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TREYARCH! Grief really needs to be fixed!


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I am getting so sick of trying to keep my wins higher than my losses. There is no point to trying to do this because they give me a loss when the game errors out. It made me gain a loss multiple times from the game haveing a error before the match ever even started. Treyarch come on let us not take a loss or a win when something like this happens. Plz fix this.

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They really should've had done form of the prestige rewards involved. So you could choose reset your leaderboards.

But no, I agree. Grief or Turned, if a host migration fails or you lag out, you get a loss. It's why I don't play Borough Grief, the game goes for WAY to long, and more than half my losses on their have been from those problems above. -_-

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I feel you bro. My leader boards have given me four losses and a taint now from migrating hosts on the other team/ the other team entirely quitting, and games just plain lagging everyone out and sending you back to the game lobby.

Burrow was the only map I did (DID) have a perfect record on until this crap started happening, now lately I haven't been playing it even though I want to just because its gotten to the point now where its ridiculous. 1 out of every 4 games maybe doesn't have some sort of error or screw up .

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This happened to me agin lastnight. First two games I had to take a loss before the game started. Played for three hours and got a win. Sucks I play so hard to win but take losses left and right from game issues that have nothing to do with me playing the game and loseing. I don't mind taking a loss when I really lose. Come on TREYARCH this is rediculous! Plz fix this before you put out a final update. I'm still going to be playing this game for a long time after cod ghost comes out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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It's very frustrating, for example, just 10 minutes ago I was playing Grief in Cell Block at round 17 and everything was going flawless for me.. Had 3 guns PAPPED and the other team was struggling and kept reviving eachother. Then at one point the host dies again and leaves, connection lost to the host and ANOTHER loss on the leaderboards.

Currently my Leaderboards is 65 wins to 30 losses, in all honesty I've actually only lost about 5 games. The other 25 losses is from connection failures.

It's already really bad that the game ends when the host leaves, but it's horrible that it counts as a loss even though you are certainly winning.

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  • 1 month later...

If you are having troulbe with lag outs the grief community on ps3 has decided on one garentee of not having these losses. This is also harder solo btw. ALWAYS seach for a game witht the "best" option. NEVER 'normal' or 'any' if you get into a lobby by yourself you are host. if you get into a lobby and their where people their before you then you are NOT host. If you grab host in a game, you will never recieve a loss.

I suggest only playing grief with a team of 4. the player witht the best bandwith hosts. Seach for a lobby where you are the only people in their and wait for 4 more to join. If other player leave the game you do not have to worry about host migration possable chance of kicking you out. or freezing the game. Also if you grab host you do not have to worry about cheaters and their lag switchers. Also custom games no longer count toward your win/losses.

I have 568 wins on farm, with 198 losses. I have only ever lost 12 games. when i played this map by myself before i knew how to grab host. i had more losses then wins.

Also its very sad that you are so good at greif, when people jump in glitches you have to lean the glitch yourself, get in it. Knife them into a death barrier and finish the round. OR you have to play the waiting game. One game i tried this, me and one dude left, i just kept turning rounds and getting kills. FINALLY on round 48 the dude left.

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  • 3 months later...

If you are having troulbe with lag outs the grief community on ps3 has decided on one garentee of not having these losses. This is also harder solo btw. ALWAYS seach for a game witht the "best" option. NEVER 'normal' or 'any' if you get into a lobby by yourself you are host. if you get into a lobby and their where people their before you then you are NOT host. If you grab host in a game, you will never recieve a loss.

I suggest only playing grief with a team of 4. the player witht the best bandwith hosts. Seach for a lobby where you are the only people in their and wait for 4 more to join. If other player leave the game you do not have to worry about host migration possable chance of kicking you out. or freezing the game. Also if you grab host you do not have to worry about cheaters and their lag switchers. Also custom games no longer count toward your win/losses.

I have 568 wins on farm, with 198 losses. I have only ever lost 12 games. when i played this map by myself before i knew how to grab host. i had more losses then wins.

Also its very sad that you are so good at greif, when people jump in glitches you have to lean the glitch yourself, get in it. Knife them into a death barrier and finish the round. OR you have to play the waiting game. One game i tried this, me and one dude left, i just kept turning rounds and getting kills. FINALLY on round 48 the dude left.

Round 48 in grief?! That's gotta be the world record!! Do you have that on YouTube?

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  • 4 weeks later...

no sorry. some of that game was on my player channel but its noyhing special. just 2p zombie count from 29-48.

back on topic. i am sad to see grief ruined by glitchers. lagswitchers. hackers and host rage quitters. and most of all treyarchs fail leaderbboard arrangements. the top 200 grief players on ps3 only play in custom lobbies and we hold our own tournaments and leaderboards now. grief is a realy fun fast gamemode. id lile to have seen round 20 start public matches. i do like the challange of r1 starts but custom r20 games are so much faster over all.

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