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Everything posted by BlackOpsTiger

  1. BTW, just a heads up, I don't think it will be easy to find a "gersch Device" I'm pretty sure they aren't real, I mean particle colliders have been tried, but no black hole of any significant effect is known to have been created, although the theory exists, no test on a large enough scale has been succesfful. And when it is, i'm not so sure it would be easy to attain one, you'd probably have to know some REALLY powerful people or be a genius to find one, lol but good luck on your journey! :lol:
  2. I'm no expert on this topic, and I'm certainly not a physicist, but I can do my best and explain my understanding of it. ---- Theoretically again this is all in theory, because it has never actually happened, this device could create a gravitational singularity, which is basically a huge disruption in quantam gravity. This is all complicated stuff, and I suppose the reason black holes like this can't be reproduced by anything we've created is because it would need to have a "big bang" effect where things just expand and blow up forever, which hasn't really been proven, even took place. ---- But anyway, I think that it makes something with two items (I don't know what they would be made of) that become so close to each other and have certain properties, they disrupt the universal law of gravity and would create their own "center of gravity" kind of like a black hole. So, in a way the Gersch Device could be used to basically destroy anything that it is strong enough to attract, of course there is the issue of where does it go after it enters the center of gravity, which might be why Treyarch also gave us the quantam entaglement device, which basically can be used as a method to "teleport" items, like a door that you enter on one side of the universe and come out on the other. ----- Again, I'm not the best person to ask about this stuff, there are probably people here that know a lot more about this than me, but from what I understand, in real life, this will never happen, basically because of how advanced it is, unless we discover a functioning black hole and can come up with tools to investigate how it works. ----- As for why Treyarch used it in the game, I'm sure it was just a "life-like" way to open up a hole in the "space-time" continuum and enter the Aether dimension where, Yuri was trapped. And it's awesome when you see zombies gettig sucked into a black hole, and a damn good escape tool when you're trapped too BlackOpsTiger / Jared
  3. Good theory, actually great theory considering the Rusalka. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rusalka Read the information in the link about the myth of the Rusalka. Inside the teleporters on Der Riese people reported seeing the words 'The Rusalka' back during WaW before Black Ops was released, this is also "confirmed" on callofduty.wikia.com Not only was it a sign of things to come in black ops, but it is one of many numbers stations that may have been broadcasting the "programming" Group 935 was trying to create to control their undead army, when the soviets re-gained the technology they created the Rusalka. Perhaps Samantha will try to find her body, which if we consider her to be this "demon" it would make perfect since that her body was under water. We may have a continuation plot developing for zombies, I sure hope this isn't over yet. -BlacOpsTiger / Jared
  4. I would disagree with that, based on how I was able to piece together the songs with the exception of some voice files and easter eggs, and figure out that: 1. Samantha was "dead" or trapped in another dimension 2. Richtofen was "the one" that would come and "save" Samantha 3. They would go up to the moon and never come down 4. Everyone dies and no one survives (Earth blowing up, connects with #3) and a lot more from the songs alone. With developers like those at Treyarch and their great storytelling you never know what might be a clue to the storyline or not.
  5. In my opinion, every song but maybe one or two is either about Samantha or from her epoint of view, more here: viewtopic.php?f=72&t=16079 About two days before Moon came out I looked through all the songs and just form them alone I was able to predict Richtofen wanted to "Gain" whatever samantha had, and that Earth would inevitably be destroyed, and that they would go up to the moon, and never come back down. So really Treyarch hid the storyline in the songs, and made up for the rest in Easter Eggs and voice acting.
  6. To be honest, I think it's just a model they used. If you can believe it, this was basically a supercomputer in the 1960's-ish ERA. Even the smartphones today outdo the technology used to aviate and reach the moon back then, but it is interesting seeing how control panels have changed over time, now it is fairly simple with just a lot of different controls. I fly a little myself, although it's been awhile. So just thought I would give my view. Also a little side note, the Vostok 1 was launched from the Baikanour Cosmodrone, Treyarch really did do their research for this game I hope they are doing some research right now for another game...
  7. I was in a match and it pack a punched all of our weapons we had out. 2 of us were in the dome and 2 of us were outside on the moon next to the teleporter. So I guess it's either a large radius or everyone in the map gets their gun upgraded. It was very nice, 3 of us had a ray gun out and the other an HK and we all were on our last few clips , I love the QED, and hate it -BlackOpsTiger/ Jared
  8. I actually like the way Treyarch answers there fans. It allows the mystique to continue, if they simply said yes, the map ends in this way or at this round or they said well.... no it never ends. That's no fun. It keeps us wondering, although I doubt there is any "end" to any zombies map yet. Honestly, I'm sure Activision is going to wait until December or so to give Treyarch an assignment or tell Treyarch that they won't be needing another CoD in 2012, unless the "unique" CoD is coming out in 2012, then Treyarch makes one in 2013. I honestly hope that Activision will see the full potential in zombies and take advantage of it and innovate, if Treyarch or Activision doesn't have any ideas on how to innovate (not possible with the brilliant minds at Treyarch) then the community certainly will. In fact I've got my own ideas on how to go past the standard round surviving mode, of course I would keep the round based survival mode but perhaps a map or two different. I.E.) - To continue the storyline the crew recounts what Richtofen said about time travel and how the DG-2 overloaded the Matter transference Prototype (teleporter) and sent them forward in time to Kino Der Toten. Samantha realizes the only way to end it all and get her daddy back is to travel back in time and rid the world of Element 115 and return to her original life. "Time Travel will tell" us what to do -This could start by having the crew search Moon for anything that could overload the teleporter. -This could be a sort of mini game where it is a different item everytime and you start with 2 random weapons and 2 random perks and you all must search for an "Wunder Weapon" or device capable of sending them back in time. -There could still be rounds, but perhaps the goal would be to travel back in time as quickly as possible and then you unlock the next map as a traditional round survival map with more Easter Eggs and weapons, perks, etc. Bring me 115 - Another kind of game type for zombies I have is for example starting out near the Tunguska explosion and having the game start as the meteorite striking the Earth and the explosion knocking your crew in a random direction. - Then you would have to gather things randomly placed near the explosion capable of getting rid of the Element 115 in the meteorite. - Perks, random boxes, zombie spawns would all be randomly placed and spawned but in a certain pattern so they aren't too close or far from each other. - It would be cool to see how quick your team could gather the parts needed to get rid of the 115 in the meteor and get to the actual meteor with rounds similar to escaping moon and traveling back in time. Just some ideas I had, of course there are problems with them that could easily be fixed. I really wish that I could somehow find out if they will continue the zombies story and help give them ideas for innovating the Zombies mode and open it up to a wider audience to create a full zombies game. I think I'm going to make a thread about this soon, I have some other great ideas, although I don't know if they would be technically possible with the current power of consoles. I'd also like to see other things the community wants to see, hmmm...
  9. That's actually a really good theory dude, I never noticed the black sun is formed by the trees. Hmm. Now that we can confirm that the Black Sun is connected to the Vril society and from a radio on Moon the pyramid is from the Vril "alien" race, and we know richtofen was teleported to the dimension with Shangri-La we can see a connection between them all. I have a feeling that something went wrong with the "power". Perhaps Samantha and Richtofen switching positions caused a huge disruption in Aether and the "hollow Earth" causing black holes to erupt. After all it says Meanwhile not later. So perhaps Shangri-La is being destroyed or transformed as Samantha is set free and Richtofen is trying to form something with Shangri-La on the Moon. After all, his shrine was there right ;)
  10. Now that the first (or last) part of the Storyline has been finished and Richtofen's Grand Scheme revealed, we need to go over everything we've got from the beginning to the end. This is an updated version of this thread: viewtopic.php?f=72&t=15980 Again, I will be updating as frequently and in as much detail as possible, and I appreciate constructive Criticism, and helpful feedback on your theories/ corrections. Enjoy PART 1: Group 935 begins Group 935 Logo - Group 935 is a 'Top Secret' Elite German Research group founded for the betterment of humanity in 1938. Although it was never a real organization under Nazi Germany, similar research groups existed during the Third Reich. However none as successful as Group 935. - We know a lot about Group 935 from Easter Eggs. Here is a speech at the opening of the Organization headed by Ludvig Maxis and a passage taken from the Group 935 manual. SkPc0AJOEpw Transcript of speech is as follows: [sTATIC] MAXIS: Gentleman. Allow me to take this opportunity to welcome you the Group 9-3-5. This is a prestigious moment in the history of our race. You represent the future of technological advancement. You are the pioneers of human discovery. In your hands lies the destiny of mankind. In our hands is a great power and with that power comes a price. MAXIS (cont): You have volunteered to be part of this great experiment and with that decision comes the responsibility of absolute secrecy. No one is to know what you do, where you work, what our research has discovered, or what our purpose will be. You will have no further contact with your governments or your families. Your decision to fully dedicate your lives to Group 935 is absolute. MAXIS (cont): In your lockers you will find your field ops manual which will direct you should our manifest get compromised. We cannot afford to let this power fall into the wrong hands and therfore the fields ops manual should be considered your bible. Make your preperations now. A new dawn is beginning for mankind. [static.] The Following is a transcript of what is found on the open page: Page 1 [Transcript of Maxis' speech] Page 2 In the event of any critical failure, you are instructed to take your cyanide tablet that's included in your field operations kit. In the event that you have misplaced yours, there are several methods that will accomplish the same task... - In the logo for Group 935 we can see that their is a hand clenching an atom, surrounded by Gears. This shows that Group 935 can "control" atoms and have found ways to not only transport matter, but travel through Dimensions through the M.D.T (Mulit-Dimensional Transporter) We will go into what Group 935 has discovered later. - Also seen in this picture taken from the Zombie files of WaW we see ENG, FRA, and GER next to the teleporter stations and then Group 935 under all of this. Group 935 had a plan developing to further accelerate transportation of the living and living dead to the battlefield to win the war. The SS lightning bolt on the hand symbolizes the Group was fighting got the Nazi war effort. More on Group 935's plan in another PART. - Another interesting thing to note is that Group 935 wasn't Nazi operated only, it was a coalition of many scientists, researchers, engineers, doctors, etc. from many nations. However, we will later learn that there were spies from America in the Group that were slowly learning about this organization, and they had some major consequences. PART 2: Members of Group 935 Nameplate of Dr. Maxis, leader of Group 935 As follows is the list of known characters and members associated with Group 935. More detail will be given in the following chapters and how they fit into the storyline. - Doctor Ludvig Maxis - Leader of the group 935, created several weapons, headed all 935 projects, Formulated "The Grand Plan" for the Nazi war effort. - Edward Richtofen - Maxis' assistant. Developed many weapons, helped create undead army, discovered many secrets and lied to his colleagues and Maxis about them. Later turned on Group 935 and Maxis for his own interests. - Sophia - Maxis' assistant. Distracted Maxis near the end of Group 935. - Peter McCain - American spy sent by the OSS to find out what Group 935, later killed while trying to find out about the Element 115 research. - H. Porter - Creator of the Porter's X2 Ray Gun and the Porter's X2 Zap Gun - Harvey Yena - American operative in Group 935. Creator of the Hyena Infra-Dead. - Dr. Schuster - Scientist involved in the M.D.T / Teleporter experiments - Dr. Groph - Boss of Dr. Schuster, Richtofen's accomplice in betraying Maxis. Eventually died most likely from the zombie outbreak. Richtofen's Test Subjects / Unconventional Allies - Tank Dempsey - Details soon - Takeo Masaki - Details soon - Nikolai Belenski - Details soon PART 3: Group 935 Discovers Element 115 Element 115 was Essential in Group 935's research and development - At an unknown time in Group 935's start Element 115 was discovered and experimented on in various fields. Group 935 discovered early on how to create it, and their 2 most important uses for the Element discovered so far. Found in Der Riese facility - Because Creating Element 115 is certainly not easy, cheap, or long-lasting we must assume after the discovery Ununpentium the element must have been found or mined. More on the locations in a later PART about weapons development of 935. - Looking at the note, we can see that Group 935 being established with Scientists that had great knowledge about atoms knew that in theory a meta-stable isotope such as Element 115 would make matter-transference possible. - Their was however a side-effect to the use of Element 115, this side effect is of course, the re-animation of the brain and dead cells, creating the living dead.
  11. I've seen some on YouTube that show the Bio-Dome radio playing different recordings. Here are 1-5, with transcripts of the 6 audio reels: http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Moon/Radios and thanks to LiamFTWinter the final one, we know of for now, until PC files come out: zv_8V7QujiM all of them help us finish the puzzle of the story, or at least what was left to finish. Now it's possible the story might end, but I see a lot of potential for the continuation :D
  12. Awesome, finally everything fits perfectly now. Except for what happens after Moon. Which is obviously helping Samantha get rid of Richtofen's control of Zombies and destroying the power instead of the power destroying everything. I think I've got it all pieced together and am currently working on a GIANT thread and hopefully when I post it you guys can help me out with it also. You all have done great work and done great research and created great and surprisingly accurate predictions, Treyarch couldn't ask for a better fan-based community. 8-) -BlackOpsTiger/ Jared
  13. Thanks, I'm not right about EVERYTHING though lol. But I was surprised at the accuracy when Richtofen said the following at the terminal with the Vril Device: "You should never have kept the DG-2 from production, you should have never have tried to steal the plans for the MDT!" the Plans for the MDT were secret from Maxis and led to the discovery of "the power" I currently have the first 3 parts saved in a draft for the new and improved thread and am working on the rest. It's a big story and I hope to have it released sometime soon, or at least part of it. I'll keep this thread I guess just for reference back to it just incase.
  14. I'm sure it's some kind of glitch or problem with the backdrop of the map from the point of view of Area 51, I'm sure you can no-clip and find a different texture that just isn't showing for some reason. Don't forget to consider the following: Character Quotes in Area 51: "Nevada. Where the men are men and the sheep are nervous." — Upon entering the Receiving Area. - Nevada is the location of Area 51 Richtofen: "Oh, this must be the place where they make the apple pies." — When entering the recieving area. Dempsey: "Home sweet home." — Upon entering the Receiving Area. -both references to the place being in America, tank's American. Richtofen relates America with Apple pies in a radio recording on CotD nicknames for Area 51: Dreamland, Paradise Ranch, Home Base, Watertown Strip, Groom Lake, and most recently Homey Airport
  15. It could just be the game using the same background that the moon has, a glitch or something. But then again he might be right, maybe that isn't "area 51" or Hangar 18 on Earth. hmm...
  16. Audio 3- Dr Groph: (Static) “Eagle’s Nest. This is Griffin Station. We have an update. Over.” Edward Richtofen: “Dr Groph, have you made any progress?” Dr Groph: “Yes Doctor. The machine is ready and awaiting the conduit” Edward Richtofen: “(Laughing) Very good, I will proceed with Operation Shield and join you shortly” Dr Groph: “Security Protocol 935" Edward Richtofen: "Yes, I will dispose of Dr. Maxis and that little brat personally. Do not. Touch. Anyth-” (Static) Audio 6- Dr Groph: (Static) “Hope this works. Schuster, power it up” (Hissing gas and a loud bang are heard) Computerized voice: “Systems Nominal. Accessing Pyramid Device. Interface via M.P.D active. Accessing M.P.D. M.P.D integrity check nominal. Awaiting input.” Dr Groph: “Excellent, bring the scepter” (Loud bangs heard) Computerized voice: “Analyzing M.P.D. Creating profile. Profile Created.” Dr Groph “Excellent. Now, scan for targets” Dr Scheuster: “Yes Doctor” (Gas hissing and bangs are heard once again) Computerized voice: “Target located” Dr Groph: “Bring him here, immediately.” (Gas hissing and bangs are heard followed by the sound of a teleporter. The thumping of someone landing is heard afterwards) Dr Scheuster: "Greetings, Dr. Maxis." Ludwig Maxis: “Scheuster! I should’ve known. Where is that rat Edward? Where are we? And how did you get me out of that wretched tu-” Dr Groph: “None of that is important right now. Allow me to fill you in” (Static) Ludwig Maxis: "Samantha. Honey? Daddy is here. Come dear, please. Open the machine. Daddy will not let them hurt you anymore. Honey? Daddy knows he’s made some mistakes, I am truly sorry that you were put through so much. When your mother died I could not bear the thought of losing you too, that’s why I kept you so close. I did not mean to neglect you, I just wanted to now you were safe from harm-” (Hissing gas, a girl crying is heard crying.) Samantha Maxi: “Daddy!” Ludwig Maxis: “I love you Samantha.” Samantha Maxis: (Sobbing) “I love you too Daddy.” Ludwig Maxis: “Can you do something for me? Something very important.” Samantha Maxis: “Yes.” Ludwig Maxis: “Kill them all.” (A gunshot is heard and a man shouts "No". Gas hisses and Samantha laughs) Dr Groph: “We are all doomed!” (Static) In short, after enough souls went into the device Samantha was trapped, either on purpose or by accident. You can see Maxis is angered after he is teleported to the moon for what seems like the first time. He immediately is concerned about Richtofen and calls him a rat. I believe that when Edward locked them in the room with the Hellhound he teleported them to the moon for whatever reason and Samantha was "taken" first and got trapped in the pyramid and whatever that pyramid did it changed her, a lot. Maxis was later "taken out" for whatever reason by another Doctor. Maxis then ordered Samantha to kill everyone, then all hell broke out. Richtofen then escaped back to Earth somehow, most likely by teleportation and changed identity to "hide" and lied to his test subjects while attempting to continue his plan of "controlling 935" with Nikolai, Tank, and Takeo as his "helpers" This is when he assumed the name Richtofen to hide his identity and would not stop to get to the moon, and finish his Grand Scheme he began while going insane and becoming enraged at Maxis in group 935. Again, this in itself is very brief. It is much more complex with many more details, i'm not sure I will even be able to fit it all in this thread. or 90,000 characters that is. I think I'm going to try and explain it in two thread, Richtofen during Group 935 and after Group 935, and what happened on the Moon. This includes those rockets that blew up the Earth and why he did what he did on the moon. It's complicated now, but hopefully the community can make it simpler soon.
  17. We have learned a lot more about Samantha, Maxis and what happened to her in the pyramid-like structure. We can now confirm that Richtofen planned to do something horrible as he grew a crave for power after seeing what 115 could do. We now know how they got to the moon and shangri-La. We know that the MDT didn't work and much more until 1939. I have a lot to update and add and will do my best to make this storyline more clear for everyone. http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Moon/Radios
  18. That's some good theorizing there. I should be able to get Shi No Numa and possibly why they returned to Der Riese by this time tomorrow.
  19. Guys, don't forget about all of the hints we got about the "hollow" Earth. Sure the surface of the Earth looked fine, but perhaps now we will truly see the Vril-Ya race in the continuation playing more into the story. Maybe survivors take shelter in the habitable places of earth. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Subterranea-Cat ... 1157569102
  20. Yep lol. I figured some planet would be destroyed based on all of the hints Treyarch gave us about Nuclear Weapons and NOVA 6, I figured there would be a big boom, and when I saw the secret achievement I felt really good inside As for the Cryogenic slumber achievement, well I got part of it right I did say Samantha wanted Richtofen to be the one she would kill or "set her free" and turns out he was. I have a feeling we can now understand the God vs. God part of the poem Treyarch gave us, I have a feeling the story isn't over. Just this "chapter" what is in store for the rest of Treyarch's story? Only time travel will tell :D
  21. SPOILERS! Dude, anyone else notice how close I was to getting it right? Samantha DID want Richtofen to be the one she would kill and "become apart of" and "be set free" and in the end she did destroy everything on Earth! So close to what I predicted! I feel like a boss right now -BlackOpsTiger/ Jared
  22. I just hope people don't ruin the fun by going into the game code and script and cheating. It's more fun and you will feel a lot better if you do it without cheating. I hope Treyarch put some counter measure on code reading. And I hope it's an Easter Egg that will take at least 30-60 minutes to complete Gotta go out with a big bang for the season finale ;)
  23. Very Good point, here is a quick idea of what Im not ready to die means, to me. It isn't completely detailed but will be when I finish it in the Richtofen's Grand Scheme thread 8-) WKP9RwoTWwE Gone cast away in time Evil yours, now evil mine So I robbed you blind, the voices in my head could jest a less than peaceful side - Cast away in time, refers to the time-travel discovery and being cast into random or controlled points of time where Richtofen has gone - Richtofen wants the "Evil" to be his - He "Robbed" Maxis blind of his "creation" and Group 935 - His insanity caused him to have voiced that made him more violent than he already was, led to Maxis and Sam dying, not peacefully. The endless possibilities controlling 935 - There are so many possibilities Richtofen could have if he were to control Group 935 - This is what happened to him, he grew insane and lusted for Power after going insane and being betrayed (more detail in my thread) - He wants to control everything Group 935 created, including Zombies. You can't break me, crushed the fears of yesterday You can't change me, barriers I trust will fade. I've stood in the dark, been waiting all this time While we damn the dead I'm trying to survive, I'm not ready to die - Richtofen no longer has any fear of anything - During experimentation on controlling the minds of the living and undead zombies he almost finished and accomplished complete control, except for the trust barrier - His subjects could never trust him, but when he completes his scheme he believes those barriers will fade and he will control them all. Damned, watch the masses fall Burn it down, control 'em all Make me crawl, to daddy's little girl to read the writings on the wall - Richtofen and his crew are damned as they watch the Zombies around them dying - Richtofen too like Samantha wants to burn the world and control everything, including the Zombies - Daddy's little Girl is Samantha, does this mean she is leading Richtofen to her on the moon through writings on the Wall? Like Return through Aether... While cast into the nothingness the final curtain call - The Final Curtain Call of course is death - Is this a sign of things to come? The curtain call in "nothingness" maybe this will be revealed on moon? Chorus x1 Through the madness we find loyalty is no match for power Say goodbye to your life, left to rot in your darkest hour Prayers won't help you now as long as your mine - Richtofen was drove insane or "mad" through the lust for power and being around Element 115 (explained in pt.2 of Richtofen's grand scheme thread) - Loyalty is no match for power is refferring to Richtofen betraying Maxis and betraying his loyalty to him, Edward was Richtofen's real name before he killed Maxis and was his assistant - Maxis was killed because Richtofen felt betrayed and had a mad lust for power from insanity, he developed a mastermind grand scheme... - He left Maxis and Samantha to rot with the First Hellhound fluffy, then the teleporter went off and Samantha is what she is now. You can't break me, crushed the fears of yesterday You can't change me, barriers I trust will fade. Already Explained.... - Barriers if Trust fading so Richtofen can control them all I've stood in the dark, been waiting all this time While we damn the dead I'm trying to survive And I'll control the world one person at a time As I damn the dead I'm trying to survive, I'm not ready to die - He clearly says here he will control the world one person at a time - He needs to survive and damn the dead, for waiting for so long to complete his scheme, he isn't ready to die! Oh! I'm not ready to die I'm not ready to die! I'm not ready to die!! I'm not ready to die!!!
  24. lol hey dead man There is definitely a connection, I can see there are lots of holes in the theory and some things that don't make since, but you have got to admit there is some truth to the theory. We will find out how much of it is true soon, tomorrow maybe UPDATE with Conclusion: Conclusion Is that a Teddy Bear in the moon of Der Riese, symbolizing Samantha? Nope just Pareidolia - To sum this up, Samantha shows that she has gone through changes and has had her life flipped upside down by being killed an revived as this "thing" in Aether This is her Room before she dies: And after she dies: Here is a video exploring both rooms: n1gF6-asakc - Notice how there is a children song in the background and a normal room that a normal girl might have in the first room. She has toys, dolls, "perk-a-Cola" parties, books, toy boxes , etc. - But all of the sudden we see this second room all demonized. Everything is now destroyed. There is a giant "zombified" evil teddy bear reigning over the others. Notice how everything is now destryed. - Another important note is the crying heard in the background, this is heard all over almost every map. Samantha shows her anger and sadness, she even says in Abracadvre "I'm wretched but I'm powerful" - Which brings us to part II, Samantha realizes she has new power. The "power" is essentially this inter-dimensional, control Group 935 set up and established. Richtofen wants this also as Samantha can now observe through possible Mind-reading as she details in "Lullaby of a Dead man" - But how could she control the Zombies to get Revenge? Well turns out Richtofen and Group 935 were planning on Creating a undead army. One theory is through radio waves with brain implants or programming through film tapes, here is a terminal file: Nazi Zombie Reich, Phase Two: Strength by Regulation - Group 935 had a secret plan to control the Zombies through Regulation of the mind, Notice the radio towers sending signals all around. Samantha somehow was able to gain this exact control, only she can see through their eyes as detailed in the songs. - This surely would have been possible having spent time at Der Riese. Richtofen even said he was "experimenting" with her because he was growing Insane and lied to Maxis about everything before he killed him. - Samantha however is stuck in this form and wants to escape as she details, the only possible way though is to die. She eventually realizes that she will have to kill everything to be happy. - Samantha is basically god-like and she realizes Richtofen wants to be also, so they are the same in a way. As she details in a song. - She can't control her lust and smell of blood and need for revenge, so she attacks Richtofen and his crew, but Death is magic to her. Abracadvre... - She also says what comes up must never come down. She is hinted at strongly as being on the moon in some form controlling the Zombies and the "Power" which is Element 115. - This looks like it is leading to battle of Revenge vs. Shear insanity and desire for power. Maybe this is what we will see in Moon? Who knows we will find out soon. The Following are quotes explaining possible connections with Samantha and the Zombies, Hellhounds, and Monkey bombs The Zombies will say the following referring to Samantha in each map possibly referring to Samantha controlling them: Verrückt, Shi No Numa, Der Riese, Kino der Toten, "5", Ascension, Call of the Dead, Shangri-La, most likely moon also- "Sam!" — Upon attacking The Monkey bombs also refer to "coming" to Samantha when they go to kill Zombies. The Monkeys were most likely developed from one of Samantha's toys by Richtofen. Said by Monkeys in Der Riese "I'm coming Sam!" — Before exploding "You're not Sam..." — While being primed "Here I come Sam!" — Before Exploding Richtofen talking about the Monkeys in Shangri-La- "Keep it away from Sam, Nikolai!" — When Nikolai gets the Monkey Bomb Richtofen says the following to when Killing a hellhound referring to Samantha being connected with the hellhounds that "killed" her and her father: Said by Richtofen in Kino Der Toten- "Go back to Maxis, Samantha!" — Upon killing a Hellhound. Tank Dempsey says the following quote when sending zombies through the Gersch Devicec, this is likely because the gersch device can connect with the Aether Dimension which Samantha resides in and controls the zombies where they are being sent Said by Tank in Ascension- "Say "Hi" to Sam for me!" — After killing multiple zombies with the Gersch Device "My Sweet Pareiodolia" "Beware of the Black Sun" To find out more about Richtofen's scheme and how it relates to Samantha visit the Grand Scheme thread below. :)
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