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What the M.P.D "IS"


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The M.P.D. is a pyramid-shaped device that controls the zombies. It appears to have been built by aliens and is what drove Richtofen insane. It uses souls as a power source, as discovered by Schuster when he killed a rat. Samantha was originally suspended within it by accident and used it to send the zombies after Group 935 members. Richtofen switched bodies with her to take control of the zombies, but soon the earth's atmosphere was destroyed and Richtofen lost control of the zombies there.

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Let me add some detail for you.

The Pyramid (MPD) on the Moon is actually an ancient Vril Machine, as stated by Dr. Richtofen in the third Moon radio. This ancient Vril Machine is a direct connection with other dimensions, particularly Aether. It is after Richtofen touches this Pyramid he starts to hear the voices in his head, which is also evident in the radio transcripts.

Samantha smashed into the Pyramid after being chased by a crew of 935 members at the Moon Base, and was later told by her father, Dr. Maxis, to "Kill them....All!"

Radio Three:

Edward Richtofen: "Entry 42. Date: January 4th, 1940. Dr. Schuster and I, despite mounting pressure from Dr. Maxis, have continued working on the matter transference prototype. We have made great strides in the last thirty days and are ready for our first human subject. If our calculations are correct, we will send a test subject to the receptacle station sitting thirty yards away and behind a cinder-block wall."

Dr. Schuster: "Are you certain you want to do this, Dr. Richtofen?"

Edward Richtofen: "Nein, Dr. Schuster, this must be done. Quickly, put in your earplugs and power up the machine."

(Teleporting noise is heard)

Edward Richtofen: "Is there a power outage? Why is it so dark? I feel almost... weightless. How very unexpected. Dr. Schuster? Hello?"

(Clicking can be heard)

Edward Richtofen: "Ah, I can see now. Oh my god. I am standing in a circular cave, surrounded by some kind of machine like, it's like nothing I've ever seen before. It looks almost alien in nature. There's a pyramid structure at the center of the room. I'm going to try and carefully touch it."

(Shock is heard as Richtofen touches it)

Edward Richtofen: "Ahhh. Static electricity. It's sharp to the touch. Very cold. Not a speck of dust."

(Richtofen bangs on it)

Edward Richtofen: "Hmm, might be hollow. The chamber's quite large. I see what looks like capacitors at the ceiling of the chamber. There are no obvious connections to anything electrical. What is this place? Dr. Schuster, is that you? Dr. Schuster! Look at this. It appears to be covered in some kind of hieroglyphic language. I've not seen anything like it before. Why are you whispering to me? There's no need for that."

(Odd noise is heard)

Edward Richtofen: "Was it lost? Do you hear that? It sounds like..."

(Loud static and noise is heard)

Edward Richtofen: "My god, what happened? I seem to be in some kind of jungle. I can't be certain of where I am."

(Jungle noises are heard)

Edward Richtofen: "Oh no!"

Radio Four:

Dr. Schuster: "Log Entry 43. Date: January 23rd, 1940. I cannot be certain what happened to Dr. Richtofen. Once the test was commenced, he just disappeared from the machine into thin air. I have searched the area for days and have no evidence that he is anywhere. I am afraid I might have to scrap the-"

(Banging is heard)

Edward Richtofen: "Don't stop anything. We have done something, something wonderous. Shhh. Do you hear them?"

Dr. Schuster: "Dr. Richtofen, you're alive!"

Edward Richtofen: "I'm more than alive, Mr. Scheuster. Is the device still intact?"

Dr. Schuster: "Yes, but, what happened to you?"

Edward Richtofen: "Aaah, something wunderbar! That chamber was incredible, the wonders we could learn!"

Dr. Schuster: "What are you talking about? Are you alright?"

Edward Richtofen: "Get in the matter transference prototype, Dr. Scheuster. We have work to-"

Radio Five:

Dr. Richtofen: "Gentlemen, for two long years we have toiled here and at Eagle's Nest to build up fortifications. For two long years we have taken equipment to build up our labs. For two long years we have worked under Group 935, believing that Dr. Maxis truly wants to help the world. For two long years we've led a double life. Today, that all ends."

(Inaudible conversing is heard from crowd and continues through Richtofen's speaking.)

Dr. Richtofen: "I bring to you what this project is all about. What I have worked to keep from my enemy."

Dr. Groph: "What is it Dr. Richtofen? It looks alien."

Dr. Richtofen: "It is an ancient vril machine. And you, Dr. Groph, are now the lead scientist here at Griffin Station."

(Applause for Dr. Groph is heard.)

Dr. Richtofen: "You will be the one to discover how it works."

(Applause ends.)

Dr. Groph: "We first must discover what it does."

Dr. Richtofen: "Nein, Dr. Groph, I know what it does. It is a direct connection to another dimension."

(Crowd begins conversing again.)

Dr. Groph: "Preposterous!"

Dr. Richtofen: "No more preposterous than teleporting all of you to (Static) Griffin Station."

Dr. Groph: "Is it (*Static*) How do you know what it does?"

Dr. Richtofen: "I found many interesting vril artifacts here. I have decoded them and all signs point to this device being a stable gateway to the Aether"

(Loud conversing again)

Dr. Schuster: "Dr. Richtofen, I am aware of a project being run by Dr. Maxis at Der Riese concerning vril."

Dr. Richtofen: "As am I. I am going back to my port at Group 935 to continue the charade. I will be figuring out just how much information Dr. Maxis has (*Static*) Once the machine is operational, I will enact my plan and return. Gentlemen, let the games begin."

(Applause is heard.)

Audio Reel Four:

Dr. Groph: (Static) “-tor Schuster, Report.”

Dr. Schuster: “The tanks are full and the shields are down. The machine is humming nicely.”

Dr. Groph: “Good, but what of the shipment?”

Dr. Schuster: “Most are buried outside of the base, the live ones we’ve sent back to Kustover Posten”

Dr. Groph: “Excellent, then there is nothing left but to wait for Dr. Richtofen’s return”

Dr. Schuster: “Perhaps this is a good time to work on my low gravity putting in the bio-dome”

Dr. Groph: “Yes, I did believe that time-”

(Alarm sounds: “Intruder Detected - Receiving Bay”)

Dr. Groph: “Security, Report”


Dr. Groph: “Can you repeat?”

Dr. Schuster: “She’s coming right towards the-”

(A girl’s scream heard)

Dr. Groph: "Get her!"

Dr. Schuster: “Get back here!”

(Girl’s screams are retreating, running footsteps heard)

Dr. Groph: “Nein! Do not let her-”

(A loud bang, smashing glass and hissing gas sounds are heard)

Dr. Groph: “Dammit, Dr Schuster, find a way to get her out of the pyramid, I will contact Edward, let him know there’s been an incident” (Static)

Audio Reel Five:

Edward Richtofen: (Static) “How did she end up there? No matter, I know what must be done, in the meantime see if you can find Dr. Maxis, perhaps he can talk some sense into her.”

Dr Groph: “Did you not deal with him already?”

Edward Richtofen: “Yes, but if the child ended up here, then Maxis must be somewhere too. Find him.”

Dr Groph: “How do you propose-”

Edward Richtofen: “Dr Groph I cannot do everything for you. I leave this in your capable hands. There is much to be done.”

Dr Groph: “Yes Doctor”

Edward Richtofen: “Oh and Groph?”

Dr Groph: “Yes?”

Edward Richtofen: "Keep an eye out for an evil looking dog while you're at it” (Static)

Audio Reel Six:

Dr. Groph: (Static) “Hope this works. Schuster, power it up”

(Hissing gas and a loud bang are heard)

Computerized voice: “Systems Nominal. Accessing Pyramid Device. Interface via M.P.D. active. Accessing M.P.D.. M.P.D. integrity check nominal. Awaiting input.”

Dr. Groph: “Excellent, bring the scepter”

(Loud bangs heard)

Computerized voice: “Analyzing M.P.D.. Creating profile. Profile Created.”

Dr. Groph: “Excellent. Now, scan for target.”

Dr. Schuster: “Yes Doctor.”

(Gas hissing and bangs are heard once again)

Computerized voice: “Target located.”

Dr. Groph: “Bring him here, immediately.”

(Gas hissing and bangs are heard followed by the sound of a teleporter. The thumping of someone landing is heard afterwards)

Dr Schuster: "Greetings, Dr. Maxis."

Ludwig Maxis: “Schuster! I should’ve known. Where is that rat Edward? Where are we? And how did you get me out of that wretched tunnel”

Dr Groph: “None of that is important right now. Allow me to fill you in”


Ludwig Maxis: "Samantha. Honey? Daddy is here. Come dear, please. Open the machine. Daddy will not let them hurt you anymore. Honey? Daddy knows he’s made some mistakes, I am truly sorry that you were put through so much. When your mother died I could not bear the thought of losing you too, that’s why I kept you so close. I did not mean to neglect you, I just wanted to now you were safe from harm-”

(Hissing gas & a girl crying is heard crying.)

Samantha Maxis: “Daddy!”

Ludwig Maxis: “I love you, Samantha.”

Samantha Maxis: (Sobbing) “I love you too Daddy.”

Ludwig Maxis: “Can you do something for me? Something very important.”

Samantha Maxis: “Yes.”

Ludwig Maxis: “Kill them... all.”

(A gunshot is heard)

Ludwig Maxis: "No!"

(Gas hisses)

Samantha: (Demonic Laughter) Hahahaha

Dr Groph: “We are doomed.” (Static)

Regards Alpha.

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I thought someone else said no, and Maxis shot himself there. Anyone else think so? But, in my eyes, M.P.D. drove Richtoffen insane just like Jason Vorhees drives people insane, versus LSD, or something, i.e. not the direct cause, but started him quickly going through a world that lead him to insanity.

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  • 2 months later...

I see the Pyramid Device as being an astral prison of sorts, and grants it's captive evil god-like powers which include control over the undead. Both Richtofen and Samantha seem to have become twisted and hear voices after interacting with it.

It's alien technology. I don't think we're meant to fully understand what it is.

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I think what you guys are talking about is the MTD.. Not the MPD. The MTD stands for Matter Transference Device and is the technical name for what we know as the teleporters. The MDT is NOT the pyramid.

That is all.

No the mpd is the pyramid, the mtd is the teleporters, and the pyramid is the cause of the madness the teleporters are simply transportation.

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I like to think its a device specifically built to reach Hell. The fallen angels/aliens/aryans built it in an attempt to free Satan but for some reason abandoned it. When they abandoned his only chance at escape he waited patiently... for someone like Richtofen to come in contact with it.

Once he touched the pyramid, he in a way influenced Richtofen with his voice. Hence the "voices" he hears. Richtofen tried to activate the pyramid and open a portal for Lucy to come out and all he needed was a conduit. My bets would be Die Glocke but of course someone wrecked the plans. Samantha ran into it and she literally... became the conduit. At this point he has no choice but to change his plan. Samantha is a pure soul who only wishes to please her father and she can't be swayed. Richtofen on the other hand is already manipulated and has the tools.

Those are my thoughts. Mac out :D

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I like to think its a device specifically built to reach Hell. The fallen angels/aliens/aryans built it in an attempt to free Satan but for some reason abandoned it. When they abandoned his only chance at escape he waited patiently... for someone like Richtofen to come in contact with it.

Once he touched the pyramid, he in a way influenced Richtofen with his voice. Hence the "voices" he hears. Richtofen tried to activate the pyramid and open a portal for Lucy to come out and all he needed was a conduit. My bets would be Die Glocke but of course someone wrecked the plans. Samantha ran into it and she literally... became the conduit. At this point he has no choice but to change his plan. Samantha is a pure soul who only wishes to please her father and she can't be swayed. Richtofen on the other hand is already manipulated and has the tools.

Those are my thoughts. Mac out :D

:shock: epicmonopolymaczombiesatantheory

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No it's aliens, or something else, not satin, there's too much science involved to just switch to religious beliefs, mabie later on, but now, no....

You won't be able to convince Mac otherwise. Just read the thread he's posted at the bottom of his signature, and you'll get a better idea of where his thought process is coming from. In terms of this game... Magic, Science, and Religion are all part of the same thing.

I'm not saying you should subscribe to Mac's awesome theories. Believe whatever you want. But just keep in mind, there's already been a handful of Satanic references in other maps of the game.

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Lol I haven't been posting at all in Codz lately so when I saw this thread it was kind of a chance for me to theorize again. :geek:

But yeah, on the Satan thing, you honestly don't have to believe the Satan or fallen angels thing. If you wanna think their aliens not angels go ahead, it won't change anything. And if you don't believe Satan is behind all of this, just remember that Richtofen heard voices... Theres a higher power in this all.

Like I said it depends on which angle you personally like to look through. Mac out :D

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Lol I haven't been posting at all in Codz lately so when I saw this thread it was kind of a chance for me to theorize again. :geek:

But yeah, on the Satan thing, you honestly don't have to believe the Satan or fallen angels thing. If you wanna think their aliens not angels go ahead, it won't change anything. And if you don't believe Satan is behind all of this, just remember that Richtofen heard voices... Theres a higher power in this all.

Like I said it depends on which angle you personally like to look through. Mac out :D

I believe in angels and satin and god, but the fact is if satin wanted this to happen he didn't have to do this, his own army of demons could have risen easy peasy....

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I believe in angels and satin and god, but the fact is if satin wanted this to happen he didn't have to do this, his own army of demons could have risen easy peasy....

You wouldn't consider the undead, hellhounds, and crawlers to be demons. I do, in a sense.

Sigh fine! Believe what you want!

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The M.P.D. is a pyramid-shaped device that controls the zombies. It appears to have been built by aliens and is what drove Richtofen insane. It uses souls as a power source, as discovered by Schuster when he killed a rat. Samantha was originally suspended within it by accident and used it to send the zombies after Group 935 members. Richtofen switched bodies with her to take control of the zombies, but soon the earth's atmosphere was destroyed and Richtofen lost control of the zombies there.

It wasn't made to control the zombies, they didn't exist yet. It was made as a portal to Aether. Richtofen, was insane FAR before Group 935. Read his WaW bio if you get the chance, you'll see what I mean. And the Earth's atmosphere had nothing to do with it, it just meant that since almost everybody was killed/destroyed, there was nothing left to control with his undead army.

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Blindbusdriver just made a point I completely overlooked. The M.P.D was made as a gateway to Aether not to control zombies.

So what gives this power to control zombies? For some reason, anyone who enters this place is given extreme power. Sorry lol I seriously never theorized about this part of the story. Mac out.

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The M.P.D. is a pyramid-shaped device that controls the zombies. It appears to have been built by aliens and is what drove Richtofen insane. It uses souls as a power source, as discovered by Schuster when he killed a rat. Samantha was originally suspended within it by accident and used it to send the zombies after Group 935 members. Richtofen switched bodies with her to take control of the zombies, but soon the earth's atmosphere was destroyed and Richtofen lost control of the zombies there.

It wasn't made to control the zombies, they didn't exist yet. It was made as a portal to Aether. Richtofen, was insane FAR before Group 935. Read his WaW bio if you get the chance, you'll see what I mean. And the Earth's atmosphere had nothing to do with it, it just meant that since almost everybody was killed/destroyed, there was nothing left to control with his undead army.

DUDE! His waw bio is completely vague, it gives no time as to which he went truly insane, and when he Wasnt!

You....have.....pissed.....me....OFF! :evil:

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He tortured people to extract info from them and had stuffed animals.

Nuff said.

Well tell me this Mac..... The second message on moon tells us that the deal with the Nazi party wasn't struck until after the soi, so, logically, he became infamous AFTER the voices, when he became part of the Nazi party! See if just poked a big hole right in your logic.....

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"Before the war he was a back alley plastic surgeon, who created an army of monstrous affluent Weimar socialites that would follow him around and laugh at every joke the genius doctor made. This all fell apart when the republic fell and the Nazi party took control. To Richtofen, their values were too moral, too liberal for his liking. He joined the army so he could satisfy his need to watch people die, slowly."

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He tortured people to extract info from them and had stuffed animals.

Nuff said.

Well tell me this Mac..... The second message on moon tells us that the deal with the Nazi party wasn't struck until after the soi, so, logically, he became infamous AFTER the voices, when he became part of the Nazi party! See if just poked a big hole right in your logic.....

Mac just kinda proved my point, and also, being infamous, does not make someone insane or not. He had his habits before, just not until the war did he earn a reputation. Which he hid carefully in the presence of Maxis.

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"Before the war he was a back alley plastic surgeon, who created an army of monstrous affluent Weimar socialites that would follow him around and laugh at every joke the genius doctor made. This all fell apart when the republic fell and the Nazi party took control. To Richtofen, their values were too moral, too liberal for his liking. He joined the army so he could satisfy his need to watch people die, slowly."

Didn't Treyarch removed Richtofen's bio from their website a long time ago? I haven't been able to find it in my own searching.

I wouldn't mind someone hooking me up with the links for these missing Biographys if I happen to be wrong on this.

Part of me wonders if it's to change (erase) part of the existing storyline, just to fit the Moon storyline. Ya know, like they did with the Paris / Moon photograph on Der Riese bulletinboard.

For me, when Richtofen becomes psychotic is one of the bigger contradictories in the zombie storyline since Moon came out.

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