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Can NOTHING be done about ppl constantly quiting.

I mean come on, I have to play like 10 games just to get one halfway game.  Im getting real tired of it taking a friggin hour just to play a so so game.

They need to start penalizing ppl for quitting.  I didnt buy this game to spend 90 percent of my time on it just TRYING to play it.

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Penalizing might not be the smartest thing as people can lose connections abruptly (which is why they never fixed the GobbleGum glitch). I do think there should be a statistic for it though. If you look at a players profile and they have a high quit stat, then they are more likely to quit, compared to someone with a low quit stat (which only may be from losing connection).

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  • 3 weeks later...

I see people post and complain about this all of the time, and believe me, I know exactly where you are coming from and why it is as annoying as it is. But, it can't be helped. You should expect that plenty of people do this and that plenty of people will always do it on and on. People suck, but it's more of you just going along with it and saying that you're just plain-old better than them. Honestly better you do that than let yourself get annoyed too deeply, at the very least.

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  • 4 months later...

Yeah, I mean, if you're playing with randoms then you've gotta expect quitters, especially what with people not wanting to lose their gobblegums. I personally try not to quit generally, but if it looks like a game is about to be over I'm guilty of getting out of the game to save whatever gumballs I've used. Even if there was some sort of quite statistic, I play on PC and I always just click the "airplane mode" button to disconnect anyway cause it's pretty much instant then.


This can all be avoided by playing with friends, and even when I'm playing with my friends we all dashboard when it's game over time. If Diviniums weren't a) So time consuming to farm relatively little, and b) expensive to buy, then this sort of thing probably wouldn't happen.

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Yeah quitters are annoying but I've kinda accepted that if I play public match people are gonna quit midway, especially if the game takes longer.

1 hour ago, ZombiesAteMyPizza! said:

Yeah, I mean, if you're playing with randoms then you've gotta expect quitters, especially what with people not wanting to lose their gobblegums. I personally try not to quit generally, but if it looks like a game is about to be over I'm guilty of getting out of the game to save whatever gumballs I've used. Even if there was some sort of quite statistic, I play on PC and I always just click the "airplane mode" button to disconnect anyway cause it's pretty much instant then.


This can all be avoided by playing with friends, and even when I'm playing with my friends we all dashboard when it's game over time. If Diviniums weren't a) So time consuming to farm relatively little, and b) expensive to buy, then this sort of thing probably wouldn't happen.

I agree with the divinium thing, it's just so time consuming to get the gobblegums that people don't actually want to use them. Personally I don't want to spend money on gobblegums since it's so expensive for a small amount of random gobblegums. The divinium cap per match is probably the stupidest idea ever :P 

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This is probably my single biggest pet peeve, too many times everyone ready up and within two minutes of spawning in quit. While I agree that punishing people is a bit too much, there should be a stat of some sort. It probably wont deter people from quitting, but Ill at least know who I'm dealing with before I head into a game and just find a new lobby.

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17 hours ago, jiipee95 said:

Yeah quitters are annoying but I've kinda accepted that if I play public match people are gonna quit midway, especially if the game takes longer.

I agree with the divinium thing, it's just so time consuming to get the gobblegums that people don't actually want to use them. Personally I don't want to spend money on gobblegums since it's so expensive for a small amount of random gobblegums. The divinium cap per match is probably the stupidest idea ever :P 


Yeah, a few times I've bought the 100 Divinium packs when they've had the deals on cause it works out like £15 and it'd take ages to rack up 100 Diviniums. Given that I've actually put a lot of money as well as time into getting them I'd rather not lose them! Buying them like that still works out 15 pence per gum, so I'd rather not throw them away when I have the option to save them.

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  • 1 year later...

I'm 2 years late (almost), but...


This is too true. While some folk do just quit for various readons, I feel that the majority is the gumball issue.


Randoms jump on, have PaP'd guns (in Verrückt) on round 1, and I'm alone in the match by round 16 latest, using just my classics (or I bring Idle Eyes, Phoenix Up, and other "carry-gums"). Occasionally someone rides my coattails to round 20 or so, which is actually fun; I feel like I'm teaching them to play better.


I need old man xb friends...I'm almost 50. I can't take squeekers who have 10 downs by round 10. Heh.


Back in my day....


GOML (Get off my lawn).

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