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Everything posted by ETEl2NAL407

  1. Since this is a Chinese looking calendar, I just want to point out that the Chinese Calendar is different from American. The Chinese new year started in 2013 on Wednesday, February 13th. I unfortunately know that this may throw a huge wrench into many theories right now, but this is a FACT. Whether or not Treyarch took that fact into consideration is yet to be determined, but before we go nailing anything down we should take that into consideration.
  2. I've noticed the numbers 22708 at Power. I've noticed the sign in the Tunnel, it reads, "Drive Safely Exit 1/2 Mile" but certain letters are faded, so with the illuminated letters only, it reads, "Day x /2 Me" I've been looking at the paintings in Town and the Ads in Bus Depot. In Town there is a picture of many humanoid figures holding long spears atop a burning building and then a masked/hooded figure in the corner and foreground. (No clue about the portent of this iamge) Also there's a painting that's Dali-esque with two Giant ears, a scalpel-like blade stuck in between them and an arrow shot in one. The ears are on top of a pile of corpses, possibly zombies? (Could this mean listening to the voices is key?) In Depot there are several ads, some which I don't think significant. There's a car ad, "Sedan" that also shows up on a large billboard elsewhere in the map. There's an ad for the Nuke Donkey, whatever that is... (Maybe a hint that Mule Kick would return in Die Rise) I may have missed some, but I'm writing this from memory now and not sure if these images have any importance, but maybe you all can seek out these images and see if you have a better idea about what they mean.
  3. I started a thread on this over the weekend. viewtopic.php?f=136&t=29043
  4. The fact that he refers to THE new Navcard in the plural tells me this is a troll. There is only one Navcard for each map, so far we have two maps, so there are Navcards, but only one is new. EMP the bus driver? That disables the bus, right? I think this is someone who discovered that an EMP disables the bus and just wants to troll us all into disabling the bus. Nice try. I don't even need the bus.
  5. Stamin-Up Speed Cola M1911 & any other pistol (excluding dual Five-Seven) =Movement speed doubled, reload time halved, build time halved
  6. So much talk about the leaderboards... If players can manipulate the leaderboards in any way, those leaderboards can not accurately reflect player skills. End of story. Why worry about the leaderboards? Why discuss position on a corrupt leaderboard at all? I agree it's not fun to see some player with skills nowhere near to matching your own gaining a higher position on a leaderboard, but we must keep in mind that said leaderboard is not a reflection of skill. It is only a reflection of manipulation. So, if you want to top the leaderboards, focus on manipulating them and not on your skills. A good analogy to use is this: If we were to have a race to find the fastest person in the world and Usain Bolt was in that race, he'd have a great chance at winning...On foot. However, if there were no rules against me joining that race on a motorcycle, Usain would surely lose. Even the fastest man on foot could NEVER compete with 1500cc engine. The Zombie leaderboards are that race without rules. I hear everyone complaining that the races are being won by idiots on motorcycles, but everyone complaining is still trying to run the race on foot. That's foolish. Either, get a motorcycle or just ignore the race.
  7. I also love the Skullcrusher and I agree with the Tunnel strategy 100% because it IS easy there and with Skullcrusher in hand, ammo is plentiful. That's a great strategy for high rounds, IMO, but for loading up the bank, I go for the quick and easy strategy that doesn't require much setup. I don't bother with the power, PaP, or mystery box as all that adds about 15-20 min. to do each one (well maybe not the mystery box, but that does cost money). Training in tunnel could be a good alternative to the Diner strategy. For several reasons: 1) It's closer to the Bus Depot (not by much, but it is closer) 2) When the bus comes through, it's much easier not to have your train screwed up 3) The M16 (even not PaPed) is MUCH stronger than the MP5 but the cons to training in Tunnel over Diner are as follows: 1) The zombie shield is not here 2) You are farther from the bank 3) The M16 is more expensive initially 4) Galva-Knuckles are not here So, they each have good and bad. I think it's good to have options. So players can choose a strategy that fits their style. Perhaps the ultimate strategy would be to combine these two...Maybe after an initial deposit from training at Diner, we make our way to the Tunnel and then train there with the M16 for another 25k. I would say to do the Tunnel later than earlier because the M16 is more powerful. With this strategy, keep in mind, I am attempting to make it quick, efficient, and without extraneous tasks like turning on the power, opening PaP, or wasting money on the box.
  8. I'm not the best at Green Run by any means, but I thought I'd share my technique for adding funds to the bank. Pointers or other tips are appreciated, again, this is not meant to be exhaustive, just a technique I've had success with. 1) Knife all Zombies in Bus Depot 2) Build Turbine 3) Shoot remaining Rd 1 Zombies/Rebuild barriers for points (You should have at least 2750 before you get on the bus) 4) Ride the bus to the Diner 5) Use your 2750 to buy both doors and MP5 6) Build Zombie Shield, but check the shed before you equip to see if there are the Galva-knuckles inside (You may also find that part when leaving the Bus Depot) --Galva-knuckles will make this process quicker as you can gain many more points with them, but if you do not acquire Galva-knuckles it's not a big deal 7) Equip the Zombie Shield (This will seriously help with training the zombies because it will give you an extra bit of protection) 8) Train the zombies at Diner (I use the space in front of the garage) 9) When you gain around 17k-25k the Bus should come back around 10) Get on the bus and get off after the lava pit, take the shortcut to Town 11) Open the bank vault (1000 for door, frag to blast open vault door) 12) Deposit all funds 13) Repeat if you can, I usually just kill myself and start over since It's quite difficult, for me, at this round to get back to the Diner for Ammo This is probably not the best strategy, but a simple one that works. With the Knuckles you can expect at least 25k with each unload into the bank, without I usually deposit around 15-17k. Not bad for 10-15 rounds and maybe only 45 min. worth of work. Again, additions to this strategy are welcomed.
  9. Richtofen is a sick twisted f**k for sure, but he's funny... Maxis is not twisted, but he's not really a good guy and he's too serious... I side with Richtofen. Who wants to play a Zombie slaying, gore-filled game, and try to do good deeds?
  10. Just had a thought... Has anyone tried to PaP the Sliquifier?
  11. Granted, I see what you mean, but players could manipulate such a perk if it were tied into points. i.e., I'll just melee kill to refill my bullets. 2000 is out of the question because it would be far too easy to get at low rounds when melee kills are still relatively easy to get. We must make it expensive, at least as expensive as the Knucks if not more so the player can't just get Knucks and then melee kill to load up on ammo. Another way around this is to cap the ammo, so it just refills instead of adding to the overall capacity. Then I could see a low cost being valid, but with my idea I would put no limit to the amount of rounds that could be achieved through the perk but definitely make the perk expensive.
  12. It's both Navcards, stacked together. Haven't confirmed myself, but I have seen others with both. Perhaps they picked up in Green Run and Die Rise. Could someone verify this by going into Die Rise with the Green Run card and then picking up the Die Rise card?
  13. Better question is: Why do you want the Peacekeeper? It's a gun that can't decide if it's an assault rifle or an SMG and plays exactly that way, like a gun with an identity crisis. It's not good, IMO.
  14. Ammo Capacity=Great Idea Extra Tonic While perk is active every 100 points gained refills 10 bullets. This would be THE most epic perk of all, probably have to make it the most expensive too, say 8000?
  15. There shouldn't be grey areas. It's either cheating/boosting or it's not. The problem is that Zombies is the kind of game that rewards thinking out of the box. If I were to just play Zombies normally, kill every Zombie I find, pick up perks as I can, spin from the mystery box when I can, PaP when I can, but focus entirely on killing/surviving, we all know I wouldn't get very far. However, if I take advantage of certain game mechanics (like leaving a crawler) I suddenly have more time to prepare for the next round and I can definitely get further. With the addition of EE's getting more and more complicated, it becomes increasingly more difficult to accomplish these tasks without manipulating the game mechanics. So it beomces generally accepted gameplay to manipulate certain mechanics, but manipulating others are frowned upon. There's the problem. We can't condemn certain manipulations and accept others, we must either accept any and all or condemn them all. It is my thinking that since this game indirectly rewards manipulation (by making it nearly impossible to achieve the EE's without manipulation) that any and all manipulations should be accepted. This would include glitches for the simple reason that: if the developers created a game that rewards players with EE's for manipulating the mechanics, then their failures to write flawless code should also be exploited and manipulated. With all that in mind, to me, the stats are a joke and a waste. If the developers expect manipulation, why try to measure statistics? They can't be validated by skill since manipulation is being rewarded, so the stats are just a measure of how much a player can manipulate, not at all skill. So, in conclusion, we as players just need to recognize this fact and either try to boost our leaderboard stats through all-out manipulation, or forget that the leaderboards exist because they are utterly not related to skill.
  16. Played TDM on Express. Found some Betties in the staircase leading up to one of those hallways overlooking the trains. Hacked them both, ran up into the hall and killed the sniper. Left the hallway and I guess either a bunch of new players joined in the match or a group respawned, because alluva sudden I got four kills at once due to those betties. Black Hat + Engineer FTW
  17. Stu's secret deals with "the flesh" and it seems as though he had eaten "the flesh". I don't have a direct quote ready, but I believe Stu was experimenting with cannibalism or something. Though, he's not a zombie, this hints that "eating the flesh" has something to do with the zombies. I agree with everything you point out because they don't ever stop to eat you, but then other elements of the game contradict such actions. Hinting that they should be eating you. It's a bit confusing.
  18. I believe it does reset the EE progress, but at this time the BO2 EE's are not dependent on each other, so you don't have to have one completed before attempting the next.
  19. I don't see why this wouldn't work, but I have never had an opportunity to introduce a denizen to a claymore, but seeing as how they can be injured by normal bullets and frags...I see this as a definite likelihood. And helpful as all hell.
  20. Might be the acme of foolishness for me to ask, but How is this possible? Forgive my limited knowledge of Die Rise... *flame shield engaged*
  21. That postcard sticking out of the Die Rise page looks like the Bus Depot. The awning in the middle. J/s...
  22. I think the perk should give you more than just faster build time, because if the 4 perk max is active, it gives you a better reason to sacrifice one of your slots just to get faster build time. You could actually build a good support/medic class with such a perk combined with quick revive.
  23. Good job on the etiquette rules, though why should the person with the least amount of points open the first door? Shouldn't the one with the most do that?
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