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Everything posted by Tac

  1. I'm talking about the outbreak, not when we play there.
  2. Ok so many people always want to know, "which map broke out first?" So in this thread I want to know when you believe this map happened in the breakout order. i.e. I think this map broke out before [insert map name] but after [insert map name] and I think so because...." Something of that nature. We know that the outbreak occurred during the radios, but we are not sure of when the radios happen. Some hints at a time include: Project Mercury- That project was ran from 1959 to 1963 but interestingly enough, in the radios they refer to Project Mercury as the Gersch Device. This is odd because it was actually the first human spaceflight program of the United States. I am not sure if the oddity is relevant. Sam- They refer to a little girl (Sam). While this may not be much, at least we can confirm it's after Der Riese. That's about all I have for now, if you can provide any more proof or suggestions as to when the outbreak may have occurred, post them!
  3. Updated FIVE, Call of the Dead, and working on a few other grammatical errors now.
  4. Wait what? I'm sorry but that doesn't really make sense. They can do whatever the hell they want with the song, they can make it so that it's the same when no matter how you play it. It can be clear as day English and then be played backwards and be pure as day English also. It's truly not a concept to put past Treyarch.
  5. Sorry but thats wrong. These pictures are of kino that are in the der riese server which has usernames but no passwords. These images come from the raw filea of yhe server but the other stuff has to be opened by loging into the server. But we can't technically say there is no passwords
  6. Tac

    Steiner is the thief?

    I don't want to be on anyone's bad side here, we appreciate the thought, but we have already concluded basically that Clarke is NOT the thief. There is tons of counter-evidence and it's time to look in a new direction.
  7. What? You do know they make comments right?
  8. Wait! So this is from the ACTUAL server? If cjdog can view the pic, why not any messages inside?
  9. You don't believe in backtracking? I think it is easily something Treyarch would do, but I'm not sure if they have yet.
  10. Tac

    Steiner is the thief?

    No Clarke isn't related to the thief.
  11. Tac

    Steiner is the thief?

    That's true, he hasn't much to do with 935, but Steiner was in it.
  12. Oh wow! Nice, so that's what it could do... Crazy.
  13. Welcome to CoDz!!
  14. PLEASE use the search button. I made the same mistake a few weeks ago.
  15. Damn that's new to me. But awesome! The could, as said, be Nikolai. The massacre being on the zombies, and by troops, well most likely the group of people sent to retrieve Dempsey that was mentioned in intel.
  16. Because these characters are American, I think the CoTD date is month/day. And as said, the timelines can be: Outbreaks The order we are there the physical time in real life were there.
  17. Maybe it means ONE of the maps are 1946, because if he says it in Kino just after coming from Der Riese, it could mean Der Riese is 1946 or SNN is.
  18. I also originally believed it to be Kino first, but the Der Riese description says that DR is where it all took shape. I think Verruckt was first outbreak also.
  19. If you plan on buying Quick Revive and Juggernog, open the bottom door to Jug so that that is the only entrance. If you are buying Jug and NOT Quick Revive, ONLY OPEN THE TOP and it becomes really easy. If only getting jug, never open the bottom, it's makes the machine much more vulnerable and it is the most essential.
  20. This post would be more appropriate in the Teammate Finder section.
  21. True, but most likely he was going to die. I agree that he was, but he didn't, so the portrait can't be him.
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