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Everything posted by pacman1224zz42

  1. Thats what i was trying to say
  2. I think that they should have all sorts of guns the crew can time travel so have old guns and new guns. that way everyones happy
  3. I highly doubt that they will put the destoyed old maps in black ops 2. They might visit a few in the campain but they wont waste their time fully recreating them. people want new maps, new stuff to do, not repeat everything again.
  4. but they could have gone back in time and picked her up for some personal info on maxis (since they were so close) and she has to show them places to go and ends up taging along with them for a while becomeing tied up in a majority of the zombies campain.... but we dont know for sure just aother equally possible theory
  5. But in an interview with mark L. he said that zombies is its own thing and the zombie team is free to do almost anything they want with zombies.
  6. there is a moon quote from samantha that says "first I fine teddy then sophia" witch leads me to belivethat this is possible the woman on the poster is sophia holding samanthas bodys head since rictofen and her switched bodys any thoughts?
  7. lol it was just an idea i thought id share.
  8. I thought of a wonder weapon that could freeze time for only about ten seconds or so alowwing you to revive a downed team mate buy jug or heal for a minutes. but would take a second to charge up
  9. Slot shot would be a perk that would open two more perks slots but take up one. so you could get an extra perk if you wanted to and if you buy this perk enough you can get all 8 perks.. any thoughts
  10. but then thier not dead would you look aat yourself as dead if you were iin there state?
  11. Dr. Maxis is not dead. If he was dead then how does he help you in the easter egg? everyone's saying he's dead because of the radio but thats in the past and the easter eggs in the presant.
  12. i think easter eggs will only be for the 4 player survival mode
  13. but if you go back to area 51 everything looks like a nuke went off..............
  14. damn but maybe he shots her and she falls but gets back up laughing???? or does someone shoot her and Dr. maxis falls because his first reaction was his daughter just died that he couldnt bare to lose?????
  15. i tried looking at it from differant angles but couldnt really tell. but ill check again in the morning
  16. also if you go into the multiplayer map convoy you can find to magazines. their title seems to be "EXPOSED" and one shows a picture of accension on it and i couldnt read the writeing. now the other one got me intrested because it states something along these lines... "Russians launch first primate into space and returns a....." i just asumed one of the little space monkeys from the map. but this supports the time of accension
  17. also if you go into the multiplayer map convoy you can find to magazines. their title seems to be "EXPOSED" and one shows a picture of accension on it and i couldnt read the writeing. now the other one got me intrested because it states something along these lines... "Russians launch first primate into space and returns a....." i just asumed one of the little space monkeys from the map. but this supports the time of accension
  18. The hardened cost me 100 us dollars i think..... and there was a redem code that you had to enter to download it like a map pack.
  19. I'd be very interested in this. but ive never done it before so if you would let me know when and who i'd be glad to try it. Thanks
  20. They should make it like the ready up screen mayjority rules if 5 of 8 say pause it then they pause it if 5 of 8 say resume they resume it... so idiots couldnt really affect the game unless they a some friends.
  21. i think it would be a nice extra. this doesnt have to be the only extra but one of them
  22. i just thought of this but what if inbetween matches you could customize every gun you can get out of the box. so that when you do do the box your cutomized version of the weapon would show up. the higher your rank the more leathal the attachments... just a thought...
  23. I think that they (trearch) are going to release a comic book of all of the loading screens just before the release of Black Ops 2. Or maybe at the end of the game with more loading screens developed release a comic book. Any thoughts?????
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