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The Last Classified Cipher Discussion


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The last unsolved cipher in Classified was recently solved, and I saw no post on it, so I thought I might as well start the discussion. It was solved by Reddit users /u/Richkiller and /u/coldstone_the_gamer.


It reads:



August 8th, 1947

I've been logging materials acquired from Group 935 for some days now (Major Sawyer has asked me to evaluate files pertaining to undead experiementation) and this afternoon I happened upon an old friend.

Hidden deep away in storage was Dr. Maxis' Original Matter Transference Prototype. Apparently, it was one of the items the Americans acquired when splitting Group 935's resources with the Russians. Unsurprisingly, it's in a terrible state of disrepair. Missing pieces, badly damaged, completely non-operational.

To be fair, Maxis himself stopped using it after the failure of those initial tests in 1939. While useless in its current state, it will provide great reference when we begin teleporter development at this facility. One thing I had never noticed before - scratched into the bottom of the machine was a message:

"For M, who started me on this Journey."

It struck me as odd… I can't recall anyone at Group 935 who went by that initial. I haven't the faintest idea who Maxis could have been referring to.


Now, this has some major implications as the only M besides Maxis we've known has most definitely been Monty. M has appeared in a Shadows of Evil cipher, and a cipher in Revelations which is 100% from Monty's perspective after the events of the map. I am fine with Monty being retroactively responsible for things like Perks and power-ups as those were unexplained phenomena. But this... is kind of infuriating. I mean, we don't fully know Monty's motivations yet, but why the Hell would he set Maxis on a journey to create the MTD, the device that has caused ALL of the inter-dimensional hullabaloo he complains over and over about?! Why, if Maxis was told to create Group 935 and teleporters by Monty, did Maxis abandon the MTD for years only to return to it in 1945 before his demise? Why would Monty want Richtofen to have it? We know he can retroactively change events of the past in slight ways, hence his creation of Perk-a-Colas and Powerups, and he "set Maxis on a journey". So why not go back on that since it has created such a mess for him?


I don't know, it just seems pointless. Maxis being a man of science is enough motivation to want to create the MTD and 935. We didn't need Monty to be behind that too.


I'm curious on what everyone else thinks, though. I'd love to hear another perspective.

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It is a very odd cipher indeed. It is known that Monty didn't interferred with Earth's residents except for helping humanity against the Apothicans by offering little "nudges" that would eventually indirectly help to stop the inter-dimensional hullabaloo. He also blamed Group 935 for creating the Matter Transference Devices, the start of this misery. So now it seems like Monty wanted the "hullabaloo" on purpose. If I recall correctly, he hasn't made contact with any human prior: Maxis was his first. So why does Monty want the hullabaloo?


Another thing you say is that Maxis is a man of science, and indeed, he is. He would never abandon such a project as the MTD. And even if he would have, he must have been very impressed when Richthofen managed it to teleport a walnut for the first time. But his reaction back then was merely something like: "just stop the testing Richthofen". Like something changed his mind and he didn't even wanted the MTD to exist, while it was him who started the experimenting.


Maybe the sentence "For M, who started me on this Journey."  goes for Monty warning Maxis to stop the testing with the MTD. Perhaps thats why he didn't want Richthofen to continue it

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6 hours ago, anonymous said:

It is a very odd cipher indeed. It is known that Monty didn't interferred with Earth's residents except for helping humanity against the Apothicans by offering little "nudges" that would eventually indirectly help to stop the inter-dimensional hullabaloo. He also blamed Group 935 for creating the Matter Transference Devices, the start of this misery. So now it seems like Monty wanted the "hullabaloo" on purpose. If I recall correctly, he hasn't made contact with any human prior: Maxis was his first. So why does Monty want the hullabaloo?


Another thing you say is that Maxis is a man of science, and indeed, he is. He would never abandon such a project as the MTD. And even if he would have, he must have been very impressed when Richthofen managed it to teleport a walnut for the first time. But his reaction back then was merely something like: "just stop the testing Richthofen". Like something changed his mind and he didn't even wanted the MTD to exist, while it was him who started the experimenting.


Maybe the sentence "For M, who started me on this Journey."  goes for Monty warning Maxis to stop the testing with the MTD. Perhaps thats why he didn't want Richthofen to continue it

That's an interesting idea and would explain why he was so quick to drop the whole project after so much success. But at the same time, immediately after abandoning the project he has Group 935 start creating weapons, and spends from December 20th, 1942 to September 24th, 1945 at the Kino facility attempting to perfect his undead army. Surely if Maxis were so loyal to Monty, he would not do this as there is no reason for Monty to want more zombies in the world.


It just seems so inconsistent to say that Maxis was set on his journey by Monty, and yet all of his actions are against what Monty would want, that is unless Monty somehow predicted the cycle and he wants it to be perpetuated forever, and I see no logical reason he would want this unless it were a source of power or something. He complains about the inter-dimensional nonsense all of the time in Revelations!


I like the idea that Monty hates Richtofen so much because he has thwarted his plans via Maxis all the way in the past, but it just doesn't make sense why he would want Maxis to do what he does throughout his time at Group 935.


Maybe as we learn more about Monty we will come to understand his motivations more and this will make sense, but as of right now it doesn't quite fit together.

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I have two theories but before that, I would like to post this quote from Maxis himself in Classified.


They are fools... ignorant, petulant fools. They blindly follow him, sheep herded by a false shepherd, a wolf bearing human flesh. They must know not to trust him, it's instinctive. In the darkest recessives of their minds, a voice screams out. Warning them. But they don't know why, they don't know what he did. They were all prisoners of war, left to rot. Nobody cared if they lived or die, so we took them; Group 935. We just didn't know how far he takes the experiments. The amount of Element 115 he pumped through them... I'm surprised any of them survived Siberia. And now, they follow him. Taking orders, the very man who broke them, fried their brains. The MPD, the Aether... it corrupted him, as it did my Samantha. As it does anyone who touch it. The temptation of unlimited power, it will destroy everything. If Richtofen gains control, there will be no turning back. I will be forced to take drastic measures. But they can stop him now, put an end to this madness. They just need to make sure he doesn't make it back here. If only they remember... but they won't, will they? They will help him until the bitter end, beyond the point of no return. Because that is the nature of sheep.

Maxis is referring to Ultimis, and this Maxis is clearly the one trapped in the Moon (Griffin Station) after being killed and his soul being transported to the electronic devices on the station.

1- My first theory is that it's a simple side effect due to his exposure to 115, Maxis in the House did talk about how he obtained new memories that appeared out of nowhere.

As explained by this cipher


Richtofen must understand that using these teleporters to jump between dimensions is both dangerous and imprecise. At any point, the fabric of space-time could collapse if the proper amounts of 115 are not maintained. l am also concerned about the unknown effects of trans-dimensional jumps. l have noticed even with my brief travels that new memories and emotions have flooded my mind, suddenly appearing from nowhere. l am also sure something is happening on a molecular level as well.

2- We all know Monty isn't the good guy that he claims to be, it was obvious from the start.

However, we know what Monty wants.

A perfect world free from 115 and all the time-travel bs. In order to achieve that world, he needs the souls of Ultimis.

It's possible that Monty wanted to obtain them without Primis help, because for him Primis is like his last resort.

I think he knew that by enlisting Primis, there's the possibility that they might betray him.

Original Maxis could have been a toy for Monty to ensure he captures Ultimis and teleport them to the House.

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Ok so, first and foremost I’m kinda retraining myself to not trust a damn thing monty says. We really aren’t in a good position to decide what he’s lied about. He might hate teleporters, he might have gotten maxis to build the first one, who knows.


But let me look at this a little differently. Personally I’ve kinda suspected that there was once a time in Monty’s life where he was originally a normal human.


So in Revelations Monty tells us that while “the rest of mankind” was squabbling, the Keepers made progress for humanity. This suggests the keepers were originally humans. By extension, the Apothicons were also originally human. So, were he and the Shadowman originally humans, on some particular “normal” version of earth, pre-agartha?


I’m really interested in what’s up with Monty’s house as well. We know that the map Revelations takes place in Agartha, so that’s where the house seems to be located. However, kinda like how Mob of the Dead isn’t the “real Alcatraz” (it’s just a clone in a bubble-dimension, like the Upside-Down,) the same could be said of Monty’s house. The “real” house is located in England, and Agartha is just a perfect bubble universe inspired by that localle.


In one of the alternate loading screens we got in the comics, you can see Primis (with Ultimis Richtofen) walking thru the grass field up to the front door of the “real” house. I wonder, are they gonna somehow find a way to meet Monty before he became a keeper / apothicon / omnipotent, and fight him as a human? It would be the Zombies equivalent of going back in time and killing hitler.


See, Monty goes out of his way to imply that he’s literally a god, and that he’s sorta always been there. The first lines of the timeline are literally “in the beginning, there was only the Aether and the Keepers.” But he already told us that the keepers were originally humans. This makes it seem like the Kronorium isn’t actually supposed to be the comprehensive timeline of the whole earth, since it’s basically like “History only started being important when the Keepers came along. Thats when we started writing shit down.”


Ok so circling back to the actual Cipher in question, the obvious kinda BS explanation is just “Monty is using magic to insert himself into a previous spot in the story again.” But again, somehow I suspect that there was a time when Monty was just a normal guy. I almost feel like Human-Monty and Human-Maxis were originally friends, or alive at the same time, or knew each other somehow outside of Monty communicating with him magically.


My first thought was like, maybe Monty was originally a 935 employee, and his godlike status is the result of whatever he and Maxis got up to? Teleportation gone wrong? If he were ever an employee at the same time a Richtofen, Ed would have recognized him, so that can’t specifically be the case. But it could be something like that.


Also, I’m reminded of a couple things. There’s that old message in the Black Ops 3 server files that said something like “Go to the man with a red scarf in a market in Belgium, and tell him the giant has risen.” No idea. If there was a time that Monty met Maxis and influenced him to build teleporters, it could be this here. “The giant has risen” suggests that Der Riese was recently constructed, and Monty was waiting to be given the cue for something. But this message seems to be from someone, to someone else, instructing them. Could be Maxis receiving it, but who’s the speaker? also monty? shadowman? 


Additionally, Monty and the Shadowman might be like evil twins / the same person. (The whole can of worms thing.) We know the Shadowman impersonates people, gives intentionally bad advice, and orchestrates the events of other peoples’ lives. We see this a lot in Shadows of Evil. A similar thing could be happening here, with Monty nudging group 935 into existence. There are a TON of parallels between the behavior of Monty and the Shadowman. Namely, they both go to a group of 4, and say “hey you need to help me save the universe; sacrifice 4 souls for me plz.” it’s equally bullshit when Monty says it IMO. I’m surprised that in the Revelations end cutscene Monty didn’t just cut the shit and say “your service to the overlords is appreciated.”


I dunno. I feel like we’re gonna see a normal human Monty at some point. Like, the famous Monty duck quote, he goes out of his way to tell us how even though he appears to be just standing peacefully in front of you, he’s really doing all kinds of hard work in higher dimensions that we can’t see. That might be a full blown lie, and those higher dimensions might not even exist. 


Note to self: work on structuring posts better

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I like both of your posts! Some very great points, and I do hope we get some more fleshed out story behind Monty because as he is right now he feels like a cop-out for a lot of tough story holes. I think it would be really interesting to see what @Electric Jesus said, and maybe we can understand more why Monty and the Shadowman take the forms they do when the rest of their respective kind look so inhuman. Perhaps the two have more of a past in our own realm than we realize, and the form Monty takes and the house have some sentimental value to him. Now that your theories are out there I'm a bit more hopeful about where they are going. Let's hope they have the opportunity to tell that story by the end of Black Ops 4.

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19 hours ago, RadZakpak said:

I like both of your posts! 

Me too. And @Electric Jesus man if I were able to give a comment more than one like I would do so with yours. The idea that everything extraordinary that happens in the Zombies Saga is sciencific rather than made-up mythological excites me. Like a big Christopher Nolan movie. Monty and Shadowman not being gods just because they are but because an experiment went wrong, and everything happening afterwards being some kind of paradox actually created by accident in a terribly failed Group 935 experiment would be awesome.


I've heard about theories that Monty and Shadowman are originally the same prior. It could be something like in the movie "the Prestige", where using a MTD created by Tesla doesn't actually teleport you, but rather clones you to another location. The first MTD tests might have doubled a subject, creating the "good" Monty and "bad" Shadowman, actually both craving for unlimited power.  Perhaps 935 even accidentally created the Aether, like the "beings" in Interstellar created the hypercube at the end of Interstellar, but then by humans of the 3th dimension.


Something I suddenly gotta think of is a theory I once read about Monty being Brock and Shadowman being Gary, turning into these persons after discovering Agartha. The only "evidence" for this would be one being British and one being American, which is a kinda lame one I gotta say. 


I totally forgot about the red scarf cipher. It's odd to think that one has to tell Monty that the giant has risen while we are also said that he is omnipotent, so he should already know that. 

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“M” probably means Monty, but that’s obvious & hopefully not the case. 


I was thinking/hoping it could refer to an alternate Maxis but the SoE cipher (“M is interested in these worthless beings”) might not fit. 

On the contrary, it could refer to Ultimus Maxis trying to develope the Zombies = Worthless Beings?


Kinda off topic but still relevant are all The Giant radios. There are 2 versions of Maxis speaking in these. 


The most interesting radio I find is the furnace radio where a Maxis states that “The Children have left the house” & “The Radiation from the Fallout”


Waiting to see what this means in future maps as I don’t think this has been show previously?  


0:37 mark (not trying to plug my video, this is the reason I make them for reference)



I also really like the theories/posts above. GJ. 


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6 hours ago, PINNAZ said:

“M” probably means Monty, but that’s obvious & hopefully not the case. 


I was thinking/hoping it could refer to an alternate Maxis but the SoE cipher (“M is interested in these worthless beings”) might not fit. 

On the contrary, it could refer to Ultimus Maxis trying to develope the Zombies = Worthless Beings?


Kinda off topic but still relevant are all The Giant radios. There are 2 versions of Maxis speaking in these. 


The most interesting radio I find is the furnace radio where a Maxis states that “The Children have left the house” & “The Radiation from the Fallout”


Waiting to see what this means in future maps as I don’t think this has been show previously?  


0:37 mark (not trying to plug my video, this is the reason I make them for reference)



I also really like the theories/posts above. GJ. 


You know, speaking about Maxis again, I remember in Revelations theorizing that Monty and Maxis are one and the same, or that Monty is some sort of thing in Maxis’ head. The reason I felt this was that we never see or hear the two interact. Maxis in radios speaks about Monty and the children. But in the radio mirroring the Origins end cutscene where Maxis tells the children to go to the basement, Maxis says his line, and then monty says something along the lines of “You just say what i tell you to say into the microphone.” 


I think it would be a clever twist for Maxis to be Monty’s creation sent to Earth to do his bidding or something like that, or to subvert us expecting Shadowman and Monty to be two halves of the same worm, it is actually Maxis and Monty. This would explain the ambiguity between these M ciphers and why they still refer to him as M when we know who Monty is now.

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On 12/10/2018 at 9:20 AM, PINNAZ said:

“M” probably means Monty, but that’s obvious & hopefully not the case. 


I was thinking/hoping it could refer to an alternate Maxis but the SoE cipher (“M is interested in these worthless beings”) might not fit. 

On the contrary, it could refer to Ultimus Maxis trying to develope the Zombies = Worthless Beings?


Kinda off topic but still relevant are all The Giant radios. There are 2 versions of Maxis speaking in these. 


The most interesting radio I find is the furnace radio where a Maxis states that “The Children have left the house” & “The Radiation from the Fallout”


Waiting to see what this means in future maps as I don’t think this has been show previously?  


0:37 mark (not trying to plug my video, this is the reason I make them for reference)



I also really like the theories/posts above. GJ. 


Tbh, I always found Maxis the odd character in BO3. While being soulless, he acts kinda like the interdimensional messenger. While we were doing stuff for Monty the whole time, we didnt even knew of his existence untill Stalingrad. It was Maxis who told us what to do the whole time, like the bridge between Monty and Primis.


On 12/10/2018 at 3:47 PM, RadZakpak said:

why they still refer to him as M when we know who Monty is now.

Good point. 

On 12/10/2018 at 9:20 AM, PINNAZ said:

The most interesting radio I find is the furnace radio where a Maxis states that “The Children have left the house” & “The Radiation from the Fallout”

I hope we get some more intel or theories about this as well. About the whole House maybe. The whole Agartha thing is still so vague. And where does that radiation come from.

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Going back to the quote @funmw2 mentioned. Maxis speaks


They are fools... ignorant, petulant fools. They blindly follow him, sheep herded by a false shepherd, a wolf bearing human flesh. They must know not to trust him, it's instinctive. In the darkest recessives of their minds, a voice screams out. Warning them. But they don't know why, they don't know what he did. They were all prisoners of war, left to rot. Nobody cared if they lived or die, so we took them; Group 935. We just didn't know how far he takes the experiments. The amount of Element 115 he pumped through them... I'm surprised any of them survived Siberia. And now, they follow him. Taking orders, the very man who broke them, fried their brains. The MPD, the Aether... it corrupted him, as it did my Samantha. As it does anyone who touch it. The temptation of unlimited power, it will destroy everything. If Richtofen gains control, there will be no turning back. I will be forced to take drastic measures. But they can stop him now, put an end to this madness. They just need to make sure he doesn't make it back here. If only they remember... but they won't, will they? They will help him until the bitter end, beyond the point of no return. Because that is the nature of sheep.

That one sentence got me: "If Richthofen gains control, there will be no turning back". What actually happens when Richthofen gains control. Like, ultimate control, post-Buried. The Original Universe will be destroyed, but what else will happen? Instead of opening and abusing the Rift's power, as Corrupted Maxis did, he will mend the Rift. Close it. 


I might be wrong, but this Maxis doesn't sound corrupted. Maybe he is either Maxis of that dimension before his soul got corrupted, or a Maxis from another universe. Corrupted Maxis' actions led to Origins, BO3 and the Cycle. Could Richthofen's path be a better alternative?

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8 minutes ago, anonymous said:

Going back to the quote @funmw2 mentioned. Maxis speaks

That one sentence got me: "If Richthofen gains control, there will be no turning back". What actually happens when Richthofen gains control. Like, ultimate control, post-Buried. The Original Universe will be destroyed, but what else will happen? Instead of opening and abusing the Rift's power, as Corrupted Maxis did, he will mend the Rift. Close it. 


I might be wrong, but this Maxis doesn't sound corrupted. Maybe he is either Maxis of that dimension before his soul got corrupted, or a Maxis from another universe. Corrupted Maxis' actions led to Origins, BO3 and the Cycle. Could Richthofen's path be a better alternative?

The Richtofen that Maxis refers to is the Ultimus Richtofen. 

this works.png

How many years have we wasted searching in the wrong locations... Following the wrong leads.


This has all happened before.

We are different but the same.


Richtofen swapped souls with Samantha not places. Samantha was able to get her body back, but at the price of being back inside the MPD.

It is revealed that Ultimis were able to survive the aftermath of Moon, having been teleported to Groom Lake in 1963, where they were soon captured and experimented on by the US Government in Hangar 4 in Groom Lake.It is also revealed that Ultimis Richtofen was able to regain his body after his zombified self interacted with his body in the hangar after completing his mission with his Primis version.


This mission took place at Der Riese aka "The Giant" where Primis Richtofen would collect his Ultimis Soul with the Summoning Key. By killing Ultimis Richfofen in Der Riese everything that occurred after would be as if it never took place at all.

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2 hours ago, RequixEclipse said:

This mission took place at Der Riese aka "The Giant" where Primis Richtofen would collect his Ultimis Soul with the Summoning Key. By killing Ultimis Richfofen in Der Riese everything that occurred after would be as if it never took place at all.

Primis didn't absorbed Richthofen's soul in the Giant. According to the timeline, Primis Richthofen travelled to an unknown other dimension to secure Eddy's soul.

2 hours ago, RequixEclipse said:

Samantha was able to get her body back, but at the price of being back inside the MPD.

I'm not sure about this as well. Maxis dragged his daughter into Agartha. Though, what happens when Richthofen gains control?


Maxis: But what about Samantha? Your actions condemn my daughter's very soul to eternal damnation! Even if you do not care for her, surely you wish to return to your own body?

Eternal damnation? How? Samantha's soul was left in  Richthofen's body. Does Maxis knows something we yet do not know?

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Primis didn't absorbed Richthofen's soul in the Giant. According to the timeline, Primis Richthofen travelled to an unknown other dimension to secure Eddy's soul.

Several views of the Der Riese factory is seen, as Ludvig Maxis is heard screaming.

Maxis: Edward, what are you doing!? Open the door! Edward! Open this door now!

Views of gears within a machine are seen, while Maxis tries to comfort his daughter.

Maxis: Stay by me, Samantha!

Samantha: Dad...

Ultimis Richtofen: Goodbye, Dr. Maxis.

The clock outside the facility slowly strikes 1:15, then stops. The area begins to snow. The view changes to a close-up of Ultimis Edward Richtofen, as he laughs maniacally.

Suddenly, a sound of a gun being cocked is heard from behind him. He turns back and sees the Primis "Tank" Dempsey.

Dempsey: This ain't funny, Doc.

From behind, Primis Nikolai Belinski and Takeo Masaki, step up. All three aim their guns at Richtofen.

Nikolai: Turn around.

Takeo: Slowly.

Ultimis Richtofen slowly turns toward the three of them.

Ultimis Richtofen: Do you know... who I am!?

Dempsey: Yeah, we know. That's why you'd better do exactly what we say.

Nikolai: A great evil approaches. There is a chain of events that must be set in motion.

The sound of zombies screeching outside catches the three's attention. Dempsey and Nikolai turn around, ready to face the horde.

Takeo: (to Richtofen) The future hangs by a thread. You must awaken the test subjects.

Nikolai stands guard near a barrier, while Dempsey readies his dual pistols. Takeo slowly draws his katana, still staring at Richtofen. The camera switches to views of the teleporter behind Richtofen, then quickly turns black.

Zombies begin to break through the barrier, but are stopped by Nikolai, Dempsey and Takeo. Richtofen then begins to activate the teleporter.

Dempsey: Richtofen! Whatever you're thinking of doing, don't do it!

Nikolai: You do not want to meet what's on the other side of that door!

Takeo: You cannot begin to comprehend the great evil you could unleash!!

Richtofen ignores the three's warning, and pushes the button. The teleporter slowly opens, revealing a bright white light inside. He slowly steps forward the teleporter, his face showing excitement.

A figure then steps out of the teleporter, and is revealed to be Primis Richtofen. Ultimis Richtofen takes off his hat, ready to greet Primis Richtofen. Primis Richtofen quickly pulls out a MR6 and shoots the Ultimis Richtofen in the head, killing him instantly.

Dempsey: Dammit Richtofen, I thought we were done with this!


-->Richtofen checks on his other self's corpse and quickly uses the Summoning Key to preserve his soul, although this moment cannot be seen.<-


Primis Tank Dempsey & Primis Richtofen Dialoge while playing "The Giant"


Dempsey: So, you gonna tell me what the fuck you were doing back there?
Richtofen: Dempsey, my dear simple minded American... you simply wouldn't understand.
Dempsey: Right after we got here, after you said goodbye to your evil twin you did something... strange.
Richtofen: Strange? (laughs nervously) Dempsey, you really have to narrow it down.
Dempsey: I know you're sick Richtofen, but why were you messing with your own corpse?!
Richtofen: That wasn't my body, that was someone else entirely... someone a bit like me but not. He's dead.
Dempsey: Hey I know what I saw! I saw you stoop down and hold something against the body.
Richtofen: Pictures Dempsey, pictures! Or it didn't happen.
Dempsey: There was something else I was gonna to ask you, what was it?
Richtofen: Ah, dear Dempsey! Sure memory loss perhaps due to your prolonged exposure to Element 115? Or are you just one of the stupid Dempseys


Richtofens Ultimis Soul was absorbed by the Summoning Key and Dempsey (Primis Dempsey) hasn't been around to suffer the effects of 115 like Ultimis Dempsey had.




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The Arrival of Edward

Richtofen collects Eddie’s innocent soul from Dimension 2210, and Monty gives him a physical form
in the House.

You came with some good points, and there are indeed theories Primis took Edwards soul in the Giant. However, this Timeline script proves otherwise. Nikolai even mentions they killed countless of other Richthofen's prior. Nikolai, Takeo and Dempsey even know that Primis Richthofen comes out of the MTD: They know what happens. They have experienced the creation of this split-off of the Original Universe many times before: the murder of Richthofen.


There could be a possibility the OG universe is Dimension 2210, but if that would be the case, Richthofen's soul would ascend to Agartha together with Niki, Dempsey and Takeo's soul, after the Gorod Krovi Easter Egg. Instead of that, we know (from the Timeline AND the Origins cutscene) that Primis Richthofen brought little Eddy aka Richthofen's true soul to the House earlier.


EDIT: Also, in the GK ending we actually see the souls of Nikolai, Takeo and Dempsey. We dont see Richthofen's

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1 hour ago, anonymous said:

I'm not sure about this as well. Maxis dragged his daughter into Agartha. Though, what happens when Richthofen gains control?

Eternal damnation? How? Samantha's soul was left in  Richthofen's body. Does Maxis knows something we yet do not know?

These details are detailed:

May 29th, 1917

The more Maxis reads of the Great War, the more he begins to question his understanding of the scientific world, and the true nature of the universe itself. He "finds (himself) open to the possibility of a higher power..."


June 11th, 1917

As Group 935 experiments with Element 115, they successfully create "localized energy fields which appear to function as portals." Noting that objects can pass through them, Maxis speculates that the rifts may have opened gateways across space and time. The rifts allow Samantha to reach out to Maxis from Agartha. She begs for his help and ultimately reveals she is his daughter. 


Now in the Fractured Timeline

BURIED - Victis arrives at an old western town now located beneath a mining facility in Angola. They discover Arthur in a jail cell; he assist them on their journey. The voices of Maxis and Richtofen return. They activate the final polarization device in Maxis' favor. Now corrupted by the Dark Aether, he reveals his true intentions to Victis and punishes Richtofen by trapping his soul in a zombie. Drawn into Agartha by her Father, Samantha witnesses the evil that has corrupted him. When a rift opens in Dimension 63 in 1918, she reaches out to that timeline's Maxis for help.



in Dimension 63

June 4th, 1918

ORIGINS - Element 115 awakens the undead knights from The Great War and quickly consumes the camp. Maxis is rendered catatonic by the element. Richtofen removes his brain before he turns. Dempsey, Nikolai, and Takeo unite with Richtofen on the battlefield and help free Samantha from her imprisonment in Agartha. Primis has been reunited. Samantha sends Primis to their next destination. Maxis' brain arrives in Agartha and Doctor Monty decides to step in. Monty brings Maxis' brain to the house and wipes the Maxis' corrupted by the Dark Aether from existence. 



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21 minutes ago, anonymous said:

You came with some good points, and there are indeed theories Primis took Edwards soul in the Giant. However, this Timeline script proves otherwise. Nikolai even mentions they killed countless of other Richthofen's prior. Nikolai, Takeo and Dempsey even know that Primis Richthofen comes out of the MTD: They know what happens. They have experienced the creation of this split-off of the Original Universe many times before: the murder of Richthofen.


There could be a possibility the OG universe is Dimension 2210, but if that would be the case, Richthofen's soul would ascend to Agartha together with Niki, Dempsey and Takeo's soul, after the Gorod Krovi Easter Egg. Instead of that, we know (from the Timeline AND the Origins cutscene) that Primis Richthofen brought little Eddy aka Richthofen's true soul to the House earlier.


EDIT: Also, in the GK ending we actually see the souls of Nikolai, Takeo and Dempsey. We dont see Richthofen's


  1 hour ago, anonymous said:

I'm not sure about this as well. Maxis dragged his daughter into Agartha. Though, what happens when Richthofen gains control?

Eternal damnation? How? Samantha's soul was left in  Richthofen's body. Does Maxis knows something we yet do not know?

These details are detailed:

May 29th, 1917

The more Maxis reads of the Great War, the more he begins to question his understanding of the scientific world, and the true nature of the universe itself. He "finds (himself) open to the possibility of a higher power..."


June 11th, 1917

As Group 935 experiments with Element 115, they successfully create "localized energy fields which appear to function as portals." Noting that objects can pass through them, Maxis speculates that the rifts may have opened gateways across space and time. The rifts allow Samantha to reach out to Maxis from Agartha. She begs for his help and ultimately reveals she is his daughter. 


Now in the Fractured Timeline

BURIED - Victis arrives at an old western town now located beneath a mining facility in Angola. They discover Arthur in a jail cell; he assist them on their journey. The voices of Maxis and Richtofen return. They activate the final polarization device in Maxis' favor. Now corrupted by the Dark Aether, he reveals his true intentions to Victis and punishes Richtofen by trapping his soul in a zombie. Drawn into Agartha by her Father, Samantha witnesses the evil that has corrupted him. When a rift opens in Dimension 63 in 1918, she reaches out to that timeline's Maxis for help.



in Dimension 63

June 4th, 1918

ORIGINS - Element 115 awakens the undead knights from The Great War and quickly consumes the camp. Maxis is rendered catatonic by the element. Richtofen removes his brain before he turns. Dempsey, Nikolai, and Takeo unite with Richtofen on the battlefield and help free Samantha from her imprisonment in Agartha. Primis has been reunited. Samantha sends Primis to their next destination. Maxis' brain arrives in Agartha and Doctor Monty decides to step in. Monty brings Maxis' brain to the house and wipes the Maxis' corrupted by the Dark Aether from existence. 




Haha my friend Gorod Krovi is the only Map that ended with To Be Continued... :) 

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5 minutes ago, RequixEclipse said:

Now corrupted by the Dark Aether, he reveals his true intentions to Victis

It almost seems like Maxis became corrupted after the events of Moon, meaning that the quote of Maxis in Classified might've been uncorrupted (and his fear for Richthofen was genuine). We also have an alternative theory...


9 minutes ago, RequixEclipse said:

June 11th, 1917

As Group 935 experiments with Element 115, they successfully create "localized energy fields which appear to function as portals." Noting that objects can pass through them, Maxis speculates that the rifts may have opened gateways across space and time. The rifts allow Samantha to reach out to Maxis from Agartha. She begs for his help and ultimately reveals she is his daughter. 

I'm gonna guess these Rifts are the ancient portals opened with the music discs. Seems like Group 935's destination in every universe was to tear apart the linear multiverse.

9 minutes ago, RequixEclipse said:

Haha my friend Gorod Krovi is the only Map that ended with To Be Continued... ?

Yeah and technically spoken, it continues infinitely due to the cycle, but my point was that the Ultimis Richthofen was not the soul-carrying Richthofen. It must've been another one. Might be the reason why Richthofen got so easily corrupted when he touched the MPD. 


Spoken about the Gorod Krovi cutscene, I noticed that Richthofen made the orange Aurora-Borealis-thing in the sky open, teleporting the Ultimis souls (N, T and T) through it. Is it openable by the ancient Summoning Key artifact? Is it a gateway to the House in Agartha? Then why are they falling out of it at the beginning of that map. And why is is in the sky of Origins as well (though blue instead of orange)

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Its a vessel in which Souls can be bound with in the sphere (etc. A Vehicle) and the Mahayana comes to mind, but I really believe the "Zombie Timeline Poster" has been altered on the site.   

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7 hours ago, anonymous said:

I might be wrong, but this Maxis doesn't sound corrupted. Maybe he is either Maxis of that dimension before his soul got corrupted, or a Maxis from another universe. Corrupted Maxis' actions led to Origins, BO3 and the Cycle. Could Richthofen's path be a better alternative?

Currently I cant say. I cant say for sure till the one who wrote this story finishes lol

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3 hours ago, anonymous said:

It almost seems like Maxis became corrupted after the events of Moon, meaning that the quote of Maxis in Classified might've been uncorrupted (and his fear for Richthofen was genuine). We also have an alternative theory...


I'm gonna guess these Rifts are the ancient portals opened with the music discs. Seems like Group 935's destination in every universe was to tear apart the linear multiverse.

Yeah and technically spoken, it continues infinitely due to the cycle, but my point was that the Ultimis Richthofen was not the soul-carrying Richthofen. It must've been another one. Might be the reason why Richthofen got so easily corrupted when he touched the MPD. 


Spoken about the Gorod Krovi cutscene, I noticed that Richthofen made the orange Aurora-Borealis-thing in the sky open, teleporting the Ultimis souls (N, T and T) through it. Is it openable by the ancient Summoning Key artifact? Is it a gateway to the House in Agartha? Then why are they falling out of it at the beginning of that map. And why is is in the sky of Origins as well (though blue instead of orange)




Which means that 4th Soul that went was those 3 was no other than the Shadowman ????????

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9 hours ago, RequixEclipse said:

Which means that 4th Soul that went was those 3 was no other than the Shadowman ????????<span><span>

Yeah Shadowman's arrival at the House was a bit different. Somehow, emitting the souls out of the Summoning Key goes manually, and as Richthofen didn't knew of Shadowman's presence in the artifact, he only let the souls of his testsubjects ascend from darkness. Shadowman was still in the key at that moment.


It was after the soulless Primis' arrival in the House, as seen in the Revelations intro, where Shadowman could appeal Maxis to free him. I wonder, did the Shadowman's soul attach to Maxis's soulless body, transforming it in his own? Because we dont see Maxis anymore after this events

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3 hours ago, anonymous said:

Yeah Shadowman's arrival at the House was a bit different. Somehow, emitting the souls out of the Summoning Key goes manually, and as Richthofen didn't knew of Shadowman's presence in the artifact, he only let the souls of his testsubjects ascend from darkness. Shadowman was still in the key at that moment.


It was after the soulless Primis' arrival in the House, as seen in the Revelations intro, where Shadowman could appeal Maxis to free him. I wonder, did the Shadowman's soul attach to Maxis's soulless body, transforming it in his own? Because we dont see Maxis anymore after this events

Actually, now that I think about it, Richtofen had to have known the Shadowman was in there, surely?


He’s read the same timeline as us and knows how the cycle must go this way when he brings the Summoning Key to the house. If he thought things were going to truly be okay once they arrived, wouldn’t he have not gone through with acquiring blood?


This makes me wonder, is Richtofen also hearing the Shadowman calling to him to be set free? Like Maxis, he doesn’t have his soul. He could have been manipulated into freeing him.

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1 hour ago, RadZakpak said:

He’s read the same timeline as us and knows how the cycle must go this way when he brings the Summoning Key to the house. If he thought things were going to truly be okay once they arrived, wouldn’t he have not gone through with acquiring blood?

I don't know. Wouldn't Monty wipe Primis out of that reality anyway, whether if the Shadowman escaped or not? Would be odd to let them live there if not the Shadowman came along.

1 hour ago, RadZakpak said:

This makes me wonder, is Richtofen also hearing the Shadowman calling to him to be set free? Like Maxis, he doesn’t have his soul. He could have been manipulated into freeing him.

This mind boggling thing has mafe me think prior as well, and I still can't think of any explanation. Maybe due to Richthofen's soul being restored innocent as a child, protected in the House, Primis Richthofen is immune to the Dark Aether's corruptance. That would work the same for the other Primis characters. Maybe, if their souls weren't in the House, they would immidiately turn into victims of the Apothicans and become enslaved warriors of the Dark forces.


It's interesting as well how Monty says about Maxis ''It wasn't really his fault, since he didn't had a soul'', while he doesn't say such thing about the soulless Primis, right? Does Monty ever (in Revelations) mention anything about Primis's souls/soullessness?

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