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Black Hand Smith

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Status Updates posted by Black Hand Smith

  1. Gonna try to find a new pic. Not sure yet so this placeholder should do for now

    1. Boom115


      Dat cover up :D

  2. One year leater only now do I realize....Electric Cherry....Electric Chair-y

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Delta


      Wow I feel stupid for not seeing thisz

    3. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      …. Seriously? I mention this like EVERY time I play origins or MOTD… I always drag out the "chair" noise… Electric chhhhaaaaiiiirrrry… I do this because I play with randoms and it suddenly dons on everyone… This stopped working 4 months ago…

    4. MegaAfroMan


      Wow. I'm so blind/deaf. I never put much thought into that.

  3. Broke my earphones but found some new ones stashed away under the bed. Nice

    1. Rissole25


      It's a great feeling haha. I never used my Apple earphones. Years later while looking for a spare, I find them all tucked up in the original casing still haha.

  4. Just went on a horrible feels trip......on to season 2

    1. Black Hand Smith

      Black Hand Smith

      oh god my heart is breaking right now...The dog..I know what happens next...

    2. Black Hand Smith

      Black Hand Smith

      Ok....I need a break.......WAIIIIIIIII

    3. 83457


      They make you feel horrible things?

  5. Just a few minutes left before finishing the walking dead season 1. About to reach maximum levels of feels

  6. Replaying the walking dead season 1, just got The walking dead season 2 for just 15 bucks

    1. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      It's a great game, so many possible outcomes but end result being the same (i think).

  7. Was in art class today and I saw an interesting picture......i think I have a new concept brewing.

    1. Black Hand Smith

      Black Hand Smith

      Rebirth is out when I finish it. It's mostly done just need quotes. I'm actually pretty busy layely

  8. I know I should be asleep right now since I have college in the morning but....I just can't help staying up late playing games

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      None, well, to be fair we procrastinated the first week, but unbeknownst to us he would be PILING on the work later on. Everyday I'd get home and complete four assignments for the guy, analyze txt for 20 independent literary words from a list. Then highlight how why and example for the whole thing. From there we were made to write a 2-page letter to celebrities, a normally 5-8 page analyses of an editorial article. Then there was the homework given by other teachers to do, ranging anywhere from 40 pre-cal questions, to chemistry worksheets. FURTHERMORE he would constantly require us to write full analysis/opinion based essays on multiple works, in 30 minutes. If we didn't include 5 literary bits, or fallow his strict format of HWE, he failed it, and we would be forced to re-write the whole thing properly and then write AGAIN about how our second paper was better then the first. We also had a chapter-reading quiz every day, it was normally 3 questions, 1 wrong answer and you made a 67, the questions were not from spark notes and could be taken from any part of the book's chapter. Constantly we would have a 30-page chapter, easy enough to read, but the fountain head, puddinhead wilson, and pride and prejudice were AGONIZING to interpret and remember every detail. To top it off, we have a 25-vocab 10-litterary term test every friday, the words were given to us monday. We had to locate the words on our own with no text book. We were given 10 minutes to take the test. That's 3 words a minute, you had to know the words like the back of your hand.

      You can claim any bit of this is untrue, but it's not even the whole story…

    3. ZombieOfTheDead


      All I can say is, sounds like shit. Glad I wasn't in that.

    4. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Good to hear I got my point across!

  9. The topic came up during a skype chat. Is 11 bucks an hour good pay for a first job? I've never had a job before so i don't really know how to tell. I work 19 hours a week starting next week

    1. ZombieOfTheDead


      Isn't the minimum wage like 8 bucks an hour? I'd say it's pretty decent if you're in high school or college.

    2. MegaAfroMan


      I'm working for $7.50

      I mean, I guess it all depends on the specifics, but for a part-time job that's pretty good. At least based on what I and my friends all make.

  10. College started today. Yay.

    1. The Clay Bird

      The Clay Bird

      take me with you! cherish it! stay forever!

    2. ZombieOfTheDead


      The monotone in the way you write it is exactly how I feel. College is pretty overrated so far.

  11. i keep getting sidetracked, Well at least I got an idea. All I have is extinction

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      You got an hour and 37 minutes Smithy…. Tick tock… Actually that gives me an idea…

    2. Black Hand Smith

      Black Hand Smith

      Hm.....my map concept is nearly done.....I could do that.....but i'd rather not rush it. Perhaps I'l work on it tomorrow after school

  12. I wanna make one BIG post before the summer ends. I have 24 Hours.

  13. Guess who just got a Job? You are now speaking to Librarian Smith. Soon I shall have enough money for a gaming pc and an xbox one

    1. Mr. Jay

      Mr. Jay

      As the unofficial CODZ financial advisor, i would suggest you invest your earnings for bigger monthly gains.

    2. GameChanger


      As the worst CODZ financial advisor, I'd suggest you use up all your money on the mystery box, you can't go wrong.

    3. Boom115


      As Boom as suggest you make it rain on some fine ladies. Congrats!

  14. Glitch solved. I must have hit the unread topics only by accident. Silly me

  15. Is anyone experiencing glitches with the site?topics not being placed on the new topics section? Chat missing? Unable to bump topics?

    1. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      Have a look at the tech forum, let me know and I'll investigate further.

  16. Well....We have lost an important member of our Game Nights. So now we are looking for a Brand New member to fill the Gap left behind. More information will be released soon.

  17. Finally finishing the Final Zombies Map concept for my story.....Strangely enough i've become addicted to making new concepts for Extinction. I have a whole bunch of unreleased Concepts ready in my google drive.

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      I've read some of your extinction concepts. I really hoped they release mod-tools for the cryptid game mode, otherwise it sounds like extinction is over after ghost.

    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Ah sorry auto-correct: Hope

      And I wish your ideas could become a real thing.

  18. Just realized I made it to 20 Brains.......only one thing to do in this situation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMFso-BkfZI

  19. Pushing My map concept for 8/30/2014. Also Sharknado is coming to theatres

  20. Just realized that exodus has a few things that are also in my upcoming map concept...not changing it though

  21. Well that was bullshit....The secret intel was just a tribute to neversoft....BOOOO....BOOOOO

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      The zelinski tweet?

    2. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      No, he's referring to the extinction map.

    3. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      God just saw that too… SUCH a let-down of a group of intel… In the words of David tenant: "It could have been so much more… SO MUCH MORE!"

  22. Playing Exodus and waiting for someone to discover the secret intel. Wouldn't it be funny if the Ancestors were actually Humans?

  23. Today I posted something on the front door to keep jahova's witnesses away..."this household believes in Shrek, Shrek is love, Shrek is Life"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ZombieOfTheDead


      "I want to PLEASE Shrek"

      "You better check yourself, before you Shrek yourself"

    3. Delta


      That'll show those Farquaads.

    4. 83457


      I always tell them that i was raised Christian, but got better. Then i try to help them become atheists.

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