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Everything posted by aegisknight

  1. COTD and Moon I get flopper first, everywhere else jug. Its just a pain to get to on those maps. I have been double-slapped enough times to just hate playing without jug.
  2. aegisknight


    tiering the teams can fractionalize them, making it less fun and more work for people to join and get games going. The problem you mentioned about monopolization is theoretically a valid one, however I see that as a problem of individual members rather than teams themselves. No one should ever be telling another member that their efforts aren't worth it when trying to build a small group of people to play with, since that is the entire point of the teammate finder to begin with. The way I see it, the more the merrier as far as teams go.
  3. aegisknight


    Well I am listening, and I wish someone opposed to or put off by teams would share their concerns directly so we can delve into the heart of the matter in a calm and somewhat professional manner
  4. there is no agreement on a complete storyline. There are some very brave attempts to cobble one together, but there is much evidence that is disputed with every timeline.
  5. aegisknight


    its copy pasta, and I don't know why it is here Indeed not everyone on this forum is here to find teammates, which is why the teams threads were in the "teammate finder" section and not general discussion. The team threads have greatly enhanced that section of the forum with basically no spillage into other sections (that I have seen) apart from a couple issues that were more problems of specific people rather than teams themselves. Doggy, continually trying to point out perceived "mod abuse" is among the worst possible ways to garner support for your point. And as for the many, many people who are re-informing the topic that "TEAMS ARE NOT GOING AWAY FOREVER.", consider that this is obvious for everyone present. The point of this discussion has been to outline the strongest and weakest points of teams to ensure the administrative staff makes a well-informed decision with the point of view of team members accounted for. There has been great insistence that the changes that will be made will "make teams better", but this is impossible unless they are familiar with the inner mechanics of codz team mechanics in the first place, and the only way to get those points across is to, you know, discuss them. The purpose is to point out what kind of changes will hurt "teams" so the trimming that will inevitably take place will be for the better. Since we have very clearly had one or two moderators come out and state they would be in favor of eliminating teams altogether, we know that some people will be coming to this meeting wanting to make some broad, potentially quite damaging, changes to the team structure. Those in favor of keeping highly independent teams would be well-served by stating their case in this thread before the meeting, while the minds of the decision makers is still being made up.
  6. aegisknight


    I dont mind that either, but I'm offline for several months starting in a couple weeks and I wanted to get my records as high as possible before then. To do that I need to play with people who I know are quality, and organize good games. I do a lot of focus on story, and once I move I still will be playing a LOT of solo, exploring and researching as much as I can to make more contributions to the story sections
  7. aegisknight


    I would like to hear your theory, because I tried for a solid year and a half absolutely everything I could think of. Joining a team has been the only reliable, consistent way for me to find players who I enjoy playing with at my skill level. Why don't you like teams in the first place? I don't see why there is anything wrong with a little eliteness in a team, since it sucks to be a player who is shooting for 50 plus but can only find players scraping to reach 25. And like ReorgeGomero said, he found nothing off-putting about it as a new user. I played with him yesterday, he didn't make it through our initial requirements but we had a lot of fun, and I know we'll play again until he makes it.
  8. I wanted to bump this to point out how incredibly right the OP was
  9. It would be nice if we could have a couple levels, like "member" for everyone, something for people who have the recs we currently hold, and then keep the ezs's as well.
  10. aegisknight


    We have determined that the problems have not arisen by the fact that teams exist, but just a few behaviors and holes. The practice where when a new team thread would pop up and people from other teams would immediately arrive saying that "this team is unnecessary, you have wasted your time" is very discouraging to people trying to start something, and pretty clearly don't really just want to merge with an existing team. I don't think the fact that some teams had pretty high entrance requirements was a bad thing, afterall it gives players something to aspire to. I haven't seen new players complain about groups of zombie players trying to be elite. However, that DOES become a problem if we don't also have some groups for players still building their skills. For example, I first joined WunderWaffes many months ago, and at the time there is no way in hell I would pass the current requirements. But after a lot of time playing with good players, I'm doubling my previous high scores with relative ease. So we need plenty of kinds of groups, having rivalries between the best teams would make for some really great forum events too. Let me put it another way; when I first joined a group, I wanted something dedicated to xbox players where I could become a better player and shoot for high scores with people near my skill level, and I wanted to be able to find teammates consistently. I was not looking to play with people who are at my skill level now, since they would basically be carrying me. At the same time, now I don't really want to play with people all the time who are at my skill level then, since I would be carrying them. Two different levels of players requiring two different kinds of groups to have the most fun. One group can have different "levels", their normal membership, higher up, and the top teir, or something like that. There shouldn't be anything preventing players from joining one team or another either. But over time, people who play a lot just want teammates who are fun to play with. So people starting playing with people who struggle to get to 20 are eventually going to have more fun playing with people shooting for 30, if they keep at it they are going to want teammates who are capable of reaching 50. This can only be addressed with open access to teams, and teams free to have different requirements to entry to attract certain kinds of players. Otherwise we're stuck playing with randoms, and I swear to god I am not going back to that.
  11. aegisknight


    I do and we will be making adjustments to wunderwaffes to compensate. I need to be able to chat with my teammates to approve any revisions, though. I wish the mods would take a couple team representatives for their discussion, but I see why they wouldn't
  12. no, I know about the soviet reanimation experiments, but they weren't on the same lines as what we're dealing with
  13. This is possible, but I would still like to know what those carriers were doing (I know nothing of a Soviet zombie weapons program), and why Richtofen's radios are present
  14. I was playing COTD and I always know the radios are Richtofen speaking, but I've heard many people deny it and insist that it is a Soviet ship. However, I am increasingly believing that COTD was a project directed specifically by Richtofen, perhaps on his way to Shangri-La when his ship was moorned. All of the cargo containers have human-sized "coffins" in them, with injection apparatuses hooking up to strange tanks on the side. Zombie storage units. One of the biggest arguments against the ships being of Nazi origin was the highly sophisticated computers on board, but since the release of Moon, I'd say they match up pretty evenly against what we know 935 had at its disposal.
  15. I just did a solo run of Call of the Dead (sorry for the thread rezurreckt), and I can confirm you can get drops from using the Scavenger and Wunderwaffe, but only when George is involved. However, I am not 100% convinced it is just being electrified that does it, I think it has something to do with being electrified and a sprinting zombie. With just electricity, I did not get any drops, but once I let him piss off a few the max ammo showed up I also noticed that when I had my wunderwaffe, I had an abnormally high drop rate when flopping. In the upper 30's I was flopping outside the lighthouse with just a few shots left, since an entire spawn will get killed at the same time like this (after many flops) I was shocked to see 3 power-ups all clumped together, with a 4th dropping not very long after.
  16. I also put George in the same category as the pentagon thief (both have that eerie blue glow as well).
  17. I have a friend who is big into metal, he was playing this song while we were working the other day just on shuffle off his ipod then I realized that it isn't included in the zombie soundtrack. For some reason that makes me believe that isn't as "eligible" for analysis as the other songs.
  18. Call of the Dead and Kino are the only maps that I prefer to keep at least one door closed. With Call of the Dead, I don't have any problem with the door at the bottom of the lighthouse being opened, I personally prefer the door right next to Flopper to remain closed. That floor becomes an excellent spot to run (just finished a 43 solo game in that spot) , but when that door is open it is completely destroyed. I've also had people prefer the top door of the lighthouse to remain closed, but I cannot fathom why. Keeping the door to Juggernog from the top closed isn't a bad idea in the early rounds either, but later it is safter to get Jug from the zipline through the top anyway.
  19. as a note, the chances of the next campaign being intimately linked to GK are very slim
  20. nope, I just tried firing elsewhere. The shot just disappears after a short time. The moon is rendered as a solid surface for some reason
  21. aegisknight


    I own the website and I set it to redirect back here. Team Wunderwaffes from the beginning is just xbox players from this site, splitting off into our own forums defeats our purpose. The website itself will be host to videos and events held by the team once it reaches critical mass, but it will always be tied directly to CODZ. All of our major events in the past, and all that will happen in the future, have been open to anyone who wanted to join. I don't know why he's so upset, pretty much everything in WuWa has been created by myself or a couple of the other members, and just kind of approved by Doggy. I don't really get all this indignation, but I can see that a problem has been brewing and does need to be addressed. I am glad the staff has elected to diffuse the situation before it explodes.
  22. Thats actually the best wunderweapon idea I believe I've ever heard
  23. I think because the FIVE teleporters are more stable. I do not thing that 115 is inherently harmful to zombies (although I believe I am in the minority with that), only what is done with it. The Gersch does something strange, it could be that the zombies are destroyed because they are teleported to the aether and simply destroyed by whatever presence lurks there, or because the FIVE teleporters are just more stable in general and don`t cause such harmful side effects.
  24. depends on what you`re talking about. In WaW, without a doubt its the thompson. Headshots are effective basically forever. In Black Ops, its between the Thompson and the STG. I don`t have much experience with the others to give them fair credit, though. I normally just shoot for those two
  25. that upgrade makes insta-kill weaker as for gun,
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