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Everything posted by ZeMrDark

  1. I mean it's interesting.. but the red phones happen regardless to doing the 7 steps, the foot prints are there before the easter egg as well and the objects in the map can be hit with anything, playable or not.. So I dunno, it was more of a recap of things we know, but the video is still good..
  2. You do NOT need the xbow You do NOT need 4 Upgraded ray guns or thunder cannon Did it with 4 (finnaly) We tried first with 2 upgraded one down graded ray gun Then I went down (we ran out of ammo so had to stop trying the 7th step) came back to it and did it w/o my un-pap'd HK and 3 Upgraded ray guns.. So dont get all cramped because you cant get the xbox or all 4 ray guns or the thunder gun.. you just need to shoot the damned thing.. lol IM not knocking you can do it QUICKER with 4 ray guns upgraded, it took us 4 tries though... thats 4 Gersch
  3. Looking for players who have made it beyond 20.. So tired of randoming with people who have made it 5-9.. granted they can't get further w/o playing more.. but I got tired of that back in Kino, Hahaha.. "YOU USED THE TELEPORTER WITH OUT US?!" "No response..." "Player Noob Needs to be Revived" for the 32nd time.. Im on Live right now, GT: Mr Ze Dark Friend me. Lets see how far we can go, w/o glitching...
  4. It does do more, it spells luna, hitsam and hyena as part of various easter eggs.. Haha.. That 4th landing spot though, I've seen the supposed site multiple times now it runs adjacent from the sickle site.. The only door seeming to lead to it is next to the rocket where the box spawns.. But the door is not purchasable..
  5. No once you've purchased the copy you can dl it to any xbox..
  6. Yes, I did actually as I had done it as well and saw you posted it.. By no means am I trying to steal your lime-light Hehehe :)
  7. They don't take place at the same time.. Thats already been disproved between all 3 of Kino, Five and Ascension All the theorizing is the same too... Shoot the Sparky Batteries Jump in the portal Shoot the Sparky Batteries Jump in the portal Etc.. etc... of course we can't forget the diving and shooting locks.. We need more DISPROVING then THEORIZING... I know some of you are on a PS3... but please notice there is about 5 threads each on the Batteries and jumping in the portal.. Not flaming you in anyway, just more so exhausted on the same speculation.. It's almost as if people DO read these threads, then re-post just to get everyones attention on the same subject over and over.. If you didn't read a previous thread on the subject, then I'm sorry hehehe... but ZOMG ~ L2READ Topics B4 Post.. I've gone to the extent to just copying and pasting my comments, because I don't want to type anymore.. Minus this of course ;)
  8. Misleading to the max and no, no one knows.. ---- Im still on the theory of a hotfix/patch when it's released for PS3 that allows hyena and hitsam to be applicable rather then empty endings..
  9. Did you delete the map pack, restart the xbox and re download it?
  10. i was shooting it.. In the video the cross bow was not upgraded it was still the green light not the red.
  11. You can use X on windows while using the Death Machine.. So interacting with an object is possible..
  12. We completed all the way to Luna, had 2 players with Gersch and 4 players with the upgraded Rays, 1 Upgraded Thunder, 1 Player with Dolls... We tried a good 12 times and nothing... Did it right next to the nodes (lights) Nothing nothing nothing... I don't get it? Gersch by Generator Console Under Stairs Monkey Buttons Pressure Plate Spell LUNA Blow up Gersch Multiple times Am I missing something?
  13. Don't forget we are dealing with time travel, so time is nearly irrelevant.. especially if Samantha's supernatural abilities aren't limited by time.. I mean as far as knowing the Date, just to know out of pure knowledge is good.. But time travel is very tricky... Imagine if they made zombie game that ended with killing samantha before she had powers, murdering a little girl Hahahaha...
  14. No I agree the death machine will always be there as a reward for going that far... But i think more steps are to come post PS3 release Just as the nuke during the count down.. not everyone will always have a crawler or think to have a crawler during some of the steps, so being able to mow thru is kinda nice.. But yea.. it does make sense..
  15. Maybe the Wunder Waffle is in it... and the batteries are meant for it Speculation of course, but it fits.. I still agree with the theory that come PS3 release there will be a global patch to allow people to finish the easter egg, as I can see Treyarch trying to be fair.. Yes Xbox got to play first, but why let Xbox spoil the entire easter egg for PS3 players.. They certainly are aware of their Zombie community...
  16. So you're thinking the same then? Possible patch come PS3 release that completes the string, to allow for full console discovery and limited while it's release was on Xbox ?
  17. It would probably be locally.. I believe maybe the shuttle ? or Maybe you are supposed to jump into a worm hole as the 8th step? *shrugs*
  18. I like this theory... Maybe the easter egg dead ends till all platforms can complete it... A patch or such would fix that come full console release.. OR A top secret zombie map.. Because of leaks and hype I could lean towards a patch to complete the easter egg... because a leak wouldn't contain that patch, nor would it be a complete map to be leaked.. Interesting..
  19. The thing with treyarch... Is the fuse boxes in Kino were irrelevant but theorized on... The batteries maybe there to throw us off... Maybe..
  20. The map has a tendency to cause physical lag on the Xbox as I've seen on 3 separate Xbox (3 diff generations as well) here in our house.. I would try cleaning up your HD on the Xbox as well as shutting it off and turning it back on...
  21. No ones going to kill you haha.. But there is a line of txt with in the code for the game, allowing those words to work with in the game, if it was PC / PS3 / XBOX specific it would be irrelevant info to keep in the file for one of any of the other systems.. Im imagining there is a series of events we are still not understanding, or another sort of easter egg unrelated to the current big discovery... We'll see I guess the more the game gets stripped down..
  22. Did anyone ever stop to think you don't need EVERYONE do attack the Gersch unit... maybe theres a way to have 1 or 2 players @ the location where he rises from.. Possibly an interactivity at the location or throwing a gersch at him to suck him back down? Hahaha....
  23. I did find that today-- You can repair windows while using the Death Machine.. So maybe it is possible, however what use would having a Death Machine on hand do you, while trying to interact with an object? Less it opens a door / portal / barricade with something that you need to shoot on it's other side.. Keeping in mind, needing to shoot it with in 90 seconds of having received the Death Machine.. Has anyone tried interacting with, or shooting at the "Repair Booth" just outside of the room with Claymores post 90second Death Machine?
  24. Great arguments.. To explain sam, because Yuri was involved.. They were not allies which is correct but thats not to say that the experiment itself didn't supersede international disputes. Let alone it may not be limited to Yuri and Richt having a past and Richt coming to Russia to evaluate Yuri's progress after Both German and US failed at their attempts of containing 115.. Either way you go, if you listen to the radios there is a connection between all the maps and countries doing their own experiments on 115.. Now when 115 is used, sam then has power over them.. so because she can do so, that gives her power over any and all countries experimenting with it. Let alone every experiment in some way refers to either Maxis or Richt being of assistance, and since two of them worked together at one point it's not to say they didn't assist others with their findings or either the clean up. Maybe 115 wasn't shared research but also could have been sort of the 'space race' of this reality. Who could perfect it's use first? Also, if you have an idea of main stream popular science, you'll find that a majority of well known researchers all know one another from having worked on projects in the past, or reading one anothers work. So again, there are far more reasons why this is all connected then why it's not.
  25. Possibly to create a means at some point to travel extra-dimensionally in order to reach the supernatural beings/being (Samantha) that has power over the Zombies, or that is that seems to have power over them.. ?? A means to do so either this map or future maps, or maybe even a map that is two maps in one... One carrying Zombies, the other Carrying the realm the dogs come from.. Speculation of course, I have no real facts for this statement..
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