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CYOZ Apocalypse


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CYOZ Apocalypse

A Zombie themed CYOP

Welcome to CYOZ. This is a CYOP, zombie themed. For those of you who do not know who a CYOP is, here:

A CYOP is a Choose Your Own Path/Adventure originally made for second person books, but further extended to the internet, where forums use them as entertainment.

Basically, the thread master writes a story, but all the critical choices are made by the players.


"There is a path in front of you, but it is forked. Right or left?"

Player 1: Left.

Player 2: Right.

Thread master: Tiebreaker needed.

Player 3: Left.

Majority rules. The choices you make may severely affect the story as it progresses.

Now as I stated, this is zombie themed, but not in the sense of how it is in Call of Duty. No points. No Richtofen and Maxis. No box. Just you, your wits, and whatever you can find. If you like this idea, continue on.


1: Only the thread master (in this case, me) can advance the story. Unless he/she specifically states someone else is in charge. For example, if I was to go somewhere without internet for a few days, I would choose someone who would want to be temporarily in control.

2: Thread master cannot vote on a choice.

3: Players can only vote for one option.

4: If more rules are thought up, they can change at any time.

Ok, if you've read this far, you're interested. I don't know if any of you have seen or played the Walking Dead, but the apocalypse in that is much like this. No perks, and you may have to kill people you love.

Remember, ammunition doesn't last forever. You have to eat and drink, and sleep keeps you from going insane. You can go a while without eating, but water is a must.

The actual game

You wake up on a normal Monday, dreading going to work. You hate your job and only do it to feed and clothe yourself until you can find a better more paying job, maybe in the field you actually studied in college. You brew yourself a cup of coffee, and get dressed before looking out of the front window and see shambling figures outside, completely filling up the road you live on.

"What the…" You mutter, rubbing your eyes and looking again. Yep, they're still there.

What do you do now?

A: Call someone.

B: Check the TV.

C: Go get weapons. Zombie apocalypse, oorah!

D: Continue to stare out of the window.

E: Other (Specify what)

Note: We also need a character. Name and gender, basically. Unless you guys want to be an alien. I can work with that. :lol:

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I agree with E. Jesus ^^^

So basically we all are one character, and by the majority vote of us chooses the character's actions?

Yep. Since it's night here and we just started I'mma update. If we don't have a name by Tuesday, I'm going with "Jack Williams." Just so everyone knows.

You go to your "special" room. And by special, I mean study. Inside you keep a large collection of old stuff, and a collection of old weapons, and a few self defense weapons. Good thing your job before this one paid you well. In front of you is a bunch of guns and assorted weapons of all types. None are fully automatic though, 'cause American laws. What do you take?

A: A wooden bat. Simple melee, no ammo required. Can break.

B: A 9mm pistol. 3 clips of 9 round magazines come with it.

C: Your hunting rifle. 2 clips of 7 round magazines accompany it.

D: A pump-action shotgun. A single clip of 6 rounds is loaded into it.

Something to keep in mind: Maneuverability. For instance, climbing with a pistol is much easier than a shotgun. And firepower: A shotgun could probably end one faster than a 9mm.

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Name: Electric Jesus

Gender: all-powerful omnipotent being

Location: we are everywhere.

Eh? :D

But not really

Definitely a baseball bat. No maintenance needed whatsoever, whereas any basic firearm requires several consecutive hours of cleaning after prolonged use. With firearms we would want to go for a single headshot, but the odds of missing or hitting it in an undamaging way (nonlethal torso hit) are too great. On the other hand with a bat we could just swing for the head and crush their skull in a single blow. Even if we miss, that's going to knock them over, most likely breaking bones and disabling them in some way, giving us a chance to deliver a fatal blow. Less effective on groups but if used wisely can be the most powerful weapon in your arsenal. Also doesn't need reloading. So yeah. Bat plz.

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You grab the baseball bat and smack in against your palm. Solid. Next you go and check your garage, thankful you closed it last night like usual, though sometimes you forget if you're drunk. Inside you find your car, a truck, cause trucks are master race of cars. It is an older Ford, but has served you faithfully for a few years. Question is, should you take it with you or not? This stuff looks threatening and you've seen it in video games before.

A: Yes

B: No

C: Look around

D: Go back inside before deciding

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You grab the baseball bat and smack in against your palm. Solid. Next you go and check your garage, thankful you closed it last night like usual, though sometimes you forget if you're drunk. Inside you find your car, a truck, cause trucks are master race of cars. It is an older Ford, but has served you faithfully for a few years. Question is, should you take it with you or not? This stuff looks threatening and you've seen it in video games before.

A: Yes

B: No

C: Look around

D: Go back inside before deciding

Reason: It is the most logical choice. You can ditch it later, but for now, it is going to be a good mode of transport. You don't want to deal with them without knowing their weaknesses and what they have over you. Try not to hit them with the truck. They could be humans for all we know. At the current time, escape is the most logical choice. I know you are tricking us though. But if we tried to go to other people on foot, we may find them dead.

EDIT: I chose A by the way. Seems it wasn't clear

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I'll mix it up a bit. C!!

Never know if a good ol' kerosene tank or conveniently located machete might just be laying around. Driving might save time, but time spent thinking clearly and resourcefully is never time wasted! At least, not according to Max Brooks.

The tie breaker person's official name must be the Stalemate Associate. Trust me.

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I'll mix it up a bit. C!!

Never know if a good ol' kerosene tank or conveniently located machete might just be laying around. Driving might save time, but time spent thinking clearly and resourcefully is never time wasted! At least, not according to Max Brooks.

The tie breaker person's official name must be the Stalemate Associate. Trust me.

(facepalm) I didn't even notice C! Definitely C. Gather as much as possible before heading out!

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You look around your garage for anything useful and see gas canisters of gas you had stored in case anything happened and you couldn't get gas at a station. You also find a wrench and hammer, useful in more ways than one. Placing them on your belt, you lug the gas canisters to the truck and put them in, unsure what to do with them. Might as well carry them if you go in the truck.

A: Leave by truck. 'Murrica!

B: Leave on foot.

C: Go inside and see if there's anything you could take with you.

D: Anything else you can think of. (Specify)

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You look around your garage for anything useful and see gas canisters of gas you had stored in case anything happened and you couldn't get gas at a station. You also find a wrench and hammer, useful in more ways than one. Placing them on your belt, you lug the gas canisters to the truck and put them in, unsure what to do with them. Might as well carry them if you go in the truck.

A: Leave by truck. 'Murrica!

B: Leave on foot.

C: Go inside and see if there's anything you could take with you.

D: Anything else you can think of. (Specify)

C. I have a feeling ;) that the garage door is locked and we do not have the keys on us ATM.

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D) Collect the rest of your firearms as well as provisions like food and water before leaving. If you have a backpack / duffle bag fill it with essentials and try to grab things like batteries and a flashlight.

We'll need supplies if we are to brave the chaos that must be happening in the streets ;) .

Also, don't forget your cats!

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You go back into your house and collect a duffel bag, proceeding to fill it with supplies from your fridge, including food items and water. Beer too, so you can have a good time when necessary. You then collect the firearms and cats and get into the truck, loading it with your supplies. You open the garage and drive out onto the street, the undead filling it as you go.

A: Ram 'em all! 'Murrica!

B: Try not to hit a lot

C: Drive like a nervous old woman.

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You drive carefully, aware that this truck is currently your only good chance at escape, partially because of your supplies, and your cats. You drive on for a while, not needing any food and eventually heading away from town, out into the plains. It starts to get dark, what do you do?

A: Keep going. No undead creature rests, why should you?

B: Try and stop for the night.

C: Other (specify)

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