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Everything posted by Tac

  1. I don't think they imprisoned him. He is created artificially with lightning, therefore he can be re-created at any time I bet. Because of that, I don't think he just meandered into the generator and they all looked up and saw a lightning man haha. They created him out of nothing, that's how he's in the generator in my opinion.
  2. I believe so. Monopoly Mac said once that the fact the perk machines fall from it makes it slightly implied, which I agree with. Shooter pointed out to me that the ashes that fall from the sky are green and red, kind of like the Ray Gun bullets or the liquid in Dwr Riese. On top of that, it can explain the breakout. Sorry if this question was directed at Shooter :oops:
  3. That map does not have two obtuse angles, as it is 100% impossible to have a triangle with two obtuse angles.
  4. It's not a half bad theory, however because we know that the Shangri-La temple has time-traveling/teleportation capabilities and there's a teleporter in No Man's Land, that gives a viable way of transport from one to another.
  5. I have no clue if it's relevant, but there's the power symbol inside the vault in Town. It's just a green square with a lightning bolt going through it. The BradyGames Strategy Guide seems to think there may be something.
  6. Well one of the largest similarities between Chernobyl and Hanford is the reactors themselves, because they are incredibly similar and the LA Times calls them "first-cousin" reactors. Along with that, they both released large amounts of iodine-131 in their respective ways. I mean that is just what I can find beyond the obvious fact they are nuclear reactors and what-not. http://articles.latimes.com/1986-05-07/ ... eservation
  7. Essentially, if you look at the real Green Run experiment, you see they released a moderate amount of radiation into the atmosphere over a two day period. Like Chernobyl, it consisted largely of iodine-131. Now, put a zombies twist on it and say there was 115 there as well, depending if you believe as I do in that the Manhattan Project had heavy 115 involvement. With that, you've got the source of your Green Run breakout in Hanford. That's where the issue lies. The fact that they have certain aspects of a few different species makes me unsure as to which is the original. I'd like to say monkeys because of the tail, but the head suggests human and the eyes suggest neither. That is why I came up with the idea that they were engineered, not mutated. They were created, not modified, if that makes sense. Of course this is just a theory, a flimsy one at that. They could always be a demon of sorts, some random creature. I don't know. I just can't imagine what type of mutation they'd have to go through to have that happen.
  8. I'm on board so far with this "blinding-light" theory being the reason they burrow underground. I'm not liking all this talk about Element 115 lol. The Denizen eyes do not glow, similarly to the NOVA6 Crawlers, which I believe does not make them Zombies as we've come to know. In fact, I don't think they have been in contact with any Element 115 at all, just like how the crawlers weren't. As for the missile, I don't see any reason for them to have 115 in them. Maxis is trying to lessen the effect that Dr. Richtofen has among the world and launching nukes with 115 would completely counteract every bit of that. I don't think he "got into" the generator. He is created artificially, therefore he can be re-created at any time I bet. Because of that, I don't think he just meandered into the generator and they all looked up and saw a lightning man haha. They created him out of nothing, that's how he "got into" the generator in my opinion. As of right now, I don't see how any mutation can make a humanoid head and primate body, it just doesn't seem right to me so far. With the crawlers at least, they are the size of small humans and have four legs and some even have ripped jeans if I remember correctly. These just... Idk, they are the size of monkeys with human heads. I want to stick to my idea of genetically engineered for now, until I see something more. Are you talking about George, as in Romero? What do you have to back this up, or is it more of an idea you're tossing out?
  9. "What is it with Groph's obsession with American women, all they do is play games! No matter, time to charge up the Casimir Mechanism. Carry the one..." - quest_step5_14 - Edward Richtofen in Big Bang Theory Easter Egg Richtofen actually says it about Groph, not Dr. Maxis. Richtofen clearly has something against Americans, likely due to the war. He says that all American women do is play games, which I'm not sure how he would know that. We know that Maxis and Sophia had a slight liking for each other beyond professional means, but the excerpt from the Call of the Dead radio I quoted above suggests that Maxis doesn't like Americans either, so I don't think that Sophia is American. That begs how Richtofen knows American women play games, or how/why Groph is obsessed with them.
  10. The Zombies always differ for me. Sometimes I have to shoot them, sometimes I jsut have to move. If I had to guess, it would be part of the fact that Richtofen also mentions how he's getting used to the Aether, so maybe he was still in the process of taking over all the Zombies? If I recall correctly, they have no color in their eyes at all until they start glowing blue and the imminent attack begins. Dr. Maxis isn't stuck in Aether, in my eyes. He's in the computer system on Griffin Station and on Green Run he states he can't effect physical change yet, which means he can only speak via electronics, like speakers. My guess is that he is taking over the Bus Depot PA System to speak to you there.
  11. I definitely think they were genetically engineered. If not that, overexposed to the elements released in the actual Green Run in 1949. I don't think they are zombies, as they don't have the glowing eyes. Just like how the NOVA crawlers aren't Zombies by our definition, since they have no Element 115 inside them. I don't think the place is all that familiar to him, since all the quotes I can find about him "seeing that before" was when he got on the bus after Town and took it around again through the cycle of stops. Are you referring to his quote about amperes? I feel like that may have been from his electronics shorting out from the nuke and shocking him? I can't tell for sure, I need to look into that more.
  12. It's tough to say. Aegisknight had a thread a while back in the Research Facility about his name. He said how Ludwig was a German name, and how Ludvig was a Scandinavian name. Perhaps that's what he could mean? It's just that both Ludvig and Ludwig show up in the game.
  13. "One of them has escaped to breed!" - Marlton in Green Run The Denizens escaped to breed and repopulate in Hanford, I assume.
  14. If they blew up the MOON then does that mean our O4 is dead? Not necessarily. Remember, they still have the teleporter that would still work. They would be trapped in NML if they returned though, unless they found a way out. Jackass Flats anyone?
  15. There's a DLC tab on Elite for Camo's isn't there? That's what I heard. As for weapons, someone asked Vonderhaar on Twitter if there would be DLC "weapons, camos, etc... Added into MP?" and his response was "Classified." so it's very well possible. I read something about it and they said that it was not possible for consoles because they use every bit of memory possible on Multiplayer, but for PC it's possible.
  16. Tac

    Green run

    The fog wouldn't surprise me considering the state of the Earth and how messed up it is. The Denizens will be interesting, if they return then we know that they aren't specific to the area like I currently believe since they have cages and what not. It will be really interesting to see what they throw into the DLC as it will change the story greatly... Or keep it the same haha.
  17. When was he in the Aether exactly? Your theory suggests he was in the computer, which I do believe to be his fail safe, but I don't think he did it in the Aether. As for an AI, I think he's an entity that can only effect things via speaking into electronics (as supported by Green Run radios), but I personally wouldn't call that an Artificial Intelligence. If it's an entity that's hacking into electronic systems, it's not artificial. It's still him, just speaking through something different. Your definition of entity is flawed. A sentient robot would be considered an entity. If Maxis is now computerized version of himself, then he would technically be a separate entity than his dead body. It's kinda like cloning, except the clone is "digital". My definition is flawed in no such way. I do not believe he is digital, his soul/spirit is just somewhere else and he is speaking through speakers.
  18. Tac

    The Storm?

    "I know there is a Devil, for I see a storm coming and his hand is in it!" - John F. Kennedy JFK says that on FIVE, replace the word Devil with God and you've got an excerpt of a speech by him. Doubt it's the same storm, but I figured I'd post it.
  19. When was he in the Aether exactly? Your theory suggests he was in the computer, which I do believe to be his fail safe, but I don't think he did it in the Aether. As for an AI, I think he's an entity that can only effect things via speaking into electronics (as supported by Green Run radios), but I personally wouldn't call that an Artificial Intelligence. If it's an entity that's hacking into electronic systems, it's not artificial. It's still him, just speaking through something different.
  20. Could this be a possible reason for the zombies in Nuketown having normal soldiers uniforms on? Maybe over the 900 blasts at the Nevada Test Site, Treyarch says some died and there we have it? EDIT: Here's an image from Exercise Desert Rock I basically showing what you're saying above.
  21. Essentially, that sentence alone is all we know lol. Dr. Richtofen was working on this "Mexican subject" and te spleen fell out, making it then failed. Richtofen then received Tank Dempsey as a replacement.
  22. In the Fallout Shelter, Marlton says the quote. viewtopic.php?f=100&t=25526
  23. Lol you may want to switch those around, you said it backwards.
  24. Tac

    Whats the Year?!?

    That is.. Just... To put it nicely, not my belief. The story could very well be that complex, we've hit things like this before. You have a point there, the eyes change color. However, the robot was tampered with in SOME way, I don't think it would yell profanities at the passengers. Any respectable company wouldn't want to do that to themselves and their reputation, in my eyes.
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