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Everything posted by WhosOnFirst

  1. Where is your evidance to support the idea of an elemant causing this plague of zombies. As for your statemant that 47093 is not EBOLA but is something else, well what the hell is it?? Dont rip down the work of somebody unless you have something solid to offer in its place. Do you?? Search Rebirth Island, I have provided a link a few posts above yours. The connection to weoponised viruses is startingly obvious if you took the time to read.
  2. Rebirth Island = Vozrozhdeniya http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vozrozhdeniya This island in the heart of whats left of the Aral Sea was a biological weapons warfare research centre during the cold war period. Now abandoned by the Soviet's much work was done on weoponising existing viruses. Such as Anthrax, plague and possibly Ebola.
  3. Can you just provide better evidance of the confirmation you have for zombies being created / caused by 115. I mean it does not make much sence at all, 115 is an ellament on the periodic table that has some unusual properties but it certainly is not an biological entity. Perhaps you could start another thread with your evidance and we could talk about it there so as not to lose the good work being put forward in this thread. Thanks Shoreyo.
  4. This service says the number is still in use, looking at the services the provider offers http://www.customtollfree.com/toll-free ... 8773864270 http://www.level3.com/ Telnet line maybe..
  5. Why not answer the several posters who have asked you how you deciphered the morse. What kind of feedback do you expect when you fail to answer the most basic of questions. :evil: As far as I can tell you have made an unfounded presumption and refuse to back up your findings. #HLcrewtrollmuch #proveotherwise
  6. Look on the bright side, the people with the old maps will be limited in amount. You can gaurantee that most of those who do purchase the hardened and prestige will be playing the new map/ maps anyway, even if they actualy update the gameplay of older maps. Activision or Treyarch would not limit themselves to not making the old maps availible as DLC for the masses, considering they are allready in DLC format and do not reside on the disk. I am tempted to pre-order the hardened just to have a peep at the old maps, but then I might be able to get the standard edition from the supermarket for under £30...might flip a coin for that choice. Either way I dont think you are losing out on anything.
  7. I like the way you think. To reply @ your previous post, Treyarch did produce the NZ music in house from what I have read with (Elayna Yay)
  8. I think I get it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7HhlJzW97Q #sarcasmmuch OP explain in detail how you deciphered that this was morse code, the bangs are all the same length. Did you include the space between bangs as dah's. laladidahdahlol
  9. Tomorrow it will appear on Two Down's website, the guys recording music for Black Ops So Treyarch have an expansive in house team who produce their game music, where is your proof that TwoDown are involved with ACTI or Treyarch? Privide the proof or the logic of your arguement does not exist no matter how hard you try to misconsture it. Absolute proof of TwoDown producing audio for Treyarch or GTFO. I was hoping for some Dub from Vahn myself..
  10. Hey Commander, have you had time to look at other methods of audio steganography? Have a look at Youtube for SSTV, Hellshreiber, Wefax and HAM digital audio. I have TFA the audio myself and see nothing that immedietly grabbed my attention but a lot of the noise made me think of early type data transmission methods. Search SSTV first and you will immediately see the possabilitys.
  11. Nova 1 has proved to be unstable, why bother?
  12. As you asked and as I am logged in, from memory of what I have read in the past. Clock is stuck at 1.15 Clock does seem to resemble a lunar calender clock, head over to WTG to see a topic started by Red Hour over there refering to this. Numbers on the clock face could be suggestive of a bible passage/ parable. I seem to remember some suggestion as to it might refer to Corinthians. Something along the lines of cutting your hand off to enter heaven rather than enter hell with a complete body. Its a parable though so we are not talking about physicaly cutting off the offending hand, though it is quite apt as one of the marines in SNN has lost a hand, maybe he cut it off to stop the spread of infection. Comparisons can be drawn. I also seem to remember when looking at the areas marked on the map boards in DR, such as COAST and PARIS the area circled looked like a little clock face with hands. Could be a matrix affect on my side though. Nothing else comes to mind at the mo, oooh yes it does. There is no script to be found for the clock face in any of the files I have been able to look at. There really should be something. Only had a chance to look at the text extracts from the .ff PC files though.
  13. @LeaderT83 you can get pills for that anxiety you know , I am sure Treyarch have the talent and resources to accomplish whatever they choose to do. @Treyarch, Break a leg 8-) @codestuffz174 thanks for the link, wow Oxegen attracted to magnets...need to google that right now. Copy and paste is appreciated.
  14. Good thinking, so if we work on the presumption that 115 does indeed come from a meteorite and NOVA means star. Maybe we can presume that NOVA gas is extracted from 115 or is a derivative. Funny thing only last week I saw four flaming fireballs in the sky, should I worry? Seriously.. :shock:
  15. I think Shoreyo has hit the nail on the head "testing facility as opposed to a hospital". Not many hospitals have decompression chambers and high tech "for the era" security systems. Warning signs and flashing orange alert lights built into the structure, isolation rooms with secure glass. Though I have not been to a Russian hospital, I dont think they are that bad
  16. I dont have any expectations for ZomBops story wise, I wont be looking for EE or a story line, if they have done their job well the story should be reasonably apparent and not divide the community by vastly differing theories. Of course there will certainly be EE for the hardcore fans, but I would not want to speculate on them. To some degree I hoped that they had built an ARG into the co-op mode similuar to GK6, hidden codes that led to web sites, but due to the work of certain factions I am not so sure this would be a good idea. At least not without strong and active community support from representatives and community VIPs. From memory they did not directly/openly communicate with the community after DR was released. Also GK6 did not really follow the norm for an ARG, indicating it could have been run in house. Shame.
  17. Imagona say I dont think we can expect it to be Area 51 due to the Russian signage. A few other ideas with regards what we see in the video, helicopters and air strikes. These might not be kill streaks and might just be from say the leval intro vid like you had on Nacht. So maybe US air cavalry drop a spec ops team in on a suspected Russian biologial weapon factory, spec ops encounter heavy resistance and call in an air strike. Air strike is what causes the damage to the factory and release of weaponised gas resulting in contamination and zombification of all inside the facility. Not that I am saying thats what happened, I am just saying its best to wait for a bit more info before speculating. Maybe they went in to rescue HL, but on freeing the riddeling shit he contaminated the entire facility with his disdain for logic. Also known to create zombies.
  18. I like the OPs idea, viral contamination. Treyarch are going to have a hard time tying these two stories together. WaW WW2 period setting and ZomBop's Cold war era, I think the best they could do is work with the whole Russian and American paperclip style ops that happened after WW2 as a continuation of the German phsy ops and biological weaponisation programs. Plenty of real world evidence of the continuation of Biological weapons research in use after the war on both American soil and other countrys like S.A. , which were mostly based on work by the Germans and Japanese in WW2. Not sure how they will work Z point and Odin ships into the story, will just have to wait and see how well this "zombie lore" holds up to scrutiny.
  19. Mission 2 is now live on the GS site. 25 codes to find in a gigapixel photo. So I guess its first, come first served. They dont tell you how many codes are left to find or have been found, so maybe put a list up here if you have a go at the site.
  20. Exactly... Very nice theory by the way... And just in case you forgot, WhosOnFirst, it doesn't really matter if xerum 525 exists, because this is a video game, not real life. Nope, wrong again. GK6 was an ARG based loosely on real world, strongly documented events from the cold war. They used declassified CIA documentation not f&%in Wikipedia.
  21. No I seriously think you have taken a big s*&t from your brain and allowed it to spill onto your keyboard. At least have the descancy to look over the material Carbon posted up regarding GK6 to see how people came to the conclusions they did and what was involved and when. There is no referance to the bell at all, so how are you tying it in. Jebus, what ability to produce ENORMOUS explosions, it does not exist. Uranium and Plutonium do though, is that not enough of an explosion for you. Swizz
  22. The article if I dare call it that, would seem that it contradicts itself. See red highlights .
  23. I think perhaps, if you could be a bit more specific with your description of what you are seeing you might get a few more replies. I am not sure what it is I am looking for, could you possibly go into more detail please?
  24. So far you have failed to provide any sources what so ever. What Nazi documentation? Post your sources and then we can talk. The top picture is not the "fabled" bell for one. See if you can find out what it actualy is for yourself, you might learn something along the way. The so called henge, the henge is quite obviously designed to support a top down load. ie/ an object of weight placed on it from above. If the henge was indeed designed as they say to hold down a bell on chains it would have been designed for that purpose and show that in the design of said structure...which it does not. You seem to have lost the point of this thread anyway, Red Mercury has nothing to do with GK6.com, and thats all that really matters. Unless you really want to argue some about German WW2 conspiracy theories. Logic should have allready told you that the bell does not exist....look out of your window, watch the news. The truth is out there..."plays eery music"
  25. Its not a nice theory, its so left of centre I cant even begin to understand how he got there. As stated in one of the first replies, "Hell is purple" was a clue to the website for cryptography purplehell.com. U-235 /238 were clearly referanced in the first video and later used to break one of the ciphers. There was never a mention of anything related to Red Mercury or X525. The theory of using Red Mercury to create a neutron bomb is crazy, scientists know how to create a neutron bomb. Guess what it does not involve...Red mercury. It does involve real science though, not imagined substances. The only time you will hear mention of X525 is in relation to the fabled Die Glocke. Key word their is "fabled", there is no real evidance to support the theorys bandied about on the internet. I have taken the time to read most of them and they all stem from one source. Anyway if X525 or Red Mercury exist you will be able to provide sources for your claims, chemical composition / formulae for producing a working sample?? Until you can do that like Bigfoot your claims are unsubstansiated and baseless.
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