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Monopoly Mac

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Everything posted by Monopoly Mac

  1. The first picture looks exactly like the calender in Cotd.
  2. Wait aether/hell? Are you telling me that they are the same?!
  3. Hmm... that'd be a nice plot there... Maxis has nuked the way to the Black Sun. If it is destroyed most if not all the zombies will die wrecking Richtofens plan... I LIKE IT. Oh yeah and Faust did you get that "something crawled into Richtofens mind" from the fact that Richtofen hears voices? Cuz thats a damn nice theory there. And now I guess if were talking about the end of the story here... I will enlighten you all with... Another Monopoly Thought I think if Treyarch decides to continue the story theres two ways they could go... They could do the thang with destroying the Black Sun... Or Time Travel Back in Time. If they did the latter it could open up a whole new selection of maps they couldn't do before. Paris, Discovery, England... But of course this is just a thought.
  4. Well one thing I still haven't figured out with the radios... Why is there a teleporter that goes to Griffin Station in Area 51 when Griffin Station is a Nazi Base? Hmm...
  5. And finally... the maps begin to link together. Now where do we go from here?
  6. I feel ze need to add something to your post... The Black Sun is known to be (fictionally obviously) the central sun within Earth. It is said to emanate Vril Energy which is capable of regenerating the Aryan Race. Remember zis. Angels are spiritual beings... they are not made of normal bones like us... they are made mostly of a spiritual matter. What matter could this be? Vril. Now this is a theory I felt for a while but I didn't want to ask anyone about it because it could contradict some of my own personal theories about the storyline. What if element 115 is Vril or vice versa? Maybe... The Black Sun is really a giant piece of Element 115? Now look at the Earth after you have done Big Bang Theory. People say it looks like it exposed the center of the Earth. What if Maxis nuked the Earth... To expose the Black Sun?
  7. :D I WAS BLOODY FREAKING RIGHT FOR ONCE. Sorry for that, I feel pretty damn good right now... A Vril Powered Pyramid capable of opening a portal to other dimensions? Wow what thread was this in? And to Faust, awesome theory... It makes me feel so bubbly to know you actually used angels in it... :D
  8. Just a little note to the OP I meant to say "Nice work with the math" with actual sincerity, its cool you actually did math with these weapons. On the Thundergun, everyone stop BSing the Thundergun is always a one hit kill from close range. If you try to shoot them from far you obviously don't know how to use it. And that little thing about the TG only knocking back zombies on higher rounds? If you aim right they won't do that :roll: I personally think the DG-2 PaP is the best on WaW. The only downside if the Jug effect, but if your good with it, it won't happen. And that my friend.... is Another Monopoly Thought
  9. I'm near positive I was on the money with my thread on Samantha. After hearing the last radio I feel she definitely she has some sort of super power.
  10. *cough* *Thundergun and Jgb are still better* *cough Nice work with the math.
  11. I've had this happened to me too even without the easter egg. More than likely a glitch.
  12. I found it ironic how the easter egg ended compared to your prediction. Lol instead of blowing up the Moon they blew up Earth....... its a funny kind of ironic though.......lolz
  13. The Grand Connection The Fall of Angel Contrary to popular belief when the universe was created humans were not the first “intelligent” life forms. In fact God is known to have created many non-human intelligent creatures. One of them we recognize as the winged messengers of God you read about in the bible. They were created as beautiful life forms that performed the lord’s tasks. Among the myriad of Angels were the ones who rebelled against God and fell from heaven. They are known as the Fallen Angels and before they rebelled lived on certain planets and actually had civilizations throughout the universe. Satan has been said to have reigned over many physical kingdoms across the universe. One of them was the planet of Mars. It is said that when Satan attempted to become god many angels sided with him. So once Satan rebelled against all of his followers rebelled as well, becoming Fallen Angels. Satan was destroyed from the midst of fire… His physical kingdoms were destroyed. God cast him out of the Heavens along with his angels and they “fell” to the planet Earth. This is picture of a section of Mars. Signs point there was a civilization living here… until someone of a higher power crushed it. What happened to the other kingdoms Satan ruled? Well let’s just say they were not able to be kept in one piece… It is unknown what happened to Lucifer, perhaps he went underground and ruled the domain known as Hell, where all sinners were sent to after death. The angels however descended onto the peak of Mount Hermon. They gradually spread taking over the Middle East and rebuilt what they had lost. Remember though at this point in time humans were not yet created. The Angels made Earth their home. The solar system Aldebaran has a sun around which revolve two inhabited planets that form the empire "SUMERAN". The Vril Society claimed to have received communication from "light God people" living on Alpha Tauri, in the Aldebaran system. The population of the Aldebaran system is divided into the master race of "light God people" and several other human races that had developed by negative mutation from the "God people" because of climatic changes upon the planets. The master race is also known as Sumeran-Aldebaran, but more commonly referred to as Aryans. The coloured mutant races apparently are on a lower stage of spiritual development. The more the races intermixed, the lower the spiritual development of these peoples sank, which led to the situation that when the sun, Aldebaran, began expanding they could no longer maintain the space travel technology of their forefathers and could not leave the planets by their own means. The lower races, totally dependant upon the master race, had to be evacuated and were brought to other inhabitable planets. Despite their difference all the races respected one another and did not interfere with each other, neither the so-called God people nor the lower races. Each respected that the others just made their own developments (in contrast to what happens on Earth). Around 500 million years ago the Aryans (light God people) started to colonize other Earth-like planets, after the expansion of the sun Aldebaran and the resulting heat had made the original planets uninhabitable. It is said that in our system they first colonized the planet Mallona, also called Marduk which existed in the area of today's asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Mars was next. They then inhabited Earth, and landed in Sumeria, Mt. Hermon (correct name? Correct it if not) to be exact. Sumeria, ancient Sumer, was a civilization and historical region in southern Mesopotamia. The term "Sumerian" is the common name given to the ancient non-Semitic inhabitants of southern Mesopotamia, Sumer, by the Semitic Akkadians. The Sumerians referred to themselves as "the black-headed people", and were about 3 meters tall. Allegedly, the word Vril was formed from the ancient Sumerian word "Vri-Il" ("like god"). The Sumerian people, often referred to as the original Hyperborean people, split into two factions. Some began to go northward, the others began to migrate towards Gobi. The one's that went northward, landed in Hyperborea. Hyperborea is a continent that was supposed to have existed somewhere far in the north, the capital of which was Thule, as the Greek historian Herodotos wrote. Diseases did not affect people of this miraculous land and that they lived up to age of one thousand years. Hyperboreans were a mythical people who lived far to the north of Thrace. The Greeks thought that Boreas, the North Wind, lived in Thrace, and that therefore Hyperborea, "beyond the Boreas", was an unspecified region in the northern lands that lay beyond the north wind. Hyperborea was perfect, with the sun shining twenty-four hours a day, which suggests the location within the Arctic Circle. It was later split into the islands of Thule and Ultima Thule, which some people identified as Iceland and Greenland. The one's that began to migrate towards Gobi, ended up in Atlantis. They arrived in Atlantis and believed that all the less-evolved cultures should be brought under sway by the two evolved ones, which didn't go over well with the Lemurians, as they had different views. This caused a series of wars between Atlantis and Lemuria. In these series of wars, thermonuclear devices were used, and when the wars were over and the dust cleared, in reality there was no winner. The Outback in Australia, the Mojave Desert, parts of the Gobi Desert and the Sahara are all remains to remind man of the futility of this type of war. Lemuria and Atlantis itself became the victims of their own aggressions. Both the Lemurian homeland and the Atlantean homeland had been weakened by the wars, thus they knew that in about 15,000 years, both of their continents were going to sink completely. The Atlanteans had their second set of cataclysms which reduced Atlantis from a large continent to a series of islands. Before Lemuria sunk, which went down first almost 200 years before Atlantis sunk, they each began to petition to the Agartha Network (explained shortly) to build subterranean cities. Why underground? Because they began to see weird occurrences in the atmosphere. They had thrown so much debris into the atmosphere that it never bcame quite bright daylight, which caused many, many life forms and plant forms to go extinct. To lose two huge land masses with 200 years of each other with the help of thermonuclear weapons made the planet continued to shake, therefore they felt living underground was the best option. The Atlanteans moved into their city at just about the same time Lemuria sunk, moving in first their priesthood, their greatest scientists, some of their greatest thinkers, to try and preserve their lives against the coming cataclysms. Thus, the creation of Agartha. Hollow Earth is exactly as it sounds, the idea that the Earth is Hollow. Inside of it are the ancient civilizations full of millions of inhabitants, all of which have scientific knowledge and expertice far beyond that of the people who live on the surface of the planet. Agartha is a legendary city that is said to reside in the earth's core, Hollow Earth, and is the land of all advanced races. Agartha is made up of a worldwide labyrinth of subterranean passages. A haven for the populations of vanished continents, Agartha was a center of intellectual progress and enlightenment. Its holy leader became the King of the World, who sits "on the navel of the earth" and "knows all the forces of the world and reads all souls of humankind and the great book of their destiny." The capital of said Agartha is known as Shambhala. The Agartha Network is a network of subterranean cities, over 120, that is guided by a city called Shambhala the Lesser. Shamballa the Lesser is essentially the seat of government for the inner world. While Shamballa the Lesser is an inner continent, its satellite colonies are smaller enclosed ecosystems located just beneath the Earth' s crust or discreetly within mountains. All cities in the Agartha Network are physical and are of the Light, meaning that they are tradition of the great mystery schools of the surface. The cities that are allowed to join are only those that are based on light principles, only those that are based on love, only those that do not hurt, only those that are non-agression. If you eventually become aggressive like the Lemurians and Atlanteans did, to be accepted back into the Agarthian Network, the cities would have to prove to Shambhala the Lesser and other organizations that they understand the lessons of oppression and war. The coming cataclysms that the Atlanteans once foresaw occurred, and the realm of Agartha survived due to it being under the earth. As with the original Hyperboreans, the Aryans now split into two factions: one group heading north-west, hoping to return to their lost Hyperborea, and the second going south, where they founded a new secret entrance under the Himalayas. The ones that went south were linked with the Black Sun (explained shortly) and were placed by writers to be with Central Asian people, in Tibet to be exact. It is known as the most famous entrance into Agartha, the city of Shangri-La. After serving as a general in the First World War, Haushofer founded the Berlin Vril Society in 1918. It shared the same basic beliefs as the Thule Society and some say that it was its inner circle. The Society sought contact with supernatural beings beneath the earth to gain from them the powers of vril. It also asserted a Central Asian origin of the Aryan race. Rudolf Hess was one of Haushofer’s closest students and introduced him to Hitler in 1923, while Hitler was in prison for his failed Putsch. Subsequently, Haushofer often visited the future Führer, teaching him Geopolitics in association with the ideas of the Thule and Vril Societies. Thus, when Hitler became Chancellor in 1933, he adopted Geopolitics as his policy for the Aryan race to conquer Eastern Europe, Russia, and Central Asia. The key to success would be finding the forefathers of the Aryan race in Central Asia, the guardians of the secrets of Vril. The design for the Black Sun was drawn for Heinrich Himmler from an old Aryan emblem, and was meant to mimic the Round Table of Arthurian legend with each spoke of the sun wheel representing one "Knight" or "Officer" of the "inner" SS (Thule Society). The symbol of the Black Sun unites the three most important symbols of Nazi ideology - the sun wheel, the swastika and the stylized victory rune. Naturally, the Black Sun was then the emblem of the Thule Society. Now as for what the Black Sun physically is, it was coined as "a substitute swastika and mystical source of energy capable of regenerating the Aryan race", which is true. The Black Sun is an ancient burnt out sun that was the source of power for ancient Aryans, it emitted the energy VRIL. It was a gigantic orb of so called ‘prima materia’ that resided in the inner earth that emitted invisible light beams, seen by only the people in Agartha, not humans. It was the source of all power inside the Hollow Earth. The Secrets of the Third Eye The Third eye is a concept used by Buddhists and other religions to describe the inner part of your soul. It is very powerful and is rumored to be able to be open a gate between you and other worldly dimensions. When activated the third eye may be able to let you have out of body experiences and even see the future. The weather predictors known as “seers” have been able to activate their inner eye which is how they know what the weather will be like. One the most popular beliefs are that this eye is really the partially dormant part of your brain called the Pineal Gland. The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. It produces melatonin, a hormone that affects the modulation of wake/sleep patterns and photoperiodic functions. The location of this gland coincidentally correlates with the location of the Great Pyramid. *wink* The physiological function of the pineal gland has been unknown until recent times, mystical traditions and others who specialized in supernatural areas like these have long known this area in the middle of the brain to be the connecting link between the physical and spiritual worlds. Considered the most powerful and highest source of ethereal energy available to humans, the pineal gland has always been important in initiating supernatural powers. Development of psychic talents has been closely associated with this organ of higher vision. Possibly the most interesting ability of the Third Eye is the ability to act as a stargate that sees beyond Space-Time into Time-Space. Psychics are rumored to have the ability to access this “Third eye”. Angels are known to be spiritual beings and the matter used to create them is a form of energy no human is familiar with. Very much like the fabled Vril Energy. As you have read the Master Race are on a higher spiritual development than humans and obtain their energy from Vril which is emitted from the Black Sun. Now this could “Black Sun” could actually be an inner sun inside our Earth or it could be a metaphor for something else. The reason I believe that it was called this is because it’s an insult towards God. He is always there for you and keeps us all warm, nourishes us with energy, and is the center of our lives. Once the angels rebelled they were cast out of heaven and were no longer nourished by Gods power. Without his spiritual energy they could no longer be immortal. They soon moved onto another source of power and found what they like to call “The Black Sun” which emitted the same type of energy God had made them out of. They used Vril to heal and destroy but as their continents sank they had to leave the planet for some time. Aldebaran was light years away from Earth so they decided to use a shortcut. Using the energy of Vril they created a Stargate and were able to teleport back to their home. They used the Great Pyramid of Giza as the conduit to channel the power of their spiritual Vril. The way this pyramid is built would be extremely difficult for a human to ever build. So how did we do it? The answer is we didn’t. They did. The Illuminati’s involvement Now how are the Illuminati involved in this history of Angels and Aryans? They are involved because they are in fact hybrids of human and angel. This might seem like a huge jump and may make no sense whatsoever to you but just read on. One of the Fallen Angels main objectives are to deceive humanity and stray them from away from God. To do this they do many things one of which is infect humanity by breeding with them creating Nephilim. These are giant cannibals who maintain the angel’s tall structure but look very much like humans. These Giants were also very intelligent and knew they were special. If they bred with humans they would infect their angel bloodline. So they instead bred with their sisters and brothers creating many more Nephilim. In 1776 Adam Weishaupt acknowledged the powers and advantages the Nephilim had and created a secret society known as the Illuminati. Their goal would be to abolish all government and eventually step up and lead the New World Order. Slowly but surely they are taking over our governments and taking us down with the smallest things. Economy, Politics, and War. In 1947 the Nephilim realized they were not alone. They realized that there may be others of their kind waiting in the universe. It was the classic Grey Alien. “The population of the Aldebaran system is divided into the master race of "light God people" and several other human races that had developed by negative mutation from the "God people" because of climatic changes upon the planets. The master race is also known as Sumeran-Aldebaran, but more commonly referred to as Aryans. The coloured mutant races apparently are on a lower stage of spiritual development. The more the races intermixed, the lower the spiritual development of these peoples sank” So like this paragraph says the more the human races intermixed thee lower the spiritual development sank. This is exactly what the Illuminati wanted to avoid. The following is an example of what happens when human races and Aryans continuously intermix. This is an example of a Nephilim who keeps their bloodline pure. For the sake of keeping things simple we will refer to the first picture as “Greys” and the other as “Pures”. Now although they are of the same race they are still two heavily different beings. The Greys have been able to make extreme developments in technology creating flying saucers and rayguns. Once one of their ships crashed in Roswell the Illuminati knew they were not alone. Take Germans and other societies out of the mix for this one minute. If those groups did not exist this is what would have happened. The Illuminati would have been able to sink their claws in deep enough to fully infect humanity. With every one under the influence of the fallen nobody would be able to be saved by Jesus during the second coming. In fact in 2012 the complete opposite would occur. All countries would be at war and it would nearly destroy the world until one figure stands up. It is not the second coming. It is the coming…of Anti-Christ. Anti-Christ would be under the influence of the Pures and Satan. Everybody would be fooled into thinking he is the real Messiah when in fact he is a fake. Pretending to be Jesus he would summon his “holy ones”. These holy ones are the Greys Aliens. Of course this is what would happen… if it wasn’t for the Germans. The Illuminati would not count on the sudden technological advancement of the Germans and how involved they would get. Just like they had done in Shangri La they would perform on the Moon. The Genocide of all Vril beings. A man who knew the truth? William Cooper is a deceased conspiracy theorist who most described as an insane, booze drinking, gun shooting nut job. He most likely was but because this is Call of Duty Zombies let’s say that everything that he claimed…is true. The following is a little snippet of a document written by Mr.Cooper. “During the United States' initial space exploration and the Moon landings every launch was accompanied by alien craft. ON NOVEMBER 20, 1990, LOS ANGELES TV CHANNEL 2 ANNOUNCED THAT A SEPARATE, RED, GLOWING, ROUND-SHAPED OBJECT ACCOMPANIED THE SPACE SHUTTLE ATLANTIS ON IT'S LATEST CLASSIFIED MILITARY MISSION. THAT WAS THE FIRST PUBLIC ADMISSION. "The Moon base, Luna, was photographed by the Lunar Orbiter and filmed by the Apollo astronauts. Domes, spires, tall round structures which look like silos, huge T-shaped mining vehicles that left stitchlike tracks in the lunar surface, and extremely large as well as small alien craft appear in the official NASA photographs. It is a joint United States and Soviet base. THE SPACE PROGRAM IS A FARCE AND AN UNBELIEVABLE WASTE OF MONEY. ALTERNATIVE 3 IS A REALITY. IT IS NOT SCIENCE FICTION. "The Apollo astronauts were severely shaken by this experience, and their lives and subsequent statements reflect the depth of the revelation and the effect of the muzzle order which followed. They were ordered to remain silent or suffer the extreme penalty, death, which was termed an 'EXPEDIENCY.' One astronaut actually did talk to the British producers of the TV expose 'ALTERNATIVE 003.' It was aired on the documentary, NONFICTION program named 'SCIENCE REPORT,' confirming many of the allegations.” A Moon Base called Luna? Perhaps this is where that rocket was heading to in Ascension. To the Russian/American joint base on the Moon… The document contains much more information including the NWO, Illuminati, Alien/Nordic races, but another important thing is that he mentions that the Russians and the Americans have been working together for years. He says that the Dreamland Base and the Luna Base are connected… Well this is confirmed now because in the trailer we obviously see us playing in Area 51. This also explains the Russian letters in a part of Hanger 18. The Soviets, the Americans, Area 51, Moon Base, Aliens, there all connected. If your dedicated enough you can read the entire document here. http://www.v-j-enterprises.com/cooper.html The Wrap Up Now I am going to tell a large summary of how the Germans, Aryans, and Group 935 all tie together. It may be a long read brace yourself. Just note when I refer to Aryans, Aliens, or Angels I am talking about one species because they are in fact all the same. After the angels/sumerians fell to Earth they slowly took over as the dominant species. They evolved from Hyperboreans to Atlanteans and finally this is where the story gets interesting. After the continent of Atlantis sank the Aryans split into two groups. One group decided to flee underground and master the power of Vril and they became the Vril Ya. The others went to Egypt and used the Great Pyramid of Giza to teleport back to the Aldebaran system and Alpha Cen Tauri. They did this by using the pyramid as a conduit to channel the Vril and open a portal back to their dimension. Since the Aryans were naturally spiritual creatures they used a method similar to the “Third Eye” to open a portal. The constellation, Taurus has a symbolic relationship with the Third Eye hence why there would be a connection. After flying back to their home planet Adam and Eve were born. They replaced the Aryans as the dominant species on Earth and reproduced until they covered most of the world. The Fallen Angels naturally still defied God and their most important goal was to deceive humanity. They did this by posing as UFO’s making humans believe that there were other life forms elsewhere and questioned God because of it. Another way the Angels defied God was by breeding with humans. This spawned Giant creatures known as Nephilim who over time became the Illuminati. Fast Forward a thousand years or so. In 1917 the Vril Society was formed by several female Psychic Mediums. They apparently had the ability to communicate with Angels/Aliens from the Aldebaran system. Dr.Maxis at one point in time met one of these Vril women and fell in love with her and created Samantha Maxis. This little girl inherited the abilities of the Psychic and also naturally had more access to her Third Eye. Dr.Maxis knew this and tried to research the Pineal Gland and find a way for his daughter to learn how to open a portal to the Aldebaran system. Perhaps this is why he had so many pictures of brains in the facility. Onto the Fly Trap. This structure was not only designed to hold Die Glocke but also to test Samantha telekinetic powers however the conduit would not work. At the Der Riese Facility she communicated with the trapped spirits known as Zombies. They communicated and this is also the reason why she and they have such a connection. Forward to 1936, an alien space craft crashes in Germany and this is when the Germans begin to reconstruct its technology. They nearly succeeded until 1945 when the Soviets were moving in. They killed 60 scientists to hide what they had learned from the Russians. New Swabia, Antarctica was where they had moved their research to. Here they succeeded in building the space crafts. Antarctica is also an entrance to the Hollow Earth which the Germans gladly took advantage of. Knowing the danger these creatures posed from the book “Vril: The Power of the Coming Race” they performed another genocide successfully wiping out the Vril Ya from Earth. From here they moved on to the Moon. *This is where my theory is not very accurate because of the new information about Moon. I will attempt to fix it after the map comes out* Taking their Vril Saucers and teleporters they moved on to the Moon and wiped out the alien race there. These aliens in fact inhabited many of the planets in the solar system, the proof being the presence of pyramids on some of the planets. The Germans hopped from the Moon, to Mars, to Venus, and then wiped out the alien life forms from the Solar System completely. Only one stop was left. The home of the Angels, Alpha Centauri. Using Blitzkrieg, Saucers, teleporters, and superior war strategies they took over the Aldebaran system. The new goal of the Schwaarze Sonne Empire was to take back Earth. Perhaps this is the real meaning of this image. The Black Sun is in fact watching us… On Earth the Illuminati are getting ready for the New World Order, which is planned for 2012. They know that they the prophecy is coming and instead of the “Second Coming of Christ” a “Coming of Anti-Christ” will in fact come instead. One of their members will come up and pose as the Messiah and fool everyone into thinking he is Jesus. He will summon his “Holy Ones” and the Grey Aliens will come from the sky and work together with the NWO. What the Illuminati did not know was that their new allies were in fact wiped out by the Germans and their prophecy would be reversed. In the 1900’s Maria Orsic of the Vril Society had a vision…. That Adolf Hitler would be the Anti-Christ. The Fuhrer never died but in fact fled to Antarctica and eventually the Aldebaran system. With all this in mind perhaps now we know the true meaning of this Gknova image. So yes, in year 2012 he will come to Earth with his holy ones…. The Nazi Army. So is Earth doomed? No. Its not. Like every single other facility involving element 115, The Nazi Base would be overtaken by the zombie hoard. Samantha Maxis may have actually prevented an apocalypse. So now one conflict still remains. Will Edward Richtofen succeed in taking over the world or will he fail and be vanquished by Samantha once and for all? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks for reading. I hope you have enjoyed it and you know more now than before. Tac and I worked on this for quite a bit so comments and suggestions are appreciated.
  14. Wow this is such a good thread about Samantha I wonder if theres any other threads about her... *points secretly to signature* Joking, but seriously awesome thread its nice to see a thread with a topic on the song as a whole.
  15. Thats f***ing sweet. Richtofen does what ever he wants to do with the world and he and the characters go into the chambers. Just imagine in Black Ops 2 they wake up and go back to the world and its a zombie apocalypse... AAAWWESSOOOME.
  16. Something happened... He is no longer interested in the storyline... Happened to me too but I got past it... He hasn't... He says he taking a break so he may or may not come back. I'll change my signature so people won't get hyped because I have no idea when the thread is coming out now. BUT IT IS EPIC.
  17. Well you guys motivated me a little... Maybe I'll keep this thread as a discussion thread about Cooper... I'll find the time one day to actually read the entire document and maybe I'll find something new.
  18. :facepalm: God dammit this isn't an original find... I'm mad at myself now. Pretty much what I said in this thread Alpha already said in his thread... sucks but I should let this thread die a slow and painful death now...
  19. The following is something that was originally going to be included in my upcoming Thread of Epic Proportions but because it relates to Moon extremely I will share it here. Enjoy. A man who knew the truth? William Cooper is a deceased conspiracy theorist who most described as an insane, booze drinking, gun shooting nut job. He most likely was but because this is Call of Duty Zombies let’s say that everything that he claimed…is true. The following is a little snippet of a document written by Mr.Cooper. “During the United States' initial space exploration and the Moon landings every launch was accompanied by alien craft. ON NOVEMBER 20, 1990, LOS ANGELES TV CHANNEL 2 ANNOUNCED THAT A SEPARATE, RED, GLOWING, ROUND-SHAPED OBJECT ACCOMPANIED THE SPACE SHUTTLE ATLANTIS ON IT'S LATEST CLASSIFIED MILITARY MISSION. THAT WAS THE FIRST PUBLIC ADMISSION. "The Moon base, Luna, was photographed by the Lunar Orbiter and filmed by the Apollo astronauts. Domes, spires, tall round structures which look like silos, huge T-shaped mining vehicles that left stitchlike tracks in the lunar surface, and extremely large as well as small alien craft appear in the official NASA photographs. It is a joint United States and Soviet base. THE SPACE PROGRAM IS A FARCE AND AN UNBELIEVABLE WASTE OF MONEY. ALTERNATIVE 3 IS A REALITY. IT IS NOT SCIENCE FICTION. "The Apollo astronauts were severely shaken by this experience, and their lives and subsequent statements reflect the depth of the revelation and the effect of the muzzle order which followed. They were ordered to remain silent or suffer the extreme penalty, death, which was termed an 'EXPEDIENCY.' One astronaut actually did talk to the British producers of the TV expose 'ALTERNATIVE 003.' It was aired on the documentary, NONFICTION program named 'SCIENCE REPORT,' confirming many of the allegations.” A Moon Base called Luna? Perhaps this is where that rocket was heading to in Ascension. To the Russian/American joint base on the Moon… The document contains much more information including the NWO, Illuminati, Alien/Nordic races, but another important thing is that he mentions that the Russians and the Americans have been working together for years. He says that the Dreamland Base and the Luna Base are connected… Well this is confirmed now because in the trailer we obviously see us playing in Area 51. This also explains the Russian letters in a part of Hanger 18. The Soviets, the Americans, Area 51, Moon Base, Aliens, there all connected. If your dedicated enough you can read the entire document here. http://www.v-j-enterprises.com/cooper.html Thats all I have to say… Thanks for reading.
  20. I f***king love this thread. but off topic here...
  21. nope... see that thread of epic proportions in my sig? That will have the answers soon...
  22. This just proves they have been there before... Theres a pyramid in Egypt.... Theres a pyramid on Mars... and now a pyramid on the Moon? They have been there and they have been here... Who am I talking about? I WILL NOT TELL YOU.
  23. Awesomeness. That seriously makes a shet load of sense. [brains]
  24. I don't think its dual wield but don't worry I saw the flame thrower too WOOT WOOT.
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