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So... I've been working on getting some camos and I'd really like to get the Diamond camo on Assault Rifles. The problem is the long shot medals you're required to get... I get one long shot medal in maybe 3 games which makes it really frustrating to play about 30 games just to get that final challenge done to get the gold for each of the AR. 

So do you have any tips how to actually get long shots more frequently, maybe which map is the easiest to do long shots etc...

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To get long shots you should more frequently you should use a Varix 3 sight on your weapons to help you see and kill people easily. It's easy to get longshots but sometimes it does just require a bit of camping in the same spot.

The maps I think you should try and play on are:

  • Nuk3town - go into the orange house and sit right by the desk upstairs and just aim out the window
  • Infection - sit as far as you can against the walls behind you in the church or the building in front of it and aim out the window
  • Evac - theres a certain building on the map that has view which spans over a large area of the map (i'm not really good at explaining what it is) 


Edited by Your Dearest Sailor
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44 minutes ago, Your Dearest Sailor said:

To get long shots you should more frequently you should use a Varix 3 sight on your weapons to help you see and kill people easily. It's easy to get longshots but sometimes it does just require a bit of camping in the same spot.

The maps I think you should try and play on are:

  • Nuk3town - go into the orange house and sit right by the desk upstairs and just aim out the window
  • Infection - sit as far as you can against the walls behind you in the church or the building in front of it and aim out the window
  • Evac - theres a certain building on the map that has view which spans over a large area of the map (i'm not really good at explaining what it is) 


To expand on this, selecting the Game Mode Ground War will automatically give you a lot of the long range maps and take out the small ones.

Also some more maps for the long range medals are;

  • Breach - Camping in the building that is up the stairs on one side or camping on the roof on the other side, you will still be able to get a long shot if an enemy is camping across as well.
  • maxresdefault.jpg
  • Fringe - There are 2 buildings on each side so you can camp in either one and just pick them off.
  • Hunted - At the very beginning of the game whether you start off at the high ground or the low ground, there will be a sniper that will just plop their self down and wait for people to run out.
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1 hour ago, Stop Mocking Me0 said:

I can't speak for the DLC 2 maps however...

DLC 2 maps aren't really that great in general except knockout (which is gorgeous) None of the maps are really good for getting a bunch of long shots since there aren't really any places that look over a huge part of the map, although the bridge in Verge might be a good place to try.

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Longshots are much easier with a thermal scope because even if they are headglitching you can take them out most of the time.

Infection - Try to take out the sniper that is in the church or the house almost every match. You can head glitch behind the tank or car depending on what side you're on

Breach - AC to top broken building is a longshot even for snipers

Fringe - Camp Tracks or White house to Barn. Both work for Ar's, but white house to barn is also a good place  for longshots if you ever go for diamond snipers

Nuketown- Window to window I believe is a longshot but I haven't tried it lately because someone is either sniping or camping with a shieva or an m8 at the opposite window. 

Stronghold - From top mansion to the building by C flag is a longshot. 


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  • 3 weeks later...

Dont forget the gamemode... do hardcore matches.... so you get that really fast....


There is almost on every map a point to hit long range with vatrix 3(dont forget to change to 1x) and a silencer on the weapon


I have a question myself since i started playing mp.... do you need the weapons from the blackmarket too?  

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