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Everything posted by bagel_

  1. You sir are an idiot. When looking at a document that has a Date, why would you assume they grabbed a blank sheet of paper, that was only dated at the top??? You are the type of person that can be told the sky is blue, and you would argue that fact, because you are a moron. Woah. I wouldn't say that. I appreciate you going in my defense, but we don't need a fight to start. (Otherwise this thread will be locked ) EJ does have a fair point, even if it did come across differently. And please don't respond to that EJ.
  2. I'd like to accept this wise advice, however, my mind wouldn't stay sane if I had to wait that long. I'm just going to quote the biggest things I feel we should take into consideration, and change the color of the biggest things in there to neon green. Things aren't coorelating correctly here. I'm also going to need to edit the OP in a little. I was very wrong on some info. Just was hyped to have found that I think this should definitely be put into the cypher thread. So confusing. My head feels all boggled up. Let me know if I left something crucial out. I will credit you guys in updated OP. So, there is just a lone section of the familiar bridge out in the water, very close to the images we are seeing of MotD. It's becoming clear that during the construction, that main piece was more than likely a huge starting point for the rest of the bridge. As I've been reading this timeline, I've come to think that when they were constructing they started with these lone pieces, known as towers, and the following entry: "June 18, 1936: Construction of the Bridge’s suspended structure began..." leads me to believe that the bridge would have resembled the MotD images until this point. We do see cables in the MotD images though and perhaps our timeline will tell us when the cables were ran? Yes. It does. "August 1, 1935: For the first time since construction started, on August 2, 1935, the Golden Gate Strait was to be closed to shipping. Shipping was to be held up for 15 minutes while bridge workers strung the first tramway cable between the San Francisco and Marin towers as part of the operations to ready the span for the construction of footwalks (catwalks) that had to be constructed before cable spinning could begin. Shipping would be held while a barge sunk a one-inch cable to the 350-foot bottom and the cable was hoisted into the air between the towers." So, if Alcatraz was not a federal prison until 1934 and the cabling for the GGB started in 1935, but the suspended structure of the bridge began constrcution in 1936, we'd have to place MotD between those dates. Per wikipedia: Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary opened August 11th, 1934 Per the timeline: GGB cabling construction began August 1st, 1935 and GGB suspended structure construction began June 18th, 1936 MotD must occur between August 1st, 1935 and June 18th, 1936.
  3. Okay, well look next to the date. Is that not the symbol for Afterlife that he "can't get out of his head?" I honestly don't believe this is a rift. The idea of one isn't ridiculous either, considering in Die Rise, we are told to mend the rift. I put it in there to hear other's theories about it. I am leaning towards docks on this, now. Plus, why would we receive something like that, but it happened to be someone else's diary? There is zero evidence to prove that. My evidence is the symbol, the similar handwriting, same color written on the paper, the fact that the date would be the only thing written by someone else on the paper, and the fact that it'd be someone else's diary would be very misleading. We should at least receive something else with it before we say that. Don't worry, you don't sound like a jerk, and I understand where you're coming from Valid point. This idea also ties in with the fact that he wrote "REMEMBER THIS." My understanding was that they would be making these plans to get away from the zombies, but it also could work for a jailbreak. I've just been thinking it's a blueprint they've pitched together to get off the island while they are on the run. Well, this map existing so far back could possibly explain other things happening. Maybe the first found 115, or eyes changing, or even who was originally in charge. I just have trouble with the idea of it not being in the storyline. But, the possibility sure is out there.
  4. Very interesting. Now we need to keep in mind that the story behind the warden is that he was a civil war weapons collector. I'm assuming the Blundergat is one of those weapons, because, why would we be given this story, but no real meaning? (So not a ww IMO. Gun looks like it could be made in that era as well.) But what would dragons with red eyes have to do in the American Civil War? Also, perhaps the upgraded could have 115, or as stated before, making it a WW. on the other hand, it may just be acid.
  5. I'd like to think otherwise. Honestly, I think that'd be too confusing.
  6. That cocky sort of Rap. But only if you actually like rap. I like Jay-Z ft. Kanye West's songs. Motivation is key with the music for me.
  7. Well, the idea of electrical ghosts choosing which body they shall inherit doesn't quite make sense either. Not to mention this plane is made out of clothing, what looks like PVC pipes, a container full of something flammable, and a motor powered by the napalm of the clothing wings. And a spork comes into play somewhere. Seems safe to me.
  8. Well, I've found something in the escape plan that confirms the exact date our map takes place. The escape plan seems to be in a diary, right? And the diary appears to be Al Arlington's, because of the "REMEMBER THIS AL DON'T FORGET!" at the top. Either that or they're sharing it. But none the matter. One would date a diary, yes? Well, why didn't he/they date his/theirs? Oh wait. He/they did. Feb 26, 1932. Looked up the date on Google. Nothing really happened in 1932, however, the same day in 1933, the ceremony for the beginning of construction on the Golden Gate Bridge occurred. http://goldengatebridge.org/research/GroundBreaking.php That must be a 2 in the date. So if construction started the year after, then why do we see the bridge in MotD? Well, to put it frankly, that can't be the Golden Gate Bridge. So here's my question for you: What could it be? Maybe the effects of a time rift? A building being built? Docks? Either whatever we can come up with, or 3arc doesn't have their facts right. Which is unlikely. -bagel_, out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE. For those of you who haven't been reading the replies, or are late to the party, some good points were made about this recently, and I had put in some definitely false information. I apologize in advance for being ignorant to some of these, especially you, EJ. The Golden Gate Bridge is 100% confirmed to be in the map. We can use this to pinpoint the approximate time period this takes place in. ETEI2NAL407 did a really good job on this. This works out, assuming that the bridge is not complete in MotD, which it appears to be here: However, we can't be sure yet. We do see completed cable construction, and they appear to go all the way down to where the suspended structure would be. Maybe it is finished. If it was, we'd be at year 1937 minimum. However, FatedTiten also pointed out something very important. So, this would mean our map is dated after the 40's, meaning construction = finished for this. However, the most mind boggling part is something Shooter brought in. So, this means that this escape plan to get away from the prison was made before it was a prison...? As he said, maybe 3arc just got their dates wrong. Whatever it may be, keep it comin', guys.
  9. I think the Der Riese:Die Rise was more coincidental. The new one, however, is named this way on purpose. It's on the same DLC drop as CotD, and it's similarly named informing us of another boss zombie.
  10. Nice find with the updated OP. This is very useful info for me. Whenever I get a huge horde coming after me, I wait for the elevator to start moving, and always get in trouble. But standing on it for 7 seconds will make it move? I can hold off in there for that long.
  11. Maybe the map has 2 modes, survival and MotD. Survival is exactly the same as MotD, with the only difference being that MotD allows the game to actually end. It has separate Leaderboards for escaping as quickly as possible for example. I doubt it but I'm just throwing that idea out. I like this idea a lot. However, I think we would've been informed that Survival was coming with the map at some point for marketing purposes, right?
  12. Thanks vurrrry much guys! And @Z0MBIE_SLAYA_115 Nutella is also a very good choice ;)
  13. Whoops. Edited to fix the random pics that got into the wrong categories :D
  14. Mob of the Dead: Behind the Scenes Video! reLmIEQ2dT8 Video from chris552299. Mobile Users, your link is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=reLmIEQ2dT8 and of course, time to analyze, theorize, and inform! A Brief Introduction 1. Welcome to Alcatraz! + New HUD 2. Our New Characters! 3. *BRAND NEW* Afterlife/Purgatory Mode! 4. Buldables, Switches + Such! 5. New Weapons! 6. Let's Talk Perks! 7. New Zombie Boss + Hell Hound Head! 8. Plan of Escape: Sidequest? Map ending? + More! 10. Red Eyes: Who's in charge? + Eye Color Theory 11. Misc. Things Conclusion (finally.) FIN.
  15. I'd say too much, considering the massive thread of information I'm working on. I'll be done soon ;)
  16. Charlie Intel just beat ya. reLmIEQ2dT8 I'd still post yours, but annotate throughout.
  17. If we have to down ourselves and get into purgatory for the EE, I am going to be very upset. Hasta la vista, high k/d.
  18. The word next to the arrow looks like the word "dock" to me. Maybe the switch is what powered the lift? 3:33 Denizens? Oh god, please no. Waiting patiently for championship to end. Come on, I'm only here for the zombies!
  19. Wow. That's flippin' wild, man. I can picture this being the opening cutscene, but suddenly, a zombie hoard appears. Very cool finds, and I agree with everything you had about the map 100%. Honestly, the stage was set for a zombie map perfectly. If only we had found this weeks ago... Amazing job, CrubZee.
  20. I dunno. This is one of those things that really could just be something made up that you can't really prove. For example, I just heard that if you use the battery from the Power Station in TranZit on the PaP, then your guns will be more powerful. Probably just a rumor IMO, unless you could get side by side tapes of you slashing and one of you not slashing. But,
  21. We very much could, however, we already know how Sam got into control. After Richtofen tried to kill her and Dr. Maxis with demonized Fluffy, she teleported to Griffin Station, an in a panic, ran into the MPD, thus gaining control if the zombies. I don't know how we could help get her in control through that process. We may not power a tower this time around, however, it would probably make more sense if we did. We still need the Navcard for Green Run, and for only Green Run and Die Rise to have towers doesn't make sense to me. We have seen towers around Alcatraz, like the water tower and Guard tower, though. IMO, we will have to power a new tower.
  22. I like it a lot. I this were a real perk, I think I'd get this as a go to perk, probably right after Jug. The only problem I see with being able to see zombies through walls is that it would become pretty annoying seeing all the orangish things running around everywhere you look.
  23. I know I've said this in other threads, but I'll restate myself here. I doubt the red eyes mean Maxis is in control. When we did the TranZit and Die Rise EEs, we saw orange-yellow beams and sparks shooting when we did Maxis' side, and blue when we did Richtofen's. Also considering Maxis is related to Sam, I'd think the eyes would be orange again if the power was his. I think that the color of the eyes may actually state the nature of the host's soul in the MPD. For example, the eyes were orange when Maxis and Sam wanted revenge for 935's betrayal to Maxis. They were blue when Richtofen wanted ultimate power over the world. And for red? Possibly a pure evil nature.
  24. I'm just assuming since there is also what looks to be a car door on the right of the screen in the scene with the LSAT and the Demon... Not to mention riot shields are a common sight at prisons. Between the buildable and the fitting environment, I think it's pretty safe to assume we will see it again.
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