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Everything posted by ETEl2NAL407

  1. I'm not sure this has been addressed yet (or even mentioned), but the way the featured topic looks on the forum page (with the last responder's avatar) makes it look like that person is responsible for the topic. Is there a way to make MMX's (the topic creator) avatar show largest and maybe show the last responder's smaller? Perhaps show the last 4 responders this way. *Fuck Screw you spell check, responder is definitely a word!*
  2. The problem with this theory is your basing the entire idea off the Prisoner numbers that appear on the blood vials. That's a very small and insignificant thing to base a theory like this from. How do you explain body transference? Memory transference? Keep in mind, the prisoners remember a life before the cycle, they talk about those things in-game. I understand the blood vials have the prisoner numbers and that coincidence is as of yet unexplained, but this theory of yours is a huge leap and one I don't think is worth hashing out entirely.
  3. Kinda taking from what MMX said... I don't think these should be up for nomination as it seems virtually impossible to have double digits for votes within a week. If it is a vote, it should be left to the Admin of the site to vote on the weekly topics that made the prereqs, but a public poll may be neglected if it needs to be occurring at such frequency. Perhaps we could do a public poll to determine the exact prereqs?
  4. Weekly. Rissole nailed the reasons, and implementing a feed with the TotW as well as a few posts from our UotM is brilliant. Minimum requirement should have nothing to do with the poster/user/member (that's what the UotM contest is for), but instead have everything to do with the topic. # of replies = >12 Content must be objective (no silly posts) Multiple users engaged in discussion (at least 5 different users excluding the OP) Th beauty of this (if we implement the corresponding feed) is that we could have past TotW winners in the feed as well as the current winner so the discussion can continue, thus I don't think we should be concerned with the level of activity within a certain timeframe. After all, an old topic could be revived that's completely pertinent to current events that gets everyone talking and It should deserve to win regardless of when it was originally created. As for sufficient activity and keeping to the weekly award, we could use the above criteria, but the post would have to attain it all within a week. Obviously our awarding will be a week behind this way, but there won't really be a way around that. I definitely agree with a medal, but not multiple medals, e.g. Sam wins the first week of April and gets her medal. Sam wins again the first week of June, but will not receive another medal.
  5. Easiest question ever... M-16 ---> Skullcrusher
  6. Takeo's Katana (forgive me if someone else has done this...) Any player can obtain this WW, but if Takeo wields it, he will gain an extra function with it. A katana is a two-handed blade, so it will take a weapon slot and at rest players will yield it in front of themselves with the blade slanted towards upper right. In this stance, if players hit the right trigger, the blade makes a quick slash (1-hit kill thru R12). If players use the left trigger, the player will perform a clockwise spin and slash hard from the left (1-hit kill thru R20 and can take out 3 zombies at once in close proximity). Using both triggers simultaneously performs a lunge stab that can kill up to 5 zombies in a single file (1-hit kill thru R20), but this leaves the player vulnerable as zombies can dodge this maneuver. Using the melee trigger is an added bonus this weapon has and will now act like a dodge that will instantly put a player 3 steps backward from the direction they're facing regardless if there are zombies in the way. Great way to escape a tight spot or backpedal from closing zombies. This weapon allows players to take different stances. If the right D-pad is pressed, the blade will now be held by the player in just their right hand and will hang low and at their side. Right trigger can be held and the blade will be swung overhead like a windmill and will be lethal to whatever is within range and field of view every .35 seconds (1-hit kill thru R12). The left trigger is meant to be used in conjunction with the right in this case and creates a combo, it should be pressed as zombies get too close and are able to survive a single slash, when pressed the player's left hand will grab the hilt and block for as long as it is held, but if the block contacts a zombie, the player will automatically square to that zombie. This block also gives the player a frontal attack invulnerability when the block is released as long as the right trigger is kept held. The invulnerability will end after the next attack is made. Combining this with the melee dodge, brings another style to this weapon. If the left D-pad is pressed, the original stance is inverted (good for lefties?) and the triggers are inverted also, however the lunge attack is replaced with a quicker overhead slash that can cut through up to 3 zombies (1-hit kill thru R20). If the weapon is upgraded it becomes Takeo's Legacy and will now be engulfed in bright yellow flames. All 1-hit kill durations are extended by 15 rounds and any zombies not killed by a direct attack are set on fire and will take continuous damage at the rate of 25% of the direct attack per second for 10 more seconds and the fire can spread. If the player is using Takeo, he has the actual sheath for the blade, so he can press up on the D-pad and put the blade away. This means the blade for Takeo can be used without taking up a weapon slot so with MK, Takeo can have 3 weapons + the katana. However, you must press the weapon switch (Y or Triangle) to pull out a weapon after you sheath the blade. If you don't you become a non-lethal acrobat. Right trigger dodges 3 steps right regardless of zombies in the way, left trigger dodges left in the same manner, melee dodges back, both triggers do a wall jump that can easily get you out of a corner. Players in this mode can still revive, so it is a great option for Medics.
  7. Z-Ball This little grenade resembles (you guessed it) a Pokeball, but it's not red and white, it's black. All black. When you throw this little guy out, a zombie will pop out and attack anything it sees, including other zombies and team mates. This zombie is very strong and can down a player with Juggernog in 1 swipe, but it can also kill many zombies. It can kill zombies in the same manner and for the same length of time as the Giant in Buried will if you give him candy near a horde. When you pick the Z-Ball up, you get 4 uses and each round refills 2. This is a good substitute for Monkey Bombs, except you wont yield any points for the kills and you should take extra care when placing it, as it will kill nearby players if they're within range or if it runs out of nearby zombies to kill. If you try to kill this zombie, it will take approximately 3 claymores or the equivalent, which is like trying to kill 3 Brutus at once, but the ease of headshots or ray gun won't help as no specific weapon is stronger against this zombie, so it can also be a good way to farm points if you're running out and don't want to change the round.
  8. I really like that idea (The Quantum Spool), EJ...It gives me one. VAC-R It resembles the Flamethrower, except it's gnarly and steampunk. Instead of a straight barrel it arcs upward at the end and has a large trombone like opening at the end (it's smoothly tapered). This "horn end" is attached to an short bit of accordion material, that is somewhat loose and will kinda flop around when not it use, plus it's noisy, so the gun is really animated. When you fire the weapon the intricate wiring along the barrel surges with electricity and stiffens the "horn end". It does not launch a projectile, but it vacuums a small wisp (looks just like the sniper rifle trails). The ammo is in the form of a battery level and every fire reduces percentage by 1. So there's 100 shots and 1 reserve battery. The battery pack is near the butt of the rifle and the reserve is right next to it, when reloaded, the packs are switched and the used one discarded. About halfway down the barrel is a sack that's attached with multiple hoses to the barrel. This sack will fill up with zombie souls if you get a headshot. Also, the wispy trail will be the zombie eye color if you got the headshot. It only comes with a ray-gun-esque sight, but it has very high accuracy, so getting headshots shouldn't be too difficult without a proper scope. That's the best thing about this WW, after 20 headshots the sack will fill and it will drop from the barrel and produce a random power-up (No Max Ammo) and a new little sack will take its place. When it's upgraded... VAC-AR The weapon changes from steampunk to cyberpunk (it's colorful instead of dusty now and more angled instead of rounded). The stats are greatly improved and the gun now functions like an Assault Rifle with full auto instead of a Sniper RIfle with semi-auto. The battery will now drain at the rate of 10 shots=1 percentage and the sack will fill up after only 10 headshots. This WW can be PaPed more than once and will cycle through different sights and reticles, onc combo will definitely be select-fire (routed to the arrow keys) and a variable zoom scope, for the players that want to continue using the weapon like a Sniper Rifle.
  9. I'm sure I've mentioned this idea before (perhaps several times)... L45-3R This weapon looks like a big translucent gem in a prism-esque shape. It looks like a crystal was kinda roughly chopped out of a cave. Fused into the crystal are 2 big buttons, one is to arm the weapon, the other to fire it. These buttons are of course attached to some intricate and ornate electronic devices which are also fused inside the crystal, apparently how it is weaponized. At one end of the crystal is an accented point and this point looks machined and polished because it shines brighter than all the rest. When armed, 6 green laser beams arc from the tip, when fired, the beams turn red and hum violently. This weapon is 2-handed (like the Paralyzer) so movement will be hampered a bit and there will be no going prone. You cannot ADS (Aim Down Sights) as that trigger/button activates the arming mechanism. So, to fire the weapon you must first arm the weapon, then use the fire trigger/button. There is no ammo, but as the weapon is being fired it will heat up and the crystal will start to redden. If it gets too dark (after 12 seconds of continuous use), the weapon will be unusable for 20 seconds. It will animate a violent shaking and steaming. What makes this weapon great is that the 6 beams that are sent out in a 75 degree spread will multiply as they hit a reflective surface and reflect. So, if one beam hits a glass window, the glass window will now send 2 beams out from that point. If any of those beams hit a reflective surface, the process repeats. The green beams are meant to be a guide, aim the weapon until you can make a net of lasers by bouncing them off reflective surfaces, then fire, and anything that contacts a single beam of this net will be disintegrated. The arming and firing of this weapon is not automatic, thus to make the weapon emit a continuous beam, the respective button must be held. After PaP this will become the... L45-3R 1337 Everything will function the same, but the crystal will be pulsating red from the inside and the beam colors will change to random colors (like the reticles do). Instead of turning red to indicate overheating, instead the weapon will warn you because the pulsating will get faster and faster. It will be easier to stop it from overheating as the indicator is more clear. Also the times will be extended, instead of 12 seconds of continuous use, it will be 18. The cooldown will remain the same. Also, the beams will get thicker and will increase from 6 to 10. Also, zombies hit by more than 2 beams at once will explode and set fire to surrounding zombies.
  10. Interesting analysis. I recall reading about the userbars and most of the discussion was about which characters to use and their respective post counts. Someone...I think it was Grill who first asked for suggestions to replace the stars. I'm really not sure which came first, but I checked into the star replacement thread and it was a tremendous idea, tallies, perks, or shields. The same people were engaged in this discussion, the lines blurred between userbars and star replacement. Creating another thread only increased the confusion because it was the same discussion, all taking place in that same little area. Honestly, that's a poor effort to end debate by saying, "There's another dead thread out there. Sure all the discussion moved here, but technically..." However, taking into account the popularity of the userbars. I always advocated using them both. I agree it would look cluttered, especially with the shields, but not with bottles or tallies. If userbars is what the community wants and Admin is saying it's too cluttered with anything else, fine. Paint me black and cast me out. We all have our opinions, but when you attack my character expect me to retort and don't be naive enough to think I'll remain pleasant. My biggest complaint is not of what graphic we use, at this point, but it's the incessant silencing and censorship of discussion. Just to appease your "thread appropriations" I will post a duplicate in Grill's thread, but who are we kidding? The discussion moved here. Brilliant Idea to create 2 threads talking about the same thing, but I digress... As it stands now. We need to add an opt-out feature. I don't want the userbar taking away from my avatar at all.
  11. Interesting analysis. I recall reading about the userbars and most of the discussion was about which characters to use and their respective post counts. Someone...I think it was Grill who first asked for suggestions to replace the stars. I'm really not sure which came first, but I checked into the star replacement thread and it was a tremendous idea, tallies, perks, or shields. The same people were engaged in this discussion, the lines blurred between userbars and star replacement. Creating another thread only increased the confusion because it was the same discussion, all taking place in that same little area. Honestly, that's a poor effort to end debate by saying, "There's another dead thread out there. Sure all the discussion moved here, but technically..." However, taking into account the popularity of the userbars. I always advocated using them both. I agree it would look cluttered, especially with the shields, but not with bottles or tallies. If userbars is what the community wants and Admin is saying it's too cluttered with anything else, fine. Paint me black and cast me out. We all have our opinions, but when you attack my character expect me to retort and don't be naive enough to think I'll remain pleasant. My biggest complaint is not of what graphic we use, at this point, but it's the incessant silencing and censorship of discussion. Just to appease your "thread appropriations" I will post a duplicate in Grill's thread, but who are we kidding? The discussion moved here. Brilliant Idea to create 2 threads talking about the same thing, but I digress... As it stands now. We need to add an opt-out feature. I don't want the userbar taking away from my avatar at all.
  12. I'm just going to stop offering my advice within this community. It seems everyone individually like the perks/tallies/shields icon, and it makes the most sense, but here we are with userbars instead and I'm still trying to figure out when the idea was finalized as a community (I don't actually think it was decided as a community). So, forgive me if I feel like any suggestions myself, or any other lowly community member, make fall ultimately on deaf ears. It doesn't make me want to offer more suggestions because they just seem like a waste of my time...And to think I almost paid someone to design a demo graphic. Sorry, Grill. I know you aren't the one making final decisions and you're just the messenger, but I don't feel the love.
  13. Honestly, after reading that. I only have colorful responses for you Grill. No one blamed you for locking the thread out of your own motivations, but I'm not going to argue with you or try to defend myself. You just said a few posts ago that the perks/tallies/shields idea had been "scrapped". Now you say the discussion will always be open. Well, which is it? Stop waffling already, stop locking threads while discussion is going on, and stop singling me out. You should have more tact as a moderator than to post crap like you just did. Get over yourself, Grill.
  14. Why dont we stick something like that where it says the rank? Not the actual pic but the name of the rank. Don't waste your breath, TAMB. Grill will lock the thread again.
  15. The perks, tallies, shields has been scrapped? Wth? That was a far better idea than the userbars, imo. /majorsighs
  16. ^^^ That looks like a graphical glitch, to me. Looks just like a Ray Gun blast that glitched out (perhaps while the teleporter was in use someone shot a ray gun there). The only interactive EEs on Kino are the recordings, the meteor song, and the film reels.
  17. Will the progression be added to OP (is it already, sorry didn't check)? From what I recall the progression was heavily aimed at newer users, whereas the more seasoned users have much larger gaps in between new userbars. Couldn't we make it a little more even?
  18. I would think it's like an idle animation. Remember the 2d scrollers like Mario, Sonic, Bubsy, etc... I used to love to leave my controller idle and watch their animations. That's what this reminds me of. Was the box neglected prior to seeing this?
  19. Part Locations within General Store: (incomplete) Tramplesteam Flag- In barrel under stairs Grate- Against banister, upstairs Pump- Downstairs on bookshelf Bellows- Upstairs on table in backroom Head Chopper Blade- In barrel near gun storage(fridge) Gear- ??? Crank- ??? Hinge- Back room, downstairs Subsurface Resonator Speaker- Counter near gun storage(fridge) Frame- Against wall, back hallway Adapter- ??? Turbine Fan- On a darkened shelf(hard to see) Mannequin- Back room near couch, upstairs Fin- ??? If you can fill in the question marks, great! Hope this helps.
  20. I agree with Chopper there...It's a team game, so it demands communication. Most of us are pretty damn good at zombies and since we've played all these maps several times and know everything there is to know about them, we rely less on communication and more on the skills we've acquired. We must remember that other folks still might be playing zombies for the 1st or 3rd time when they run into us and at that point, being able to communicate with them is a great thing. I usually keep my mic in and always try to break the ice with randoms. Best ice breaker? Make fun of their gamertag. Seriously, it lets you know if they have a sense of humor and if chatting is worth it. Most times I end up playing random games and find 1 or 2 cool people to chat with, even if they're aren't great at zombies I can still have a good time, but many times I end up muting other players. Why do people have their mics plugged in, TV up really loud, but never say anything? They just let their mic blare the zombie theme and as much as others plead for them to turn that shit down, nothing...? Yeah, those people get muted and I don't care if they need to communicate. They lost that privilege when they wouldn't stop the annoying background noises.
  21. This. Brains to you Fated. We're not debating truths. We're debating which userbars should be used and by what name/title they should be referred and illustrated as. A simple idea is to redesign with no text and clear up the actual character model, bring it to the center and let it speak for itself. Another idea that someone else came up with is for the somewhat indeterminable or debatable characters let the user have their choice of X different characters at that level. Shouldn't be a difficult script to write for the latter, just after the user makes the post that puts them into that tier, they get a message from website to choose. If they want to change their choice, they can request it in the Support forum. This thread is absolutely the place to discuss this and the back and forth you mention is just that: discussion.
  22. Don't forget... Freakbag Flesh Addict Freakalope
  23. ...and the debating begins. Now, I'm trying to think of something in-game we could use to establish a rank based on post count that won't be as debatable. Hmmmm? What could that possibly be? Something we know the name of and is irrefutable, something that is paramount to the game of zombies, something not yet represented on this site...Perks, maybe?
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