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Everything posted by Tattoo247

  1. Hopefully we'll get millimeter scanners on your ARs on this map. It's a relief if anyone is using explosive weapons, or if there is fog/smoke. You can still see everything perfectly. And my theory on the fog from snow is, we have a battle going on, there is body heat, heat from all the diesel-punk machinery and then things like granades, tank blasts ect. This all could effect the weather for just this specific area. I have driven through a small patch of rain just to hit a bigger cloud of fog on the road. So it could just be that it's regularly snowing in the rest of the area, and with all the energy being exerted, we are causing a temperature rise, giving us rain and fog.
  2. Sort of looks like what was in the back of Der Riese that controls the bell, but much larger of course. Also, charge your battery ;)
  3. I had not thought about the M&S thing, I rarely use them but people in my group like them. They said it was a new weapon with a diesel punk twist, so I see PaP as just making it faster and hopefully duel wield.
  4. I'm thinking its gonna be more of a Cyborg zombie, a stronger, more efficient zombie. Connecting its' brain to a superhuman suit y'know so it's like, a super-zombie like Brutus. Not a bad idea, too bad we probably won't be seeing EMPs if we are naturally set in 1917.
  5. Well, someone mentioned it looked like the top of his head was sewn back on, maybe they put in a new brain and it has to keep a specific pressure to sustain...like some Darth Vader stuff (minus the brain transplant). He is going to be a pain I'm sure, that's a lot of armor. Hopefully, we can just squish him with the tank thing.
  6. Looks like they just put brutus in an old divers outfit. His face is almost just like Brutus, it's just a re model though don't take it as me saying this is Brutus please. :lol:
  7. Minor connections in the BO1 zombie files to two or three of the master minds in the BO1 campaign. They messed with nova 6, and so did Maxis. But yea, they are all the old characters to the tee, just younger.
  8. The Big Guy has tattoos! On his knuckles it reads, SUGR and on the other hand his knuckles read SHOT. So that explains his addiction to candy and alcohol, he had the means to get them tattooed on his hands, so I guess he was just part of this community and not a wanderer. Then again, I guess you can get tattooed almost anywhere so perhaps he isn't from this town, but I like to think he is. Been calling him sugar-shot online, still not as good as Big Guy but it's funny when no one knows what I'm talking about.
  9. A shame indeed, but don't hang up your hats until this last DLC is out, you never know what crazy piece we'll find that could change the way we look at all maps. Or, it could always just be a flop.
  10. I am just hoping they are taking a mulligan so to speak. I know a lot of you like the new players but there was such a high demand for the old ones I'm thinking they are just starting from the beginning, and will fill in the little spots in between and then we'll jump way into the future again and have a better understanding of everything. It's like forshadowing, but forshadowing the forshadow if that makes any sense what so ever There has to be some sort of reference somewhere, we don't know that Kennedy or anyone was not aware of this battle, they just don't talk about it because they are fighting for their lives. It's my belief though, that we will destroy all these giant robots, with the help of what ever alien force has been in the back ground almost this whole series. I remember watching a history documentary on Nazis and it was rumored that a lot of their inventions were a result of extraterrestrial help. Perhaps the Germans, soon to be Nazis, help destroy whatever threat this is, and in return the aliens give info on building the wonder weapons. Just my off the wall crazy theory :)
  11. Well they are definitely younger, Nikolia has aged horribly as we now see To answer the question, I love the new looks, I think Dempsey is probably my least favorite because he looks like just about every other action hero in a army game now, but he still looks tough.
  12. It's a shame that they have opted for the BO1 only story. Are we supposed to assume that the Marines were never part of the story now? I can't just unthink that sorry, they play a good, small role in kicking off the story and getting to hear their final stand in Shino numa was the coolest part of that map EE wise.
  13. I assumed they were just a dim yellow, but you may be right! That would be great if they clued us in to who was in charge of the MOTD zombies.
  14. I would like to include that sometimes in a multiplayer match someone can get an upgrade and won't see the flash, it will appear next to, or in front of another player. I had a friend flopping by the first box spawn on buried, when he got the upgrade his player said the quote confirming, but he didn't get the flash, I was standing about mid way through the jug hallway and wasn't moving or reloading, I seen a flash. When I commented that maybe it was from him, that's when he said probably because he never seen his green spark. So sometimes if it just happens for no apparent reason and you're in multiplayer zombies, you've probably had that happen to you.
  15. That will be a big kick in the stomach if we don't get to play as them, you can put flopper right outside my grasp...twice, but don't hint at our old players with piece of a clip and not let us. My money is on yes we will be playing them, but no one can say for sure I guess :lol:
  16. Well hopefully they are just outside the map for a epic backgroup effect. Then I am sure we will need them for whatever easter egg is planned. I highly doubt we'll be walking around the whole time as a massive robot. Personally I hope we get to use whatever that laser thing is on the poster to blow up the robots, of course I'll walk away without looking for added badassery. If it is indeed set in the past, then we're surely going to destroy them as we've never even seen or been hinted about them in the "future" maps.
  17. Perhaps, I'm not saying it's Reznov by any means, I just said he looked like him. He was the only one that is distinctly different looking than his old model. Going to be a good one for sure, cant wait to see the whole intro/cutscene/ending whatever that was :lol:
  18. SaWEEEEEET! But...why does Nikolia look like Reznov to me? Anyone else think so? I'll keep watching it but looks like he has a good amount of facial hair.
  19. That looks so awesome! And this poster is busting with hints. Guess we're going back to where it all started.
  20. If we get to pass through the Aether, for a longer period than we did teleporting. I'd like to see what the devs picture the Aether to be like, surely it just isn't all blue and swirly all the time I would like to enter the Aether, see the controller and the other voice, as well as all the gateways the aether are connected it (hell,our plane, other planes ect)
  21. People are telling me you HAVE to use a pdw, can I not use a Pap Hammer with a for grip, for high clip size and stability?
  22. Ok thanks for testing it, I forgot last night :oops:
  23. I never heard of you before this Binsys, but I won't forget you after today...WOW!
  24. That is one opinion , I would love to see ascension back, and SRL. Any of the old maps would be fine with me, I loved them all. I have my favorites, but they were all different than the next, it gets hard to do that after a while.
  25. I'm the opposite, I like teamwork over competitiveness so MP tends to stress me out or just piss me off. Zombies we are all on the same side and I like it much better that way. I would love to see an 8 player co op mode for the next 3arc installment.
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