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Everything posted by football5699

  1. Backround to this post - i have bought all map packs Now for my post.....My good sir have you bought all of the map packs. Because it would sure be ironic calling it a scam when you are buying it. Sorry if it came up harsh but I am trying to get the point across.
  2. Hmmmm interesting.....They developed an Area 51 Map Wonder why........a sign of good things to come
  3. I am in favor of using the sniper for what it was designed too BUT camping is annoying. I think that Treyarch, Infinity Ward, etc. need to take out snipers COMPLETELY until it is used properly because when I am playing search in MW2, I don't want the last guy alive trying to trick shot and then gets rocked in the face. /rant over
  4. Niceee wait can someone else (not saying your opinion means nothing) see if I made an actual discovery. Nothing against you, I just want to know if I found something awesome. :mrgreen:
  5. Where we saw the note next to our heroes where it says "true power will be yours blah blah blah," We did see the Jose Delgado from DR underneath it right?? Just making sure because I saw that today and don't necessarily remember seeing it on the forums.
  6. well...it said "Demo" cheats, maybe that just means they put some things in there to show stuff easier for the Demo version. true true.....well hopefully I'm right lmao.
  7. I caught Demo Cheats which means that Intel will be worth something again.
  8. Well tbh IMDB (a site that I LOVE) is the same as wikipedia. Anyone can edit it as long as you are a member.
  9. ahhhhhh MrRoflWaffles read my noteeeeeee
  10. I hope everyone is reading the "I am" quotes in the respected voices. If you are then it is even more funny lol
  11. Exactly, now think of it like pretty much burned to the ground with the easter eggs still visible :o
  12. Well, Ascension was in the top left Then the "advertisement" of CotD Then the next map And I want to go to a SNN in ruins but One can only dream. Imagine its just like we are in a swamp nearby and then you open a door and its just like there. I would be like :o
  13. Me: *Writes on notepaper* *slides note* Member reads aloud: WUNDERWAFFE?
  14. Can someone try Vril with erichtofen or maybe golden rod?? Think CotD now and even Ascension. And also maybe his portrait in Five could be a clue??
  15. Now this might be proof that the fuse boxes are DEFINETELY textures and nothing more. I had hope for the Kino Fuse Box Egg but now I think the case is closed.
  16. Wasnt...the...next map pack...possibly going to be named Retaliation??? Or was that a rumor because I know of the glitch when escalation came out.
  17. Loving the new setup.... REALLY love the new survivor usergroup....my first and Im proud But seriously im loving the new stuff and its good that early brained almost zombies like me can get a little bling :mrgreen:
  18. OOOOO that death date....now it ALL makes sense 8-)
  19. This might be a little harsh but dont take it the wrong way In Der Riese there are three planks that show initials to locations. I don't have any pictures of them but I'll just show what they said. ENG=England FRA=France GER=Germany There since WaW (world at war map) Like... Zombies in MW3?! No I mean during the making of the game Treyarch could be secretly working with Infinity-Ward and Activision to make a zombie mode in MW3. If only Treyarch wouldn't want to end zombies till Cod9 would they? But we'll have to wait and see.
  20. Maybe it leads to underground Der Riese Ahhh WaW jokes FTW... But yea if it was gonna be a "secret room" it would be there. Five there is a secret room and it is always there....the Dempsey portrait and the newspaper behind PaP.
  21. Have you seen the lyrics of the song? They have as much relevance as any other song. Won't Back Down has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING whatsoever so yeah....
  22. They registered domain names, but it costs a lot of money to have something trademarked, that means they're going forward with it. And to the person who mentioned halo, just because it's Advanced doesn't mean future. It could be current black ops missions, with top secret guns etc. Who knows? I doubt CoD will go future though. And maybe it might actually use *gasp* ....TACTICS *horror scream* But seriously I like a game that isn't just point and shoot.....Zombies is not that and if you think zombies is just point and shoot :evil:
  23. I KNOW there is a movie where someone tried to draw out someone powerful just to destroy them like a trap type thing. Like it was almost a meant-to-be showdown. anyway, I think that is where it may be headed as mentioned.
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