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Everything posted by yourmapper

  1. How can you revive yourself? Discuss!
  2. Achievement images for reference: https://twitter.com/BO2_INTEL/status/295969091800408066/photo/1/large
  3. yourmapper


    What kind of a weapon is it? Why is the achievement a picture of a zombie sliding? Do you lay down some goo like in Portal 2 and they slide out the windows?
  4. My opinion. It's not a TranZit map but something new. The game mode is called Die Rise, on the map called The Great Leap Forward. No helicopter or other vehicle to move you around. It will have some other key new gameplay element.
  5. Just did it in Xbox Tranzit Green Run Solo. But the first game I got hit twice, revived, hit twice, dead. The second game, hit twice, revived, green flash, then 4 hits gave me a red screen consistently. 5 hits downed me, which I did twice, then quit. Started a new game, and it was still there! 5 hits to go down. Wow, this is crazy
  6. yourmapper

    Marlton OK

    Lol, I think they gave a glimpse of Marlton in the trailer today just for us. He's ok. Pic!
  7. I think we'll find out it's not that important. I think they just wanted to highlight a new zombie type (high rise office workers in button down shirts and ties) just like they did in the trailers for the Shangri-La (female zombies!), Ascension, etc, zombies.
  8. I don't think the map will be flipping, inverting gravity, or letting you walk upside down. That split-second upside down image in the trailer was just for effect, punctuating the MC Escher-esque interior floor slanting.
  9. Total guess: You will need Flopper to survive a fall down a shaft to do part of an Easter Egg.
  10. Check out this thread for some ideas. viewtopic.php?f=136&t=26659 I don't think you can say it's just a coincidence. Here was an idea I had from that thread:
  11. Remember how they said there was some easy way to kill George if you just look for the right signs? That turned out to be true (not).
  12. In the BO2 strategy guide the Nacht area is called 'Prototype.' Maybe Treyarch retrofitted a story where this is the original location pre WW2 and the one in WaW is some sort of Nazi testing ground to see how captured and memory erased soldiers (like Tank was) survive against the element 115 infected zombies.
  13. I love TomK's videos if you are new to zombies or been playing for a while. Really well done. Here are some quick tips for Tranzit. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL ... RffxmE9TIZ And he has really good videos for how to do trains, including drawings, PiP, first person and overhead views, freeze frames, and quizes within the videos. Comprehensive Guide: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djsL5gG8B6o Tranzit Locations: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QP1ZgbyWoAY
  14. Really great, best map yet! I love me some maps. It would be great to have a map that is to scale to show off the real distances and curves. Seems like the only way to do this would be to start with a screenshot of the entire map from the air on a PC with no clip and no fog and maybe some other hack to allow you to get that high up and still render the details. Then you could annotate on top of that image.
  15. Awesome find! Here is the video. The Maxis quote at the end it what makes it all worth watching. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBE91gPFg1Q&sns=em
  16. Here's the trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzaVSj0omXo
  17. Nuketown Zombies will be out tomorrow for Season Pass holders on Xbox, according to a tweet from Call of Duty. December 12 was the correct date. https://twitter.com/CallofDuty/status/2 ... 7276662785
  18. It seems that any changes in the multiplayer would affect zombies since it's built on the multiplayer engine now. For example, the recoil on most guns might be higher.
  19. Do you think any of the fixes/changes in the title update this week will affect zombies? Do you think there are other fixes not listed that will affect zombies?
  20. And the orange orb was on the other street light.
  21. After playing some board games at a gaming store last weekend, it occurred to me that there should be an official Call of Duty: Zombies table-top board/card game. It would be 2-4+ player co-op, with waves of zombies, likely dice for kills, point accumulation, perk and weapon buying, downs and revives, and pack a punching. The goal would be just to simply see how many waves you could get through together. I looked to see if there were similar games to this idea (co-op survival though waves with upgrades), and there are. The best example might be Ghost Stories: http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/37046/ghost-stories And there have been other popular video game franchises that have been converted to table top games, like Civilization, Bioshock, Age of Empires, Gears of War, and Doom. So, does this exist, and if not, is it in the works, and if not, why not, and if not, then it should be!
  22. RelaxingEnd has a video that shows you can put up to 250K in and take up to 225K out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Qu9z4yCo2w
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