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Everything posted by Shooter

  1. You can see this statue looking thing spinning during the video (1:04 on the video, right after the new Wonder Weapon clip). Maybe something to do with the Easter Egg?
  2. I know it's not the trailer we were all waiting for, but at least it's something guys! I'm happy to see any new footage of the new map, even if it was only 45 seconds or so. 6 more days baby!!
  3. A new wonder weapon with a Dragon built into the gun?!? That looks crazy! There's definately some siginifigance to all these Dragons
  4. Personally I like the classic maps on Black Ops more than W@W. The W@W versions just seem slower to me. Could just be me though. It's really up to you if you wanna pay to play. I mean you're gonna have to buy the game, and then 3 seperate map packs as well. Adds up when you think about it. The maps are definately worth it, but it's kinda sad to pay all that for a couple years old game. If Activision just used some common sense and made the Classic maps a DLC for purchase, everyone would be happy. I'd gladly cough up the $15 to get the Classics back, but not much more. So if money is no issue, then yes get them.
  5. AWESOME reply DeckChairs! You mentioned everything I would've touched on! Brains to you good sir!
  6. Who the hell gave you brains for such an ignorant comment? Its a public forum jackass we can think what we want. And there's reasoning behind why he said that, but you seem too oblivious to realize that. i accidentally did... can i get rid of? I don't think so, but no worries, it does happen. I just did the same thing a couple days ago on accident. Once you click that button there's no turning back! Hahaha Welcome to the site! [brains]
  7. Who the hell gave you brains for such an ignorant comment? Its a public forum jackass we can think what we want. And there's reasoning behind why he said that, but you seem too oblivious to realize that.
  8. Like a poison tip Ballastic Knife basically?
  9. Holy shit this topic is on fire! 7 or 8 replies in the past couple minutes...it's safe to say were obsessed. Anybody find it ironic we cant wait another minute for a trailer, just to wait another week for the actual map? It's gonna be a looong 7 days!
  10. Maybe, but that's the ground not a wall. I think DeckChairs is referring to the part of the video where the bamboo wall pops up from undeground in front of one of the characters, I wanna say it was Nikolai. Not the actual death spikes that shoot up as somebody runs past it. I thought that's what it might be in reference to as well.
  11. I've got a feeling theres gonna be some pretty good secrets on this map. Temple's always have alot of mystery surrounding them, so I could see there being hidden rooms and shifting walls and stuff. It's feeling more and more like Indiana Jones meets Dawn of the Dead. Dr Richtofen and the Temple of Doom. :lol:
  12. No problem! And yeah I'm pretty punctual nowadays when it comes to things. Got to old for the Wake up and Go approach I take it you live right by your work and get there exactly at 9 everyday? You got the timing down to a tee huh? Hahaha too funny man!
  13. Bubble shields on Zombies? Good god I hope not. Next thing you know they're gonna have jetpacks, space suits, and everyones name is gonna be Master Chief.
  14. Here's a few links to posts regarding the storyline. The first one is the most detailed and informative, Alpha's put alot of work into and it really fills in all the gaps.. AlphaSnake's Grand Zombie Design - viewtopic.php?f=68&t=7427 Some other ones.. viewtopic.php?f=62&t=10285&hilit=storyline viewtopic.php?f=53&t=9234&hilit=storyline
  15. That child is gonna have a VERY rude awakening when he hits the real world, that's for sure.
  16. It would then be the PERFECT gun for me!! :mrgreen:
  17. You're the only person I know that's relieved to know that the map pack comes out a whole month later for PS3 :lol:
  18. They usually hit the marketplace around 3 am here in the Central Time Zone. I've heard earlier on the West Coast, later in the East. I usually wake at 6 on the morning of and it's available for download. I wake up that early for work anyways, so it's not that big of a deal for me. I also took the 28th off just for the release. Good thing the shop's been slow lately ;)
  19. I've heard him say this as well. CJdog23 uploaded all the audio clips from CotD awhile back, and there were alternative Easter Egg quotes. The names of the files were something like egg_dolls and were completely different than the EE quotes that are currently in CotD. I think the dolls played a big roll in an earlier version of CotD, but whatever they were gonna do with them they decided to cut it from the map. I think the quote you mentioned was a reference to the fact that the one doll turns into multiple dolls when used, but that'd be my best guess. I think we would have figured out if there was another EE or secret by now. But I agree with you, I find it a little suspect that those are the only special grenades in CotD.
  20. Yeah, it's usually a week before they drop they release the zombies only preview. I'll be checking the marketplace bright and early tomorrow. I wake up 6 for work anyways, so hopefully it'll be up that early. And I'm sure it's just gonna create more questions than answers. I just want to play the freaking map already!
  21. Yeah,and if they were really smart, they'd release the original W@W maps for BO as a map pack. It sucks we have to pay for maps we already played, but at least we'd have the option.
  22. Activision is way too money hungry to wait 4 months for MW3 to come out. There's gonna be at least one more Map Pack after this upcoming one.
  23. Hahaha too funny dude. I guess the 360 will get the last laugh when it smacks me in the face on the rebound off my bedroom window.
  24. I really don't think Round 50 is too low. I think most leaderboards thats about 3000 people out of the like 2 million. The majority would never see it. Plus the frustration from getting to Round 69 and dying would lead to my 360 going out the window.
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