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Everything posted by DeckchairsFTW

  1. Not worth making a topic about tbh. One thing though, you put 'at least' 4 shots, which means it can hold 5, as five is more than four :P
  2. I like working as a team, it makes it more interesting. As for sniping, i have absolutely no problem with it, but the amount of hate i get when i snipe puts me off. Every time you dont pull off a Noscope or a quickscope, some tw@ just goes 'HARDSCOPE' and i just say, 'uh no, sniping' i mean really, wtf do they think the bloody scope on top of the boomstick is? Its not a sodding ornament. Camping for fun i.e. in a funny way is alright, i do it sometimes, we once got me and 3 other people sat in that little shower room on Firing range with RPGs and China lakes, we lost, but it was funny. Also, i just pulled off a really good noscope while typing this :D
  3. As the others said, it has been mentioned before... but thanks for posting it big! Anyone else seeing 'G935' accross the middle? EDIT: I know it's rough, but i really dont have a steady hand on paint...
  4. LOL Do I detect a Monty Python reference?! When entering a New room... Why don't they just close the doors behind them? Or in FIVE... Close the elevator doors and just wait in there. " What'd she do to you?" "She turned me into a NEWT!" *everyone stares* "i got better" Best movie ever! The british seem to have such a good sense of humor. Yes, yes we do Sorry to go off topic, but my favourite line has to be 'JEHOVA JEHOVA!' Then they stone him :lol:
  5. is that... your gun :shock: I wish! Nah, they're banned here in the UK
  6. I thought once you did the easter egg once , you could keep getting the wunderwaffe without doing the easter egg every time. from my understanding this was also the case. DeckchairsFTW elaborate? From my experience you only get it after you have done the EE. If you haven't then you just get a DM and a perk. Don't know if that's always the case, but it always has been when i've done the egg, and i've done it a few times.
  7. Anything like that? They could just be manufacturer's markings like in that picture. Showing the patenrt info, serial number etc. Then on the other side (i think) there should be one that says something like 'M1911 .45 ACP'
  8. Wut? I think he's just one of those accounts that posts weird things, but has sales for stuff in his sig... bastards :P
  9. It's quite convincing, and it looks like it's been taken by a mobile phone from a Computer screen, so maybe someone somehow hacked someone in 3arc's email or something? Just me speculating...
  10. I think it only happens once per round though, and it is only 10 points..
  11. Thats cool. How long did it take you to figure out where to be?
  12. I'll put this in, a good addition. ZM though, that's more of a strategy than an unwritten rule. Although it is a good one.
  13. You have to do the EE in the same game that you kill george, and you have to do it before you kill him.
  14. This is a post about just a few of the 'Unwritten Rules' of playing many of the CoD objective based team games (Domination, Sabotage etc.) MP 1. Don't go straight for the Objective, especially on Sabotage, as this makes the game last a really short amount of time, thus making it pontless even starting. Whats the point in planting a bomb with only 3 Kills? 2. Don't Camp (Obviously) especially on games with Respawn times, being killed by Campers, noob tubers and stuff like that just adds insult to injury. 3. Let One objective blow up in Demolition, that way you get 5 minutes extra play time. 4. Use Logic. This is a simple, but often ignored one. I'll use Nuketown as an Example, if you're the bombing team, go for Bomb A First, as it is the hardest to attack and the easiest to defend, and most of the defending team will expect you to go for B. Zombies Never steal kills from windows, unless someone says you can Even if you've bought a few doors already and you still have way more money than anyone, buy that one door that everyone needs you to open Don't steal kills at all And last, but not least,DON'T BE A BOX HOG (My team has died quite a few times because of only one guy getting the box during a fire sale) These are just a few, feel free to post some more Unwritten rules that you want to be written, and i will add them to the post above.
  15. I've just seen the Preorder pack in Gamestation and you get An A1 Poster A Copy of TIME magazine about the Invasion And some other thing i can't remember right now. I tried to preorder it but apparently you have to be 18 to preorder it. WTF i preordered BO in school uniform when it came out...
  16. How? It's still possible. It ain't over till it's released. Whats all this banning stuff about?
  17. Not even a force flame shield keeps out the fanboys :(
  18. Whichever one you favour most. Because of the nature of this topic... TAKE COVER, FANBOYS INCOMING!!
  19. Pretty sure you'll be buying it then Most of those are pretty unlikely to be honest.
  20. How can drinks bought from random vending machines increase; Health/Resistance, Reload Speed, Running Speed, Decrease falling damage/make a nuke, improve aim, make guns fire faster, and revive people quickly?
  21. You hate the Scavenger? What about the VR-11? No! I love love love love love the Scavenger!!!! I hate the VR11
  22. Round 50 on CotD. It takes SIX SHOTS WITH THE SCAV TO MAKE THEM CRAWLERS :'( People are syaing that it is like a scoped Thundergun, but there is no way you can validate that point - have we ever seen the thundergun fail to kill a zombie in 1 shot? Nope This however is just a large explosion that eventually becomes pretty useless as you start getting to the reaaally high rounds Still, tis a wonder weapon. Also, the VR-11 is certainly a Wonder Weapon. I mean come on, it can grant invincibility + insta kil lfor God's sake! Tis EXTREMELY awesome Yes we have, It will still just knock some of them over, so technically it does take more than one shot to kill them. Also, i think the awesomeness of it is just personal preference, i personally hate the thing and wish it wasn't there, but some love it...
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