 guys with there clan tags as KING i wasn't talking suring the game and they kept giving me orders.. so i did the logical solution.. they said "hey dempsey use the box", xbox gamertag General Dempsey,instead i bought a M14 like you and got jug... so there like "dude wtf do you expect to survive with that dildo!" and sure enough they died, i lived, i win... I had upgraded M14 and Dragonov and I finished round 26 for them and I just had to do this since there clan tag was KING i said he's said "you are not the king" and threatened to hack me and all that stuff and he quit.. so i was thinking in my head ( silly noob ). EDIT: do you remember his name? so I can see if it was the same guy since I've played with many people with there tag as KING and your post reminded me of this. Yes, his gamertag was Hurley634 or something and the others I don't remember. Btw, will you be able to play with me and to other guys that I have reunited on Tuesday on Shangri la, here is the thread: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=12664&p=113143#p113143 kthxbai
  19. if the AK47 is in the map people wont have time for the easter egg they will just spam the box until they get it. that's just my prediction of what might happen if it was there tho I dont know if people would do that but just saying since everyone loves it. Yeah but as i said, I will do everything to find the egg if the Ak47 is in. kthxbai
  20. If the Ak47 is in the map, then I will do everything in my powers to find the easter egg. kthxbai
  21. Funny thing is that he was like 30 years old, or at least sounded like it. ROFLMAO kthxbai
  22. So i got an invite from a clan today to play CoTD, and as soon as I join the lobby, their clan leader says im a noob for only getting to round 23. Then when the game starts I buy the m14 (as always) and he said that he wasn't gonna revive me because of buying it. Their clan tag was KING, and he said he was a king and he ruled the world and shit :roll: . So everybody was down on round 22 and I only made it to revive him. Instead of reviving him I just teabagged him and when he died he ended the game ( I never got downed once). When we are back at the lobby he said that he was going to hack my account and kill my family and then he closed the lobby. Its funny how the people who talk to much about being a king at zombies are always the ones who die first. kthxbai
  23. The guy in the video must be like the guy who said that you could prestige in zombies before CoTD came out. kthxbai
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