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Everything posted by x FOROURHERO x

  1. I put the AK-47 because its a jungle map. The Uzi because its epic. The Grim Reaper because I want it as a powerup. Dual wield sawed-off double barrel shotguns also because it would be epic to have them, quite a mouthful though. The M2 flamethrower because I want to see 'em burn!
  2. 'Living my life like its golden' 'Living my life like its golden, golden' COD is my life.
  3. I think I'll get it when MW3 comes out and im not spending points on zombie map packs for Black Ops.
  4. I still haven't preordered MW3 yet so I might wait a fair while.
  5. I've never heard of that, do you have pictures?
  6. If you listen carefully just after 1:00 you can hear Nikolai say Takeo aswell.
  7. What would be the point of adding it now, they should of had it as an Ascension exclusive as it is a Russian map and the AK-47 is Russian. The M60 would not transfer well into zombies, obviously its powerful but the mobility would be terrible and it would be horrible at close range.
  8. and the Uzi would be most excellent.
  9. Oh, sorry I was thinking of the shotgun from COD4 but that was the WA200. Anyway I think they should of just had the MP5K and AK74U.
  10. When does the WA200 and Models come in?
  11. They teleport to paradise, shangri la. We also hear eliphant noises in COTD, pointing them to being teleported there. I'm positive that this is after everything, that they're all in order. I don't believe at all that this is like pulp fiction. I agree, all the maps have been in order.
  12. Im pretty sure they were at Shangri-La last because they are described as going to 'Paradise' after the easter egg on Call of the Dead and they mention Gersch while they are at Call of the Dead which means they went from Ascension to Call of the Dead to Shangri-La.
  13. Congratulations! BetaSnake should be a user group.
  14. I think they should stick to tradition for Shangri-La because lets face it, how the hell is a jukebox in the jungle but I guess the same goes for the perk-a-cola's so anything is possible.
  15. Led would be quite epic, but I would prefer Elena still.
  16. Especially when you unload all that precious Hyena Infra-Dead ammo into him, I hate that brat.
  17. Wait stupid idea, what would be the point of even having them except max ammo or carpenter.
  18. Maybe there are no actual drops during rounds except for the every 2-5 rounds that the monkeys come out.
  19. Thanks, he didn't check the place im thinking of though.
  20. Has anyone no-clipped into certain inaccessible parts of the ships, like that part near the MP40 where you can drop down to get to the spawn/shore and on your left is like an open door. Its always intrigued me.
  21. They should have put the AK-47 in Ascension, I dont know why they didn't. For Shangri-La they should put the VR11 and A flame wonder weapon.
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