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The Trinity - Super, Chopper & Tom's guide to Shang 100 p1


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The Trinity - Super, Chopper & Tom's guide to Shang 100 p1

The preface - Only 3 people have gotten to 100 on this map, at least with visible proof.

1 used a spawn train, and 2 used the MPL area. I had always wanted to do a single 100, and decided recently that Shang was going to be the one for me. Super coincidentally was planning to do it at the same time as me, as was Tom. Eye did want to try and play it but was unfortunately not able to get around to doing any testing. Tom, Super and I spent a weekend 'testing' basically. We all wanted to run the AK area and so we looked at different ways of doing things. During the last week there must have been at least 30 PMs between the group. This is what we came up with.

How we are doing this? I'm posting part 1, with my written guide, Supers written guide, some tips from Tom and 2 commentated videos from myself. This will take you from 1 to 40, in 2 different ways, basically mine and Supers.


Part 2 will be posted by Super at the same time and will be done from 41-100 and in a slightly different way. Basically Super beat me with his written guide, and I could not find a single thing I wanted to add. The only thing we do any differently, we actually don't really. Let me explain.....there are 2 ways to run the end game strategy, or 2 kites. I worked on one and preferred it, he worked on the other and preferred it. However, we both end up using both in our runs, depending entirely on which one is best. I'd say Supers can be done more consistently, but when mine is available it normally requires 1 simple cutback on the box side rather than the stair side.

This video will explain and show the following -

Getting the early drops.

Fire zombie hell.

How to get a free perk.

Super's method.

Now, depending on your goals on this map depends on how you start.

The perks - Jugg, PHD, Stamina and Quick Revive. To get to 100 I would strongly advise not having Mule Kick. If you want to get perks from the monkeys start the game offline so Mule Kick does not 'spawn'.

Chopper's way

The Start

Round 1 and 2, stab all zombies only and reboard the windows. This will take you to 2530 or 40 points.

Let's use the monkeys

Round 3. Try and kill at least 3 or 4 zombies before any breach from the windows. Do not stab a zombie unless you know you can kill it, damaging it really sucks.

Once the windows breach open the area and head across the mud. You are waiting for a line of zombies, and it will come pretty quickly.

The first zombie killed is going to leave a drop, and then once you are above 4000 points so will the next one. This is a minimum of 1,000 free points, 3,000 points if things go really well!

So kneel down at the edge of the mud pit and fire 8 bullets into a line, making sure you hit the first zombie. Fire 4 more into the same direction, and move slightly right before firing 8 more shots. You move right to ensure you don't kill the first zombie with a bullet and to make sure you are damaging the zombies behind as much as possible.

When that first zombie gets out of the mud, move backwards towards the bridge. You need to shoot this zombie once or twice and it will leave a drop. If it's anything at all apart from a nuke (I never ever gets nukes first) take it after maybe a second delay, it will make sure the monkey still comes.

If it was *2 you are in point nirvana! Try and stab one or 2 zombies before getting the monkey. If you can't just make sure you stab the monkey! With the points and drops if you stab a monkey you will definitely be going over the point threshold for the second drop in this round. Once you are on 4000 points or above, or 3900 with *2 shoot the next zombie in the head a few times. This will give another drop, and another monkey. Again, I seem to never get a nuke here.

The next threshold is around 6500 points, but it's harder to gauge this one. I have ended round 3 with close to 8000 points before, after opening 1 door :shock: 8-)

TBH I find that normally I am sitting somewhere around 6,500 points at the start of 4, having opened 1 door.

Make sure you check if Jugg or Speed is by the mud pit!

Round 4 - hang out by the tunnel entrance, keep it shut. The points you are after -

6250 - this enables you to open to the Bowie and buy it. Move between the 2 windows, they generally give you a lot of time on this round before there is a breach.

I do not buy the Bowie immediately. I aim to kill as many zombies behind the windows as possible to bump my points up. I'm hoping that the first one out can be killed with 2 knifes and a couple of shots for another drop.

When you get overwhelmed just open the tunnel and head to the power room.

If a shrieking zombie comes at any point there are 2 options -

1 - open the tunnel and buy and MP5K.

2 - get to the Bowie and be confident in stabbing the zombe twice without them hitting you twice.

On this one, I find that in the long run it can make me a few more points buying the MP5K. In saying that I only buy it if I can't afford to get all the way to the Bowie, and the shrieker spawns very early in the round.

Round 4 end, you should have somewhere between 2000 and 3500. If Juggs was at mud pit move at the start of round 5 and head towards it, you will kill a couple on the way and have enough for Juggs regardless. Get back to power room ASAP.

Now either way, Juggs or not I stay in the power room, with nothing else opened until end of round 6.

Stay at either window with the back area blocked, and it's simple.

A simple tip - if you have full ammo in your pistol it is more than worth hoarding everything in this area, and then unleashing all your ammo into the hoard. Pretty much if you do this, and kill any zombies from behind windows the next zombie killed will give a drop. Use a gun to kill it! You have a hoard, wait for the monkey and get *2 of it. Points nirvana time again! With no Juggs I'd probably stab the safe ones, and headshot the pack a little to give you some space. This is what I meant about the MP5K. On round 7 or 8 you will need to buy the AK if you didn't get this, so it's almost worth getting it regardless. It is not money wasted.

So end of 6 just go get Juggs if you haven't got it already, otherwise pick up Flopper and Stamina.

Find out where the PAP panel is.

At some point in 7 you are likely to be over 5000 points. I just stay whereever the PAP thing is, I have Juggs and a Bowie on round 7, it's kinda tough to go down in this sitatuion if you are aware of what is going on around you.

By end of round 7 in 90% of my games, I have 4 perks, M&S, Bowie and AK/MP5K.

The middle

You now should decide what you want to do. If you want to go to 100, follow Supers method. Just do it.

I'll be honest here.....I've had maybe 6 different serious attempts at what I'm about to explain. I got past 40 without dying once. Granted, I now am pretty confident that if I did it again I would likely succeed. It's much much quicker than the other method, but infinitely more dangerous.

If you are playing to only go to 50 I'd give my way a go. To be honest giving it a good go, will serve you very well for the higher rounds. Trust me, if you follow Supers way from round 11 - 40, and then jump into the semtex part 2 of the guide you will have a rude awakening. Having executed the various cutbacks, sprints, dragouts and circles on the earlier, arguably tougher rounds will make these rounds seem somewhat easier :)

First things first - free perks. DO NOT GET MULE KICK!

It will at some point get you in trouble when you play for nearly 20 hours, trying to reach 100. Start offline if you have to not spawn this. I know I'm repeating myself but I think it's really important.

To get a free perk is simple - wait for an ammo to drop, wait for the monkey to take it and time your shot right to kill the monkey for the 1/2 second that the perk is displayed.

The extras - Fire Zombies and Screechers.

Screechers do not worry me at all, fire zombies are what causes pretty much all of my downs in these first 40 rounds when I stick this area out.

To deal with a screecher just continue kiting, kill them slowly with your AK or kill the group with the M&S, then kite again, etc.

For a fire zombie, ideally you want to get a full hoard without them blowing up. If you can manage this they are fairly easy to deal with.

Rounds 11-19 I find are fairly easy in this room just due to having M&S and them not taking too much damage. They seem slow enough as well that you can get 1/2 a hoard and deal with some before the rest even get close!

I'm going to add my video in now explaining what I try and do in here. It's easier than trying to write it. It's from round 19 up and is pretty much what I'm trying to do until 40, maybe 45. It's gets easier the higher the rounds become.

Main thing is to keep boarding the bottom window, it gives you a lot more time to get a circle at the bottom going which is key. If you can get all the zombies that spawn from the above area to be under your control down the bottom it's normally a cinch. It's when you get forced to move too early and start the cutbacks that you need to start really dancing, and it gets very uncomfortable very quickly.

That's pretty much it for the early strategy.

Supers Way

Starting area

First round: Knife only.

Second round: 8 shots to the chest with the pistol, then knife. Knife 2 times when you run out of ammo. Rebuild all the windows at the end of the round.

Let the last zombie in during this round and head-shot it so it can drop a powerup. Let a monkey grab it and change it to a Double Points if it isn’t one. If it is, defend it from any monkeys by knifing them before they can get it, so you can save it for the next round.

Third round: Keep knifing the zombies at the windows, holding them off for as long as possible. When they start to pile in, clear the debris next to the Olympia and head down the bridge. Open the door to the tunnel.

This will be your camping spot until we have enough points to move on; camp at the top of the tunnel. This works well because, as long as you don’t enter the tunnel, no zombies will spawn behind you so they’ll all come from the front.

You’ll just be using your knife here.

Rounds 4&5: Same strategy here; we’re aiming to build 5500 points here so we can go through the next 2 doors to turn the power on and buy the Bowie Knife.

Don’t forget you can knife the monkeys before they steal your powerup for an extra 500 points. This is an extra 1000 points while Double Points is on!

Before round 10

Keep using the same strategy, getting all of your kills with the Bowie Knife.

Try not to collect drops straight away to allow the monkeys to come so you can either knife them for extra points, or change your drop to a Double Points. If it’s a Double Points already then you can collect it and knife for monkey when he comes for that extra 1k. Be aware that you’ll need to knife him before he hits you to gain those points.

You should only need to survive 1-2 rounds with the Bowie Knife before you can get Juggernog, as long as you don’t collect any Nukes. If it’s past the M14 door from the spawn room, do NOT open this door to get to it - this will make the 10+ strategy more difficult. Go round the other way, through the AK Room to get to it.

Alternatively, you can use Tom's quick tip for seeing what side Juggernog is on, restarting if it's on the MPL side:


If you encounter a Napalm Zombie at any time, the best way to get rid of him safely is to run close to him, then quickly turn back round and run away. This will trigger the explosion, but you’ll back off enough to avoid getting downed by it. Once you get the shrink ray later, just shoot him with it whenever you come into contact with him if necessary and he won’t be able to down you unless you’re red-screened.

Leave a crawler at the end of rounds if need be to go and stock up on essentials. You’ll need to buy these things in order:

    PhD Flopper
    Mustang & Sally
    Open all doors to the AK (NOT the debris from spawn to MPL)
    Shrink Ray (31-79 JGB 215)
    Monkey Bombs (to help if you go down)
    Quick Revive
    Another perk of your choice

To access the PaP in solo play, you only need to stand on one of the slabs raised from the ground. There’s one in the spawn room, one at your camping spot near the bridge, one in the power room and one in the tunnel between the MPL and AK74u rooms.

Round 10-30

You’ll now be using a half-map loop here, gathering your horde before taking it out with the Mustang & Sally until round 20. From rounds 20+, you’ll use the Shrink Gun to shrink your group, before quickly switching to the Mustang & Sally to kill them with 1 shot while shrunken.

The reason we shoot them instead of ‘kicking’ them is because, if you’ve already taken some damage, kicking the whole group could potentially down you. It’s unlikely to happen, but best to take precautions and you won’t need your M&S ammo anyway.

You can also use the shrink ray to get yourself out of a corner if surrounded.

Of course, you should use all of the JGB’s ammo before upgrading it, as both versions will shrink your group ready for the kill at any given round.

I’ve included images below to help demonstrate the loop, also refer to the video from Chopper or from part 2 of this guide. Remember, NEVER clear the debris between the spawn and the MPL room. Not until round 40 anyway.

You’ll start in the AK room, waiting until zombies start spawning before you move off (don't wait too long). You’ll then walk through the M16 room.

Make sure you walk around the cart to help gather the zombies a little better. Proceed to the power room.

As you enter the power room, drag the zombies to the left a little before you run round them to the right, as shown in the above image.

After you’ve walked out and across the little bridge, make your way out to the geyser.

If the window on the right looks a little full as you enter the room, keep to the left instead, moving slowly.

Coming out of the power room, use the geyser to shoot up into the spawn room; your train will follow.

Use the path shown in the video to gather the zombies before killing them.

Wait at the top of the geyser in the spawn, dropping down when zombies spawning in get close. They will only spawn in your area, not below you.

From here, simply reverse your path back to the AK, gathering them in the AK Room as shown in-video.

As for changing drops from monkeys… don’t rely on it. Only do it when it’s absolutely convenient; things can get dangerous otherwise. They tend to stop coming to take your drops at some point in the 30s from personal experience anyway.

Rounds 30-40

We’re still going to be using basically the same strategy here, but the zombies will now spawn in really fast and we’re going to take advantage of that fact to kill your groups in 2 places as you head from the AK to the spawn, rather than just the 1 place.

You’ll still lead your zombies from the AK to the power and continue the normal route. However, rather than leaving, you’ll turn right, walk through the water, past the perk machine then back towards the Spikemores to gather up your group, stopping at the end to kill your horde.

You’ll stop and wait in the circled area, killing your horde while standing in the red circled area when they get close.

Once you’ve killed the group, walk back out to the geyser that launches you into the spawn room. You’ll already have your group behind you; you’ll gather them in the spawn using the usual path before killing them.

From the spawn back to the AK, the way the zombies spawn is a little strange if you kill them in the power room before you head to the AK, so continue this route as normal.

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Wow, blown away by the responses.

Makes me and Super really want to keep producing guides.

Ha ha good to see you still got your sense of humor, or sarcasm.

Guides are something we read and digest slowly. Plus the timing is bit off with most people looking forward to the next game.

You'd be surprise how often I watch Tom's looping guide still and Superhand's solo guise i still read. Don't be discouraged because responses arent there yet. It will come. Many people still watches Xcalizorz' videos from the waw days. Have fun and enjoy the ride.

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Wow, blown away by the responses.

Makes me and Super really want to keep producing guides.

Ha ha good to see you still got your sense of humor, or sarcasm.

Guides are something we read and digest slowly. Plus the timing is bit off with most people looking forward to the next game.

You'd be surprise how often I watch Tom's looping guide still and Superhand's solo guise i still read. Don't be discouraged because responses arent there yet. It will come. Many people still watches Xcalizorz' videos from the waw days. Have fun and enjoy the ride.

You're right Jay, my mood was somewhere between pissed off and bemused this morning.

But my point, however sarcastic remains the same. Not just on this thread, or this guide but there is brilliant work all over the strategy section which is completely ignored.

I was given an opportunity to be a partner on someone's youtube but it was a slight conflict of interests, and I choose CODZ first.

I've made 4 or 5 videos just for CODZ, fully commentated which have had like 50 views total.

Any of these videos placed on the other channel would have had 1000s of views each.

Just wondering today why I bother, and this is not just me feeling like this.

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You ever seen the second spiderman where Peter Parker felt he was under appreciated? Then he realized he did not save the world to be appreciated, he did it because it made him feel good.

Not everyone understands what I do at work or why I am important. But I am a cog and not really care who knows.

After you finished completing your goal of round 100 do you recall smiling for no reason? Perhaps kissed you baby boy and your female? That was the reward and now how many people read your guide on the first day. Knowing that you achievement your goal is sweeter than anything I can say to you. The average Joe cannot comprehend what just happened today with this guide. But someone will, more importantly you will.

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Always happy to help out in the talks, at least. :D

You know, I've always wanted to say I was friends with some of the best zombies players in the world, now I can say that everyday and have proof everyday.

Again, I'm not surprised in the least by how we like to gather points in the early rounds. Your later round strategies are something to behold, however. Crazy what you can learn even at this late stage in the game.

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Napalm Zombie is permanent insta kill.....be very very selective about how and where you use him though.

The 1/2 map loop to 30 takes 1:20 per spawn, then once past 30, it's around 40 seconds for the first 2, and then just over a minute to return to the AK room from spawn.

The AK room only in the 20s and 30s can be as low as 30 seconds per spawn.

The semtex/AK strat is around 22 seconds, maybe 27 or so if you are playing a little safer.

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I think the general consensus is that this is a hard map and many people shy away from it.

On PS3 there are less than a thousand people on this map when Kino hit 10 thousand, five and ascension between 3-5 thousand.

Some people refer this as their favorite map because its challenging and beautiful.

I guess my point is less people will appreciate this awesome accomplishment due to less people playing it than the easy safe Kino ladder strategy Superhand just put out.

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  • 1 month later...

As Tank would say...holy shitballs

you guys are just unbelievably amazing

i would love to find out new strategies on Black Ops II with you guys

I am very new to the site...but i have been an avid zombies fan since Nacht der Untoten on WaW

PM me sometime...any of you

GT: j2dakilla

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As Tank would say...holy shitballs

you guys are just unbelievably amazing

i would love to find out new strategies on Black Ops II with you guys

I am very new to the site...but i have been an avid zombies fan since Nacht der Untoten on WaW

PM me sometime...any of you

GT: j2dakilla

All of these guys are, unfortunately, on PC or PS3 only.

I know, right? It sucks.

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As Tank would say...holy shitballs

you guys are just unbelievably amazing

i would love to find out new strategies on Black Ops II with you guys

I am very new to the site...but i have been an avid zombies fan since Nacht der Untoten on WaW

PM me sometime...any of you

GT: j2dakilla

All of these guys are, unfortunately, on PC or PS3 only.

I know, right? It sucks.

luckily im also on steam

as j2dakilla

and does pc only apply to you also?

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