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Der Eisendrache all high round strategies! Updated 3/15/16


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Hello everyone, shirtlesservice here with another compilation of all of the high round strategies of a BOIII map. For the Awakening map pack this is Der Eisendrache, so lets get to it.The way I see it there are two types of strategies on this map: Camping and Training. The Camping ones seem to be pretty effective, so we'll start with those:First check out this fairly comprehensive video from BOYSTAA for most of the effective strategies we have so far in terms of camping, though below i list a few that are not featured in this video, so be sure to check those out too:









Also, see his video on how to manage ammo and ammo upgrade types in the higher rounds, while camping:










Now to other strategies I've seen/found/have been brought to my attention:




Video from Boystaa:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMz_4WFv6x6lsOUhUixjH1g

Camping Quick Revive. This seems to be the most effective camping strategy so far, and uses the mechanics of the lightening bow to work correctly. If he built the Ragnarok as well it would have been even more effective. Basically, keep the door to mule kick closed and just stand in the quick revive room with the bow upgraded to the lightening/storm version. Fairly straight forward.





Video from Latios Gaming: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGxe0fTUPwZ9d_OZncklNTA

Jugg Cell. Next to juggernog there is a jail cell that one can camp in, as Latios did here in his round 50 speed run attempt. Here he employs both the bow and the DG-4 to get kills, and cruise through the rounds very effectively. Just a similar camping spot, not too much in the way of different tactics here. Strategy starts around 2 minutes.





Video from TheRelaxingEnd: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWVuy4NPohItH9-Gr7e8wqw

The spawn. Another camping strategy, starts around the 10 minute mark. This one looks like it's best done with multiple players, so that the continued spawns can be better controlled.





Video from TheeFrenzy: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaaTGitXBMIwPEQKsYuBltA

Power room. Camping here keeps all of the zombies spawning in front of you, and is very fast and effective. All you have to do is look out for the Panzers and the dogs, which can spawn on the death ray trap area behind you. Other than that its just a very fast strategy. The lightening bow is recommended, as well as pop shocks to take out the Panzer, which is a one hit kill as far as I know.





Video from BOYSTAA: https://www.youtube.com/user/boysta2011

Top of the speed cola stairs. The fastest post-patch strategy so far, as the video shows, he does all of round 68 in 4 whole minutes. Very effective camping strategy, the tactics are fairly self explanatory.





Video from jakefully1: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNamfYQfVy-g0pYcKKX8PWw

Outside of the castle/church. Another typical camping spot, I'm unsure of how quick this one is but it looks pretty standard compared to the others on this list.



Video by FleshCrunch: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_YZAxfhfKg-z3fokLlcSjw

Trophy Room. This strategy is kinda half camping half training. The idea was pointed out to me by @TheUppercut so I went and found a video showing it off better than I could personally. It's pretty basic: Run the room, kill the zombies when you have plenty of them, don't die.



I also believe that the end of the mule kick hallway would be a decent camping spot as well (if you keep the door from quick revive closed) but I haven't tried it yet and I can't find any videos of it, so I haven't posted on it, but be sure to try it and let me know how it works out :D

I have to point out that one could camp at the rocket pad, but at this time staying there during a launch causes a TON of zombies (in the realm of a few hundred) to spawn in, so it is very very slow, and not nearly as effective as the other strategies listed here. EDIT: The spot was patched, but I'm not sure if the spawns are fixed or not. EDIT: It seems like the pros are claiming this to be the best spot. Go figure


Those are all the camping strategies I've seen so far, now for the training spots:




Video from TheRelaxingEnd: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWVuy4NPohItH9-Gr7e8wqw

The clock tower area. Probably the most consistent strategy I've seen so far, this area allow you to train in what is arguably the most open spot on the map. It also allows you to conserve ammo, as you only have to use the bows in emergencies, and can use a blast furnace wall weapon to kill the hordes.




Video from YourDailyHoster: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn3w4-h4Ht3uab0gCEhxx1A

The death ray. You can do a fairly easy and safe train on the death ray area, and it provides a spot with a trap and an easy escape if you get caught, with the wonder sphere right on the platform. In the higher rounds the spawns become harder to handle, but the upgraded bow should be able to keep you out of trouble, keep it out while gathering the horde.





Video by Brykks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzwv5X7ViSSZinfhFVPY6LA

The undercraft. Here you can see the player using the wall running mechanic in the undercraft to launch himself over the zombies while gathering his train. I'd recommend this strategy in co-op where less zombies spawn, which will make this area much less cluttered, and easier to run.





Video from preso97: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcDkop8DgZxbXUIM3TqRPKA

The inside of the church. The most effective and consistent high round training strategy found on this map so far, use this when camping becomes too difficult, makes sure you have blast furnace equipped so you can kill whole hordes.


From @Rissole25: "... Rocket Launch area seem like the [places to train] but you also have smaller areas like the Main Lab, Smaller Courtyard with bridge, By Double Tap 2, and by Mule Kick that you can train as well" I don't actually know if these work as I haven't been able to find any good videos that cover these spots, but be sure to try them out and see how it goes. Personally, I  think that camping is the most effective way to fly through the rounds on this map, but training is always a good time.

That's all I've got so far guys, feel free to add strategies in the comments and I'll add them to the main post so everyone gets to see them :D

Carry on zombieslayers


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I've only gotten to R19, but it seems like this map has a lot of areas to train in. Main Courtyard, Death Ray area, Undercroft, Rocket Launch area seem like the main areas, but you also have smaller areas like the Main Lab, Smaller Courtyard with bridge, By Double Tap 2, and by Mule Kick that you can train as well.

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2 hours ago, Rissole25 said:

I've only gotten to R19, but it seems like this map has a lot of areas to train in. Main Courtyard, Death Ray area, Undercroft, Rocket Launch area seem like the main areas, but you also have smaller areas like the Main Lab, Smaller Courtyard with bridge, By Double Tap 2, and by Mule Kick that you can train as well.

I'll be sure to try and find videos of the ones I don't have up ASAP, thanks @Rissole25 :D

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3 hours ago, Rissole25 said:

I've only gotten to R19, but it seems like this map has a lot of areas to train in. Main Courtyard, Death Ray area, Undercroft, Rocket Launch area seem like the main areas, but you also have smaller areas like the Main Lab, Smaller Courtyard with bridge, By Double Tap 2, and by Mule Kick that you can train as well.

From what I've seen, this map looks to be a Camp-Friendly type of map. Especially on the one WunderSphere Pad where they come at you in a straight line, or even using Boystas strat. 

I can't wait to see what crazy ass strategy ll Steve ll & ScottieI3 come up with.

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4 hours ago, shirtlesservice said:

Edited with what I could find guys, it seems another really good camping spot was found. Still waiting on Steve and Scottie. @Chopper any updates?

Steve and Scottie have been perfecting and practising alongside Boysta pretty solidly since release.  I'm back on with them all tonight, I'll see what they are happy with me telling people.  I do know they have both been to the levels that seem to be the current highest, and are exploring how to get further.

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4 hours ago, Chopper said:

Steve and Scottie have been perfecting and practising alongside Boysta pretty solidly since release.  I'm back on with them all tonight, I'll see what they are happy with me telling people.  I do know they have both been to the levels that seem to be the current highest, and are exploring how to get further.

Thank you sir, I look forward to seeing what they come up with

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32 minutes ago, Ragdo11706 said:

Well this map is now F****D. Seriously though, are there even any good strats left?!?!

A few, but I think it's gonna go back to being training strategies instead camping ones, which were the very clear superiors previously. We'll have to wait for players to optimize the patch, we'll see where the dust settles on strategies

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I hate that Treyarch keep fucking around with the game like they do.  Talking with Steve, Scottie and Boysta last night we all agreed that there is some spite involved somewhere.  I've posted here jokingly a while back that I thought someone over at Treyarch was on a power trip, and had been pissed off by someone or someone's in the high round community.  Whilst we aren't sure, we all suspect something like this is happening.

They keep removing the fun from maps for no good reason.  Starting with Die Rise, they have butchered almost all the best aspects of the maps since then.  When a map has traps and blast furnace giving infinite killing power, the nerfs they do make no sense.  I'm not the biggest fan of camping as people have been doing; yes there is plenty of skill required but I find running more fun.  I also happen to enjoy camping, but the thought of 150+ rounds not moving too much doesn't sound great to me.

Now having removed Widows wine from local wunderfizz, it means anyone wanting a WR realistically has to use Perkaholic.  I want to make another thread on this entire topic at some point but what this means imo is that zombies is now Pay for Win.  I have stated in the past that perkaholic isn't a game changer - it certainly wasn't.  This change is though.

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@Chopper you're serious? No more widows wine from the wunderfizz?

But you can still get it from perkaholic?

That's some serious BS Treyarch. While I understand discouraging camping because it "takes less skill than running" by that token you should have buffed the other bows to be more powerful and kill whole hordes... I get wanting to increase difficulty, but this seems like the removal of the PaP'ed wonderweapon in shadows, more of an unfun change than one having to deal with balancing.

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1 hour ago, Chopper said:

Now having removed Widows wine from local wunderfizz, it means anyone wanting a WR realistically has to use Perkaholic.  I want to make another thread on this entire topic at some point but what this means imo is that zombies is now Pay for Win.  I have stated in the past that perkaholic isn't a game changer - it certainly wasn't.  This change is though.

Wait, what the fuck, your serious right now. If so that's really fucking retarded and definitely makes it pay-2-win, being on local you font have the luxury of perkaholic, as you don't have access to any gobblegums outside of the classic ones.

Wow I really can't believe that, it definitely has something to do with people getting to High Rounds, the problem I have with this, is it's not that fucking hard, and the only people they are really hurting is the 95% of the community that don't play on a daily basis.

So can you still get W.w. through completing the E.E. although fuck doing that every single game. I made a comment somewheres saying this went from the best map to one of the worst that fast. If that's the case with W.w. I'm not even sure I want to waste the money on it, when it does.finally release for XBone on March 3rd.

*I'm sorry but I'm fucking irate right now, like my bloods boiling. That shit is not fair, being I don't have access to internet where I live, I don't have the luxury of perkaholic, therefore I'll never get to use W.w. on D.E. unless I complete the Main Quest, which may happen what once or twice. I'm sorry that's just bullshit. 

Someone needs to make a thread on this here and on Reddit, they either need to put it back, or remove the fucking perk all together!

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@Chopper Has there been any justification or reasoning as to why they have removed widows wine from local? Seems like a strange thing for them to do. And I haven't been paying much attention to Der Eisendrache being on Xbox, is widows wine just a necessity to run areas with fast spawns, or is there more to it than that?

30 minutes ago, shirtlesservice said:


That's some serious BS Treyarch. While I understand discouraging camping because it "takes less skill than running" by that token you should have buffed the other bows to be more powerful and kill whole hordes... 

There has always been a debate between camping and running and which takes more skill, I would say neither it just comes down to personal preference and how quickly you want to progress through the rounds. Take SOE, I like to use a combination of camping the cthulu statue at Waterfront/using upgraded sword here with fast spawns(not really training as zombies are killed almost instantly), and training with blast furnace in the rift. I can say in all honesty training in the rift feels much less skilled than timing shots and sword uses and bail out times/ dealing with margwas in a camping strategy.

I don't think weapons should be more powerful to compete with blast furnace, in my opinion blast furnace is OP and a negative addition to the game. Excluding the WW, ray gun and XM53, it makes any weapon balancing between the rest almost irrelevant as all weapons can be used in the same way.

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@DaveLo07 I get that it's about what you prefer and maximizing speed, but if I look at the fastest strategy on say buried, vs the fastest on say Ascension, one could argue that because of the dodges and increased oppurtunities for mistakes that the training strategy presents, it requires more skill.

I personally think that if a map has only one infinite kill weapon (like on shadows) then blast furnace makes sense, because it gives equal oppurtunity to all players to kill zombies in the higher rounds. Also when the ammo count was so low (10 shots) it made sense to use a different weapon to get kills, generally. But I agree with you that once PaP is accessed, weapons balance becomes pretty pointless.

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In just find the situation as a whole fucking retarded. Widows Wine is an Amazing Perk, that benefits all players regardless of whether or not they are kiting the Zombies or Camping. 

However, in this case removing it from local play is really not fair.  Being a person that don't have access to the internet where I live, I'm forced to play on local, and I don't have the luxury of any GobbleGums outside of the Classic ones, meaning no Perkaholics for me.

I'm still livid about this, I've been a fan of Zombies since W@W, never did I think I would see the day where it became Pay-2-Win.

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@Shirtlessservice I see your point, but the WW ammo for camping is, as you say, limited. You aren't going to get many more kills by camping with it over training, its just faster. I'm not against being able to kill and train in later rounds, using a camping strategy I still had to do a lot of training, but I would rather see a tiered pack-a-punch that allows for utilisation of different weapons, than every weapon becoming a flamethrower. Sniper or LMG? It doesn't matter, because the first hit will turn it into a flamethrower anyway.

As for camping, the strategy I use on Shadows is actually a stand in one place as much as physically possible on that map. I see most people even with Alchemical Antithesis keeping all the ammo for bail outs when they get trapped, but I do not run it this way. Without Alchemical Antithesis I move around the room between camps using the sword, then use the WW to recharge the sword. But with Alchemical Antithesis, I use all the ammo except a couple of shots and stand in one spot. Even in the 90's, you can get through a few rounds like this, especially if you get fortunate with drops.


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My only confirmation on Widows Wine is through experiences.  I did 50k yesterday, Boysta did 70k and Quick told Steve he did 200k.  None of us got it.

It kinda makes sense to me.  I've always thought Perkaholic should only give you the perks on the map you are playing.

It is absolutely required if you want to camp anywhere past I'd say 30.  The thing is, people are having to run from about 70 now anyway, the bows just don't have enough stopping power.  So it's not AS big a deal as I first thought.  But if you don't have it and say have to start running at say 40, the time difference is going to be large enough to possibly cost you rounds at the absolute top end of the game.

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As an update it's apparent that the perk is still available, but it has had it's % chance reduced.

I don't know by exactly what, but I do know that from some beer-mat math it's around 0.5% based on my experience, Boysta's and Quick's.  Quick did end up getting it after spending 200,000; I misheard what Steve said about it.

@shirtlesservice Not really mate.  Everyone is still trying to suss out what is best.  The computer room hoard up is very consistent and repeatable for Blast Furnace.  Problem right now is that every patch just makes a major change which affects what people have been doing.

I'm just sick to death of Treyarch now, even if I do love both SOE and Der Eisendrache.  The biggest issue I have, is that for however good they are they good have been so much more, and infact actually were so much more until they got nerfed.  I guess that there exists a developer who is pissed at people consistently getting 200+ on their maps and want to stop it.  How's that going guys?


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