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Everything posted by NaBrZHunter

  1. I can see that. Never thought I would be the kinda person to favor comic-style over cinematic, but apparently classic zombs did that to me, so I'm pretty much the exact opposite. LOL! Funny you should say that-you are referring to the Nazis vs. the Occult, I assume? I was actually just finding it amusing how ironic it is that people are so easily shaken by references to Naziism, but completely undisturbed by the occult, which...is basically kinda just same die (as in singular dice-lol) different side. Before my next statement, NOTE: I HAVE ZERO NAZI SYMPATHY. I am an American, a Christian, and absolutely not racist towards any ethnicity. But there are Neo-Nazis who were non-violent, and simply have a stupid sense of superiority, as well as original Nazis who fought for Germany because they were patriotically mislead to think that it was right. There are also occultists out there who treat it as a 'dark vs. light' and believe they serve the light. But the reality is that the violence in the occult is no more acceptable than the violence of the holocaust. Murder is murder...and both parties are evil. So I can't really agree that the occult is any less evil. Actually, I was just listening to a documentary a couple weeks ago about cult-related mass murders. Scary stuff. But anyway, gonna get off my soap box now. lol!
  2. No, no, you are right. It's just preferable to me to have some sort of pretend 'scientific' limitations that require precision and so on. Like CotD's EE. Replacing fuses, sabatoging security systems, setting numbered knobs, and sending signals. Or Ascension-generators, computer terminals, synchronous buttons-but you see what I'm saying. It is what it is now, but that's why BO1 remains my favorite, despite the awesomeness that is BO3
  3. Right. DT 1.0 was more realistic. I rest my case. I have very little respect for BO2, and feel like Zielinski was a major factor in it losing realism. Yes, some things must be accepted as game mechanics, however, such as 'waves' of zombies, making points that open doors and afford you opportunities to buy things, and perks like DT 2.0. The realistic version was hated. So it was given an unrealistic twist. It's a gameplay mechanic; but it's not magic.
  4. I used it to give credence to its origins. And actually, Agartha, Vril, and the Aether are also all explainable. I wrote a very detailed thesis on the relationship between the realms over in The Asylum. The Nazis were involved in researching scientific application of certain occult concepts, which, under the assumption that that is possible, births places such as Der Riese, as well as the fact that they took massive technological strides that are referenced even today. Blundell said himself in the latest video from Treyarch that Der Riese was based off fictional Nazi technology. Sure, the times have changed, but it moved on via Operation Paperclip and the space age. On the same note-who can explain Nova 6 gas? It's fiction, but it isn't magic. If you enjoy the way it's gone, then great! I'm glad you enjoy it. I enjoy it, myself, still, but not without disappointment at seeing the 'anything is possible because magic' route it has taken. I don't believe in alternate worlds and cross-dimensionalism in real life, but it is a part of this story's scientific fiction. Teleportation back in the days of WAW and BO1 required a device, proper configuration, and electrical power. Now it requires blood and candles. Heh. -_-
  5. And as far as that is concerned, if you're taking that at face value, there are a lot of resources out there I would encourage you to study. '115 displacement' is a 'blanket description' for the complex and very detailed potential and usages of 115. If you aren't already familiar with that, then there's not much I can say on the matter. Listen to character quotes and read from the terminal. Science fiction was the original basis for this whole story. I'm not saying they haven't strayed from that-in fact, I'm saying they have. And that's what I find disappointing. Back then, we could theorize as to how certain tech worked. Now, anything is possible. If it seems unexplainable, just chalk it up to rituals and magic. No point in even trying to give it an explanation.
  6. That, sir, is a whole other thread-rather, a whole other forum. Please refer to The Asylum. And bear in mind, it's sci-fi. But something like a fast-acting steroid could give it an explanation. Have you ever listened to the mule kick jingle? Trust me, I'm not the only one out here who thinks like that. http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/index.php?/forum/73-asylum/ @MysteryMachineX would you not agree that past maps have been sci-fi? As I recall, it was your style to attempt to provide scientific/realistic explanations. If you want to get actual realistic, then here's a fun fact: a massive undead apocalypse would last no more than a week. Fact. Some extraordinary things are allowed to be accepted, however, and fictional science has been utilized to explain much of it.
  7. Mystery boxes are explained, (space-time displacement), perk machines are explained (genetic modification), PAP is also 115 displacement, and apparently was built by a man in the old west. Wall guns are the only thing in that list without an official in-game explanation, but that can be explained with 115 displacement as well. Even barricade repairs are explained "This must be done by telekinesis." -Richtofen Get legends like @Tac and @MysteryMachineX in here, and watch the realism unfold. And as far as taking it seriously...there is a reason there's a forum dedicated to a game's side mode, which had over 30,000 posts. Take it in context. Taking it seriously doesn't mean you believe it's real. In context, it refers to a believable sci-fi.
  8. To be honest, this is one of the most disappointing contributions to the storyline so far, IMO. Until MotD, EEs were very mechanical and scientific. None of this 'we don't know how it works-it's just eerie and cultish, and we don't have to explain it because it's magic.' We had eerie stuff in the past, stuff that involved killing creatures around an object, but not to 'please' an entity. Even in Origins, Richtofen gives the scientific explanation that the 'soul boxes' are actually energy-powered, and don't actually pertain to souls. That's a Takeo-ism. Same with CotD, Tranzit, Moon, and so on. They were mechanical, scientific, and systematic. I just can't help but feel like magic and demonic rituals are not only poor taste, but also a cop-out, following a long history of great science fiction. I, personally, find that difficult to take seriously. If you want occult games, they are out there for a dime a dozen. But c'mon, this is Nazi Zombies!
  9. To be honest, this is one of the most disappointing contributions to the storyline so far, IMO. Until MotD, EEs were very mechanical and scientific. None of this 'we don't know how it works-it's just eerie and cultish, and we don't have to explain it because it's magic.' We had eerie stuff in the past, stuff that involved killing creatures around an object, but not to 'please' an entity. Even in Origins, Richtofen gives the scientific explanation that the 'soul boxes' are actually energy-powered, and don't actually pertain to souls. That's a Takeo-ism. Same with CotD, Tranzit, Moon and so on. Magic is just a cop-out. So whereas this began as science fiction, it's beginning to drift further away from science, and I, personally, find that difficult to take seriously. If you want occult games, they're out there for a dime a dozen. But this is Nazi Zombies! C'mon, now!
  10. Welcome to the forum! Not to worry, if you have an Xbox One now, BO1 is getting ported (yipeekieyay!) See ya in the threads!
  11. This was food for my soul this Monday morning when they tweeted the news. Same-my favorite CoD ever. I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!
  12. Yeah, clearly, the NO3 didn't want ORichtofen to open that teleporter. They weren't just playing reverse psychology. They really didn't want Richtofen to get out. The two year comment is classic Dempsey 4th wall breach. Origins came out 2013, right?
  13. It is with great disappointment that I relinquish my belief in the multidimensional theory and am now obligated to accept the canon fact that we are, and have been, in a multiverse; even more specifically, a parallel multiverse. The spoilers below will explain. Also, there is not just one universe being reborn. It has been clearly established that there are indeed many parallel, mirror universes. Simple as that. NOTE: IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY, I HIGHLY ADVISE YOU DISCOVER THIS YOURSELF. You will be glad you did. As Takeo would say, "patience is a virtue of the honorable!"
  14. This stuff is iffy. Keep up the good work, man. It is appreciated.
  15. And the fact that you are posting a step by step when you haven't even completed it yourself is just...smh, y'all know what I mean? Just saying, I've discovered everything that I have found so far because that is what Treyarch designed it for. If this post is directed at people who have already done the EE, then there is no point in listing the steps. Hopefully they got a chance to play the game Treyarch designed and not the one Stop Mocking Me0 dictated.
  16. Polite: having or showing behavior that is respectful and considerate of other people.
  17. I thought you said you couldn't play? And all I'm asking is a common courtesy of one spoiler.
  18. Could you be considerate and put all the steps in a spoiler, please?
  19. There is so much Juggernog stuff lying around now! Fridge, bottle, bottle opener, coaster, and the very shirt I am wearing proclaim my love for that drink. Who will establish Juggernogics Anonymous?

    1. Smok3y


      never such a thing as too much 'nog!

  20. 9 hours left...


  21. I'm assuming you got all this from leaks, though. Smh. But okay. If this is true, I'm extremely underwhelmed. However, I am not convinced by the multiverse theory, and still believe it is entirely possible for Maxis to have undergone a brain transplant, explaining the fact that he has a body at Der Riese.
  22. Don't you ever forget how damn lucky you folks are. Hell, I don't even like Mountain Dew OR Doritos. I want some of that so absurdly bad. Though the whole world will probably implode into a vortex if someone puts it in a Juggernog minifridge. So make sure that doesn't happen. lol
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