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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/26/2016 in all areas

  1. @WaterKH @Nieno69 @Kalinine Looks like this had been solved. Can you confirm? https://m.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/4l39fz/zns_papers_codes_solved/ Credit to u/TimJJacques "... MAXIS, HAVE YOU FOUND THE SPACE-TIME COORDINATES FOR THE OTHER INDIVIDUALS I ASKED YOU FOR... ITS IMPERATIVE THAT WE FIND THEM AS WELL... YOU MUST TRUST ME ON THIS... FOR MY PLAN TO WORK, WE NEED THEIR BLOOD"
    3 points
  2. Coming to a menu near you soon
    2 points
  3. Great work, very much looking forward to it, this site is become more and more the complete resource for all things zombies with each passing day. Keep up the good work.
    1 point
  4. I can't confirm right now, though it looks correct... Odd why they gave us so many repeating numbers and a lot of numbers just for the middle part... But I can't say that it isn't right. It's quite an interesting quote! EDIT: removed. EDIT2: I think what he did was take any number within the comma delimited numbers and just went up with them. Very interesting cipher - I think it is correct though. I got "... Maxis" so I assume the rest is correct. I will double check later though.
    1 point
  5. When you put the two scrap papers together :
    1 point
  6. Glitching Queen posted on Reddit the HD scraps images - Figured we could spark some more interest in this with better images. I just noticed this, but if you look at the breaks in the background you can see 8 columns. Not sure if this is useful, but some people were commenting on the post saying it could be Gel Electrophoresis and it is pretty clear they were correct. I'm reading up on it now and seeing what it could have to do with the numbers. Fairly sure the background could potentially be either DNA for a zombie or DNA for a spider. I'm leaning towards like a virus or something that shows up in an infected being's DNA.
    1 point
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